--- /dev/null
+<?xml version='1.0'?>
+<opensrf version='0.0.1'>
+ <!--
+ There is one <host> entry for each server on the network. Settings for the
+ 'default' host are used for every setting that isn't overridden within a given
+ host's config.
+ To specify which applications a host is serving, list those applications
+ within that host's config section. If the defaults are acceptible, then
+ that's all that needs to be added/changed.
+ Any valid XML may be added to the <default> block and server components will have
+ acces to it.
+ -->
+ <default>
+ <dirs>
+ <!-- opensrf log files go in this directory -->
+ <log>/path/to/log</log>
+ <!-- opensrf unix domaind socket files go here -->
+ <sock>/path/to/sock</sock>
+ <!-- opensrf pids go here -->
+ <pid>/path/to/pid</pid>
+ <!-- global config directory -->
+ <conf>/path/to/conf</conf>
+ </dirs>
+ <!-- prefork, simple. prefork is suggested -->
+ <server_type>prefork</server_type>
+ <!-- Default doesn't host any apps -->
+ <activeapps/>
+ <cache>
+ <global>
+ <servers>
+ <!-- memcached server ip:port -->
+ <server></server>
+ </servers>
+ <!-- maximun time that anything may stay in the cache -->
+ <max_cache_time>86400</max_cache_time>
+ </global>
+ </cache>
+ <!-- These are the defaults for every served app. Each server should
+ duplicate the node layout for any nodes that need changing.
+ Any settings that are overridden in the server specific section
+ will be used as the config values for that server. Any settings that are
+ not overridden will fall back on the defaults
+ Note that overriding 'stateless' will break things -->
+ <apps>
+ <opensrf.persist>
+ <!-- How many seconds to wait between server
+ requests before timing out a stateful server session. -->
+ <keepalive>1</keepalive>
+ <!-- if 1, then we support stateless sessions (no connect required), if
+ 0 then we don't -->
+ <stateless>1</stateless>
+ <!-- Module the implements this application -->
+ <implementation>OpenSRF::Application::Persist</implementation>
+ <!-- max stateful requests before a session automatically disconnects a client -->
+ <max_requests>97</max_requests>
+ <!-- settings for the backend application drones. These are probably sane defaults -->
+ <unix_config>
+ <!-- unix socket file -->
+ <unix_sock>opensrf.persist_unix.sock</unix_sock>
+ <!-- pid file -->
+ <unix_pid>opensrf.persist_unix.pid</unix_pid>
+ <!-- max requests per process backend before a child is recycled -->
+ <max_requests>1000</max_requests>
+ <!-- log file for this application -->
+ <unix_log>opensrf.persist_unix.log</unix_log>
+ <!-- Number of children to pre-fork -->
+ <min_children>5</min_children>
+ <!-- maximun number of children to fork -->
+ <max_children>25</max_children>
+ <!-- minimun number of spare forked children -->
+ <min_spare_children>2</min_spare_children>
+ <!-- max number of spare forked children -->
+ <max_spare_children>5</max_spare_children>
+ </unix_config>
+ <!-- Any additional setting for a particular application go in the app_settings node -->
+ <app_settings>
+ <!-- sqlite database file -->
+ <dbfile>/path/to/dbfile/persist.db</dbfile>
+ </app_settings>
+ </opensrf.persist>
+ <opensrf.math>
+ <keepalive>3</keepalive>
+ <stateless>1</stateless>
+ <implementation>OpenSRF::Application::Demo::Math</implementation>
+ <max_requests>97</max_requests>
+ <unix_config>
+ <unix_sock>opensrf.math_unix.sock</unix_sock>
+ <unix_pid>opensrf.math_unix.pid</unix_pid>
+ <max_requests>1000</max_requests>
+ <unix_log>opensrf.math_unix.log</unix_log>
+ <min_children>5</min_children>
+ <max_children>15</max_children>
+ <min_spare_children>2</min_spare_children>
+ <max_spare_children>5</max_spare_children>
+ </unix_config>
+ </opensrf.math>
+ <opensrf.dbmath>
+ <keepalive>3</keepalive>
+ <stateless>1</stateless>
+ <implementation>OpenSRF::Application::Demo::MathDB</implementation>
+ <max_requests>99</max_requests>
+ <unix_config>
+ <max_requests>1000</max_requests>
+ <unix_log>opensrf.dbmath_unix.log</unix_log>
+ <unix_sock>opensrf.dbmath_unix.sock</unix_sock>
+ <unix_pid>opensrf.dbmath_unix.pid</unix_pid>
+ <min_children>5</min_children>
+ <max_children>15</max_children>
+ <min_spare_children>2</min_spare_children> <max_spare_children>5</max_spare_children>
+ </unix_config>
+ </opensrf.dbmath>
+ <opensrf.settings>
+ <keepalive>1</keepalive>
+ <stateless>0</stateless>
+ <implementation>OpenSRF::Application::Settings</implementation>
+ <max_requests>17</max_requests>
+ <unix_config>
+ <unix_sock>opensrf.settings_unix.sock</unix_sock>
+ <unix_pid>opoensrf.settings_unix.pid</unix_pid>
+ <max_requests>1000</max_requests>
+ <unix_log>opensrf.settings_unix.log</unix_log>
+ <min_children>5</min_children>
+ <max_children>15</max_children>
+ <min_spare_children>3</min_spare_children>
+ <max_spare_children>5</max_spare_children>
+ </unix_config>
+ </opensrf.settings>
+ </apps>
+ </default>
+ <hosts>
+ <!-- Host specific settings. the name of the node (server) must match the output of 'hostname -f' -->
+ <myhost.mydomain.org>
+ <!-- List all of the apps this server will be running -->
+ <activeapps>
+ <appname>opensrf.persist</appname>
+ <appname>opensrf.settings</appname>
+ <appname>opensrf.math</appname>
+ <appname>opensrf.dbmath</appname>
+ </activeapps>
+ <apps> <!-- Example of an app-specific setting override -->
+ <opensrf.persist>
+ <app_settings>
+ <dbfile>/different/path/to/dbfile/persist.db</dbfile>
+ </app_settings>
+ </opensrf.persist>
+ </apps>
+ </myhost.mydomain.org>
+ </hosts>