title = _('Welcome!')
+news_items = models.NewsItem.objects.all().order_by('-published','-id')[0:5]
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
- <!-- !opting *not* to put a heading on the welcome page, so that the News items can be used to customize it. -->
- <h1 style="visibility: hidden;">Welcome!</h1>
- <div class="newsitem" py:for="news in models.NewsItem.objects.all().order_by('-published','-id')[0:5]">
+ <p>Welcome! Please use the links above to browse the reserves, or to join and visit your course sites.</p>
+ <div class="newsitem" py:for="news in news_items">
<div class="newsdate">posted ${news.published.strftime('%c')}
<span py:if="user.has_perm('change_newsitem')">• <a href="admin/news/${news.id}/">edit</a></span></div>
+ <p py:if="user.has_perm('add_newsitem')"><a href="admin/news/0/">Add a news item</a></p>