-# vim:noet:ts=4:
+# vim:et:ts=4:
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 5;
+use Test::More tests => 4;
use Error qw(:try);
use_ok( 'OpenSRF::Utils::Config' );
my $xmlparser = XML::LibXML->new();
my $confxml = $xmlparser->parse_file($core_config);
my $confxpc = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new($confxml);
-foreach my $section (qw/opensrf gateway/) {
- my $j_username = $confxpc->find("/config/$section/username");
- my $j_password = $confxpc->find("/config/$section/passwd");
- my $j_port = $confxpc->find("/config/$section/port");
- # We should check for a domains element to catch likely upgrade errors
- my $j_domain = $confxpc->find("/config/$section/domain");
- check_jabber($j_username, $j_password, $j_domain, $j_port);
-my @routers = $confxpc->findnodes("/config/routers/router");
-foreach my $router (@routers) {
- my $j_username = $router->findvalue("./transport/username");
- my $j_password = $router->findvalue("./transport/password");
- my $j_port = $router->findvalue("./transport/port");
- # We should check for a domains element to catch likely upgrade errors
- my $j_domain = $router->findvalue("./transport/server");
- check_jabber($j_username, $j_password, $j_domain, $j_port);
my $osrfxml = $xmlparser->parse_file($settings_config);
-print "\nChecking database connections\n";
-# Check database connections
-my @databases = $osrfxml->findnodes('//database');
-# If we have no database connections, this is probably the OpenSRF version
-# of opensrf.xml
-if (!@databases) {
- my $de = "* WARNING: There are no database connections defined in " .
- "opensrf.xml. These are defined in services such as " .
- "open-ils.cstore and open-ils.reporter. Please ensure that " .
- "your opensrf_core.xml and opensrf.xml configuration files " .
- "are based on the examples shipped with Evergreen instead of " .
- "OpenSRF.\n";
- $output .= $de;
- warn $de;
-foreach my $database (@databases) {
- my $db_name = $database->findvalue("./db");
- if (!$db_name) {
- $db_name = $database->findvalue("./name");
- }
- my $db_host = $database->findvalue("./host");
- my $db_port = $database->findvalue("./port");
- my $db_user = $database->findvalue("./user");
- my $db_pw = $database->findvalue("./pw");
- if (!$db_pw && $database->parentNode->parentNode->nodeName eq 'reporter') {
- $db_pw = $database->findvalue("./password");
- if ($db_pw) {
- my $de = "* WARNING: Deprecated <password> element used for the " .
- "<reporter> entry. Please use <pw> instead.\n";
- $output .= $de;
- warn $de;
- }
- }
- my $osrf_xpath;
- foreach my $node ($database->findnodes("ancestor::node()")) {
- next unless $node->nodeType == XML::LibXML::XML_ELEMENT_NODE;
- $osrf_xpath .= "/" . $node->nodeName;
- }
- $output .= test_db_connect($db_name, $db_host, $db_port, $db_user, $db_pw, $osrf_xpath);
print "\nChecking postgresql version\n";
system ("psql", "--version");
-print "\nChecking database drivers to ensure <driver> matches <language>\n";
-# Check database drivers
-# if language eq 'C', driver eq 'pgsql'
-# if language eq 'perl', driver eq 'Pg'
-my @drivers = $osrfxml->findnodes('//driver');
-foreach my $driver_node (@drivers) {
- my $language;
- my $driver_xpath;
- my @driver_xpath_nodes;
- foreach my $node ($driver_node->findnodes("ancestor::node()")) {
- next unless $node->nodeType == XML::LibXML::XML_ELEMENT_NODE;
- $driver_xpath .= "/" . $node->nodeName;
- push @driver_xpath_nodes, $node->nodeName;
- }
- my $lang_xpath;
- my $driver = $driver_node->findvalue("child::text()");
- while (pop(@driver_xpath_nodes) && scalar(@driver_xpath_nodes) > 0 && !$language) {
- $lang_xpath = "/" . join('/', @driver_xpath_nodes) . "/language";
- my @lang_nodes = $osrfxml->findnodes($lang_xpath);
- next unless scalar(@lang_nodes > 0);
- $language = $lang_nodes[0]->findvalue("child::text()");
- }
- if ($driver eq "pgsql") {
- if ($driver_xpath =~ m#/reporter/#) {
- $result = "* ERROR: reporter application must use driver 'Pg', but '$driver' is defined\n";
- warn $result;
- } elsif ($language eq "C") {
- $result = "* OK: $driver language is $language in $lang_xpath\n";
- } else {
- $result = "* ERROR: $driver language is $language in $lang_xpath\n";
- warn $result;
- }
- } elsif ($driver eq "Pg") {
- if ($driver_xpath =~ m#/reporter/#) {
- $result = "* OK: $driver language is undefined for reporter base configuration\n";
- } elsif ($language eq "perl") {
- $result = "* OK: $driver language is $language in $lang_xpath\n";
- } else {
- $result = "* ERROR: $driver language is $language in $lang_xpath\n";
- warn $result;
- }
- } elsif ($driver eq "SIP") {
- $result = "* OK SIP from telephony section. \n";
- warn $result;
- } else {
- $result = "* ERROR: Unknown driver $driver in $driver_xpath\n";
- warn $result;
- }
- print $result;
- $output .= $result;
print "\nChecking libdbi and libdbi-drivers\n";
$output .= check_libdbd();
-print "\nChecking hostname\n";
-my @hosts = $osrfxml->findnodes('/opensrf/hosts/*');
-foreach my $host (@hosts) {
- next unless $host->nodeType == XML::LibXML::XML_ELEMENT_NODE;
- my $osrfhost = $host->nodeName;
- my $he;
- if ($osrfhost ne $hostname && $osrfhost ne "localhost") {
- $result = " * ERROR: expected hostname '$hostname', found '$osrfhost' in <hosts> section of opensrf.xml\n";
- warn $result;
- $he = 1;
- } elsif ($osrfhost eq "localhost") {
- $result = " * OK: found hostname 'localhost' in <hosts> section of opensrf.xml\n";
- } else {
- $result = " * OK: found hostname '$hostname' in <hosts> section of opensrf.xml\n";
- }
- print $result unless $he;
- $output .= $result;
# Check for oils_web.xml, required for acquisitions and many administration
# interfaces as of Evergreen 1.6
get_debug_info( $tmpdir, $log_dir, $conf_dir, $perloutput, $output );
+sub check_all_database_connections {
+ print "\nChecking database connections\n";
+ # Check database connections
+ my @databases = $osrfxml->findnodes('//database');
+ # If we have no database connections, this is probably the OpenSRF version
+ # of opensrf.xml
+ if (!@databases) {
+ my $de = "* WARNING: There are no database connections defined in " .
+ "opensrf.xml. These are defined in services such as " .
+ "open-ils.cstore and open-ils.reporter. Please ensure that " .
+ "your opensrf_core.xml and opensrf.xml configuration files " .
+ "are based on the examples shipped with Evergreen instead of " .
+ "OpenSRF.\n";
+ $output .= $de;
+ warn $de;
+ }
+ foreach my $database (@databases) {
+ if ($database->parentNode->parentNode->localname eq 'open-ils.qstore') {
+ next;
+ }
+ my $db_name = $database->findvalue("./db");
+ if (!$db_name) {
+ $db_name = $database->findvalue("./name");
+ }
+ my $db_host = $database->findvalue("./host");
+ my $db_port = $database->findvalue("./port");
+ my $db_user = $database->findvalue("./user");
+ my $db_pw = $database->findvalue("./pw");
+ if (!$db_pw && $database->parentNode->parentNode->nodeName eq 'reporter') {
+ $db_pw = $database->findvalue("./password");
+ if ($db_pw) {
+ my $de = "* WARNING: Deprecated <password> element used for the " .
+ "<reporter> entry. Please use <pw> instead.\n";
+ $output .= $de;
+ warn $de;
+ }
+ }
+ my $osrf_xpath;
+ foreach my $node ($database->findnodes("ancestor::node()")) {
+ next unless $node->nodeType == XML::LibXML::XML_ELEMENT_NODE;
+ $osrf_xpath .= "/" . $node->nodeName;
+ }
+ $output .= test_db_connect($db_name, $db_host, $db_port, $db_user, $db_pw, $osrf_xpath);
+ }
sub test_db_connect {
my ($db_name, $db_host, $db_port, $db_user, $db_pw, $osrf_xpath) = @_;
+sub check_database_drivers {
+ print "\nChecking database drivers to ensure <driver> matches <language>\n";
+ # Check database drivers
+ # if language eq 'C', driver eq 'pgsql'
+ # if language eq 'perl', driver eq 'Pg'
+ my @drivers = $osrfxml->findnodes('//driver');
+ foreach my $driver_node (@drivers) {
+ my $language;
+ my $driver_xpath;
+ my @driver_xpath_nodes;
+ foreach my $node ($driver_node->findnodes("ancestor::node()")) {
+ next unless $node->nodeType == XML::LibXML::XML_ELEMENT_NODE;
+ $driver_xpath .= "/" . $node->nodeName;
+ push @driver_xpath_nodes, $node->nodeName;
+ }
+ my $lang_xpath;
+ my $driver = $driver_node->findvalue("child::text()");
+ while (pop(@driver_xpath_nodes) && scalar(@driver_xpath_nodes) > 0 && !$language) {
+ $lang_xpath = "/" . join('/', @driver_xpath_nodes) . "/language";
+ my @lang_nodes = $osrfxml->findnodes($lang_xpath);
+ next unless scalar(@lang_nodes > 0);
+ $language = $lang_nodes[0]->findvalue("child::text()");
+ }
+ if ($driver eq "pgsql") {
+ if ($driver_xpath =~ m#/reporter/#) {
+ $result = "* ERROR: reporter application must use driver 'Pg', but '$driver' is defined\n";
+ warn $result;
+ } elsif ($language eq "C") {
+ $result = "* OK: $driver language is $language in $lang_xpath\n";
+ } else {
+ $result = "* ERROR: $driver language is $language in $lang_xpath\n";
+ warn $result;
+ }
+ } elsif ($driver eq "Pg") {
+ if ($driver_xpath =~ m#/reporter/#) {
+ $result = "* OK: $driver language is undefined for reporter base configuration\n";
+ } elsif ($language eq "perl") {
+ $result = "* OK: $driver language is $language in $lang_xpath\n";
+ } else {
+ $result = "* ERROR: $driver language is $language in $lang_xpath\n";
+ warn $result;
+ }
+ } elsif ($driver eq "SIP") {
+ $result = "* OK SIP from telephony section. \n";
+ warn $result;
+ } else {
+ $result = "* ERROR: Unknown driver $driver in $driver_xpath\n";
+ warn $result;
+ }
+ print $result;
+ $output .= $result;
+ }
+sub check_opensrf_core {
+ print "\nChecking $core_config for Evergreen services:\n";
+ my @public_services = $confxpc->findnodes("//services/service");
+ my $found_eg_service = 0;
+ foreach my $service (@public_services) {
+ if ($service->firstChild->nodeValue eq 'open-ils.auth') {
+ $found_eg_service = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($found_eg_service) {
+ my $found .= "* OK: Found a public Evergreen service in $core_config\n";
+ print $found;
+ $output .= $found;
+ } else {
+ my $err = "* WARNING: No public Evergreen services were found in " .
+ "$core_config; this means that you are probably still using " .
+ "the version that ships with OpenSRF. Please use the " .
+ "opensrf.xml.example file that ships with Evergreen.\n";
+ $output .= $err;
+ warn $err;
+ }
sub check_db_langs {
- my $langs = shift;
+ my $langs = shift;
- my $errors;
+ my $errors;
- # Ensure the following PostgreSQL languages have been enabled
- my %languages = (
- 'plperl' => 0,
- 'plperlu' => 0,
- 'plpgsql' => 0,
- );
+ # Ensure the following PostgreSQL languages have been enabled
+ my %languages = (
+ 'plperl' => 0,
+ 'plperlu' => 0,
+ 'plpgsql' => 0,
+ );
- foreach my $lang (@$langs) {
- my $lower = lc($$lang[0]);
- $languages{$lower} = 1;
- }
- foreach my $lang (keys %languages) {
- if (!$languages{$lang}) {
- $errors .= " * ERROR: Language '$lang' is not enabled in the target database\n";
- }
- }
+ foreach my $lang (@$langs) {
+ my $lower = lc($$lang[0]);
+ $languages{$lower} = 1;
+ }
+ foreach my $lang (keys %languages) {
+ if (!$languages{$lang}) {
+ $errors .= " * ERROR: Language '$lang' is not enabled in the target database\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return $errors;
+sub check_all_jabber {
+ foreach my $section (qw/opensrf gateway/) {
+ my $j_username = $confxpc->find("/config/$section/username");
+ my $j_password = $confxpc->find("/config/$section/passwd");
+ my $j_port = $confxpc->find("/config/$section/port");
+ # We should check for a domains element to catch likely upgrade errors
+ my $j_domain = $confxpc->find("/config/$section/domain");
+ check_jabber($j_username, $j_password, $j_domain, $j_port);
+ }
- return $errors;
+ my @routers = $confxpc->findnodes("/config/routers/router");
+ foreach my $router (@routers) {
+ my $j_username = $router->findvalue("./transport/username");
+ my $j_password = $router->findvalue("./transport/password");
+ my $j_port = $router->findvalue("./transport/port");
+ # We should check for a domains element to catch likely upgrade errors
+ my $j_domain = $router->findvalue("./transport/server");
+ check_jabber($j_username, $j_password, $j_domain, $j_port);
+ }
sub check_jabber {
$output .= ($je) ? $je : "* Jabber successfully connected\n";
+sub check_hostname {
+ print "\nChecking hostname\n";
+ my @hosts = $osrfxml->findnodes('/opensrf/hosts/*');
+ foreach my $host (@hosts) {
+ next unless $host->nodeType == XML::LibXML::XML_ELEMENT_NODE;
+ my $osrfhost = $host->nodeName;
+ my $he;
+ if ($osrfhost ne $hostname && $osrfhost ne "localhost") {
+ $result = " * ERROR: expected hostname '$hostname', found '$osrfhost' in <hosts> section of opensrf.xml\n";
+ warn $result;
+ $he = 1;
+ } elsif ($osrfhost eq "localhost") {
+ $result = " * OK: found hostname 'localhost' in <hosts> section of opensrf.xml\n";
+ } else {
+ $result = " * OK: found hostname '$hostname' in <hosts> section of opensrf.xml\n";
+ }
+ print $result unless $he;
+ $output .= $result;
+ }
sub check_libdbd {
my $results = '';
my @location = `/sbin/ldconfig --print | grep libdbdpgsql`; # simple(ton) attempt to filter out build versions