response to the request ;).
Within each request and response, a number of fields (either a fixed width or separated with a | [pipe symbol] and
-preceeded with a 2-character field identifier) are used. The fields vary between message pairs.
+preceded with a 2-character field identifier) are used. The fields vary between message pairs.
| *Pair* | *Name* | *Supported?* |*Details*
All fixed-length fields in a communication will appear before the first variable-length field. This allows for simple
parsing. Variable-length fields are by definition delimited, though there will not necessarily be an initial delimiter
between the last fixed-length field and the first variable-length one. It would be unnecessary, since you should know
-the exact position where that field begins already.
\ No newline at end of file
+the exact position where that field begins already.
Hold_Slip #2
-This is the slip is when a hold is fulfilled. This slip uses the SUBSTR macro to truncate the Patrons Last name to the first 4 characters and the patron's barcode to the last 5 digits. This slip is designed for libraries that use self serve holds. So, you will notice a lot of information about the hold is left off of the receipt.
+This is the slip that prints when a hold is fulfilled. This slip uses the SUBSTR macro to truncate the Patrons Last name to the first 4 characters and the patron's barcode to the last 5 digits. This slip is designed for libraries that use self-serve holds. So, you will notice a lot of information about the hold is left off of the receipt.
required fields in Evergreen if your data includes NULL values.
The data field profile in the above SQL script refers to the user group and should be an
-integer referencing the id field in permission.grp_tree. Setting this value will effect
+integer referencing the id field in permission.grp_tree. Setting this value will affect
the permissions for the user. See the values in permission.grp_tree for possibilities.
ident_type is the identification type used for identifying users. This is a integer value
. To create a fund tag, select *Admin > Server Administration > Acquisitions >
- Fund Tags*. Click the the *New Fund Tag* button. Select a owning library and
+ Fund Tags*. Click the *New Fund Tag* button. Select a owning library and
add the name for the fund tag.
. To apply a fund tag to a fund, select *Admin > Server Administration >
Acquisitions > Funds*. Click on the hyperlinked name for the fund. Click the