class osrfJSONNetworkEncoder(simplejson.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, osrfNetworkObject):
+ reg = obj.getRegistry()
+ data = obj.getData()
+ # re-encode the object as an array if necessary
+ if reg.wireProtocol == 'array':
+ d = []
+ for k in reg.keys:
+ d.append(data[k])
+ data = d
return {
- OSRF_JSON_CLASS_KEY: obj.getRegistry().hint,
- OSRF_JSON_PAYLOAD_KEY: self.default(obj.getData())
+ OSRF_JSON_CLASS_KEY: reg.hint,
+ OSRF_JSON_PAYLOAD_KEY: self.default(data)
return obj
instring = False
inescape = False
done = False
+ eatws = False
for c in json:
+ if eatws: # simpljson adds a pesky after array and object items
+ if c == ' ':
+ continue
+ eatws = False
done = False
if (c == '{' or c == '[') and not instring:
t += 1
if c == ',' and not instring:
r += c + '\n' + __tabs(t)
done = True
+ eatws = True
+ if c == ':' and not instring:
+ eatws = True
if c == '"' and not inescape:
instring = not instring
otp = get_var('SRFSH_OUTPUT')
if otp == 'pretty':
- print osrfDebugNetworkObject(resp.content())
+ print "\n" + osrfDebugNetworkObject(resp.content())
print osrfFormatJSON(osrfObjectToJSON(resp.content()))