This patch adds indexes on action.hold_request and tweaks
the definition of the alhr IDL view to more efficiently
identify holds that can be canceled if the "Clear Holds Shelf"
checkin modifier is in use. This can prevent a problem
where such checkins can time out in very large databases.
The tweaks were created by Jason Etheridge and have been in
production at a large consortium for some time.
To test
[1] With a suitably large database, set up an item that
is on the holds shelf but has passed its shelf-expiration
time, then check it in using the "Clear Holds Shelf" modifier.
[2] The checkin may fail with a "network failure" message due
the query on the alhr timing out.
[3] Apply the patch and repeat step 1. This time, the checkin
should succeed.
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <>
Signed-off-by: Jeanette Lundgren <>
Signed-off-by: Kathy Lussier <>
<class id="alhr" controller="open-ils.cstore" oils_obj:fieldmapper="action::last_hold_request" reporter:label="Last Captured Hold Request" oils_persist:readonly="true">
- SELECT ahr.* FROM action.hold_request ahr JOIN (SELECT current_copy, MAX(capture_time) AS capture_time FROM action.hold_request WHERE capture_time IS NOT NULL GROUP BY current_copy)x USING (current_copy, capture_time)
+ SELECT ahr.* FROM action.hold_request ahr JOIN (SELECT current_copy, MAX(capture_time) AS capture_time FROM action.hold_request WHERE capture_time IS NOT NULL AND current_copy IS NOT NULL AND fulfillment_time IS NULL GROUP BY current_copy)x USING (current_copy, capture_time)
<fields oils_persist:primary="id">
<field reporter:label="Status" name="status" oils_persist:virtual="true" />
CREATE INDEX hold_request_open_idx ON action.hold_request (id) WHERE cancel_time IS NULL AND fulfillment_time IS NULL;
CREATE INDEX hold_request_current_copy_before_cap_idx ON action.hold_request (current_copy) WHERE capture_time IS NULL AND cancel_time IS NULL;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX hold_request_capture_protect_idx ON action.hold_request (current_copy) WHERE current_copy IS NOT NULL AND capture_time IS NOT NULL AND cancel_time IS NULL AND fulfillment_time IS NULL;
+CREATE INDEX hold_request_copy_capture_time_idx ON action.hold_request (current_copy,capture_time);
+CREATE INDEX hold_request_open_captured_shelf_lib_idx ON action.hold_request (current_shelf_lib) WHERE capture_time IS NOT NULL AND fulfillment_time IS NULL AND (pickup_lib <> current_shelf_lib);
CREATE TABLE action.hold_request_note (
--- /dev/null
+--SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('XXXX', :eg_version);
+CREATE INDEX hold_request_copy_capture_time_idx ON action.hold_request (current_copy,capture_time);
+CREATE INDEX hold_request_open_captured_shelf_lib_idx ON action.hold_request (current_shelf_lib) WHERE capture_time IS NOT NULL AND fulfillment_time IS NULL AND (pickup_lib <> current_shelf_lib);