{ field => FID_ITEM_ID,
pat => qr/^1565921879$/,
required => 1, },
- ],};
+ ],};
+my $hold_count_test_template0 = {
+ id => 'Confirm patron has 0 holds',
+ msg => '6300020060329 201700 AOUWOLS|AAdjfiander|',
+ pat => qr/^64 [ Y]{13}\d{3}${datepat}0000(\d{4}){5}/,
+my $hold_count_test_template1 = {
+ id => 'Confirm patron has 1 hold',
+ msg => '6300020060329 201700 AOUWOLS|AAdjfiander|',
+ pat => qr/^64 [ Y]{13}\d{3}${datepat}0001(\d{4}){5}/,
my @tests = (
- $hold_test_template,
+ $hold_test_template, $hold_count_test_template1,
+my $test;
+# Cancel hold: valid hold
+$test = clone($hold_test_template);
+$test->{id} = 'Cancel hold: valid hold';
+$test->{msg} =~ s/\+/-/;
+$test->{pat} = qr/^161[NY]$datepat/;
+delete $test->{fields};
+$test->{fields} = [
+ $SIPtest::field_specs{(FID_INST_ID)},
+ $SIPtest::field_specs{(FID_SCREEN_MSG)},
+ $SIPtest::field_specs{(FID_PRINT_LINE)},
+ { field => FID_PATRON_ID,
+ pat => qr/^djfiander$/,
+ required => 1, },
+ ];
+push @tests, $test, $hold_count_test_template0;
+# Cancel Hold: no hold on item
+# $test is already set up to cancel a hold, just change
+# the field tests
+$test = clone($test);
+$test->{id} = 'Cancel Hold: no hold on specified item';
+$test->{pat} = qr/^160N$datepat/;
+push @tests, $test, $hold_count_test_template0;
+# Place hold: valid patron, item, invalid patron pwd
+$test = clone($hold_test_template);
+$test->{id} = 'Place hold: invalid patron password';
+$test->{msg} .= FID_PATRON_PWD . 'bad password|';
+$test->{pat} = qr/^160N$datepat/;
+delete $test->{fields};
+$test->{fields} = [
+ $SIPtest::field_specs{(FID_INST_ID)},
+ $SIPtest::field_specs{(FID_SCREEN_MSG)},
+ $SIPtest::field_specs{(FID_PRINT_LINE)},
+ { field => FID_PATRON_ID,
+ pat => qr/^djfiander$/,
+ required => 1, },
+ ];
+push @tests, $test, $hold_count_test_template0;
+# Place hold: invalid patron
+$test = clone($hold_test_template);
+$test->{id} = 'Place hold: invalid patron';
+$test->{msg} =~ s/AAdjfiander\|/AAberick|/;
+$test->{pat} = qr/^160N$datepat/;
+delete $test->{fields};
+$test->{fields} = [
+ $SIPtest::field_specs{(FID_INST_ID)},
+ $SIPtest::field_specs{(FID_SCREEN_MSG)},
+ $SIPtest::field_specs{(FID_PRINT_LINE)},
+ { field => FID_PATRON_ID,
+ pat => qr/^berick$/,
+ required => 1, },
+ ];
+# There's no patron to check the number of holds against
+push @tests, $test;
+# Place hold: invalid item
+$test = clone($hold_test_template);
+$test->{id} = 'Place hold: invalid item';
+$test->{msg} =~ s/AB1565921879\|/ABnosuchitem|/;
+$test->{pat} = qr/^160N$datepat/;
+delete $test->{fields};
+$test->{fields} = [
+ $SIPtest::field_specs{(FID_INST_ID)},
+ $SIPtest::field_specs{(FID_SCREEN_MSG)},
+ $SIPtest::field_specs{(FID_PRINT_LINE)},
+ { field => FID_PATRON_ID,
+ pat => qr/^djfiander$/,
+ required => 1, },
+ { field => FID_ITEM_ID,
+ pat => qr/^nosuchitem$/,
+ required => 0, },
+ ];
+push @tests, $test, $hold_count_test_template0;
+# Still need tests for:
+# - valid patron not permitted to place holds
+# - valid item, not allowed to hold item
+# - multiple holds on item: correct queue position management
+# - setting and verifying hold expiry dates (requires ILS support)