path => 'remote_path',
+ INVOIC => {
+ amount_billed_is_per_unit => [1699342]
+ },
+ ORDRSP => {
+ }
-## Just for debugging stuff:
-sub add_a_msg {
- my ($self, $conn) = @_;
- my $e = new_editor(xact=>1);
- my $incoming = Fieldmapper::acq::edi_message->new;
- $incoming->edi("This is content");
- $incoming->account(1);
- $incoming->remote_file('in/some_file.edi');
- $e->create_acq_edi_message($incoming);;
- $e->commit;
-# __PACKAGE__->register_method( method => 'add_a_msg', api_name => 'open-ils.acq.edi.add_a_msg'); # debugging
method => 'retrieve',
foreach my $account (@$set) {
my $count = 0;
my $server;
- $logger->info("EDI check for vendor " . ++$vcount . " of " . scalar(@$set) . ": " . $account->host);
- unless ($server = __PACKAGE__->remote_account($account)) { # assignment, not comparison
- $logger->err(sprintf "Failed remote account mapping for %s (%s)", $account->host, $account->id);
+ $logger->info(
+ "EDI check for vendor " .
+ ++$vcount . " of " . scalar(@$set) . ": " . $account->host
+ );
+ unless ($server = __PACKAGE__->remote_account($account)) { # assignment
+ $logger->err(
+ sprintf "Failed remote account mapping for %s (%s)",
+ $account->host, $account->id
+ );
-# my $rf_starter = './'; # default to current dir
if ($account->in_dir) {
if ($account->in_dir =~ /\*+.*\//) {
- $logger->err("EDI in_dir has a slash after an asterisk in value: '" . $account->in_dir . "'. Skipping account with indeterminate target dir!");
+ $logger->err(
+ "EDI in_dir has a slash after an asterisk in value: '" .
+ $account->in_dir .
+ "'. Skipping account with indeterminate target dir!"
+ );
-# $rf_starter = $account->in_dir;
-# $rf_starter =~ s/((\/)?[^\/]*)\*+[^\/]*$//; # kill up to the first (possible) slash before the asterisk: keep the preceeding static dir
-# $rf_starter .= '/' if $rf_starter or $2; # recap the dir, or replace leading "/" if there was one (but don't add if empty)
my @files = ($server->ls({remote_file => ($account->in_dir || './')}));
my @ok_files = grep {$_ !~ /\/\.?\.$/ and $_ ne '0'} @files;
$logger->info(sprintf "%s of %s files at %s/%s", scalar(@ok_files), scalar(@files), $account->host, $account->in_dir);
- # $server->remote_path(undef);
foreach my $remote_file (@ok_files) {
- # my $remote_file = $rf_starter . $_;
my $description = sprintf "%s/%s", $account->host, $remote_file;
- # deduplicate vs. acct/filenames already in DB
- my $hits = $e->search_acq_edi_message([
- {
- account => $account->id,
- remote_file => $remote_file,
- status => {'in' => [qw/ processed /]}, # if it never got processed, go ahead and get the new one (try again)
- # create_time => 'NOW() - 60 DAYS', # if we wanted to allow filenames to be reused after a certain time
- # ideally we would also use the date from FTP, but that info isn't available via RemoteAccount
- }
- # { flesh => 1, flesh_fields => {...}, }
- ]);
- if (scalar(@$hits)) {
+ # deduplicate vs. acct/filenames already in DB.
+ #
+ # The reason we match against host/username/password/in_dir
+ # is that there may be many variant accounts that point to the
+ # same FTP site and credentials. If we only checked based on
+ #, we'd not find out in those cases that we've
+ # already processed the same file before.
+ my $hits = $e->search_acq_edi_message(
+ [
+ {
+ "+acqedi" => {
+ host => $account->host,
+ username => $account->username,
+ password => $account->password,
+ in_dir => $account->in_dir
+ },
+ remote_file => $remote_file,
+ status => {'in' => [qw/ processed /]},
+ },
+ { join => {"acqedi" => {}}, limit => 1 }
+ ], { idlist => 1 }
+ );
+ if (!$hits) {
+ my $msg = "EDI: test for already-retrieved files yielded " .
+ "event " . $e->event->{textcode};
+ $logger->warn($msg);
+ warn $msg;
+ return $e->die_event;
+ }
+ if (@$hits) {
$logger->debug("EDI: $remote_file already retrieved. Skipping");
warn "EDI: $remote_file already retrieved. Skipping";
- $max and $count > $max and last;
- $logger->info(sprintf "%s of %s targets: %s", $count, scalar(@ok_files), $description);
- print sprintf "%s of %s targets: %s\n", $count, scalar(@ok_files), $description;
+ if ($max and $count > $max) {
+ last;
+ }
+ $logger->info(
+ sprintf "%s of %s targets: %s",
+ $count, scalar(@ok_files), $description
+ );
+ printf("%d of %d targets: %s\n", $count, scalar(@ok_files), $description);
if ($test) {
push @return, "test_$count";
my $content;
my $io = IO::Scalar->new(\$content);
- unless ( $server->get({remote_file => $remote_file, local_file => $io}) ) {
+ unless (
+ $server->get({remote_file => $remote_file, local_file => $io})
+ ) {
$logger->error("(S)FTP get($description) failed");
- my $incoming = __PACKAGE__->process_retrieval($content, $remote_file, $server, $account->id);
-# $server->delete(remote_file => $_); # delete remote copies of saved message
+ my $incoming = __PACKAGE__->process_retrieval(
+ $content, $remote_file, $server, $account->id
+ );
push @return, @$incoming;
return \@return;
-# my $msg_ids = OpenILS::Application::Acq::EDI->process_retrieval(
-# $file_content, $remote_filename, $server, $account_id, $editor);
+# procses_retrieval() returns a reference to a list of acq.edi_message IDs
sub process_retrieval {
my ($class, $content, $filename, $server, $account_or_id) = @_;
$content or return;
$incoming = $e->retrieve_acq_edi_message($incoming->id);
if ($@) {
+ $logger->error($@);
} else {
# ->send_core
# $account is a Fieldmapper object for acq.edi_account row
-# $messageset is an arrayref with values
+# $message_ids is an arrayref with values
# $e is optional editor object
sub send_core {
my ($class, $account, $message_ids, $e) = @_; # $e is a working editor
- ($account and scalar @$message_ids) or return;
+ return unless $account and @$message_ids;
$e ||= new_editor();
my @messageset = map {$e->retrieve_acq_edi_message($_)} @$message_ids;
my $m_count = scalar(@messageset);
- (scalar(@$message_ids) == $m_count) or
+ if (@$message_ids != $m_count) {
$logger->warn(scalar(@$message_ids) - $m_count . " bad IDs passed to send_core (ignored)");
+ }
my $log_str = sprintf "EDI send to edi_account %s (%s)", $account->id, $account->host;
$logger->info("$log_str: $m_count message(s)");
- $m_count or return;
+ return unless $m_count;
my $server;
my $server_error;
- unless ($server = __PACKAGE__->remote_account($account, 1)) { # assignment, not comparison
+ unless ($server = __PACKAGE__->remote_account($account, 1)) { # assignment
$logger->error("Failed remote account connection for $log_str");
$server_error = 1;
- };
+ }
foreach (@messageset) {
$_ or next; # we already warned about bum ids
my ($res, $error);
if ($server_error) {
- $error = "Server error: Failed remote account connection for $log_str"; # already told $logger, this is to update object below
+ # We already told $logger; this is to update object below
+ $error = "Server error: Failed remote account connection ".
+ "for $log_str";
} elsif (! $_->edi) {
- $logger->error("Message (id " . $_->id. ") for $log_str has no EDI content");
+ $logger->error(
+ "Message (id " . $_->id. ") for $log_str has no EDI content"
+ );
$error = "EDI empty!";
- } elsif ($res = $server->put({remote_path => $account->path, content => $_->edi, single_ext => 1})) {
+ } elsif (
+ $res = $server->put({
+ remote_path => $account->path, content => $_->edi,
+ single_ext => 1
+ })
+ ) {
# This is the successful case!
- $_->process_time('NOW'); # For outbound files, sending is the end of processing on the EG side.
+ $_->process_time('NOW');
+ # For outbound files, sending is the end of processing on
+ # the EG side.
$logger->info("Sent message (id " . $_->id. ") via $log_str");
} else {
- $logger->error("(S)FTP put to $log_str FAILED: " . ($server->error || 'UNKOWNN'));
+ $logger->error(
+ "(S)FTP put to $log_str FAILED: " .
+ ($server->error || 'UNKOWNN')
+ );
$error = "put FAILED: " . ($server->error || 'UNKOWNN');
if ($error) {
$logger->info("Calling update_acq_edi_message");
unless ($e->update_acq_edi_message($_)) {
- $logger->error("EDI send_core update_acq_edi_message failed for message object: " . Dumper($_));
- OpenILS::Application::Acq::EDI::Translator->debug_file(Dumper($_ ), '/tmp/update_acq_edi_message.FAIL');
- OpenILS::Application::Acq::EDI::Translator->debug_file(Dumper($_->to_bare_hash), '/tmp/update_acq_edi_message.FAIL.to_bare_hash');
+ $logger->error(
+ "EDI send_core update_acq_edi_message failed " .
+ "for message object: " . Dumper($_)
+ );
+ OpenILS::Application::Acq::EDI::Translator->debug_file(
+ Dumper($_),
+ '/tmp/update_acq_edi_message.FAIL'
+ );
+ OpenILS::Application::Acq::EDI::Translator->debug_file(
+ Dumper($_->to_bare_hash),
+ '/tmp/update_acq_edi_message.FAIL.to_bare_hash'
+ );
# There's always an update, even if we failed.
- __PACKAGE__->record_activity($account, $e); # There's always an update, even if we failed.
+ __PACKAGE__->record_activity($account, $e);
return \@messageset;
# attempt_translation does not touch the DB, just the object.
sub attempt_translation {
my ($class, $edi_message, $to_edi) = @_;
- my $tran = translator();
- my $ret = $to_edi ? $tran->json2edi($edi_message->jedi) : $tran->edi2json($edi_message->edi);
-# $logger->error("json: " . Dumper($json)); # debugging
- if (not $ret or (! ref($ret)) or $ret->is_fault) { # RPC::XML::fault on failure
+ my $ret = $to_edi ? translator->json2edi($edi_message->jedi) :
+ translator->edi2json($edi_message->edi);
+ if (not $ret or (! ref($ret)) or $ret->is_fault) {
+ # RPC::XML::fault on failure
- my $pre = "EDI Translator " . ($to_edi ? 'json2edi' : 'edi2json') . " failed";
+ my $pre = "EDI Translator " .
+ ($to_edi ? 'json2edi' : 'edi2json') . " failed";
my $message = ref($ret) ?
- ("$pre, Error " . $ret->code . ": " . __PACKAGE__->nice_string($ret->string)) :
- ("$pre: " . __PACKAGE__->nice_string($ret) ) ;
+ ("$pre, Error " . $ret->code . ": " .
+ __PACKAGE__->nice_string($ret->string)) :
+ ("$pre: " . __PACKAGE__->nice_string($ret)) ;
} else {
$edi_message->jedi($ret->value); # translator returns an object
return $edi_message;
-# {"id":{"!=":null},"+acqpro":{"active":"t"}}, {"join":"acqpro", "flesh_fields":{"acqedi":["provider"]},"flesh":1}
# This is the SRF-exposed call, so it does checkauth
# return substr($string,0,$head) . "... " . substr($string, -1*$tail);
+# process_message_buyer() is used in processing both INVOIC
+# messages as well as ORDRSP ones. As such, the $eg_inv parameter is
+# optional.
+sub process_message_buyer {
+ my ($class, $e, $msg_hash, $message, $log_prefix, $eg_inv) = @_;
+ # some vendors encode the account number as the SAN.
+ # starting with the san value, then the account value,
+ # treat each as a san, then an acct number until the first success
+ for my $buyer ( ($msg_hash->{buyer_san}, $msg_hash->{buyer_acct}) ) {
+ next unless $buyer;
+ # some vendors encode the SAN as "$SAN $vendcode"
+ my $vendcode;
+ ($buyer, $vendcode) = $buyer =~ /(\S+)\s*(\S+)?$/;
+ my $addr = $e->search_actor_org_address(
+ {valid => "t", san => $buyer})->[0];
+ if ($addr) {
+ $eg_inv->receiver($addr->org_unit) if $eg_inv;
+ my $orig_acct = $e->retrieve_acq_edi_account($message->account);
+ if (defined($vendcode) and ($orig_acct->vendcode ne $vendcode)) {
+ # The vendcode can give us the opportunity to change the
+ # acq.edi_account with which our acq.edi_message is associated
+ # in case it's wrong.
+ my $other_accounts = $e->search_acq_edi_account(
+ {
+ vendcode => $vendcode,
+ host => $orig_acct->host,
+ username => $orig_acct->username,
+ password => $orig_acct->password,
+ in_dir => $orig_acct->in_dir
+ }
+ );
+ if (@$other_accounts) {
+ # We can update this object because the caller saves
+ # it with cstore later.
+ $message->account($other_accounts->[0]->id);
+ $logger->info(
+ $log_prefix . sprintf(
+ "changing edi_account from %d to %d based on " .
+ "vendcode '%s'",
+ $orig_acct->id, $message->account, $vendcode
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ last;
+ } elsif ($eg_inv) {
+ my $acct = $e->search_acq_edi_account({vendacct => $buyer})->[0];
+ if ($acct) {
+ $eg_inv->receiver($acct->owner);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
# parts of this process can fail without the entire
# thing failing. If a catastrophic error occurs,
# it will occur via die.
sub process_parsed_msg {
my ($class, $account, $incoming, $msg_hash) = @_;
if ($incoming->message_type eq 'INVOIC') {
return $class->create_acq_invoice_from_edi(
$msg_hash, $account->provider, $incoming);
+ # First do this for the whole message...
+ $class->process_message_buyer(
+ new_editor, $msg_hash, $incoming, "ORDRSP processing"
+ );
+ # ... now do this stuff per-lineitem.
for my $li_hash (@{$msg_hash->{lineitems}}) {
my $e = new_editor(xact => 1);
+# Return hash with a key for every kludge that should apply for this
+# msg_type (INVOIC,ORDRSP) and this vendor SAN.
+sub get_kludges {
+ my ($class, $msg_type, $vendor_san) = @_;
+ my @kludges;
+ while (my ($kludge, $vendors) = each %{$VENDOR_KLUDGE_MAP->{$msg_type}}) {
+ push @kludges, $kludge if grep { $_ eq $vendor_san } @$vendors;
+ }
+ return map { $_ => 1 } @kludges;
# create_acq_invoice_from_edi() does what it sounds like it does for INVOIC
# messages. For similar operation on ORDRSP messages, see the guts of
# process_jedi().
# Return boolean success indicator.
sub create_acq_invoice_from_edi {
- my ($class, $invoice, $provider, $message) = @_;
- # $invoice is O::U::EDIReader hash
+ my ($class, $msg_data, $provider, $message) = @_;
+ # $msg_data is O::U::EDIReader hash
# $provider is only a pkey
# $message is Fieldmapper::acq::edi_message
my $log_prefix = "create_acq_invoice_from_edi(..., <acq.edi_message #" .
$message->id . ">): ";
+ my %msg_kludges;
+ if ($msg_data->{vendor_san}) {
+ %msg_kludges = $class->get_kludges('INVOIC', $msg_data->{vendor_san});
+ } else {
+ $logger->warn($log_prefix . "no vendor_san field!");
+ }
my $eg_inv = Fieldmapper::acq::invoice->new;
+ # Some troubleshooting aids. Yeah we should have made appropriate links
+ # for this in the schema, but this is better than nothing. Probably
+ # *don't* try to i18n this.
+ $eg_inv->note("Generated from acq.edi_message #" . $message->id . ".");
+ if (%msg_kludges) {
+ $eg_inv->note(
+ $eg_inv->note .
+ " Vendor kludges: " . join(", ", keys(%msg_kludges)) . "."
+ );
+ }
$eg_inv->shipper($provider); # XXX Do we really have a meaningful way to
# distinguish provider and shipper?
- $class->edi_date_to_iso($invoice->{invoice_date}));
- # some vendors encode the account number as the SAN.
- # starting with the san value, then the account value,
- # treat each as a san, then an acct number until the first success
- for my $buyer ( ($invoice->{buyer_san}, $invoice->{buyer_acct}) ) {
- next unless $buyer;
- # some vendors encode the SAN as "$SAN $vendcode"
- $buyer =~ s/\s.*//g;
- my $addr = $e->search_actor_org_address(
- {valid => "t", san => $buyer})->[0];
+ $class->edi_date_to_iso($msg_data->{invoice_date}));
- if ($addr) {
- $eg_inv->receiver($addr->org_unit);
- last;
- } else {
- my $acct = $e->search_acq_edi_account({vendacct => $buyer})->[0];
- if ($acct) {
- $eg_inv->receiver($acct->owner);
- last;
- }
- }
- }
+ $class->process_message_buyer($e, $msg_data, $message, $log_prefix, $eg_inv);
if (!$eg_inv->receiver) {
- $logger->error($log_prefix .
+ die($log_prefix .
sprintf("unable to determine buyer (org unit) in invoice; ".
"buyer_san=%s; buyer_acct=%s",
- ($invoice->{buyer_san} || ''),
- ($invoice->{buyer_acct} || '')
+ ($msg_data->{buyer_san} || ''),
+ ($msg_data->{buyer_acct} || '')
- return 0;
- $eg_inv->inv_ident($invoice->{invoice_ident});
+ $eg_inv->inv_ident($msg_data->{invoice_ident});
if (!$eg_inv->inv_ident) {
- $logger->error(
- $log_prefix . "no invoice ID # in INVOIC message; " . shift
- );
- return 0;
+ die($log_prefix . "no invoice ID # in INVOIC message; " . shift);
my @eg_inv_entries;
my @eg_inv_cancel_lis;
- $message->purchase_order($invoice->{purchase_order});
+ $message->purchase_order($msg_data->{purchase_order});
- for my $lineitem (@{$invoice->{lineitems}}) {
+ for my $lineitem (@{$msg_data->{lineitems}}) {
my $li_id = $lineitem->{id};
if (!$li_id) {
my $li = $e->retrieve_acq_lineitem($li_id);
if (!$li) {
- $logger->warn($log_prefix .
- "no LI found with ID: $li_id : " . $e->event);
- return 0;
+ die($log_prefix . "no LI found with ID: $li_id : " . $e->event);
my ($quant) = grep {$_->{code} eq '47'} @{$lineitem->{quantities}};
# and $lineitem->{gross_unit_price}
my $lineitem_price = $lineitem->{amount_billed};
+ $lineitem_price *= $quantity if $msg_kludges{amount_billed_is_per_unit};
# if the top-level PO value is unset, get it from the first LI
unless $message->purchase_order;
push @eg_inv_cancel_lis,
{lineitem => $li, quantity => $quantity}
if $li->cancel_reason;
+ # The EDIReader class does detect certain per-lineitem taxes, but
+ # we'll ignore them for now, as the only sample invoices I've yet seen
+ # containing them also had a final cumulative tax at the end.
my @eg_inv_items;
my %charge_type_map = (
'TX' => ['TAX', 'Tax from electronic invoice'],
'CA' => ['PRO', 'Cataloging services'],
- 'DL' => ['SHP', 'Delivery']
- );
+ 'DL' => ['SHP', 'Delivery'],
+ 'GST' => ['TAX', 'Goods and services tax']
+ ); # XXX i18n, somehow
- for my $charge (@{$invoice->{misc_charges}}) {
+ for my $charge (@{$msg_data->{misc_charges}}, @{$msg_data->{taxes}}) {
my $eg_inv_item = Fieldmapper::acq::invoice_item->new;
- my $amount = $charge->{charge_amount};
+ my $amount = $charge->{amount};
if (!$amount) {
$logger->warn($log_prefix . "charge with no amount");
- my $map = $charge_type_map{$charge->{charge_type}};
+ my $map = $charge_type_map{$charge->{type}};
if (!$map) {
$map = [
- 'Unknown charge type ' . $charge->{charge_type}
+ 'Unknown charge type ' . $charge->{type}
- $eg_inv_item->note($$map[1]);
+ $eg_inv_item->title($$map[1]); # title is user-visible; note isn't.
+ $eg_inv_item->amount_paid($amount);
push @eg_inv_items, $eg_inv_item;
# save changes to acq.edi_message row
if (not $e->update_acq_edi_message($message)) {
- $logger->error(
- $log_prefix . "couldn't update edi_message " . $message->id
- );
- return 0;
+ die($log_prefix . "couldn't update edi_message " . $message->id);
# create EG invoice
if (not $e->create_acq_invoice($eg_inv)) {
- $logger->error($log_prefix . "couldn't create invoice: " . $e->event);
- return 0;
+ die($log_prefix . "couldn't create invoice: " . $e->event);
# Now we have a pkey for our EG invoice, so set the invoice field on all
foreach (@eg_inv_entries) {
if (not $e->create_acq_invoice_entry($_)) {
- $logger->error(
+ die(
$log_prefix . "couldn't create entry against lineitem " .
$_->lineitem . ": " . $e->event
- return 0;
foreach (@eg_inv_items) {
if (not $e->create_acq_invoice_item($_)) {
- $logger->error(
- $log_prefix . "couldn't create inv item: " . $e->event
- );
- return 0;
+ die($log_prefix . "couldn't create inv item: " . $e->event);
unless ($e->update_acq_lineitem_detail($lid)) {
- $logger->error($log_prefix .
+ die($log_prefix .
"couldn't clear lid cancel reason: ". $e->die_event
- return 0;
unless ($e->update_acq_lineitem($li)) {
- $logger->error($log_prefix .
+ die($log_prefix .
"couldn't clear li cancel reason: ". $e->die_event
- return 0;