import osrf.log
+ # if available, use the faster cjson module for encoding/decoding JSON
+ import cjson
+ _use_cjson = True
+except ImportError:
+ _use_cjson = False
class NetworkEncoder(simplejson.JSONEncoder):
+ ''' Encoder used by simplejson '''
def default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, NetworkObject):
return obj
+def encode_object(obj):
+ ''' Generic opensrf object encoder, used by cjson '''
+ if isinstance(obj, dict):
+ newobj = {}
+ for k,v in obj.iteritems():
+ newobj[k] = encode_object(v)
+ return newobj
+ else:
+ if isinstance(obj, list):
+ return [encode_object(v) for v in obj]
+ else:
+ if isinstance(obj, NetworkObject):
+ reg = obj.get_registry()
+ data = obj.get_data()
+ if reg.protocol == 'array':
+ objarray = []
+ for key in reg.keys:
+ objarray.append(data.get(key))
+ data = objarray
+ return {
+ OSRF_JSON_CLASS_KEY: reg.hint,
+ OSRF_JSON_PAYLOAD_KEY: encode_object(data)
+ }
+ return obj
def to_json(obj):
"""Turns a python object into a wrapped JSON object"""
+ if _use_cjson:
+ return cjson.encode(encode_object(obj))
return simplejson.dumps(obj, cls=NetworkEncoder)
def to_object(json):
"""Turns a JSON string into python objects"""
- obj = simplejson.loads(json)
- return parse_net_object(obj)
+ if _use_cjson:
+ return parse_net_object(cjson.decode(json))
+ return parse_net_object(simplejson.loads(json))
def parse_json_raw(json):
"""Parses JSON the old fashioned way."""
+ if _use_cjson:
+ return cjson.decode(json)
return simplejson.loads(json)
def to_json_raw(obj):
"""Stringifies an object as JSON with no additional logic."""
+ if _use_cjson:
+ return cjson.encode(json)
return simplejson.dumps(obj)
def __tabs(depth):
debug_str = ''
if isinstance(obj, NetworkObject):
- osrf.log.log_internal("Returning key/value pairs for NetworkObject")
reg = obj.get_registry()
keys = list(reg.keys) # clone it, so sorting won't break the original
key += '.' # pad the names to make the values line up somewhat
val = getattr(obj, k)()
- subobj = val and not (isinstance(val, unicode) or \
+ subobj = val and not (isinstance(val, unicode) or isinstance(val, str) or \
isinstance(val, int) or isinstance(val, float) or isinstance(val, long))
debug_str += __tabs(depth) + key + ' = '
if subobj:
- osrf.log.log_internal("Returning key/value pairs for subobject")
debug_str += '\n'
val = debug_net_object(val, depth+1)
for c in json:
- if eatws: # simpljson adds a pesky space after array and object items
+ if eatws and not _use_cjson: # simpljson adds a pesky space after array and object items
if c == ' ':