<eg-string #materialEditSuccessString i18n-text text="Update of Course Material succeeded"></eg-string>
<eg-string #materialEditFailedString i18n-text text="Update of Course Material failed or was not allowed"></eg-string>
-<eg-string #MaterialAddDifferentLibraryString i18n-text text="Material exists at a different library"></eg-string>
+<eg-string #materialAddDifferentLibraryString i18n-text text="Material exists at a different library"></eg-string>
<ng-template #dialogContent>
<div class="modal-header bg-info" [ngClass]="isDialog() ? 'modal-header' : 'alert mt-3'">
<div class="d-flex" [ngClass]="isDialog() ? 'col-md-6' : 'col-md-12'">
<div class="input-group">
<div class="input-group-prepend">
- <span class="input-group-text" i18n>Barcode</span>
+ <label for="associate-item-barcode" class="input-group-text" i18n>Barcode</label>
- <input type="text" class="flex-grow-1" [(ngModel)]="barcodeInput" (click)="$event.target.select()"
+ <input type="text" class="flex-grow-1" id="associate-item-barcode"
+ [(ngModel)]="barcodeInput" (click)="$event.target.select()"
[disabled]="currentCourse && currentCourse.is_archived() == 't'"
(keyup.enter)="associateItem(barcodeInput, relationshipInput)" />
<div class="input-group">
<div class="input-group-prepend">
<div class="input-group-text">
- <span i18n>Call Number</span>
+ <label for="associate-item-temp-call-number" i18n>Call Number</label>
- <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="tempCallNumber"
+ <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="tempCallNumber" label="associate-item-temp-call-number"
[disabled]="currentCourse && currentCourse.is_archived() == 't'"
(input)="isModifyingCallNumber = true" class="flex-grow-1" />
<div class="input-group-append">
<eg-grid-column path="id" [index]=true [hidden]="true" label="ID" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
<eg-grid-column label="Barcode" i18n-label name="barcode" [cellTemplate]="barcodeCellTemplate"></eg-grid-column>
<eg-grid-column label="Title" i18n-label name="title" flex="3" [cellTemplate]="titleCellTemplate"></eg-grid-column>
- <eg-grid-column path="call_number.label" label="Call Number" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
- <eg-grid-column path="call_number.prefix.label" [hidden]="true" label="Call Number Prefix" i18n-label hidden>
+ <eg-grid-column path="item.call_number.label" label="Call Number" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
+ <eg-grid-column path="item.call_number.prefix.label" [hidden]="true" label="Call Number Prefix" i18n-label hidden>
- <eg-grid-column path="call_number.suffix.label" [hidden]="true" label="Call Number Suffix" i18n-label hidden>
+ <eg-grid-column path="item.call_number.suffix.label" [hidden]="true" label="Call Number Suffix" i18n-label hidden>
- <eg-grid-column path="circ_modifier" [hidden]="true" label="Circulation Modifier" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
- <eg-grid-column path="circ_lib.shortname" label="Circulation Library" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
- <eg-grid-column path="location.name" [hidden]="true" label="Shelving Location" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
- <eg-grid-column path="status.name" [hidden]="true" label="Copy Status" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
+ <eg-grid-column path="item.circ_modifier" [hidden]="true" label="Circulation Modifier" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
+ <eg-grid-column path="item.circ_lib.shortname" label="Circulation Library" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
+ <eg-grid-column path="item.location.name" [hidden]="true" label="Shelving Location" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
+ <eg-grid-column path="item.status.name" [hidden]="true" label="Item Status" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
+ <eg-grid-column path="original_circ_modifier.name" [hidden]="true" label="Original Circulation Modifier" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
+ <eg-grid-column path="original_location.name" [hidden]="true" label="Original Shelving Location" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
+ <eg-grid-column path="original_status.name" [hidden]="true" label="Original Item Status" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
<eg-grid-column path="relationship" label="Relationship" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
<eg-fm-record-editor #editDialog idlClass='acmcm' [fieldOptions]="{course: {linkedSearchField: 'course_number'}}"
- hiddenFields="id,item,original_callnumber,original_status,original_location,original_circ_modifier,record">
+ hiddenFields="id,item,original_callnumber,original_status,original_location,original_circ_modifier,record,temporary_record">
- showEditDialog(course_material: IdlObject): Promise<any> {
+ showEditDialog(courseMaterial: IdlObject): Promise<any> {
this.editDialog.mode = 'update';
- this.editDialog.recordId = course_material._id;
+ this.editDialog.recordId = courseMaterial.id();
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.editDialog.open({size: 'lg'}).subscribe(
result => {
.then(str => this.toast.success(str));
this.pcrud.retrieve('acmcm', result).subscribe(material => {
if (material.course() !== this.courseId) {
- this.materialsDataSource.data.splice(
- this.materialsDataSource.data.indexOf(course_material, 0), 1
- );
+ this.materialsGrid.reload();
} else {
- course_material._relationship = material.relationship();
+ courseMaterial.relationship = material.relationship();
associateItem(barcode, relationship) {
if (barcode) {
const args = {
- barcode: barcode,
+ barcode: barcode.trim(),
relationship: relationship,
isModifyingCallNumber: this.isModifyingCallNumber,
isModifyingCircMod: this.isModifyingCircMod,
<div class="d-flex" [ngClass]="isDialog() ? 'col-md-6' : 'col-md-12'">
<div class="input-group">
<div class="input-group-prepend">
- <span class="input-group-text" i18n>Patron Barcode</span>
+ <label for="associate-user-barcode" class="input-group-text" i18n>Patron Barcode</label>
- <input type="text" class="flex-grow-1" [(ngModel)]="userBarcode"
- (click)="$event.target.select()"
+ <input type="text" class="flex-grow-1" id="associate-user-barcode"
+ [(ngModel)]="userBarcode" (click)="$event.target.select()"
[disabled]="currentCourse && currentCourse.is_archived() == 't'"
(keyup.enter)="associateUser(userBarcode)" />
<div class="d-flex" [ngClass]="isDialog() ? 'col-md-6' : 'col-md-12 mt-3'">
<div class="input-group">
<div class="input-group-prepend">
- <span class="input-group-text" i18n>Role</span>
+ <label for="associate-user-role" class="input-group-text" i18n>Role</label>
- <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="userRoleInput"
+ <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="userRoleInput" id="associate-user-role"
[disabled]="currentCourse && currentCourse.is_archived() == 't'"
placeholder-i18n placeholder="e.g. Student, TA, Instructor..."
class="flex-grow-1" />
<div class="input-group">
<div class="input-group-prepend">
<div class="input-group-text">
- <span i18n>Is Public Role?</span>
+ <label for="associate-user-public" i18n>Is Public Role?</label>
<div class="input-group-append">
<div class="input-group-text">
- <input type="checkbox" [(ngModel)]="isPublicRole"
+ <input type="checkbox" [(ngModel)]="isPublicRole" id="associate-user-public"
[disabled]="currentCourse && currentCourse.is_archived() == 't'"
aria-label="Checkbox for allowing user to display on the OPAC Course Page" />
<div class="mt-3" [ngClass]="isDialog() ? 'col-md-12' : 'col-md-8'">
- <eg-grid #usersGrid [dataSource]="usersDataSource">
+ <eg-grid #usersGrid [dataSource]="usersDataSource" [useLocalSort]="true">
<eg-grid-toolbar-action label="Remove Selected" i18n-label (onClick)="deleteSelectedUsers($event)">
<eg-grid-toolbar-action label="Edit Selected" i18n-label (onClick)="editSelectedUsers($event)">
- <eg-grid-column label="ID" path="_id" [index]=true [hidden]="true" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
- <eg-grid-column label="First Name" name="first_given_name" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
- <eg-grid-column label="Second Name" name="second_given_name" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
- <eg-grid-column label="Last Name" name="family_name" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
- <eg-grid-column label="Prefix" name="pref_prefix" [hidden]="true" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
- <eg-grid-column label="Preferred First Name" name="pref_first_given_name"[hidden]="true" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
- <eg-grid-column label="Preferred Second Name" name="pref_second_given_name"[hidden]="true" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
- <eg-grid-column label="Preferred Family Name" name="pref_family_name"[hidden]="true" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
- <eg-grid-column label="Preferred Suffix" name="pref_suffix" [hidden]="true" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
- <eg-grid-column label="User Role" name="_role" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
- <eg-grid-column label="Viewable on OPAC" name="_is_public" i18n-label datatype="bool"></eg-grid-column>
+ <eg-grid-column label="User ID" path="usr.id" [index]=true [hidden]="true" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
+ <eg-grid-column label="First Name" path="usr.first_given_name" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
+ <eg-grid-column label="Second Name" path="usr.second_given_name" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
+ <eg-grid-column label="Last Name" path="usr.family_name" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
+ <eg-grid-column label="Prefix" path="usr.pref_prefix" [hidden]="true" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
+ <eg-grid-column label="Preferred First Name" path="usr.pref_first_given_name"[hidden]="true" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
+ <eg-grid-column label="Preferred Second Name" path="usr.pref_second_given_name"[hidden]="true" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
+ <eg-grid-column label="Preferred Family Name" path="usr.pref_family_name"[hidden]="true" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
+ <eg-grid-column label="Preferred Suffix" path="usr.pref_suffix" [hidden]="true" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
+ <eg-grid-column label="User Role" path="usr_role" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
+ <eg-grid-column label="Viewable on OPAC" path="is_public" i18n-label datatype="bool"></eg-grid-column>
[fieldOptions]="{course: {linkedSearchField: 'course_number'}}"
\ No newline at end of file
-import {Component, Input, ViewChild, OnInit, TemplateRef} from '@angular/core';
-import {Router, ActivatedRoute} from '@angular/router';
-import {Observable, Observer, of} from 'rxjs';
+import {Component, Input, ViewChild, OnInit} from '@angular/core';
import {DialogComponent} from '@eg/share/dialog/dialog.component';
import {AuthService} from '@eg/core/auth.service';
import {NetService} from '@eg/core/net.service';
-import {EventService} from '@eg/core/event.service';
-import {OrgService} from '@eg/core/org.service';
import {PcrudService} from '@eg/core/pcrud.service';
import {Pager} from '@eg/share/util/pager';
-import {NgbModal, NgbModalOptions} from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';
+import {NgbModal} from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';
import {GridDataSource} from '@eg/share/grid/grid';
import {GridComponent} from '@eg/share/grid/grid.component';
import {IdlObject, IdlService} from '@eg/core/idl.service';
import {StringComponent} from '@eg/share/string/string.component';
-import {StaffBannerComponent} from '@eg/staff/share/staff-banner.component';
import {FmRecordEditorComponent} from '@eg/share/fm-editor/fm-editor.component';
import {ToastService} from '@eg/share/toast/toast.service';
import {CourseService} from '@eg/staff/share/course.service';
export class CourseAssociateUsersComponent extends DialogComponent implements OnInit {
@Input() currentCourse: IdlObject;
- @Input() courseId: any;
+ @Input() courseId: number;
@Input() displayMode: String;
users: any[] = [];
@ViewChild('editDialog', { static: true }) editDialog: FmRecordEditorComponent;
- @ViewChild('usersGrid', {static: true}) usersGrid: GridComponent;
+ @ViewChild('usersGrid') usersGrid: GridComponent;
@ViewChild('userDeleteFailedString', { static: true })
userDeleteFailedString: StringComponent;
@ViewChild('userDeleteSuccessString', { static: true })
@ViewChild('userEditFailedString', { static: true })
userEditFailedString: StringComponent;
usersDataSource: GridDataSource;
- @Input() userBarcode: String;
- @Input() userRoleInput: String;
- @Input() isPublicRole: Boolean;
+ userBarcode: String;
+ userRoleInput: String;
+ isPublicRole: Boolean;
private auth: AuthService,
private course: CourseService,
- private event: EventService,
- private idl: IdlService,
private net: NetService,
- private org: OrgService,
private pcrud: PcrudService,
- private route: ActivatedRoute,
private toast: ToastService,
private modal: NgbModal
) {
ngOnInit() {
this.usersDataSource.getRows = (pager: Pager, sort: any[]) => {
- return this.loadUsersGrid(pager);
- }
+ return this.course.getUsers([this.courseId]);
+ };
isDialog(): boolean {
return this.displayMode === 'dialog';
- loadUsersGrid(pager: Pager): Observable<any> {
- return new Observable<any>(observer => {
- this.course.getUsers(this.courseId).then(users => {
- users.forEach(user => {
- this.course.fleshUser(user).then(fleshed_user => {
- this.usersDataSource.data.push(fleshed_user);
- });
- observer.complete();
- });
- });
- });
- }
associateUser(barcode) {
if (barcode) {
- let args = {
+ const args = {
currentCourse: this.currentCourse,
- barcode: barcode,
+ barcode: barcode.trim(),
role: this.userRoleInput,
is_public: this.isPublicRole
- }
+ };
this.userBarcode = null;
- this.auth.token(), barcode
+ this.auth.token(), barcode.trim()
).subscribe(patron => {
- let associatedUser = this.course.associateUsers(patron, args).then(res => {
- this.course.fleshUser(res).then(fleshed_user => {
- this.usersDataSource.data.push(fleshed_user);
- this.userAddSuccessString.current().then(str => this.toast.success(str));
- });
+ this.course.associateUsers(patron, args)
+ .then(() => this.usersGrid.reload());
}, err => {
this.userAddFailedString.current().then(str => this.toast.danger(str));
- });
- });
+ }
+ );
result => {
.then(str => this.toast.success(str));
- this.pcrud.retrieve('acmcu', result).subscribe(u => {
- if (u.course() != this.courseId) {
- this.usersDataSource.data.splice(this.usersDataSource.data.indexOf(user, 0), 1);
- } else {
- user._is_public = u.is_public();
- user._role = u.usr_role();
- }
- });
+ this.usersGrid.reload();
error => {
deleteSelectedUsers(users) {
- let user_ids = [];
- users.forEach(user => {
- this.usersDataSource.data.splice(this.usersDataSource.data.indexOf(user, 0), 1);
- user_ids.push(user.id())
- });
+ const user_ids = [];
this.pcrud.search('acmcu', {course: this.courseId, usr: user_ids}).subscribe(user => {
val => {
console.debug('deleted: ' + val);
this.userDeleteSuccessString.current().then(str => this.toast.success(str));
+ this.usersGrid.reload();
err => {
\ No newline at end of file
<eg-staff-banner bannerText="Course List" i18n-bannerText>
-<eg-string #successString i18n-text text="{{table_name}} Update Succeeded"></eg-string>
-<eg-string #createString i18n-text text="{{table_name}} Was Created Successfully"></eg-string>
-<eg-string #deleteFailedString i18n-text text="Deletion of {{table_name}} failed or was not allowed"></eg-string>
-<eg-string #deleteSuccessString i18n-text text="Deletion of {{table_name}} was successful"></eg-string>
-<eg-string #archiveFailedString i18n-text text="Archival of {{table_name}} failed or was not allowed"></eg-string>
-<eg-string #archiveSuccessString i18n-text text="Archival of {{table_name}} succeeded"></eg-string>
+<eg-string #successString i18n-text text="{{tableName}} Update Succeeded"></eg-string>
+<eg-string #createString i18n-text text="{{tableName}} Was Created Successfully"></eg-string>
+<eg-string #deleteFailedString i18n-text text="Deletion of {{tableName}} failed or was not allowed"></eg-string>
+<eg-string #deleteSuccessString i18n-text text="Deletion of {{tableName}} was successful"></eg-string>
+<eg-string #archiveFailedString i18n-text text="Archival of {{tableName}} failed or was not allowed"></eg-string>
+<eg-string #archiveSuccessString i18n-text text="Archival of {{tableName}} succeeded"></eg-string>
<eg-string #flairTooltip i18n-text text="Limited Editing"></eg-string>
<div class="w-100 mt-2 mb-2">
- <eg-grid #grid idlClass={{idl_class}}
+ <eg-grid #grid idlClass={{idlClass}}
- label="Create {{table_name}}" (onClick)="createNew()" i18n-label>
+ label="Create {{tableName}}" (onClick)="createNew()" i18n-label>
<eg-grid-toolbar-action label="Edit Selected" i18n-label (onClick)="editSelected($event)">
<eg-fm-record-editor #editDialog
+ fieldOrder="course_number,name,owning_lib,section_number"
\ No newline at end of file
import {Component, Input, ViewChild, OnInit} from '@angular/core';
-import { Router, ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';
+import {Router} from '@angular/router';
import {IdlObject} from '@eg/core/idl.service';
import {PcrudService} from '@eg/core/pcrud.service';
-import {AuthService} from '@eg/core/auth.service';
import {CourseService} from '@eg/staff/share/course.service';
-import {NetService} from '@eg/core/net.service';
-import {OrgService} from '@eg/core/org.service';
import {GridComponent} from '@eg/share/grid/grid.component';
import {Pager} from '@eg/share/util/pager';
import {GridDataSource, GridColumn} from '@eg/share/grid/grid';
templateUrl: './course-list.component.html'
-export class CourseListComponent implements OnInit {
+export class CourseListComponent implements OnInit {
@ViewChild('editDialog', { static: true }) editDialog: FmRecordEditorComponent;
@ViewChild('grid', { static: true }) grid: GridComponent;
@ViewChild('successString', { static: true }) successString: StringComponent;
@ViewChild('courseUserDialog', {static: true})
private courseUserDialog: CourseAssociateUsersComponent;
- @Input() sort_field: string;
- @Input() idl_class = "acmc";
+ @Input() sortField: string;
+ @Input() idlClass = 'acmc';
@Input() dialog_size: 'sm' | 'lg' = 'lg';
- @Input() table_name = "Course";
+ @Input() tableName = 'Course';
grid_source: GridDataSource = new GridDataSource();
currentMaterials: any[] = [];
search_value = '';
- private auth: AuthService,
private courseSvc: CourseService,
private locale: LocaleService,
- private net: NetService,
- private org: OrgService,
private pcrud: PcrudService,
- private route: ActivatedRoute,
private router: Router,
private toast: ToastService
- ){}
+ ) {}
ngOnInit() {
- this.grid.onRowActivate.subscribe((course:IdlObject) => {
- let idToEdit = course.id();
+ this.grid.onRowActivate.subscribe((course: IdlObject) => {
+ const idToEdit = course.id();
- })
+ });
const orderBy: any = {};
if (sort.length) {
// Sort specified from grid
- orderBy[this.idl_class] = sort[0].name + ' ' + sort[0].dir;
- } else if (this.sort_field) {
+ orderBy[this.idlClass] = sort[0].name + ' ' + sort[0].dir;
+ } else if (this.sortField) {
// Default sort field
- orderBy[this.idl_class] = this.sort_field;
+ orderBy[this.idlClass] = this.sortField;
const searchOps = {
offset: pager.offset,
limit: pager.limit,
order_by: orderBy
- return this.pcrud.retrieveAll(this.idl_class, searchOps, {fleshSelectors: true})
+ return this.pcrud.retrieveAll(this.idlClass, searchOps, {fleshSelectors: true});
navigateToCoursePage(id_arr: IdlObject[]) {
- if (typeof id_arr == 'number') id_arr = [id_arr];
- let urls = [];
+ if (typeof id_arr === 'number') { id_arr = [id_arr]; }
+ const urls = [];
id_arr.forEach(id => {console.log(this.router.url);
urls.push([this.locale.currentLocaleCode() + this.router.url + '/' + id]);
- if (id_arr.length == 1) {
+ if (id_arr.length === 1) {
this.router.navigate([this.router.url + '/' + id_arr[0]]);
} else {
urls.forEach(url => {
- window.open(url)
+ window.open(url);
editSelected(fields: IdlObject[]) {
// Edit each IDL thing one at a time
- let course_ids = [];
+ const course_ids = [];
fields.forEach(field => {
- if (typeof field['id'] == 'function') {
+ if (typeof field['id'] === 'function') {
} else {
archiveSelected(course: IdlObject[]) {
this.courseSvc.disassociateMaterials(course).then(res => {
- course.forEach(course => {
- console.log(course);
- course.is_archived(true);
+ course.forEach(courseToArchive => {
+ courseToArchive.is_archived(true);
val => {
- deleteSelected(idl_object: IdlObject[]) {
- this.courseSvc.disassociateMaterials(idl_object).then(res => {
- idl_object.forEach(idl_object => {
- idl_object.isdeleted(true)
+ deleteSelected(idlObject: IdlObject[]) {
+ this.courseSvc.disassociateMaterials(idlObject).then(res => {
+ idlObject.forEach(object => {
+ object.isdeleted(true);
- this.pcrud.autoApply(idl_object).subscribe(
+ this.pcrud.autoApply(idlObject).subscribe(
val => {
console.debug('deleted: ' + val);
() => this.grid.reload()
- };
+ }
+ fieldOrder="course_number,name,owning_lib,section_number"
import {Component, Input, ViewChild, OnInit, TemplateRef} from '@angular/core';
-import {Router, ActivatedRoute} from '@angular/router';
-import {Observable, Observer, of} from 'rxjs';
-import {DialogComponent} from '@eg/share/dialog/dialog.component';
-import {AuthService} from '@eg/core/auth.service';
-import {NetService} from '@eg/core/net.service';
-import {EventService} from '@eg/core/event.service';
-import {OrgService} from '@eg/core/org.service';
+import {ActivatedRoute} from '@angular/router';
import {PcrudService} from '@eg/core/pcrud.service';
-import {Pager} from '@eg/share/util/pager';
-import {NgbModal, NgbModalOptions} from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';
-import {GridDataSource} from '@eg/share/grid/grid';
-import {GridComponent} from '@eg/share/grid/grid.component';
import {IdlObject, IdlService} from '@eg/core/idl.service';
import {StringComponent} from '@eg/share/string/string.component';
-import {StaffBannerComponent} from '@eg/staff/share/staff-banner.component';
import {ToastService} from '@eg/share/toast/toast.service';
import {CourseService} from '@eg/staff/share/course.service';
import {CourseAssociateUsersComponent} from './course-associate-users.component';
private courseMaterialDialog: CourseAssociateMaterialComponent;
@ViewChild('courseUserDialog', {static: true})
private courseUserDialog: CourseAssociateUsersComponent;
// Edit Tab
@ViewChild('archiveFailedString', { static: true })
archiveFailedString: StringComponent;
// Materials Tab
- private auth: AuthService,
private course: CourseService,
- private event: EventService,
- private idl: IdlService,
- private net: NetService,
- private org: OrgService,
private pcrud: PcrudService,
private route: ActivatedRoute,
private toast: ToastService
ngOnInit() {
- this.courseId = parseInt(this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get('id'));
+ this.courseId = +this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get('id');
this.course.getCourses([this.courseId]).then(course => {
this.currentCourse = course[0];
// Materials Tab
\ No newline at end of file
exports: [RouterModule]
-export class CourseReservesRoutingModule {}
\ No newline at end of file
+export class CourseReservesRoutingModule {}
ngOnInit() {
this.searchContext = this.staffCat.searchContext;
- this.loadCourseInformation(this.summary.id)
+ this.loadCourseInformation(this.summary.id);
this.isRecordSelected = this.basket.hasRecordId(this.summary.id);
// Watch for basket changes caused by other components
import {NotBeforeMomentValidatorDirective} from '@eg/share/validators/not_before_moment_validator.directive';
import {PatronBarcodeValidatorDirective} from '@eg/share/validators/patron_barcode_validator.directive';
import {BroadcastService} from '@eg/share/util/broadcast.service';
-import {CourseService} from './share/course.service'
+import {CourseService} from './share/course.service';
* Imports the EG common modules and adds modules common to all staff UI's.
providers: [ // Export staff-wide services
- BroadcastService
+ BroadcastService,
+import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {AuthService} from '@eg/core/auth.service';
import {EventService} from '@eg/core/event.service';
) {}
isOptedIn(): Promise<any> {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
this.org.settings('circ.course_materials_opt_in').then(res => {
- getUsers(course_ids?: Number[]): Promise<IdlObject[]> {
+ getUsers(course_ids?: Number[]): Observable<IdlObject> {
+ const flesher = {
+ flesh: 1,
+ flesh_fields: {'acmcu': ['usr']}
+ };
if (!course_ids) {
return this.pcrud.retrieveAll('acmcu',
- {}, {atomic: true}).toPromise();
+ flesher);
} else {
return this.pcrud.search('acmcu', {course: course_ids},
- {}, {atomic: true}).toPromise();
+ flesher);
- fleshMaterial(material): Promise<any> {
- console.log(material)
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- let item = this.idl.create('acp');
- this.net.request(
- 'open-ils.circ',
- 'open-ils.circ.copy_details.retrieve',
- this.auth.token(), material.item()
- ).subscribe(res => {
- if (res && res.copy) {
- item = res.copy;
- item.call_number(res.volume);
- item._title = res.mvr.title();
- item.circ_lib(this.org.get(item.circ_lib()));
- item._id = material.id();
- if (material.relationship())
- item._relationship = material.relationship();
- }
- }, err => {
- reject(err);
- }, () => resolve(item));
- });
- }
- fleshUser(course_user): Promise<any> {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- let user = this.idl.create('au');
- this.net.request(
- 'open-ils.actor',
- 'open-ils.actor.user.fleshed.retrieve',
- this.auth.token(), course_user.usr()
- ).subscribe(patron => {
- user = patron;
- user._id = course_user.id();
- if (course_user.usr_role()) user._role = course_user.usr_role();
- if (course_user.is_public()) user._is_public = course_user.is_public();
- }, err => {
- reject(err);
- }, () => resolve(user));
- });
- }
getCoursesFromMaterial(copy_id): Promise<any> {
- let id_list = [];
+ const id_list = [];
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
return this.pcrud.search('acmcm', {item: copy_id})
return this.getCourses(id_list).then(courses => {
fetchCopiesInCourseFromRecord(record_id) {
- let cp_list = [];
- let course_list = [];
+ const cp_list = [];
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Creating a new acmcm Entry
associateMaterials(item, args) {
- let material = this.idl.create('acmcm');
+ const material = this.idl.create('acmcm');
if (item.call_number() && item.call_number().record()) {
- if (args.relationship) material.relationship(args.relationship);
+ if (args.relationship) { material.relationship(args.relationship); }
// Apply temporary fields to the item
if (args.isModifyingStatus && args.tempStatus) {
if (args.isModifyingCircMod) {
- if (!args.tempCircMod) item.circ_modifier(null);
+ if (!args.tempCircMod) { item.circ_modifier(null); }
if (args.isModifyingCallNumber) {
- let response = {
+ const response = {
item: item,
material: this.pcrud.create(material).toPromise()
associateUsers(patron_id, args) {
- let new_user = this.idl.create('acmcu');
- if (args.is_public) new_user.is_public(args.is_public);
- if (args.role) new_user.usr_role(args.role);
+ const new_user = this.idl.create('acmcu');
+ if (args.is_public) { new_user.is_public(args.is_public); }
+ if (args.role) { new_user.usr_role(args.role); }
- return this.pcrud.create(new_user).toPromise()
+ return this.pcrud.create(new_user).toPromise();
disassociateMaterials(courses) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- let course_ids = [];
- let course_library_hash = {};
+ const course_ids = [];
+ const course_library_hash = {};
courses.forEach(course => {
course_library_hash[course.id()] = course.owning_lib();
this.pcrud.search('acmcm', {course: course_ids}).subscribe(material => {
this.resetItemFields(material, course_library_hash[material.course()]);
- this.pcrud.autoApply(material).subscribe(res => {
+ this.pcrud.autoApply(material).subscribe(() => {
}, err => {
}, () => {
}, err => {
- reject(err)
+ reject(err);
}, () => {
disassociateUsers(user) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- let user_ids = [];
- let course_library_hash = {};
+ const user_ids = [];
+ const course_library_hash = {};
user.forEach(course => {
course_library_hash[course.id()] = course.owning_lib();
- this.pcrud.search('acmcu', {user: user_ids}).subscribe(user => {
- user.course(user_ids);
+ this.pcrud.search('acmcu', {user: user_ids}).subscribe(u => {
+ u.course(user_ids);
this.pcrud.autoApply(user).subscribe(res => {
}, err => {
}, err => {
- reject(err)
+ reject(err);
}, () => {
if (material.original_status()) {
- if (copy.circ_modifier() != material.original_circ_modifier()) {
+ if (copy.circ_modifier() !== material.original_circ_modifier()) {
if (material.original_location()) {
updateItem(item: IdlObject, course_lib, call_number, updatingVolume) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- this.pcrud.update(item).subscribe(item_id => {
+ this.pcrud.update(item).subscribe(() => {
if (updatingVolume) {
- let cn = item.call_number();
+ const cn = item.call_number();
return this.net.request(
'open-ils.cat', 'open-ils.cat.call_number.find_or_create',
this.auth.token(), call_number, cn.record(),
course_lib, cn.prefix(), cn.suffix(),
).subscribe(res => {
- let event = this.evt.parse(res);
- if (event) return;
+ const event = this.evt.parse(res);
+ if (event) { return; }
return this.net.request(
'open-ils.cat', 'open-ils.cat.transfer_copies_to_volume',
this.auth.token(), res.acn_id, [item.id()]
).subscribe(transfered_res => {
- console.debug("Copy transferred to volume with code " + transfered_res);
+ console.debug('Copy transferred to volume with code ' + transfered_res);
}, err => {
}, () => {
} else {
- this.pcrud.update(item).subscribe(rse => {
+ this.pcrud.update(item).subscribe(() => {
- }, err => {
+ }, () => {
\ No newline at end of file
// Fields are immutable when it comes to controlfield vs.
// data field. Stamp the value when stamping field IDs.
isCtrlField: boolean;
+ indicator?: (ind: number) => any;
// Pass-through to marcrecord.js
isControlfield(): boolean;
- indicator?: (ind: number) => any;
deleteExactSubfields(...subfield: MarcSubfield[]): number;
if ($self->api_name =~ /\.fleshed/) {
my $fleshing = {
'flesh' => 2, 'flesh_fields' => {
- 'acmcm' => ['item', 'record'],
+ 'acmcm' => ['item', 'record', 'original_circ_modifier',
+ 'original_location', 'original_status'],
'acp' => ['call_number', 'circ_lib', 'location', 'status'],
'bre' => ['wide_display_entry'],