+ <app_settings>
+ <oai>
+ <!-- Where necessary, override the default settings here in the app_settings element. -->
+ <!-- The OAI endpoint. The domain is the name of your proxy or frontend opac website. -->
+ <!-- <base_url>http://mydomain.org/opac/extras/oai</base_url> -->
+ <!-- <repository_name>My organization(s)</repository_name> -->
+ <!-- <admin_email>admin@mydomain.org</admin_email> -->
+ <!-- The maximum number of records in a ListRecords and ListIdentifiers response. -->
+ <!-- <max_count>50</max_count> -->
+ <!-- <granularity>YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss</granularity> -->
+ <!-- <earliest_datestamp>0001-01-01</earliest_datestamp> -->
+ <!-- <deleted_record>yes</deleted_record> -->
+ <!-- <scheme>oai</scheme> -->
+ <!-- <repository_identifier>mydomain.org</repository_identifier> -->
+ <!-- <delimiter>:</delimiter> -->
+ <!-- <sample_identifier>oai:mydomain.org:12345</sample_identifier> -->
+ <!-- <list_sets>false</list_sets> -->
+ <!--
+ The metadataformat element contains the schema for the oai_dc and marcxml metadata formats.
+ Each schema needs a reference to an xslt document.
+ You can replace them with your custom xslt stylesheets.
+ Place those in the /<openils sysdir>/var/xsl folder.
+ You can also extend the OAI2 service further with new metadata schema.
+ Bibliographic and authority records share the same stylesheet.
+ Should you want to render them differently, use the
+ marc:datafield[@tag='901']/marc:subfield[@code='t']
+ value to identify the record type. -->
+ <!--
+ <metadataformat>
+ <oai_dc>
+ <namespace_uri>http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/</namespace_uri>
+ <schema_location>http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd</schema_location>
+ <xslt>OAI2_OAIDC.xsl</xslt>
+ </oai_dc>
+ <marcxml>
+ <namespace_uri>http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim</namespace_uri>
+ <schema_location>http://www.loc.gov/standards/marcxml/schema/MARC21slim.xsd</schema_location>
+ <xslt>OAI2_MARC21slim.xsl</xslt>
+ </marcxml>
+ </metadataformat> -->
+ <!--
+ You can add different schema to the metadataformat element thus:
+ <mods>
+ <namespace_uri>http://www.loc.gov/mods/</namespace_uri>
+ <schema_location>http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/mods.xsd</schema_location>
+ <xslt>my-custom-marc2mods.xsl</xslt>
+ </mods>
+ <my-metadata_prefix>
+ <namespace_uri>my-namespace_uri</namespace_uri>
+ <schema_location>my-schema_location</schema_location>
+ <xslt>my-marc2my-metadata.xsl</xslt>
+ </my-metadata_prefix>
+ -->
+ <!-- Change the way the asset copy values are mapped to which subfield codes: -->
+ <!--
+ <copies>
+ <a>location</a>
+ <b>owning_lib</b>
+ <c>callnumber</c>
+ <d>circlib</d>
+ <g>barcode</g>
+ <n>status</n>
+ </copies>
+ -->
+ <!-- Or add static values to the copies element like this:
+ <z>A value that always should for example be in the 852$z</z>
+ -->
+ <!-- Accept only 852$[barcode] values that match this regular expression. E.g.
+ <barcode_filter>^[A-Za-z0-9]+</barcode_filter>
+ only renders 852 datafields that contain barcodes values that begin with letters and numbers.
+ -->
+ <!--
+ <barcode_filter><barcode_filter>
+ -->
+ <!-- Accept only 852$[status] values that match this regular expression. E.g.
+ <status_filter>^Available$</status_filter>
+ only renders 852 datafields that contain status code values that exactly match the string 'Available'.
+ -->
+ <!--
+ <status_filter></status_filter>
+ -->
+ <oai>
+ </app_settings>
<!-- server for accessing user info -->
- <open-ils.oai>
- <keepalive>5</keepalive>
- <stateless>1</stateless>
- <language>perl</language>
- <implementation>OpenILS::Application::OAI</implementation>
- <max_requests>199</max_requests>
- <unix_config>
- <unix_sock>open-ils.oai_unix.sock</unix_sock>
- <unix_pid>open-ils.oai_unix.pid</unix_pid>
- <max_requests>1000</max_requests>
- <unix_log>open-ils.oai_unix.log</unix_log>
- <min_children>1</min_children>
- <max_children>5</max_children>
- <min_spare_children>1</min_spare_children>
- <max_spare_children>2</max_spare_children>
- </unix_config>
- <app_settings>
- <!-- Where necessary, override the default settings here in the app_settings element. -->
- <!-- The OAI endpoint. The domain is the name of your proxy or frontend opac website. -->
- <!-- <base_url>http://mydomain.org/opac/extras/oai</base_url> -->
- <!-- <repository_name>My organization(s)</repository_name> -->
- <!-- <admin_email>admin@mydomain.org</admin_email> -->
- <!-- The maximum number of records in a ListRecords and ListIdentifiers response. -->
- <!-- <max_count>50</max_count> -->
- <!-- <granularity>YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss</granularity> -->
- <!-- <earliest_datestamp>0001-01-01</earliest_datestamp> -->
- <!-- <deleted_record>yes</deleted_record> -->
- <!-- <scheme>oai</scheme> -->
- <!-- <repository_identifier>mydomain.org</repository_identifier> -->
- <!-- <delimiter>:</delimiter> -->
- <!-- <sample_identifier>oai:mydomain.org:12345</sample_identifier> -->
- <!-- <list_sets>false</list_sets> -->
- <!--
- The metadataformat element contains the schema for the oai_dc and marcxml metadata formats.
- Each schema needs a reference to an xslt document.
- You can replace them with your custom xslt stylesheets.
- Place those in the /<openils sysdir>/var/xsl folder.
- You can also extend the OAI2 service further with new metadata schema.
- Bibliographic and authority records share the same stylesheet.
- Should you want to render them differently, use the
- marc:datafield[@tag='901']/marc:subfield[@code='t']
- value to identify the record type. -->
- <!--
- <metadataformat>
- <oai_dc>
- <namespace_uri>http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/</namespace_uri>
- <schema_location>http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd</schema_location>
- <xslt>OAI2_OAIDC.xsl</xslt>
- </oai_dc>
- <marcxml>
- <namespace_uri>http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim</namespace_uri>
- <schema_location>http://www.loc.gov/standards/marcxml/schema/MARC21slim.xsd</schema_location>
- <xslt>OAI2_MARC21slim.xsl</xslt>
- </marcxml>
- </metadataformat> -->
- <!--
- You can add different schema to the metadataformat element thus:
- <mods>
- <namespace_uri>http://www.loc.gov/mods/</namespace_uri>
- <schema_location>http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/mods.xsd</schema_location>
- <xslt>my-custom-marc2mods.xsl</xslt>
- </mods>
- <my-metadata_prefix>
- <namespace_uri>my-namespace_uri</namespace_uri>
- <schema_location>my-schema_location</schema_location>
- <xslt>my-marc2my-metadata.xsl</xslt>
- </my-metadata_prefix>
- -->
- <!-- Change the way the asset copy values are mapped to which subfield codes: -->
- <!--
- <copies>
- <a>location</a>
- <b>owning_lib</b>
- <c>callnumber</c>
- <d>circlib</d>
- <g>barcode</g>
- <n>status</n>
- </copies>
- -->
- <!-- Or add static values to the copies element like this:
- <z>A value that always should for example be in the 852$z</z>
- -->
- <!-- Accept only 852$[barcode] values that match this regular expression. E.g.
- <barcode_filter>^[A-Za-z0-9]+</barcode_filter>
- only renders 852 datafields that contain barcodes values that begin with letters and numbers.
- -->
- <!--
- <barcode_filter><barcode_filter>
- -->
- <!-- Accept only 852$[status] values that match this regular expression. E.g.
- <status_filter>^Available$</status_filter>
- only renders 852 datafields that contain status code values that exactly match the string 'Available'.
- -->
- <!--
- <status_filter></status_filter>
- -->
- </app_settings>
- </open-ils.oai>
- <appname>open-ils.oai</appname>
<!-- <appname>open-ils.resolver</appname> -->
- <appname>open-ils.oai</appname>
- <service>open-ils.oai</service>
+++ /dev/null
-# OpenILS::WWW::OAI manages OAI2 requests and responses.
-# Copyright (c) 2014-2017 International Institute of Social History
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# Author: Lucien van Wouw <lwo@iisg.nl>
-package OpenILS::Application::OAI;
-use strict; use warnings;
-use base qw/OpenILS::Application/;
-use OpenSRF::AppSession;
-use OpenSRF::EX qw(:try);
-use MARC::Record;
-use MARC::File::XML ( BinaryEncoding => 'UTF-8' );
-use OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient;
-use OpenSRF::Utils::Logger qw($logger);
-use XML::LibXML;
-use XML::LibXSLT;
-my (
- $_parser,
- $_xslt,
- %record_xslt,
- %metarecord_xslt,
- %holdings_data_cache,
- %authority_browse_axis_cache,
- %copies,
- $barcode_filter,
- $status_filter
-sub child_init {
- # set the XML parser
- $_parser = new XML::LibXML;
- # and the xslt parser
- $_xslt = new XML::LibXSLT;
- # Load the metadataformats that are configured.
- my $metadata_format = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new->config_value(apps => 'open-ils.oai')->{'app_settings'}->{'metadataformat'};
- if ( $metadata_format ) {
- for my $schema ( keys %$metadata_format ) {
- $logger->info('Loading schema ' . $schema) ;
- $record_xslt{$schema}{namespace_uri} = $metadata_format->{$schema}->{namespace_uri};
- $record_xslt{$schema}{schema_location} = $metadata_format->{$schema}->{schema_location};
- $record_xslt{$schema}{xslt} = $_xslt->parse_stylesheet( $_parser->parse_file(
- OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new->config_value( dirs => 'xsl' ) . '/' . $metadata_format->{$schema}->{xslt}
- ) );
- }
- }
- # Fall back on system defaults if oai_dc is not set in the configuration.
- unless ( exists $record_xslt{oai_dc} ) {
- $logger->info('Loading default oai_dc schema') ;
- my $xslt = $_parser->parse_file(
- OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient
- ->new
- ->config_value( dirs => 'xsl' ).
- "/OAI2_OAIDC.xsl"
- );
- # and stash a transformer
- $record_xslt{oai_dc}{xslt} = $_xslt->parse_stylesheet( $xslt );
- $record_xslt{oai_dc}{namespace_uri} = 'http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/';
- $record_xslt{oai_dc}{schema_location} = 'http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd';
- }
- # If not defined, use the natural marcxml metadata setting
- unless ( exists $record_xslt{marcxml}) {
- $logger->info('Loading default marcxml schema') ;
- my $xslt = $_parser->parse_file(
- OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient
- ->new
- ->config_value( dirs => 'xsl' ).
- "/OAI2_MARC21slim.xsl"
- );
- # and stash a transformer
- $record_xslt{marcxml}{xslt} = $_xslt->parse_stylesheet( $xslt );
- $record_xslt{marcxml}{namespace_uri} = 'http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim';
- $record_xslt{marcxml}{docs} = 'http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim';
- $record_xslt{marcxml}{schema_location} = 'http://www.loc.gov/standards/marcxml/schema/MARC21slim.xsd';
- }
- # Load the mapping of 852 holdings.
- my $copies = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new->config_value(apps => 'open-ils.oai')->{'app_settings'}->{'copies'} ;
- if ( $copies ) {
- foreach my $subfield_code (keys %$copies) {
- my $value = $copies->{$subfield_code};
- $logger->info('Set 852 map ' . $subfield_code . '=' . $value );
- $copies{$subfield_code} = $value;
- }
- } else { # if not defined, fall back on these defaults.
- %copies = (
- a => 'location',
- b => 'owning_lib',
- c => 'callnumber',
- d => 'circlib',
- g => 'barcode',
- n => 'status'
- );
- }
- # Set the barcode filter and status filter
- $barcode_filter = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new->config_value(apps => 'open-ils.oai')->{'app_settings'}->{'barcode_filter'};
- $status_filter = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new->config_value(apps => 'open-ils.oai')->{'app_settings'}->{'status_filter'};
- return 1;
-sub list_record_formats {
- my @list;
- for my $type ( keys %record_xslt ) {
- push @list,
- { $type =>
- { namespace_uri => $record_xslt{$type}{namespace_uri},
- docs => $record_xslt{$type}{docs},
- schema_location => $record_xslt{$type}{schema_location},
- }
- };
- }
- return \@list;
- method => 'list_record_formats',
- api_name => 'open-ils.oai.record.formats',
- api_level => 1,
- argc => 0,
- signature =>
- {
- desc => 'Returns the list of valid record formats that oai understands.',
- 'return' =>
- {
- desc => 'The format list.',
- type => 'array'
- }
- }
-sub oai_biblio_retrieve {
- my $self = shift;
- my $client = shift;
- my $rec_id = shift;
- my $metadataPrefix = shift;
- # holdings hold an array of call numbers, which hold an array of copies
- # holdings => [ label: { library, [ copies: { barcode, location, status, circ_lib } ] } ]
- my %holdings;
- my $_storage = OpenSRF::AppSession->create( 'open-ils.cstore' );
- # Retrieve the bibliographic record and it's copies
- my $tree = $_storage->request(
- "open-ils.cstore.direct.biblio.record_entry.retrieve",
- $rec_id,
- { flesh => 5,
- flesh_fields => {
- bre => [qw/marc edit_date call_numbers/],
- acn => [qw/edit_date copies owning_lib prefix suffix/],
- acp => [qw/edit_date location status circ_lib parts/],
- }
- }
- )->gather(1);
- # Create a MARC::Record object with the marc.
- my $marc = MARC::Record->new_from_xml( $tree->marc, 'UTF8', 'XML');
- # Retrieve the MFHD where we can find them.
- my %serials;
- if ( substr($marc->leader, 7, 1) eq 's' ) { # serial
- my $_search = OpenSRF::AppSession->create( 'open-ils.search' );
- my $_serials = $_search->request('open-ils.search.serial.record.bib.retrieve', $rec_id, 1, 0)->gather(1);
- my $order = 0 ;
- for my $sre (@$_serials) {
- if ( $sre->location ) {
- $order++ ;
- my @svr = split( ' -- ', $sre->location );
- my $cn_label = $svr[-1];
- $serials{$order}{'label'} = $cn_label ;
- my $display = @{$sre->basic_holdings_add} ? $sre->basic_holdings_add : $sre->basic_holdings;
- $serials{$order}{'ser'} = join(', ', @{$display});
- }
- }
- }
- my $edit_date = $tree->edit_date ;
- # Prepare a hash of all holdings and serials
- for my $cn (@{$tree->call_numbers}) {
- next unless ( $cn->deleted eq 'f' || !$cn->deleted );
- my $_visible = 0;
- for my $c (@{$cn->copies}) {
- $_visible = _cp_is_visible($cn, $c);
- last if ( $_visible );
- }
- next unless $_visible;
- my $cn_label = $cn->label;
- $holdings{$cn_label}{'owning_lib'} = $cn->owning_lib->shortname;
- $edit_date = most_recent_date( $cn->edit_date, $edit_date );
- for my $cp (@{$cn->copies}) {
- next unless _cp_is_visible($cn, $cp);
- $edit_date = most_recent_date( $cp->edit_date, $edit_date );
- # find the corresponding serial.
- # There is no way of knowing here if the barcode 852$p is a correct match.
- my $order = 0 ;
- my $ser;
- foreach my $key (sort keys %serials) {
- my $serial = $serials{$key};
- if ( $serial->{'label'} eq $cn_label ) {
- $ser = $serial->{'ser'};
- $order = $key;
- delete $serials{$key}; # in case we have several serial holdings with the same call number
- last;
- }
- }
- $holdings{$cn_label}{'order'} = $order ;
- my $circlib = $cp->circ_lib->shortname ;
- push @{$holdings{$cn->label}{'copies'}}, {
- owning_lib => $cn->owning_lib->shortname,
- callnumber => $cn->label,
- barcode => $cp->barcode,
- status => $cp->status->name,
- location => $cp->location->name,
- circlib => $circlib,
- ser => $ser
- };
- }
- }
- ## Append the holdings and MFHD data to the marc record and apply the stylesheet.
- if ( %holdings ) {
- # Force record leader to 'a' as our data is always UTF8
- # Avoids marc8_to_utf8 from being invoked with horrible results
- # on the off-chance the record leader isn't correct
- my $ldr = $marc->leader;
- substr($ldr, 9, 1, 'a');
- $marc->leader($ldr);
- # Expects the record ID in the 001
- $marc->delete_field($_) for ($marc->field('001'));
- if (!$marc->field('001')) {
- $marc->insert_fields_ordered(
- MARC::Field->new( '001', $rec_id )
- );
- }
- # Our reference node to prepend nodes to.
- my $reference = $marc->field('901');
- $marc->delete_field($_) for ($marc->field('852')); # remove any legacy 852s
- foreach my $cn (sort { $holdings{$a}->{'order'} <=> $holdings{$b}->{'order'}} keys %holdings) {
- foreach my $cp (@{$holdings{$cn}->{'copies'}}) {
- my $marc_852 = MARC::Field->new(
- '852', '4', ' ', 0 => 'dummy'); # The dummy is necessary to prevent a validation error.
- foreach my $subfield_code (sort keys %copies) {
- my $_cp = $copies{$subfield_code} ;
- $marc_852->add_subfields($subfield_code, $cp->{$_cp} || $_cp) if ($_cp);
- }
- $marc_852->delete_subfield(code => '0');
- $marc->insert_fields_before($reference, $marc_852);
- if ( $cp->{'ser'} ) {
- my $marc_866_a = MARC::Field->new( '866', '4', ' ', 'a' => $cp->{'ser'});
- $marc->insert_fields_after( $marc_852, $marc_866_a ) ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- my $xslt = $record_xslt{$metadataPrefix}{xslt} ;
- my $xml = $xslt->transform( $_parser->parse_string( $marc->as_xml_record()) );
- return $xslt->output_as_chars( $xml ) ;
- method => 'oai_biblio_retrieve',
- api_name => 'open-ils.oai.biblio.retrieve',
- api_level => 1,
- argc => 1,
- signature =>
- {
- desc => 'Returns the MARCXML representation of the requested bibliographic record.',
- params =>
- [
- {
- name => 'rec_id',
- desc => 'An OpenILS biblio::record_entry id.',
- type => 'number'
- },
- {
- name => 'metadataPrefix',
- desc => 'The metadataPrefix of the schema.',
- type => 'string'
- }
- ],
- 'return' =>
- {
- desc => 'An string of the XML in the desired schema.',
- type => 'string'
- }
- }
-sub most_recent_date {
- my $date1 = substr(shift, 0, 19) ; # e.g. '2001-02-03T04:05:06+0000' becomes '2001-02-03T04:05:06'
- my $date2 = substr(shift, 0, 19) ;
- my $_date1 = $date1 ;
- my $_date2 = $date2 ;
- $date1 =~ s/[-T:\.\+]//g ; # '2001-02-03T04:05:06' becomes '20010203040506'
- $date2 =~ s/[-T:\.\+]//g ;
- return $_date1 if ( $date1 > $date2) ;
- return $_date2 ;
-sub _cp_is_visible {
- my $cn = shift;
- my $cp = shift;
- my $visible = 0;
- if ( ($cp->deleted eq 'f' || !$cp->deleted) &&
- ( ! $barcode_filter || $cp->barcode =~ /$barcode_filter/ ) &&
- $cp->location->opac_visible eq 't' &&
- $cp->status->opac_visible eq 't' &&
- $cp->opac_visible eq 't' &&
- $cp->circ_lib->opac_visible eq 't' &&
- $cn->owning_lib->opac_visible eq 't' &&
- (! $status_filter || $cp->status->name =~ /$status_filter/ )
- ) {
- $visible = 1;
- }
- return $visible;
-sub oai_authority_retrieve {
- my $self = shift;
- my $client = shift;
- my $rec_id = shift;
- my $metadataPrefix = shift;
- my $_storage = OpenSRF::AppSession->create( 'open-ils.cstore' );
- # Retrieve the authority record
- my $record = $_storage->request('open-ils.cstore.direct.authority.record_entry.retrieve', $rec_id)->gather(1);
- my $o = Fieldmapper::authority::record_entry->new($record) ;
- my $marc = MARC::Record->new_from_xml( $o->marc, 'UTF8', 'XML');
- # Expects the record ID in the 001
- $marc->delete_field($_) for ($marc->field('001'));
- if (!$marc->field('001')) {
- $marc->insert_fields_ordered(
- MARC::Field->new( '001', $rec_id )
- );
- }
- my $xslt = $record_xslt{$metadataPrefix}{xslt} ;
- my $xml = $record_xslt{$metadataPrefix}{xslt}->transform(
- $_parser->parse_string( $marc->as_xml_record())
- );
- return $record_xslt{$metadataPrefix}{xslt}->output_as_chars( $xml ) ;
- method => 'oai_authority_retrieve',
- api_name => 'open-ils.oai.authority.retrieve',
- api_level => 1,
- argc => 1,
- signature =>
- {
- desc => 'Returns the MARCXML representation of the requested authority record.',
- params =>
- [
- {
- name => 'rec_id',
- desc => 'An OpenILS authority::record_entry id.',
- type => 'number'
- },
- {
- name => 'metadataPrefix',
- desc => 'The metadataPrefix of the schema.',
- type => 'string'
- }
- ],
- 'return' =>
- {
- desc => 'An string of the XML in the desired schema.',
- type => 'string'
- }
- }
-sub oai_list_retrieve {
- my $self = shift;
- my $client = shift;
- my $record_class = shift || 'biblio';
- my $rec_id = shift || 0;
- my $from = shift;
- my $until = shift;
- my $set = shift ;
- my $max_count = shift;
- my $deleted_record = shift || 'yes';
- my $query = {};
- $query->{'rec_id'} = ($max_count eq 1) ? $rec_id : {'>=' => $rec_id} ;
- $query->{'set_spec'} = $set if ( $set ); # unsupported
- $query->{'deleted'} = 'f' unless ( $deleted_record eq 'yes' );
- $query->{'datestamp'} = {'>=', $from} if ( $from && !$until ) ;
- $query->{'datestamp'} = {'<=', $until} if ( !$from && $until ) ;
- $query->{'-and'} = [{'datestamp'=>{'>=' => $from}}, {'datestamp'=>{'<=' => $until}}] if ( $from && $until ) ;
- my $_storage = OpenSRF::AppSession->create( 'open-ils.cstore' );
- return $_storage->request('open-ils.cstore.direct.oai.' . $record_class . '.search.atomic',
- $query,
- {
- limit => $max_count + 1
- }
- )->gather(1);
- method => 'oai_list_retrieve',
- api_name => 'open-ils.oai.list.retrieve',
- api_level => 1,
- argc => 1,
- signature =>
- {
- desc => 'Returns a list of record identifiers.',
- params =>
- [
- {
- name => 'record_class',
- desc => '\'biblio\' for bibliographic records or \'authority\' for authority records',
- type => 'string'
- }, {
- name => 'rec_id',
- desc => 'An optional rec_id number used as a cursor.',
- type => 'number'
- },
- {
- name => 'from',
- desc => 'The datestamp the resultset range should begin with.',
- type => 'string'
- },
- {
- name => 'until',
- desc => 'The datestamp the resultset range should end with.',
- type => 'string'
- },
- {
- name => 'set',
- desc => 'A setspec.',
- type => 'string'
- },
- {
- name => 'max_count',
- desc => 'The number of identifiers to return.',
- type => 'number'
- },
- {
- name => 'deleted_record',
- desc => 'If set to \'no\' the response will only include active records.',
- type => 'string'
- }
- ],
- 'return' =>
- {
- desc => 'An OAI type record.',
- type => 'array'
- }
- }
# ... and this has some handy common methods
use OpenILS::Application::AppUtils;
+use OpenILS::Application::SuperCat::OAI;
my $parser = new XML::LibXML;
my $U = 'OpenILS::Application::AppUtils';
+ OpenILS::Application::SuperCat::OAI->child_init();
return 1;
--- /dev/null
+# OpenILS::Application::SuperCat::OAI manages OAI2 requests and responses.
+# Copyright (c) 2014-2017 International Institute of Social History
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# Author: Lucien van Wouw <lwo@iisg.nl>
+package OpenILS::Application::SuperCat::OAI;
+use strict; use warnings;
+use base qw/OpenILS::Application/;
+use OpenSRF::AppSession;
+use OpenSRF::EX qw(:try);
+use MARC::Record;
+use MARC::File::XML ( BinaryEncoding => 'UTF-8' );
+use OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient;
+use OpenSRF::Utils::Logger qw($logger);
+use XML::LibXML;
+use XML::LibXSLT;
+my (
+ $_parser,
+ $_xslt,
+ %record_xslt,
+ %metarecord_xslt,
+ %holdings_data_cache,
+ %authority_browse_axis_cache,
+ %copies,
+ $barcode_filter,
+ $status_filter
+sub child_init {
+ # set the XML parser
+ $_parser = new XML::LibXML;
+ # and the xslt parser
+ $_xslt = new XML::LibXSLT;
+ # Load the metadataformats that are configured.
+ my $metadata_format = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new->config_value(apps => 'open-ils.supercat')->{'app_settings'}->{'oai'}->{'metadataformat'};
+ if ( $metadata_format ) {
+ for my $schema ( keys %$metadata_format ) {
+ $logger->info('Loading schema ' . $schema) ;
+ $record_xslt{$schema}{namespace_uri} = $metadata_format->{$schema}->{namespace_uri};
+ $record_xslt{$schema}{schema_location} = $metadata_format->{$schema}->{schema_location};
+ $record_xslt{$schema}{xslt} = $_xslt->parse_stylesheet( $_parser->parse_file(
+ OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new->config_value( dirs => 'xsl' ) . '/' . $metadata_format->{$schema}->{xslt}
+ ) );
+ }
+ }
+ # Fall back on system defaults if oai_dc is not set in the configuration.
+ unless ( exists $record_xslt{oai_dc} ) {
+ $logger->info('Loading default oai_dc schema') ;
+ my $xslt = $_parser->parse_file(
+ OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient
+ ->new
+ ->config_value( dirs => 'xsl' ).
+ "/OAI2_OAIDC.xsl"
+ );
+ # and stash a transformer
+ $record_xslt{oai_dc}{xslt} = $_xslt->parse_stylesheet( $xslt );
+ $record_xslt{oai_dc}{namespace_uri} = 'http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/';
+ $record_xslt{oai_dc}{schema_location} = 'http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd';
+ }
+ # If not defined, use the natural marcxml metadata setting
+ unless ( exists $record_xslt{marcxml}) {
+ $logger->info('Loading default marcxml schema') ;
+ my $xslt = $_parser->parse_file(
+ OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient
+ ->new
+ ->config_value( dirs => 'xsl' ).
+ "/OAI2_MARC21slim.xsl"
+ );
+ # and stash a transformer
+ $record_xslt{marcxml}{xslt} = $_xslt->parse_stylesheet( $xslt );
+ $record_xslt{marcxml}{namespace_uri} = 'http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim';
+ $record_xslt{marcxml}{docs} = 'http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim';
+ $record_xslt{marcxml}{schema_location} = 'http://www.loc.gov/standards/marcxml/schema/MARC21slim.xsd';
+ }
+ # Load the mapping of 852 holdings.
+ my $copies = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new->config_value(apps => 'open-ils.supercat')->{'app_settings'}->{'oai'}->{'copies'} ;
+ if ( $copies ) {
+ foreach my $subfield_code (keys %$copies) {
+ my $value = $copies->{$subfield_code};
+ $logger->info('Set 852 map ' . $subfield_code . '=' . $value );
+ $copies{$subfield_code} = $value;
+ }
+ } else { # if not defined, fall back on these defaults.
+ %copies = (
+ a => 'location',
+ b => 'owning_lib',
+ c => 'callnumber',
+ d => 'circlib',
+ g => 'barcode',
+ n => 'status'
+ );
+ }
+ # Set the barcode filter and status filter
+ $barcode_filter = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new->config_value(apps => 'open-ils.supercat')->{'app_settings'}->{'oai'}->{'barcode_filter'};
+ $status_filter = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new->config_value(apps => 'open-ils.supercat')->{'app_settings'}->{'oai'}->{'status_filter'};
+ return 1;
+sub list_record_formats {
+ my @list;
+ for my $type ( keys %record_xslt ) {
+ push @list,
+ { $type =>
+ { namespace_uri => $record_xslt{$type}{namespace_uri},
+ docs => $record_xslt{$type}{docs},
+ schema_location => $record_xslt{$type}{schema_location},
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ return \@list;
+ method => 'list_record_formats',
+ api_name => 'open-ils.supercat.oai.record.formats',
+ api_level => 1,
+ argc => 0,
+ signature =>
+ {
+ desc => 'Returns the list of valid record formats that oai understands.',
+ 'return' =>
+ {
+ desc => 'The format list.',
+ type => 'array'
+ }
+ }
+sub oai_biblio_retrieve {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $client = shift;
+ my $rec_id = shift;
+ my $metadataPrefix = shift;
+ # holdings hold an array of call numbers, which hold an array of copies
+ # holdings => [ label: { library, [ copies: { barcode, location, status, circ_lib } ] } ]
+ my %holdings;
+ my $_storage = OpenSRF::AppSession->create( 'open-ils.cstore' );
+ # Retrieve the bibliographic record and it's copies
+ my $tree = $_storage->request(
+ "open-ils.cstore.direct.biblio.record_entry.retrieve",
+ $rec_id,
+ { flesh => 5,
+ flesh_fields => {
+ bre => [qw/marc edit_date call_numbers/],
+ acn => [qw/edit_date copies owning_lib prefix suffix/],
+ acp => [qw/edit_date location status circ_lib parts/],
+ }
+ }
+ )->gather(1);
+ # Create a MARC::Record object with the marc.
+ my $marc = MARC::Record->new_from_xml( $tree->marc, 'UTF8', 'XML');
+ # Retrieve the MFHD where we can find them.
+ my %serials;
+ if ( substr($marc->leader, 7, 1) eq 's' ) { # serial
+ my $_search = OpenSRF::AppSession->create( 'open-ils.search' );
+ my $_serials = $_search->request('open-ils.search.serial.record.bib.retrieve', $rec_id, 1, 0)->gather(1);
+ my $order = 0 ;
+ for my $sre (@$_serials) {
+ if ( $sre->location ) {
+ $order++ ;
+ my @svr = split( ' -- ', $sre->location );
+ my $cn_label = $svr[-1];
+ $serials{$order}{'label'} = $cn_label ;
+ my $display = @{$sre->basic_holdings_add} ? $sre->basic_holdings_add : $sre->basic_holdings;
+ $serials{$order}{'ser'} = join(', ', @{$display});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $edit_date = $tree->edit_date ;
+ # Prepare a hash of all holdings and serials
+ for my $cn (@{$tree->call_numbers}) {
+ next unless ( $cn->deleted eq 'f' || !$cn->deleted );
+ my $_visible = 0;
+ for my $c (@{$cn->copies}) {
+ $_visible = _cp_is_visible($cn, $c);
+ last if ( $_visible );
+ }
+ next unless $_visible;
+ my $cn_label = $cn->label;
+ $holdings{$cn_label}{'owning_lib'} = $cn->owning_lib->shortname;
+ $edit_date = most_recent_date( $cn->edit_date, $edit_date );
+ for my $cp (@{$cn->copies}) {
+ next unless _cp_is_visible($cn, $cp);
+ $edit_date = most_recent_date( $cp->edit_date, $edit_date );
+ # find the corresponding serial.
+ # There is no way of knowing here if the barcode 852$p is a correct match.
+ my $order = 0 ;
+ my $ser;
+ foreach my $key (sort keys %serials) {
+ my $serial = $serials{$key};
+ if ( $serial->{'label'} eq $cn_label ) {
+ $ser = $serial->{'ser'};
+ $order = $key;
+ delete $serials{$key}; # in case we have several serial holdings with the same call number
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ $holdings{$cn_label}{'order'} = $order ;
+ my $circlib = $cp->circ_lib->shortname ;
+ push @{$holdings{$cn->label}{'copies'}}, {
+ owning_lib => $cn->owning_lib->shortname,
+ callnumber => $cn->label,
+ barcode => $cp->barcode,
+ status => $cp->status->name,
+ location => $cp->location->name,
+ circlib => $circlib,
+ ser => $ser
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ ## Append the holdings and MFHD data to the marc record and apply the stylesheet.
+ if ( %holdings ) {
+ # Force record leader to 'a' as our data is always UTF8
+ # Avoids marc8_to_utf8 from being invoked with horrible results
+ # on the off-chance the record leader isn't correct
+ my $ldr = $marc->leader;
+ substr($ldr, 9, 1, 'a');
+ $marc->leader($ldr);
+ # Expects the record ID in the 001
+ $marc->delete_field($_) for ($marc->field('001'));
+ if (!$marc->field('001')) {
+ $marc->insert_fields_ordered(
+ MARC::Field->new( '001', $rec_id )
+ );
+ }
+ # Our reference node to prepend nodes to.
+ my $reference = $marc->field('901');
+ $marc->delete_field($_) for ($marc->field('852')); # remove any legacy 852s
+ foreach my $cn (sort { $holdings{$a}->{'order'} <=> $holdings{$b}->{'order'}} keys %holdings) {
+ foreach my $cp (@{$holdings{$cn}->{'copies'}}) {
+ my $marc_852 = MARC::Field->new(
+ '852', '4', ' ', 0 => 'dummy'); # The dummy is necessary to prevent a validation error.
+ foreach my $subfield_code (sort keys %copies) {
+ my $_cp = $copies{$subfield_code} ;
+ $marc_852->add_subfields($subfield_code, $cp->{$_cp} || $_cp) if ($_cp);
+ }
+ $marc_852->delete_subfield(code => '0');
+ $marc->insert_fields_before($reference, $marc_852);
+ if ( $cp->{'ser'} ) {
+ my $marc_866_a = MARC::Field->new( '866', '4', ' ', 'a' => $cp->{'ser'});
+ $marc->insert_fields_after( $marc_852, $marc_866_a ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $xslt = $record_xslt{$metadataPrefix}{xslt} ;
+ my $xml = $xslt->transform( $_parser->parse_string( $marc->as_xml_record()) );
+ return $xslt->output_as_chars( $xml ) ;
+ method => 'oai_biblio_retrieve',
+ api_name => 'open-ils.supercat.oai.biblio.retrieve',
+ api_level => 1,
+ argc => 1,
+ signature =>
+ {
+ desc => 'Returns the MARCXML representation of the requested bibliographic record.',
+ params =>
+ [
+ {
+ name => 'rec_id',
+ desc => 'An OpenILS biblio::record_entry id.',
+ type => 'number'
+ },
+ {
+ name => 'metadataPrefix',
+ desc => 'The metadataPrefix of the schema.',
+ type => 'string'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'return' =>
+ {
+ desc => 'An string of the XML in the desired schema.',
+ type => 'string'
+ }
+ }
+sub most_recent_date {
+ my $date1 = substr(shift, 0, 19) ; # e.g. '2001-02-03T04:05:06+0000' becomes '2001-02-03T04:05:06'
+ my $date2 = substr(shift, 0, 19) ;
+ my $_date1 = $date1 ;
+ my $_date2 = $date2 ;
+ $date1 =~ s/[-T:\.\+]//g ; # '2001-02-03T04:05:06' becomes '20010203040506'
+ $date2 =~ s/[-T:\.\+]//g ;
+ return $_date1 if ( $date1 > $date2) ;
+ return $_date2 ;
+sub _cp_is_visible {
+ my $cn = shift;
+ my $cp = shift;
+ my $visible = 0;
+ if ( ($cp->deleted eq 'f' || !$cp->deleted) &&
+ ( ! $barcode_filter || $cp->barcode =~ /$barcode_filter/ ) &&
+ $cp->location->opac_visible eq 't' &&
+ $cp->status->opac_visible eq 't' &&
+ $cp->opac_visible eq 't' &&
+ $cp->circ_lib->opac_visible eq 't' &&
+ $cn->owning_lib->opac_visible eq 't' &&
+ (! $status_filter || $cp->status->name =~ /$status_filter/ )
+ ) {
+ $visible = 1;
+ }
+ return $visible;
+sub oai_authority_retrieve {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $client = shift;
+ my $rec_id = shift;
+ my $metadataPrefix = shift;
+ my $_storage = OpenSRF::AppSession->create( 'open-ils.cstore' );
+ # Retrieve the authority record
+ my $record = $_storage->request('open-ils.cstore.direct.authority.record_entry.retrieve', $rec_id)->gather(1);
+ my $o = Fieldmapper::authority::record_entry->new($record) ;
+ my $marc = MARC::Record->new_from_xml( $o->marc, 'UTF8', 'XML');
+ # Expects the record ID in the 001
+ $marc->delete_field($_) for ($marc->field('001'));
+ if (!$marc->field('001')) {
+ $marc->insert_fields_ordered(
+ MARC::Field->new( '001', $rec_id )
+ );
+ }
+ my $xslt = $record_xslt{$metadataPrefix}{xslt} ;
+ my $xml = $record_xslt{$metadataPrefix}{xslt}->transform(
+ $_parser->parse_string( $marc->as_xml_record())
+ );
+ return $record_xslt{$metadataPrefix}{xslt}->output_as_chars( $xml ) ;
+ method => 'oai_authority_retrieve',
+ api_name => 'open-ils.supercat.oai.authority.retrieve',
+ api_level => 1,
+ argc => 1,
+ signature =>
+ {
+ desc => 'Returns the MARCXML representation of the requested authority record.',
+ params =>
+ [
+ {
+ name => 'rec_id',
+ desc => 'An OpenILS authority::record_entry id.',
+ type => 'number'
+ },
+ {
+ name => 'metadataPrefix',
+ desc => 'The metadataPrefix of the schema.',
+ type => 'string'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'return' =>
+ {
+ desc => 'An string of the XML in the desired schema.',
+ type => 'string'
+ }
+ }
+sub oai_list_retrieve {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $client = shift;
+ my $record_class = shift || 'biblio';
+ my $rec_id = shift || 0;
+ my $from = shift;
+ my $until = shift;
+ my $set = shift ;
+ my $max_count = shift;
+ my $deleted_record = shift || 'yes';
+ my $query = {};
+ $query->{'rec_id'} = ($max_count eq 1) ? $rec_id : {'>=' => $rec_id} ;
+ $query->{'set_spec'} = $set if ( $set ); # unsupported
+ $query->{'deleted'} = 'f' unless ( $deleted_record eq 'yes' );
+ $query->{'datestamp'} = {'>=', $from} if ( $from && !$until ) ;
+ $query->{'datestamp'} = {'<=', $until} if ( !$from && $until ) ;
+ $query->{'-and'} = [{'datestamp'=>{'>=' => $from}}, {'datestamp'=>{'<=' => $until}}] if ( $from && $until ) ;
+ my $_storage = OpenSRF::AppSession->create( 'open-ils.cstore' );
+ return $_storage->request('open-ils.cstore.direct.oai.' . $record_class . '.search.atomic',
+ $query,
+ {
+ limit => $max_count + 1
+ }
+ )->gather(1);
+ method => 'oai_list_retrieve',
+ api_name => 'open-ils.supercat.oai.list.retrieve',
+ api_level => 1,
+ argc => 1,
+ signature =>
+ {
+ desc => 'Returns a list of record identifiers.',
+ params =>
+ [
+ {
+ name => 'record_class',
+ desc => '\'biblio\' for bibliographic records or \'authority\' for authority records',
+ type => 'string'
+ }, {
+ name => 'rec_id',
+ desc => 'An optional rec_id number used as a cursor.',
+ type => 'number'
+ },
+ {
+ name => 'from',
+ desc => 'The datestamp the resultset range should begin with.',
+ type => 'string'
+ },
+ {
+ name => 'until',
+ desc => 'The datestamp the resultset range should end with.',
+ type => 'string'
+ },
+ {
+ name => 'set',
+ desc => 'A setspec.',
+ type => 'string'
+ },
+ {
+ name => 'max_count',
+ desc => 'The number of identifiers to return.',
+ type => 'number'
+ },
+ {
+ name => 'deleted_record',
+ desc => 'If set to \'no\' the response will only include active records.',
+ type => 'string'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'return' =>
+ {
+ desc => 'An OAI type record.',
+ type => 'array'
+ }
+ }
my $idl = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new->config_value('IDL');
Fieldmapper->import(IDL => $idl);
- $oai = OpenSRF::AppSession->create('open-ils.oai');
+ $oai = OpenSRF::AppSession->create('open-ils.supercat');
$parser = new XML::LibXML;
$xslt = new XML::LibXSLT;
- my $app_settings = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new->config_value(apps => 'open-ils.oai')->{'app_settings'};
+ my $app_settings = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new->config_value(apps => 'open-ils.supercat')->{'app_settings'}->{'oai'};
$base_url = $app_settings->{'base_url'} || 'localhost';
$base_url =~/(.*)\/$/ ; # Keep all minus the trailing forward slash.
$repository_identifier = $app_settings->{'repository_identifier'} || 'localhost';
my $rec_id = $1 ;
# Do we have a record ?
- my $record = $oai->request('open-ils.oai.list.retrieve', $record_class, $rec_id, undef, undef, undef, 1, $deleted_record)->gather(1) ;
+ my $record = $oai->request('open-ils.supercat.oai.list.retrieve', $record_class, $rec_id, undef, undef, undef, 1, $deleted_record)->gather(1) ;
if (@$record) {
$response = HTTP::OAI::GetRecord->new();
my $o = "Fieldmapper::oai::$record_class"->new(@$record[0]);
my ($record_class, $requestURL, $from, $until, $set, $metadataPrefix, $offset ) = @_;
my $response;
- my $r = $oai->request('open-ils.oai.list.retrieve', $record_class, $offset, $from, $until, $set, $max_count, $deleted_record)->gather(1) ;
+ my $r = $oai->request('open-ils.supercat.oai.list.retrieve', $record_class, $offset, $from, $until, $set, $max_count, $deleted_record)->gather(1) ;
if (@$r) {
my $cursor = 0 ;
$response = HTTP::OAI::ListIdentifiers->new();
my ($record_class, $requestURL, $from, $until, $set, $metadataPrefix, $offset ) = @_;
my $response;
- my $r = $oai->request('open-ils.oai.list.retrieve', $record_class, $offset, $from, $until, $set, $max_count, $deleted_record)->gather(1) ;
+ my $r = $oai->request('open-ils.supercat.oai.list.retrieve', $record_class, $offset, $from, $until, $set, $max_count, $deleted_record)->gather(1) ;
if (@$r) {
my $cursor = 0 ;
$response = HTTP::OAI::ListRecords->new();
if ( $o->deleted eq 'f' ) {
my $md = new HTTP::OAI::Metadata() ;
- my $xml = $oai->request('open-ils.oai.' . $record_class . '.retrieve', $o->rec_id, $metadataPrefix)->gather(1) ;
+ my $xml = $oai->request('open-ils.supercat.oai.' . $record_class . '.retrieve', $o->rec_id, $metadataPrefix)->gather(1) ;
$md->dom( $parser->parse_string('<metadata>' . $xml . '</metadata>') ); # Not sure why I need to add the metadata element,
$record->metadata( $md ); # because I expect ->metadata() would provide the wrapper for it.
# oai_metadataformats = { metadataPrefix => { schema, metadataNamespace } }
sub _load_oai_metadataformats {
- my $list = $oai->request('open-ils.oai.record.formats')->gather(1);
+ my $list = $oai->request('open-ils.supercat.oai.record.formats')->gather(1);
for my $record_browse_format ( @$list ) {
my %h = %$record_browse_format ;
my $metadataPrefix = (keys %h)[0] ;
-New OAI Service
+OAI-PMH Data Provider Support
-This module is an optional service that exposes your catalog through the [OAI2 protocol](http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/openarchivesprotocol.html).
+Evergreen can now act as an OAI-PMH data provider, exposing the catalog to
+harvesting through the [OAI2 protocol](http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/openarchivesprotocol.html).
Entry points
Default configuration
-See comments in opensrf.xml (in the open-ils.oai app_settings element)
-for default configuration and customization instructions. is commented
-in the open-ils.oai app_settings element.
+See comments in opensrf.xml (in the open-ils.supercat app_settings/oai element)
+for default configuration and customization instructions.
Upgrade Instructions
-**Activate the service**
-Refer to the service in the opensrf.xml activeapps element:
- <appname>open-ils.oai</appname>
-**Register the service with the router**
-Add the service to the public router in your opensrf_core.xml
- <opensrf>
- <routers>
- <router>
- <name>router</name>
- <domain>public.realm</domain>
- <services>
- <service>open-ils.oai</service>
- ...
Optional: Setting the datestamp