EDI order template improvements (no SQL upgrade script!)
authorBill Erickson <berick@esilibrary.com>
Tue, 11 Sep 2012 16:41:08 +0000 (12:41 -0400)
committerLebbeous Fogle-Weekley <lebbeous@esilibrary.com>
Mon, 14 Jan 2013 22:46:36 +0000 (17:46 -0500)
Improved template for EDI purchase orders.  This theoretically just
works better where the old template worked.  Corrections made for
interactions with ULS, Midwest Tape, Baker & Taylor, and Recorded Books
especially.  GIR segments in the right place.

And also the template is just more maintainable now.

necessarily want to mess with what they already have working.

If you want the changes, and maybe you do, especially if you're doing
enriched ordering and/or ordering from the vendors listed above, you can
extract the template changes easily enough yourself from the
950.data.seed-values.sql file.

Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <berick@esilibrary.com>
Signed-off-by: Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <lebbeous@esilibrary.com>
docs/RELEASE_NOTES_NEXT/edi_order_template.txt [new file with mode: 0644]

index 50b190b..8805181 100644 (file)
@@ -7991,41 +7991,98 @@ INSERT INTO action_trigger.reactor (module, description)
 INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_definition (id, active, owner, name, hook, validator, reactor, cleanup_success, cleanup_failure, delay, delay_field, group_field, template) 
     VALUES (23, true, 1, 'PO JEDI', 'acqpo.activated', 'Acq::PurchaseOrderEDIRequired', 'GeneratePurchaseOrderJEDI', NULL, NULL, '00:00:00', NULL, NULL,
-$$[%- USE date -%]
-[%# start JEDI document 
-  # Vendor specific kludges:
-  # BT      - vendcode goes to NAD/BY *suffix*  w/ 91 qualifier
-  # INGRAM  - vendcode goes to NAD/BY *segment* w/ 91 qualifier (separately)
-  # BRODART - vendcode goes to FTX segment (lineitem level)
-IF target.provider.edi_default.vendcode && target.provider.code == 'BRODART';
-    xtra_ftx = target.provider.edi_default.vendcode;
+[%- USE date -%]
+    # extract some commonly used variables
+    VENDOR_SAN = target.provider.san;
+    VENDCODE = target.provider.edi_default.vendcode;
+    VENDACCT = target.provider.edi_default.vendacct;
+    ORG_UNIT_SAN = target.ordering_agency.mailing_address.san;
+    # set the vendor / provider
+    VENDOR_BT      = 0; # Baker & Taylor
+    VENDOR_INGRAM  = 0;
+    VENDOR_MW_TAPE = 0; # Midwest Tape
+    VENDOR_RB      = 0; # Recorded Books
+    VENDOR_ULS     = 0; # ULS
+    IF    VENDOR_SAN == '1556150'; VENDOR_BT = 1;
+    ELSIF VENDOR_SAN == '1697684'; VENDOR_BRODART = 1;
+    ELSIF VENDOR_SAN == '1697978'; VENDOR_INGRAM = 1;
+    ELSIF VENDOR_SAN == '2549913'; VENDOR_MW_TAPE = 1;
+    ELSIF VENDOR_SAN == '1113984'; VENDOR_RB = 1;
+    ELSIF VENDOR_SAN == '1699342'; VENDOR_ULS = 1;
+    END;
+    # if true, pass the PO name as a secondary identifier
+    # RFF+LI:<name>/li_id
+    INC_PO_NAME = 0;
+        INC_PO_NAME = 1;
+    END;
+    # GIR configuration --------------------------------------
+    INC_COPIES = 1; # copies on/off switch
+    INC_FUND = 0;
+    INC_ITEM_TYPE = 1;
+    INC_LOCATION = 0;
+    INC_OWNING_LIB = 1;
+    INC_QUANTITY = 1;
+    INC_COPY_ID = 0;
+        INC_CALLNUMBER = 1;
+    END;
+        INC_FUND = 1;
+    END;
+        INC_FUND = 1;
+        INC_ITEM_TYPE = 0;
+    END;
+    # END GIR configuration ---------------------------------
 [%- BLOCK big_block -%]
-   "recipient":"[% target.provider.san %]",
-   "sender":"[% target.ordering_agency.mailing_address.san %]",
+   "recipient":"[% VENDOR_SAN %]",
+   "sender":"[% ORG_UNIT_SAN %]",
    "body": [{
      "ORDERS":[ "order", {
         "po_number":[% target.id %],
+        [% IF INC_PO_NAME %]
+        "po_name":"[% target.name | replace('\/', ' ') | replace('"', '\"') %]",
+        [% END %]
         "date":"[% date.format(date.now, '%Y%m%d') %]",
-            [%   IF   target.provider.edi_default.vendcode && (target.provider.code == 'BT' || target.provider.name.match('(?i)^BAKER & TAYLOR'))  -%]
-                {"id-qualifier": 91, "id":"[% target.ordering_agency.mailing_address.san _ ' ' _ target.provider.edi_default.vendcode %]"}
-            [%- ELSIF target.provider.edi_default.vendcode && target.provider.code == 'INGRAM' -%]
-                {"id":"[% target.ordering_agency.mailing_address.san %]"},
-                {"id-qualifier": 91, "id":"[% target.provider.edi_default.vendcode %]"}
-            [%- ELSE -%]
-                {"id":"[% target.ordering_agency.mailing_address.san %]"}
-            [%- END -%]
+            [% IF VENDOR_BT %]
+                {"id-qualifier": 91, "id":"[% ORG_UNIT_SAN %] [% VENDCODE %]"}
+            [% ELSE %]
+                {"id":"[% ORG_UNIT_SAN %]"},
+                {"id-qualifier": 91, "id":"[% VENDACCT %]"}
+            [% END %]
-            [%- # target.provider.name (target.provider.id) -%]
-            "[% target.provider.san %]",
+            "[% VENDOR_SAN %]",
             {"id-qualifier": 92, "id":"[% target.provider.id %]"}
         "currency":"[% target.provider.currency_type %]",
@@ -8047,29 +8104,50 @@ END;
                 {"BTI":"[% helpers.get_li_attr_jedi('title',     '', li.attributes) %]"},
                 {"BPU":"[% helpers.get_li_attr_jedi('publisher', '', li.attributes) %]"},
                 {"BPD":"[% helpers.get_li_attr_jedi('pubdate',   '', li.attributes) %]"},
+                [% IF VENDOR_ULS -%]
+                {"BEN":"[% helpers.get_li_attr_jedi('edition',   '', li.attributes) %]"},
+                {"BAU":"[% helpers.get_li_attr_jedi('author',    '', li.attributes) %]"}
+                [%- ELSE -%]
                 {"BPH":"[% helpers.get_li_attr_jedi('pagination','', li.attributes) %]"}
+                [%- END %]
             [%- ftx_vals = []; 
-                FOR note IN li.lineitem_notes; 
+                FOR note IN li.lineitem_notes;
                     NEXT UNLESS note.vendor_public == 't'; 
+                IF VENDOR_BRODART; # look for copy-level spec code
+                    FOR lid IN li.lineitem_details;
+                        IF lid.note;
+                            spec_note = lid.note.match('spec code ([a-zA-Z0-9_])');
+                            IF spec_note.0; ftx_vals.push(spec_note.0); END;
+                        END;
+                    END;
+                END; 
                 IF xtra_ftx;           ftx_vals.unshift(xtra_ftx); END; 
-                IF ftx_vals.size == 0; ftx_vals.unshift('');       END;  # BT needs FTX+LIN for every LI, even if it is an empty one
+                # BT & ULS want FTX+LIN for every LI, even if empty
+                IF ((VENDOR_BT OR VENDOR_ULS) AND ftx_vals.size == 0);
+                    ftx_vals.unshift('');
+                END;  
                 [% FOR note IN ftx_vals -%] "[% note %]"[% UNLESS loop.last %], [% END %][% END %] 
             "quantity":[% li.lineitem_details.size %],
+            [%- IF INC_COPIES -%]
             "copies" : [
-                [%- IF 1 -%]
-                [%- FOR lid IN li.lineitem_details;
+                [%- compressed_copies = [];
+                    FOR lid IN li.lineitem_details;
                         fund = lid.fund.code;
                         item_type = lid.circ_modifier;
                         callnumber = lid.cn_label;
                         owning_lib = lid.owning_lib.shortname;
                         location = lid.location;
+                        collection_code = lid.collection_code;
                         # when we have real copy data, treat it as authoritative for some fields
                         acp = lid.eg_copy_id;
@@ -8077,19 +8155,65 @@ END;
                             item_type = acp.circ_modifier;
                             callnumber = acp.call_number.label;
                             location = acp.location.name;
-                        END -%]
-                {   [%- IF fund %] "fund" : "[% fund %]",[% END -%]
-                    [%- IF callnumber %] "call_number" : "[% callnumber %]", [% END -%]
-                    [%- IF item_type %] "item_type" : "[% item_type %]", [% END -%]
-                    [%- IF location %] "copy_location" : "[% location %]", [% END -%]
-                    [%- IF owning_lib %] "owning_lib" : "[% owning_lib %]", [% END -%]
-                    [%- #chomp %]"copy_id" : "[% lid.id %]" }[% ',' UNLESS loop.last %]
-                [% END -%]
-                [%- END -%]
-             ]
-        }[% UNLESS loop.last %],[% END %]
-        [%-# TODO: lineitem details (later) -%]
-        [% END %]
+                        END ;
+                        # collapse like copies into groups w/ quantity
+                        found_match = 0;
+                        IF !INC_COPY_ID; # INC_COPY_ID implies 1 copy per GIR
+                            FOR copy IN compressed_copies;
+                                IF  (fund == copy.fund OR (!fund AND !copy.fund)) AND
+                                    (item_type == copy.item_type OR (!item_type AND !copy.item_type)) AND
+                                    (callnumber == copy.callnumber OR (!callnumber AND !copy.callnumber)) AND
+                                    (owning_lib == copy.owning_lib OR (!owning_lib AND !copy.owning_lib)) AND
+                                    (location == copy.location OR (!location AND !copy.location)) AND
+                                    (collection_code == copy.collection_code OR (!collection_code AND !copy.collection_code));
+                                    copy.quantity = copy.quantity + 1;
+                                    found_match = 1;
+                                END;
+                            END;
+                        END;
+                        IF !found_match;
+                            compressed_copies.push({
+                                fund => fund,
+                                item_type => item_type,
+                                callnumber => callnumber,
+                                owning_lib => owning_lib,
+                                location => location,
+                                collection_code => collection_code,
+                                copy_id => lid.id, # for INC_COPY_ID
+                                quantity => 1
+                            });
+                        END;
+                    END;
+                    FOR copy IN compressed_copies;
+                    # If we assume owning_lib is required and set, 
+                    # it is safe to prepend each following copy field w/ a ","
+                    # B&T EDI requires expected GIR fields to be 
+                    # present regardless of whether a value exists.  
+                    # some fields are required to have a value in ACQ, 
+                    # though, so they are not forced into place below.
+                 %]{[%- IF INC_OWNING_LIB AND copy.owning_lib %] "owning_lib":"[% copy.owning_lib %]"[% END -%]
+                    [%- IF INC_FUND AND copy.fund %],"fund":"[% copy.fund %]"[% END -%]
+                    [%- IF INC_CALLNUMBER AND (VENDOR_BT OR copy.callnumber) %],"call_number":"[% copy.callnumber %]"[% END -%]
+                    [%- IF INC_ITEM_TYPE AND (VENDOR_BT OR copy.item_type) %],"item_type":"[% copy.item_type %]"[% END -%]
+                    [%- IF INC_LOCATION AND copy.location %],"copy_location":"[% copy.location %]"[% END -%]
+                    [%- IF INC_COLLECTION_CODE AND (VENDOR_BT OR copy.collection_code) %],"collection_code":"[% copy.collection_code %]"[% END -%]
+                    [%- IF INC_QUANTITY %],"quantity":"[% copy.quantity %]"[% END -%]
+                    [%- IF INC_COPY_ID %],"copy_id":"[% copy.copy_id %]" [% END %]}[% ',' UNLESS loop.last -%]
+                [%- END -%] [%# FOR compressed_copies -%]
+            ]
+            [%- END -%] [%# IF INC_COPIES %]
+        }[% UNLESS loop.last %],[% END -%]
+        [% END %] [%# END lineitems %]
         "line_items":[% target.lineitems.size %]
      }]  [%# close ORDERS array %]
diff --git a/docs/RELEASE_NOTES_NEXT/edi_order_template.txt b/docs/RELEASE_NOTES_NEXT/edi_order_template.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7b4a0d6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+EDI order template improvements (no SQL upgrade script!)
+Improved template for EDI purchase orders.  This theoretically just
+works better where the old template worked.  Corrections made for
+interactions with ULS, Midwest Tape, Baker & Taylor, and Recorded Books
+especially.  GIR segments in the right place.
+And also the template is just more maintainable now.
+necessarily want to mess with what they already have working.
+If you want the changes, and maybe you do, especially if you're doing
+enriched ordering and/or ordering from the vendors listed above, you can
+extract the template changes easily enough yourself from the
+950.data.seed-values.sql file.