# ########################################################################
COMMENTS_="Generates system and opensrf config files for Evergreen clusters"
# #############################################################################
Usage () { ### Display Usage
echo ; echo >&2 "Usage: $0 [-c config file] [-h] help" ; echo
-while getopts c:nh OPTIONS
+dont_waste_my_time() {
+ sleep() {
+ echo
+ }
+while getopts c:nhd OPTIONS
do case "$OPTIONS" in
n) NOSPLASH="1";;
+ d) NOSPLASH="1";BLOW_PAST="1";dont_waste_my_time;;
h) Usage ; exit 1;;
[?]) Usage ; exit 2;;
echo "[1] - I ACCEPT the terms of this license."
echo "[2] - I DO NOT ACCEPT the terms of this license."
select yn in "Yes" "No"; do
case $yn in
Yes ) echo ; echo -e $COL_BR_GREEN" License accepted..."$COL_RESET; sleep 1 ; break;;
echo "Please read the following installation notes or"
echo "you're gonna be real messed up...."
echo -e $COL_RESET
-read -p "Press [Enter] to continue" ENTER
+[ "$BLOW_PAST" == "1" ] || read -p "Press [Enter] to continue" ENTER
echo -e ${COL_BR_CYAN}"1 __Library IP based redirection:"$COL_RESET
echo "If you are going be using Library based redirection then"
sleep 3
echo -e "Press ${COL_BR_CYAN}[Enter]${COL_RESET} to continue or ${COL_BR_CYAN}[Ctrl-C]${COL_RESET} to quit now"
-read -p "if you need to do any of the above." ENTER
+[ "$BLOW_PAST" == "1" ] || read -p "if you need to do any of the above." ENTER