our $JSON_PAYLOAD_KEY = '__p'; # same, for payload
=head1 NAME
OpenSRF::Utils::JSON - Serialize/Vivify objects
The routines which are called by existing external code all deal with
the serialization/stringification of objects and their revivification.
=head2 register_class_hint
with the L</perl2JSON> routine. It has two required arguments, C<name>
and C<hint>.
- OpenSRF::Util::JSON->register_class_hint( hint => 'osrfException',
- name => 'OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsException');
+ O::U::J->register_class_hint( hint => 'osrfException',
+ name => 'OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsException');
Where C<hint> can be any unique string (but canonically is the name
from the IDL which matches the object being operated on), and C<name>
# FIXME hint can't be a dupe
# FIXME fail unless we have hint and name
my ($pkg, %args) = @_;
+ # FIXME why is the same thing shoved into two places? One mapping
+ # would suffice if class and hint were always returned together...
$_class_map{hints}{$args{hint}} = \%args;
$_class_map{classes}{$args{name}} = \%args;
=head2 JSON2perl
+Given a JSON-encoded string, returns a vivified Perl object built from
+that string.
sub JSON2perl {
+ # FIXME $string is not checked for any criteria, even existance
my( $pkg, $string ) = @_;
my $perl = $pkg->rawJSON2perl($string);
return $pkg->JSONObject2Perl($perl);
=head2 perl2JSON
+Given a Perl object, returns a JSON stringified representation of that
sub perl2JSON {
my( $pkg, $obj ) = @_;
+ # FIXME no validation of any sort
my $json = $pkg->perl2JSONObject($obj);
return $pkg->rawPerl2JSON($json);
+=head2 rawJSON2perl
+Intermediate routine called by L</JSON2Perl>.
+sub rawJSON2perl {
+ my ($pkg, $json) = @_;
+ # FIXME change regex conditional to '=~ /\S/'
+ return undef unless (defined $json and $json !~ /^\s*$/o);
+ return $parser->decode($json);
=head2 JSONObject2Perl
+Final routine in the object re-vivification chain, called by L</rawJSON2perl>.
sub JSONObject2Perl {
my ($pkg, $obj) = @_;
- my $ref = ref $obj;
- if( $ref eq 'HASH' ) {
- if( defined($obj->{$JSON_CLASS_KEY})) {
+ # if $obj is a hash
+ if ( ref $obj eq 'HASH' ) {
+ # and if it has the "I'm a class!" marker
+ if ( defined $obj->{$JSON_CLASS_KEY} ) {
+ # vivify the payload
+ my $vivobj = $pkg->JSONObject2Perl($obj->{$JSON_PAYLOAD_KEY});
+ return undef unless defined $vivobj;
+ # and bless it back into an object
my $class = $obj->{$JSON_CLASS_KEY};
- $class =~ s/^\s+//o;
- $class =~ s/\s+$//o;
- if( $obj = $pkg->JSONObject2Perl($obj->{$JSON_PAYLOAD_KEY}) ) {
- $class = $pkg->lookup_class($class) || $class;
- return bless(\$obj, $class) unless ref($obj);
- return bless($obj, $class);
- }
- return undef;
+ $class =~ s/^\s+//; # FIXME pretty sure these lines could condense to 's/\s+//g'
+ $class =~ s/\s+$//;
+ $class = $pkg->lookup_class($class) || $class;
+ return bless(\$vivobj, $class) unless ref $vivobj;
+ return bless($vivobj, $class);
+ # is a hash, but no class marker; simply revivify innards
for my $k (keys %$obj) {
$obj->{$k} = $pkg->JSONObject2Perl($obj->{$k})
- unless ref($obj->{$k}) eq 'JSON::XS::Boolean';
+ unless ref $obj->{$k} eq 'JSON::XS::Boolean';
- } elsif( $ref eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+ } elsif ( ref $obj eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+ # not a hash; an array. revivify.
for my $i (0..scalar(@$obj) - 1) {
$obj->[$i] = $pkg->JSONObject2Perl($obj->[$i])
- unless ref($obj->[$i]) eq 'JSON::XS::Boolean';
+ unless ref $obj->[$i] eq 'JSON::XS::Boolean';
+ # return vivified non-class hashes, all arrays, and anything that
+ # isn't a hash or array ref
return $obj;
+=head2 rawPerl2JSON
+Intermediate routine used by L</Perl2JSON>.
+sub rawPerl2JSON {
+ # FIXME no validation of any sort
+ my ($pkg, $perl) = @_;
+ return $parser->encode($perl);
=head2 perl2JSONObject
sub perl2JSONObject {
my ($pkg, $obj) = @_;
- my $ref = ref($obj);
+ my $ref = ref $obj;
return $obj unless $ref;
-=head2 rawJSON2perl
-Internal routine used by L</JSON2Perl>. Wrapper around
-sub rawJSON2perl {
- my ($pkg, $json) = @_;
- return undef unless defined $json and $json !~ /^\s*$/o;
- return $parser->decode($json);
-=head2 rawPerl2JSON
-Internal routine used by L</Perl2JSON>. Wrapper around
-sub rawPerl2JSON {
- my ($pkg, $perl) = @_;
- return $parser->encode($perl);
=head2 lookup_class