<script type="text/javascript" src="org_unit_type.js"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ var dirtyStore = [];
+ var _out_type_list = pCRUD.retrieveAll('aout', { order_by : { aout : 'name' } });
+ var ou_type_store = new dojo.data.ItemFileWriteStore({ data : aout.toStoreData( _out_type_list ) });
+ ou_type_store.onSet = function (item, attr, o, n) {
+ if (attr == 'ischanged') return;
+ if (n == o) return;
+ this.setValue( item, 'ischanged', 1);
+ };
+ dojo.addOnUnload( function (event) {
+ ou_type_store.fetch({
+ query : { ischanged : 1 },
+ queryOptions : { deep : true },
+ onItem : function (item, req) { try { if (this.isItem( item )) dirtyStore.push( item ); } catch (e) { /* meh */ } },
+ scope : ou_type_store
+ });
+ if (dirtyStore.length > 0) {
+ var confirmation = confirm(
+ );
+ if (confirmation) {
+ for (var i in dirtyStore) {
+ current_type = dirtyStore[i];
+ save_type(true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ </script>
<body class="tundra" id='pagebody'>
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.SplitContainer" orientation="horizontal" style="height: 100%">
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" sizeShare="100">
- <script type="dojo/method">
- window.dirtyStore = [];
- pCRUD.request({
- method : 'open-ils.permacrud.search.aout.atomic',
- timeout : 10,
- params : [ ses, { id : { "!=" : null } }, { order_by : { aout : 'name' } } ],
- onerror : function (r) { status_update( aout_strings.ERROR_FETCHING_TYPES_AOUT ) },
- oncomplete : function (r) {
- ou_type_store = new dojo.data.ItemFileWriteStore({ data : aout.toStoreData( r.recv().content() ) });
- ou_type_store.onSet = function (item, attr, o, n) {
- if (attr == 'ischanged') return;
- if (n == o) return;
- this.setValue( item, 'ischanged', 1);
- };
- dojo.addOnUnload( function (event) {
- ou_type_store.fetch({
- query : { ischanged : 1 },
- queryOptions : { deep : true },
- onItem : function (item, req) { try { if (this.isItem( item )) window.dirtyStore.push( item ); } catch (e) { /* meh */ } },
- scope : ou_type_store
- });
- if (dirtyStore.length > 0) {
- var confirmation = confirm(
- );
- if (confirmation) {
- for (var i in window.dirtyStore) {
- window.current_type = window.dirtyStore[i];
- save_type(true);
- }
- }
- }
- });
- }
- }).send();
- </script>
var modified_aout = new aout().fromStoreItem( current_type );
modified_aout.isdeleted( 1 );
- pCRUD.request({
- method : 'open-ils.permacrud.delete.aout',
- timeout : 10,
- params : [ ses, modified_aout ],
+ pCRUD.eliminate(modified_aout, {
onerror : function (r) {
status_update( dojo.string.substitute ( aout_strings.ERROR_DELETING, [ou_type_store.getValue( current_type, 'name' )] ) );
oncomplete : function (r) {
- var res = r.recv();
- if ( res && res.content() ) {
- var old_name = ou_type_store.getValue( current_type, 'name' );
- ou_type_store.fetch({
- query : { id : ou_type_store.getValue( current_type, 'id' ) },
- queryOptions : { deep : true },
- onItem : function (item, req) { try { if (this.isItem( item )) this.deleteItem( item ); } catch (e) { /* meh */ } },
- scope : ou_type_store
- });
+ var old_name = ou_type_store.getValue( current_type, 'name' );
+ ou_type_store.fetch({
+ query : { id : ou_type_store.getValue( current_type, 'id' ) },
+ queryOptions : { deep : true },
+ onItem : function (item, req) { try { if (this.isItem( item )) this.deleteItem( item ); } catch (e) { /* meh */ } },
+ scope : ou_type_store
+ });
- current_type = null;
+ current_type = null;
- new_kid_button.disabled = true;
- save_out_button.disabled = true;
- delete_out_button.disabled = true;
- var main_settings_fields = [ 'name', 'opac_label' ];
- for ( var i in main_settings_fields ) {
- var field = main_settings_fields[i];
- window["editor_pane_" + field].setValue( '' ); // unset the value
- window["editor_pane_" + field].setDisplayedValue( '' ); // unset the value
- }
- window["editor_pane_can_have_vols"].setChecked( false ); // unset the value
- window["editor_pane_can_have_users"].setChecked( false ); // unset the value
+ new_kid_button.disabled = true;
+ save_out_button.disabled = true;
+ delete_out_button.disabled = true;
- highlighter.editor_pane.green.play();
- status_update( dojo.string.substitute( aout_strings.STATUS_DELETED, [old_name] ) );
- } else {
- highlighter.editor_pane.red.play();
- status_update( dojo.string.substitute( aout_strings.ERROR_DELETING, [old_name] ) );
+ var main_settings_fields = [ 'name', 'opac_label' ];
+ for ( var i in main_settings_fields ) {
+ var field = main_settings_fields[i];
+ window["editor_pane_" + field].setValue( '' ); // unset the value
+ window["editor_pane_" + field].setDisplayedValue( '' ); // unset the value
+ window["editor_pane_can_have_vols"].setChecked( false ); // unset the value
+ window["editor_pane_can_have_users"].setChecked( false ); // unset the value
+ highlighter.editor_pane.green.play();
+ status_update( dojo.string.substitute( aout_strings.STATUS_DELETED, [old_name] ) );
- }).send();
+ });
parent : ou_type_store.getValue( current_type, 'id' )
var err = false;
- pCRUD.request({
- method : 'open-ils.permacrud.create.aout',
- timeout : 10,
- params : [ ses, new_fm_obj ],
+ pCRUD.create(new_fm_obj, {
onerror : function (r) {
status_update( aout_strings.ERROR_CALLING_METHOD_AOUT );
err = true;
- oncomplete : function (r) {
- var res = r.recv();
- if ( res && res.content() ) {
- ou_type_store.newItem(
- res.content().toHash(),
- { parent : current_type, attribute : 'children' }
- );
- } else {
- highlighter.editor_pane.red.play();
- status_update( aout_strings.ERROR_CREATING_CHILD_AOUT );
- err = true;
- }
+ oncomplete : function (r, list) {
+ ou_type_store.newItem(
+ list[0].toHash(),
+ { parent : current_type, attribute : 'children' }
+ );
var cgi = new CGI();
var cookieManager = new HTTP.Cookies();
var ses = cookieManager.read('ses') || cgi.param('ses');
-var pCRUD = new OpenSRF.ClientSession('open-ils.permacrud');
+var pCRUD = new openils.PermaCrud({authtoken:ses});
var current_type;
var current_fm_type;
save_out_button.disabled = false;
delete_out_button.disabled = false;
- pCRUD.request({
- method : 'open-ils.permacrud.update.aout',
- timeout : 10,
- params : [ ses, modified_aout ],
+ pCRUD.update(modified_aout, {
onerror : function (r) {
status_update( dojo.string.substitute(aout_strings.ERROR_SAVING_DATA, [ou_type_store.getValue( current_type, 'name' )] ) );
oncomplete : function (r) {
- var res = r.recv();
- if ( res && res.content() ) {
- ou_type_store.setValue( current_type, 'ischanged', 0 );
- highlighter.editor_pane.green.play();
- status_update( dojo.string.substitute(aout_strings.SUCCESS_SAVING_DATA, [ou_type_store.getValue( current_type, 'name' )] ) );
- } else {
- highlighter.editor_pane.red.play();
- status_update( dojo.string.substitute(aout_strings.ERROR_SAVING_DATA, [ou_type_store.getValue( current_type, 'name' )] ) );
- }
- },
- }).send();
+ ou_type_store.setValue( current_type, 'ischanged', 0 );
+ highlighter.editor_pane.green.play();
+ status_update( dojo.string.substitute(aout_strings.SUCCESS_SAVING_DATA, [ou_type_store.getValue( current_type, 'name' )] ) );
+ }
+ });