. Rank the quality of the records from Z39.50 sources by adding quality metrics for the match set. Click *MARC Tag and Subfield*, and enter the 901z tag and subfield, specify the Z39.50 source, and enter a quality metric. Source quality increases as the numeric quality increases.
. Click *Perform Search*.
. Status information will appear, including the number of records in the bucket that were searched, the matches that were found, and the progress of the search. When the search is complete, click *Open Queue*.
. The Vandelay Queue will display. Matching records are identified in the *Matches* column. From this interface, import records according to your normal procedure. It is suggested that to merge the incoming records with the catalog records, you should choose an option to import the records. Next, select either merge option from the drop down menu, click *Merge on Best Match*, and then click *Import*.
. The records from the Z39.50 search will merge with the catalog records. NOTE: A new column has been added to this interface to identify the Z39.50 source. When records are imported to the Vandelay queue via a record bucket, Evergreen tags the Z39.50 source and enters the data into the $901z.
3) If you want to specify the due date, click *Renew with Specific Due Date*. You will be prompted to select a due date. Once done, click *Apply*.
Renewing by Item Barcode
2) Select the item. Click on *Actions for Selected Items* -> *Mark Item Damaged* or *Mark Item Missing*.
+// image::media/mark_missing_damaged_web_client.png[]
Depending on the library's policy, when marking an item damaged, bills (cost and/or processing fee) may be inserted into the last borrower's account.
3) The item record is displayed in the *Copy Editor*.
4) Click *Alert Message* in the *Miscellaneous* column. The background color of the box changes. Type in the message then click *Apply*.
5) Click *Modify Copies*, then confirm the action.
Optionally the patron can be billed for the item price, a long overdue processing fee, and any overdue fines can be voided from the account. Patrons can also be sent a notification that the item was marked long overdue.
-image::media/long_overdue1.JPG[Patron Account-Long Overdue]
+image::media/long_overdue1.jpg[Patron Account-Long Overdue]
*Checking in a Long Overdue item*
If an item that has been marked long overdue is checked in, an alert will appear on the screen informing the staff member that the item was long overdue. Once checked in, the item will go into the status of “In process”. Optionally, the item price and long overdue processing fee can be voided and overdue fines can be reinstated on the patron’s account. If the item is checked in at a library other than its home library, a library setting controls whether the item can immediately fill a hold or circulate, or if it needs to be sent to its home library for processing.
-image::media/long_overdue2.JPG[Long Overdue Checkin]
+image::media/long_overdue2.jpg[Long Overdue Checkin]
*Notification/Action Triggers*