--- /dev/null
+Kid's OPAC
+[source, bash]
+<Location /eg/kpac>
+ PerlSetVar OILSWebContextLoader "OpenILS::WWW::EGKPacLoader"
+ PerlSetVar KPacConfigFile "/openils/conf/kpac.xml.example"
+XML Configuration File
+ * The XML configuration file defines the layout of the kid's OPAC.
+ * It is read with each restart/reload of the Apache web server.
+ * The file lives by default at /openils/conf/kpac.xml.example
+ * There are two top-level elements: <pages> and <layout>.
+ * The layout defines the owning org unit and the start page, both by ID.
+ * At runtime, the layout is determined by the context org unit. If no
+ configuration is defined for the context org unit, the layout for the
+ closest ancestor is used.
+[source, xml]
+<layout owner="1" page="1"/>
+ * The pages section is a container for <page> elements.
+ * Each page defines an ID, the number of columns to display for the page,
+ the page name, and an icon.
+[source, xml]
+<page id="1" columns="5" name="Home" img="/images/home.jpg">
+ * Each page is a container of cells
+ * Each cell defines
+ ** type (topic, search, link)
+ ** name
+ ** icon
+ ** content
+ * The content for type="topic" cells is the ID of the page this topic
+ jumps to. The name and img for the referenced page is used as the
+ display content.
+[source, xml]
+<cell type="topic">12</cell>
+ * The content for type="search" cells is the search query. The name and
+ img are used for the display content.
+[source, xml]
+<cell name="Piano" img="category.png" type="search">su:piano</cell>
+ * The content for type="link" cells is the URL. The name and img are used
+ for the display content.
+[source, xml]
+<cell name="Clarinet" img="category.png"
+ type="link">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clarinet</cell>
+Considerations for Community Adoption
+The templates for the Kid's OPAC were developed long before the TPAC was
+integrated into Evergreen and it has many of the same limitations that
+were part of the TPAC.
+ * Fixed width elements (divs, images, etc.), which complicates the
+ addition of new features and local customizations.
+ * Images with text, which prevents l10n/i18n.
+ * While the KPAC does not attempt to match the color scheme of any one
+ institution, it's inconsistent with the standard Evergreen color
+ palette. Creating an additional skin to act as the Evergreen default
+ my be necessary.
+Outstanding Development (Unsponsored)
+ ** Port the XML configuration file to a DB structure, complete with UI for
+ managing the various components and upgrade path.