--- /dev/null
+SIP Server
+indexterm:[Automated Circulation System]
+indexterm:[Automated Material Handling]
++SIP+, standing for +Standard Interchange Protocol+, was developed by the +3M corporation+ to be a common
+protocol for data transfer between ILS' (referred to in +SIP+ as an _ACS_, or _Automated Circulation System_) and a
+third party device. Originally, the protocol was developed for use with _3M SelfCheck_ (often abbreviated SC, not to
+be confused with Staff Client) systems, but has since expanded to other companies and devices. It is now common
+to find +SIP+ in use in several other vendors' SelfCheck systems, as well as other non-SelfCheck devices. Some
+examples include:
+* Patron Authentication (computer access, subscription databases)
+* Automated Material Handling (AMH)
+** The automated sorting of items, often to bins or book carts, based on shelving location or other programmable
+Installing the SIP Server
+This is a rough intro to installing the +SIP+ server for Evergreen.
+Getting the code
+Current +SIP+ server code lives at in the Evergreen git repository:
+ cd /opt
+ git clone git://git.evergreen-ils.org/SIPServer.git SIPServer
+Configuring the Server
+indexterm:[configuration files, oils_sip.xml]
+. Type the following commands from the command prompt:
+ $ sudo su opensrf
+ $ cd /openils/conf
+ $ cp oils_sip.xml.example oils_sip.xml
+. Edit oils_sip.xml. Change the commented out <server-params> section to this:
+ <server-params
+ min_servers='1'
+ min_spare_servers='0'
+ max_servers='25'
+ />
+. max_servers will directly correspond to the number of allowed +SIP+ clients. Set the number accordingly, but
+bear in mind that too many connections can exhaust memory. On a 4G RAM/4 CPU server (that is also running
+evergreen), it is not recommended to exceed 100 +SIP+ client connections.
+Adding SIP Users
+indexterm:[configuration files, oils_sip.xml]
+. Type the following commands from the command prompt:
+ $ sudo su opensrf
+ $ cd /openils/conf
+ $ cp oils_sip.xml.example oils_sip.xml
+. In the +<accounts>+ section, add +SIP+ client login information. Make sure that all +<logins>+ use the same
+institution attribute, and make sure the institution is listed in +<institutions>+. All attributes in the
++<login>+ section will be used by the +SIP+ client.
+. In Evergreen, create a new profile group called +SIP+. This group should be a sub-group of +Users+ (not +Staff+
+or +Patrons+). Set _Editing Permission_ as *group_application.user.sip_client* and give the group the following
+OR use SQL like:
+ INSERT INTO permission.grp_tree (name,parent,description,application_perm)
+ VALUES ('SIP', 1, 'SIP2 Client Systems', 'group_application.user.sip_client');
+ permission.grp_perm_map (grp, perm, depth, grantable)
+ g.id, p.id, 0, FALSE
+ permission.grp_tree g,
+ permission.perm_list p
+ g.name = 'SIP' AND
+ p.code IN (
+ );
+ FROM permission.grp_perm_map pgpm
+ INNER JOIN permission.perm_list ppl ON pgpm.perm = ppl.id
+ INNER JOIN permission.grp_tree pgt ON pgt.id = pgpm.grp
+ WHERE pgt.name = 'SIP';
+. For each account created in the +<login>+ section of oils_sip.xml, create a user (via the staff client user
+editor) that has the same username and password and put that user into the +SIP+ group.
+The expiration date will affect the +SIP+ users' connection so you might want to make a note of this
+Running the server
+To start the +SIP+ server type the following commands from the command prompt:
+ $ sudo su opensrf
+ $ oils_ctl.sh -d /openils/var/run -s /openils/conf/oils_sip.xml -a [start|stop|restart]_sip
+It is useful to log +SIP+ requests to a separate file especially during initial setup by modifying your syslog config file.
+. Edit syslog.conf.
+ $ sudo vi /etc/syslog.conf # maybe /etc/rsyslog.conf
+. Add this:
+ local6.* -/var/log/SIP_evergreen.log
+. Syslog expects the logfile to exist so create the file.
+ $ sudo touch /var/log/SIP_evergreen.log
+. Restart sysklogd.
+ $ sudo /etc/init.d/sysklogd restart
+. Edit logging config.
+ sudo vi /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf
+. Add:
+ # +SIP2+ for Evergreen
+ filter f_eg_sip { level(warn, err, crit) and facility(local6); };
+ destination eg_sip { file("var/log/SIP_evergreen.log"); };
+ log { source(s_all); filter(f_eg_sip); destination(eg_sip); };
+. Syslog-ng expects the logfile to exist so create the file.
+ $ sudo touch /var/log/SIP_evergreen.log
+. Restart syslog-ng
+ $ sudo /etc/init.d/syslog-ng restart
+Testing Your SIP Connection
+* In the root directory of the SIPServer code:
+ $ cd SIPServer/t
+* Edit SIPtest.pm, change the $instid, $server, $username, and $password variables. This will be
+enough to test connectivity. To run all tests, you'll need to change all the variables in the _Configuration_ section.
+ $ PERL5LIB=../ perl 00sc_status.t
+This should produce something like:
+ 1..4
+ ok 1 - Invalid username
+ ok 2 - Invalid username
+ ok 3 - login
+ ok 4 - SC status
+* Don't be dismayed at *Invalid Username*. That's just one of the many tests that are run.
+More Testing
+. Once you have opened up either the +SIP+ OR +SIP2+ ports to be accessible from outside you can do some testing
+via +telnet+. You can try this with localhost if you so wish, but we want to prove that +SIP2+ works from
+non-localhost. Replace +$instid+, +$server+, +$barcode+, +$username+, and +$password+ variables below
+as necessary.
+We are using 6001 here which is associated with +SIP2+ as per our configuration.
+ $ telnet $server 6001
+ Connected to $server.
+ Escape character is '^]'.
+ 9300CN**$username**|CO**$password**|CP**$instid**
+You should get back.
+ 941
+. Now just copy in the following line (with variables replaced) you don't need to hit enter, just paste!
+ 2300120080623 172148AO**$instid**|AA**$barcode**|AC$password|AD**$password**
+You will get back the patron information for $barcode (something similar to the what's below).
+ 24 Y 00120100113 170738AEFirstName MiddleName LastName|AA**$barcode**|BLY|CQY
+ |BHUSD|BV0.00|AFOK|AO**$instid**|
+The response declares it is a valid patron BLY with a valid password CQY and shows the user's +$name+.
+SIP Communication
+indexterm:[SIP Server, SIP Communication]
++SIP+ generally communicates over a +TCP+ connection (either raw sockets or over +telnet+), but can also
+communicate via serial connections and other methods. In Evergreen, the most common deployment is a +RAW+ socket
+connection on port 6001.
++SIP+ communication consists of strings of messages, each message request and response begin with a 2-digit
+``command'' - Requests usually being an odd number and responses usually increased by 1 to be an even number. The
+combination numbers for the request command and response is often referred to as a _Message Pair_ (for example,
+a 23 command is a request for patron status, a 24 response is a patron status, and the message pair 23/24 is patron
+status message pair). The table in the next section shows the message pairs and a description of them.
+For clarification, the ``Request'' is from the device (selfcheck or otherwise) to the ILS/ACS. The response is… the
+response to the request ;).
+Within each request and response, a number of fields (either a fixed width or separated with a | [pipe symbol] and
+preceeded with a 2-character field identifier) are used. The fields vary between message pairs.
+| *Pair* | *Name* | *Supported?* |*Details*
+| 01 | Block Patron | Yes |<<01_block_patron, 01/Block_Patron>> - ACS responds with 24 Patron Status Response
+| 09-10 | Checkin | Yes (with extensions) |<<09-10_checkin, 09/10_Checkin>>
+| 11-12 | Checkout | Yes (no renewals) |<<11-12_checkout, 11/12_Checkout>>
+| 15-16 | Hold | No |<<15-16_hold, 15/16_Hold>>
+| 17-18 | Item Information | Yes (no extensions) |<<17-18_item_information, 17/18_Item_Information>>
+| 19-20 | Item Status Update | No |<<19-20_item_status_update, 19/20_Item_Status_Update>> - Returns Patron Enable response, but doesn't make any changes in EG
+| 23-24 | Patron Status | Yes |<<23-24_patron_status, 23/24_Patron_Status>> - 63/64 ``Patron Information'' preferred
+| 25-26 | Patron Enable | No |<<25-26_patron_enable, 25/26_Patron_Enable>> - Used during system testing and validation
+| 29-30 | Renew | NO (maybe?) |<<29-30_renew, 29/30_Renew>>
+| 35-36 | End Session | Yes |<<35-36_end_session, 35/36_End_Session>>
+| 37-38 | Fee Paid | No |<<37-38_fee_paid, 37/38_Fee_Paid>>
+| 63-64 | Patron Information | Yes (no extensions) |<<63-64_patron_information, 63/64_Patron_Information>>
+| 65-66 | Renew All | No |<<65-66_renew_all, 65/66_Renew_All>>
+| 93-94 | Login | Yes |<<93-94_login, 93/94_Login>> - Must be first command to Evergreen ACS (via socket) or +SIP+ will terminate
+| 97-96 | Resend last message | Yes |<<97-96_resend, 97/96_Resend>>
+| 99-98 | SC-ACS Status | Yes |<<99-98_sc_and_acs_status, 99/98_SC_and_ACS_Status>>
+01 Block Patron
+A selfcheck will issue a *Block Patron* command if a patron leaves their card in a selfcheck machine or if the
+selfcheck detects tampering (such as attempts to disable multiple items during a single item checkout, multiple failed
+pin entries, etc).
+In Evergreen, this command does the following:
+* User alert message: _CARD BLOCKED BY SELF-CHECK MACHINE_ (this is independent of the AL _Blocked
+Card Message_ field).
+* Card is marked inactive.
+The request looks like:
+ 01<card retained><date>[fields AO, AL, AA, AC]
+_Card Retained_: A single character field of Y or N - tells the ACS whether the SC has retained the card (ex: left in
+the machine) or not.
+_Date_: An 18 character field for the date/time when the block occurred.
+_Format_: YYYYMMDDZZZZHHMMSS (ZZZZ being zone - 4 blanks when local time, ``Z'' (3 blanks and a Z)
+represents UTC(GMT/Zulu)
+_Fields_: See <<fields, Fields>> for more details.
+The response is a 24 ``Patron Status Response'' with the following:
+* Charge privileges denied
+* Renewal privileges denied
+* Recall privileges denied (hard-coded in every 24 or 64 response)
+* hold privileges denied
+* Screen Message 1 (AF): _blocked_
+* Patron
+09/10 Checkin
+~The request looks like:
+ 09<No block (Offline)><xact date><return date>[Fields AP,AO,AB,AC,CH,BI]
+_No Block (Offline)_: A single character field of _Y_ or _N_ - Offline transactions are not currently supported so send _N_.
+_xact date_: an 18 character field for the date/time when the checkin occurred. Format:
+YYYYMMDDZZZZHHMMSS (ZZZZ being zone - 4 blanks when local time, ``Z'' (3 blanks and a Z) represents
+_Fields_: See <<fields, Fields>> for more details.
+The response is a 10 ``Checkin Response'' with the following:
+ 10<resensitize><magnetic media><alert><xact date>[Fields AO,AB,AQ,AJ,CL,AA,CK,CH,CR,CS,CT,CV,CY,DA,AF,AG]
+Example (with a remote hold):
+ 09N20100507 16593720100507 165937APCheckin Bin 5|AOBR1|AB1565921879|ACsip_01|
+ 101YNY20100623 165731AOBR1|AB1565921879|AQBR1|AJPerl 5 desktop reference|CK001|CSQA76.73.P33V76 1996
+ |CTBR3|CY373827|DANicholas Richard Woodard|CV02|
+Here you can see a hold alert for patron CY _373827_, named DA _Nicholas Richard Woodard_, to be picked up at CT
+``BR3''. Since the transaction is happening at AO ``BR1'', the alert type CV is 02 for _hold at remote library_. The
+possible values for CV are:
+* 00: unknown
+* 01: local hold
+* 02: remote hold
+* 03: ILL transfer (not used by EG)
+* 04: transfer
+* 99: other
+indexterm:[magnetic media]
+The logic for Evergreen to determine whether the content is magnetic_media comes from either legacy circ
+scripts or search_config_circ_modifier. The default is non-magnetic. The same is true for media_type (default
+001). Evergreen does not populate the collection_code because it does not really have any, but it will provide
+the call_number where available.
+Unlike the +item_id+ (barcode), the +title_id+ is actually a title string, unless the configuration forces the
+return of the bib ID.
+Don't be confused by the different branches that can show up in the same response line.
+* AO is where the transaction took place,
+* AQ is the ``permanent location'', and
+* CT is the _destination location_ (i.e., pickup lib for a hold or target lib for a transfer).
+11/12 Checkout
+15/16 Hold
+Not yet supported.
+17/18 Item Information
+The request looks like:
+ 17<xact_date>[fields: AO,AB,AC]
+The request is very terse. AC is optional.
+The following response structure is for +SIP2+. (Version 1 of the protocol had only 6 total fields.)
+ 18<circulation_status><security_marker><fee_type><xact_date>
+ 1720060110 215612AOBR1|ABno_such_barcode|
+ 1801010120100609 162510ABno_such_barcode|AJ|
+ 1720060110 215612AOBR1|AB1565921879|
+ 1810020120100623 171415AB1565921879|AJPerl 5 desktop reference|CK001|AQBR1|APBR1|BGBR1
+ |CTBR3|CSQA76.73.P33V76 1996|
+The first case is with a bogus barcode. The latter shows an item with a circulation_status of _10_ for _in transit between
+libraries_. The known values of +circulation_status+ are enumerated in the spec.
+indexterm:[Automated Material Handling (AMH)]
+EXTENSIONS: The CT field for _destination location_ and CS _call number_ are used by Automated Material Handling
+19/20 Item Status Update
+23/24 Patron Status
+ 2300120060101 084235AOUWOLS|AAbad_barcode|ACsip_01|ADbad_password|
+ 24YYYY 00120100507 013934AE|AAbad_barcode|BLN|AOUWOLS|
+ 2300120060101 084235AOCONS|AA999999|ACsip_01|ADbad_password|
+ 24 Y 00120100507 022318AEDoug Fiander|AA999999|BLY|CQN|BHUSD|BV0.00|AFOK|AOCONS|
+ 2300120060101 084235AOCONS|AA999999|ACsip_01|ADuserpassword|LY|CQN|BHUSD|BV0.00|AFOK|AOCONS|
+ 24 Y 00120100507 022803AEDoug Fiander|AA999999|BLY|CQY|BHUSD|BV0.00|AFOK|AOCONS|
+. The BL field (+SIP2+, optional) is _valid patron_, so the _N_ value means _bad_barcode_ doesn't match a patron, the
+_Y_ value means 999999 does.
+. The CQ field (+SIP2+, optional) is _valid password_, so the _N_ value means _bad_password_ doesn't match 999999's
+password, the _Y_ means _userpassword_ does.
+So if you were building the most basic +SIP2+ authentication client, you would check for _|CQY|_ in the response to
+know the user's barcode and password are correct (|CQY| implies |BLY|, since you cannot check the password
+unless the barcode exists). However, in practice, depending on the application, there are other factors to consider in
+authentication, like whether the user is blocked from checkout, owes excessive fines, reported their card lost, etc.
+These limitations are reflected in the 14-character _patron status_ string immediately following the _24_ code. See the
+field definitions in your copy of the spec.
+25/26 Patron Enable
+Not yet supported.
+29/30 Renew
+Evergreen ACS status message indicates _renew_ is supported.
+35/36 End Session
+ 3520100505 115901AOBR1|AA999999|
+ 36Y20100507 161213AOCONS|AA999999|AFThank you!|
+The _Y/N_ code immediately after the 36 indicates _success/failure_. Failure is not particularly meaningful or important
+in this context, and for evergreen it is hardcoded _Y_.
+37/38 Fee Paid
+Not implemented.
+63/64 Patron Information
+Attempting to retrieve patron info with a bad barcode:
+ 6300020060329 201700 AOBR1|AAbad_barcode|
+ 64YYYY 00020100623 141130000000000000000000000000AE|AAbad_barcode|BLN|AOBR1|
+Attempting to retrieve patron info with a good barcode (but bad patron password):
+ 6300020060329 201700 AOBR1|AA999999|ADbadpwd|
+ 64 Y 00020100623 141130000000000000000000000000AA999999|AEDavid J. Fiander|BHUSD|BV0.00
+ |BD2 Meadowvale Dr. St Thomas, ON Canada
+ 90210|BEdjfiander@somemail.com|BF(519) 555 1234|AQBR1|BLY|CQN|PB19640925|PCPatrons
+ |PIUnfiltered|AFOK|AOBR1|
+See <<23-24_patron_status, 23/24 Patron Status>> for info on +BL+ and +CQ+ fields.
+65/66 Renew All
+Not yet supported.
+93/94 Login
+ 9300CNsip_01|CObad_value|CPBR1|
+ [Connection closed by foreign host.]
+ ...
+ 9300CNsip_01|COsip_01|CPBR1|
+ 941
+_941_ means successful terminal login. _940_ or getting dropped means failure.
+97/96 Resend
+99/98 SC and ACS Status
+ 99<status code><max print width><protocol version>
+All 3 fields are required:
+* 0: SC is OK
+* 1: SC is out of paper
+* 2: SC shutting down
+* status code - 1 character
+* max print width - 3 characters - the integer number of characters the client can print
+* protocol version - 4 characters - x.xx
+ 98<on-line status><checkin ok><checkout ok><ACS renewal policy>
+ <status update ok><offline ok><timeout period>
+ <retries allowed><date/time sync><protocol version><institution id>
+ <library name><supported messages><terminal
+ location><screen message><print line>
+ 9910302.00
+ 98YYYYNN60000320100510 1717202.00AOCONS|BXYYYYYYYYYNYNNNYN|
+The Supported Messages field +BX+ appears only in +SIP2+, and specifies whether 16 different +SIP+ commands are
+supported by the +ACS+ or not.
+All fixed-length fields in a communication will appear before the first variable-length field. This allows for simple
+parsing. Variable-length fields are by definition delimited, though there will not necessarily be an initial delimiter
+between the last fixed-length field and the first variable-length one. It would be unnecessary, since you should know
+the exact position where that field begins already.
\ No newline at end of file