+# TODO: reset/delete claims information once implemented
+# XXX: deal with emptied call numbers here?
+ method => 'unitize_items',
+ api_name => 'open-ils.serial.reset_items',
+ api_level => 1,
+ argc => 1,
+ signature => {
+ desc => 'Resets the items to Expected, updates the shelving unit (deleting the shelving unit if empty), and updates the summaries',
+ 'params' => [ {
+ name => 'items',
+ desc => 'array of serial items',
+ type => 'array'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'return' => {
+ desc => 'Returns number of reset items (num_items)',
+ type => 'hashref'
+ }
+ }
sub unitize_items {
my ($self, $conn, $auth, $items, $barcodes) = @_;
- my( $reqr, $evt ) = $U->checkses($auth);
- return $evt if $evt;
- my $editor = new_editor(requestor => $reqr, xact => 1);
+ my $editor = new_editor("authtoken" => $auth, "xact" => 1);
+ return $editor->die_event unless $editor->checkauth;
+ return $editor->die_event unless $editor->allowed("RECEIVE_SERIAL");
$self->api_name =~ /serial\.(\w*)_items/;
my $mode = $1;
if ($mode eq 'receive') {
+ } elsif ($mode eq 'reset') {
+ # clear date_received
+ $item->clear_date_received;
+ # Set status to 'Expected'
+ $item->status('Expected');
+ # remove from unit
+ $item->clear_unit;
# check for types to trigger summary updates
return $evt if $evt;
+ # cleanup 'dead' units (units which are now emptied of their items)
+ my $dead_units = $editor->search_serial_unit([{'+sitem' => {'id' => undef}, 'deleted' => 'f'}, {'join' => {'sitem' => {'type' => 'left'}}}]);
+ foreach my $unit (@$dead_units) {
+ _delete_sunit($editor, undef, $unit);
+ delete $found_unit_ids{$unit->id};
+ }
# deal with unit level labels
foreach my $unit_id (keys %found_unit_ids) {
my $issuances = $editor->search_serial_issuance([ {"+sitem" => {"unit" => $unit_id, "status" => ["Received", "Bindery"]}}, {"join" => {"sitem" => {}}, "order_by" => {"siss" => "date_published"}} ]);
#TODO: evt on search failure
- my ($mfhd, $formatted_parts) = _summarize_contents($editor, $issuances);
- # special case for single formatted_part (may have summarized version)
- if (@$formatted_parts == 1) {
- #TODO: MFHD.pm should have a 'format_summary' method for this
- }
# retrieve and update unit contents
my $sunit;
my $sdist;
$sdist = $sdist->[0];
- $sunit->detailed_contents($sdist->unit_label_prefix . ' '
- . join(', ', @$formatted_parts) . ' '
- . $sdist->unit_label_suffix);
+ _prepare_unit_label($editor, $sunit, $sdist, $issuances);
- $sunit->summary_contents($sunit->detailed_contents); #TODO: change this when real summary contents are available
- # create sort_key by left padding numbers to 6 digits
- my $sort_key = $sunit->detailed_contents;
- $sort_key =~ s/(\d+)/sprintf '%06d', $1/eg; # this may need improvement
- $sunit->sort_key($sort_key);
my $evt = _update_sunit($editor, undef, $sunit);
return $evt if $evt;
- # cleanup 'dead' units (units which are now emptied of their items)
- my $dead_units = $editor->search_serial_unit([{'+sitem' => {'id' => undef}, 'deleted' => 'f'}, {'join' => {'sitem' => {'type' => 'left'}}}]);
- foreach my $unit (@$dead_units) {
- _delete_sunit($editor, undef, $unit);
- }
- if ($mode eq 'receive') { # the summary holdings do not change when binding
+ if ($mode ne 'bind') { # the summary holdings do not change when binding
# deal with stream level summaries
# summaries will be built from the "primary" stream only, that is, the stream with the lowest ID per distribution
# (TODO: consider direct designation)
foreach my $type (keys %{$found_types{$stream_id}}) {
my $issuances = $editor->search_serial_issuance([ {"+sitem" => {"stream" => $stream_id, "status" => "Received"}, "+scap" => {"type" => $type}}, {"join" => {"sitem" => {}, "scap" => {}}, "order_by" => {"siss" => "date_published"}} ]);
#TODO: evt on search failure
- $evt = _prepare_summaries($editor, $issuances, $sdist_id, $type);
+ my $evt = _prepare_summaries($editor, $issuances, $sdist_id, $type);
if ($U->event_code($evt)) {
return $evt;
return [ map { $e->retrieve_serial_issuance($_) } keys %$uniq ];
-# XXX _prepare_unit_label() duplicates some code from unitize_items().
-# Hopefully we can unify code paths down the road.
+# _prepare_unit_label populates the detailed_contents, summary_contents, and
+# sort_key fields for a given unit based on a given set of issuances
sub _prepare_unit_label {
- my ($e, $sunit, $sdist, $issuance) = @_;
+ my ($e, $sunit, $sdist, $issuances) = @_;
- my ($mfhd, $formatted_parts) = _summarize_contents($e, [$issuance]);
+ my ($mfhd, $formatted_parts) = _summarize_contents($e, $issuances);
# special case for single formatted_part (may have summarized version)
if (@$formatted_parts == 1) {
my $evt = _prepare_unit_label(
- $e, $user_unit, $sdist, $item->issuance
+ $e, $user_unit, $sdist, [$item->issuance]
if ($U->event_code($evt)) {