<!ENTITY staff.circ.holds.show_last_few_circulations.accesskey "L">
<!ENTITY staff.circ.holds.retrieve_patron "Retrieve Patron">
<!ENTITY staff.circ.holds.retrieve_patron.accesskey "P">
-<!ENTITY staff.circ.holds.show_details "Show Hold Details">
-<!ENTITY staff.circ.holds.show_details.accesskey "N">
<!ENTITY staff.circ.holds.edit_pickup_library "Edit Pickup Library">
<!ENTITY staff.circ.holds.edit_pickup_library.accesskey "L">
<!ENTITY staff.circ.holds.edit_phone_notification "Edit Phone Notification">
<!ENTITY staff.patron.hold_details.title "Hold Details">
<!ENTITY staff.patron.hold_notices.add_record_notification.label "Add Record of Notification">
<!ENTITY staff.patron.hold_notices.add_record_notification.accesskey "A">
-<!ENTITY staff.patron.hold_notices.close_window.label "Close">
-<!ENTITY staff.patron.hold_notices.close_window.accesskey "C">
<!ENTITY staff.patron.hold_notices.method.label "Method:">
+<!ENTITY staff.patron.holds.notices_tab.label "Notifications">
+<!ENTITY staff.patron.holds.notices_tab.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY staff.patron.holds.notes_tab.label "Notes">
+<!ENTITY staff.patron.holds.notes_tab.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY staff.patron.holds.add_note.label "Add Note">
+<!ENTITY staff.patron.holds.add_note.accesskey "A">
<!ENTITY staff.patron.holds_overlay.pickup_lib.label "Pickup Library">
<!ENTITY staff.patron.holds_overlay.request_lib.label "Requesting Library">
<!ENTITY staff.patron.holds_overlay.fulfillment_lib.label "Fulfilling Library">
staff.circ.holds.unexpected_error.not_likely_activated=Holds not likely activated.
staff.circ.holds.unexpected_error.not_likely_suspended=Holds not likely suspended.
staff.circ.holds.error.may_not_edit_pickup_lib_for_hold_intransit=You may not edit the pickup library for holds that are in-transit or ready for pickup.
+staff.circ.holds.alt_view.label=Detail View
+staff.circ.holds.list_view.label=List View
staff.patron.hold_notices.add_notif_record=Add Notification Record
staff.patron.hold_notices.new_notification.not_created=The notification was not likely created.
+staff.patron.hold_notes.tooltiptext=ID: %1$s Hold ID: %2$s Staff ID: %3$s
+staff.patron.hold_notes.new_note=New Note
+staff.patron.hold_notes.print_on_slip=Print on Slip
+staff.patron.hold_notes.no_print_on_slip=No print on Slip
+staff.patron.hold_notes.by_staff=By Staff
+staff.patron.hold_notes.by_patron=By Patron
+staff.patron.hold_notes.new_note.slip=Print on slip?
+staff.patron.hold_notes.add_note=Add Note
+staff.patron.hold_notes.new_note.not_created=The note was not likely created.
staff.patron.holds.init.hold_num_error=Error retrieving details for hold #%1$s
staff.patron.holds.show_notifications.error_rendering_notifs=Error rendering or retrieving hold notifications.
staff.patron.holds.holds_edit_selection_depth.choose_hold_range=Please choose a Hold Range:
function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id); }
function my_init() {
JSAN.errorLevel = "die"; // none, warn, or die
JSAN.use('util.error'); g.error = new util.error();
JSAN.use('util.network'); g.network = new util.network();
g.error.sdump('D_TRACE','my_init() for hold_notices.xul');
- g.ahr_id = xul_param('ahr_id');
+ g.pcrud = new openils.PermaCrud({authtoken :ses()});
- g.ahr = g.network.simple_request('FM_AHR_RETRIEVE',[ ses(), g.ahr_id ]);
- if (typeof g.ahr.ilsevent != 'undefined') { throw(g.ahr); }
- g.ahr = g.ahr[0];
+ init_list();
+ if (xulG.ahr_id) fetch_and_render_all();
- render_patron();
+ } catch(E) {
+ try { g.error.standard_unexpected_error_alert('/xul/server/patron/hold_notices.xul',E); } catch(E) { alert('FIXME: ' + js2JSON(E)); }
+ }
+function fetch_and_render_all() {
+ try {
+ if (!xulG.ahr_id) { alert('boo'); return; }
+ fetch_hold();
+ if (xulG.patron_rendered_elsewhere) {
+ // Hide patron line
+ } else {
+ render_patron();
+ }
var x = document.getElementById('bib_brief_box'); while (x.firstChild) x.removeChild(x.lastChild);
var bib_brief = document.createElement('iframe'); x.appendChild(bib_brief);
- bib_brief.setAttribute('src',urls.XUL_BIB_BRIEF);
+ bib_brief.setAttribute('src',urls.XUL_BIB_BRIEF);
get_contentWindow(bib_brief).xulG = { 'docid' : g.ahr.target() };
- refresh();
+ retrieve_notes(); render_notes();
+ retrieve_notifications(); render_notifications();
} catch(E) {
- try { g.error.standard_unexpected_error_alert('/xul/server/patron/hold_notices.xul',E); } catch(E) { alert('FIXME: ' + js2JSON(E)); }
+ alert('Error in hold_details.js, fetch_and_render_all(): ' + E);
+ }
+function fetch_hold(id) {
+ try {
+ g.ahr_id = xulG.ahr_id;
+ g.ahr = g.network.simple_request('FM_AHR_RETRIEVE',[ ses(), g.ahr_id ]);
+ if (typeof g.ahr.ilsevent != 'undefined') { throw(g.ahr); }
+ g.ahr = g.ahr[0];
+ } catch(E) {
+ alert('Error in hold_details.js, fetch_hold(): ' + E);
function render_patron() {
if (g.ahr.usr()) {
- JSAN.use('patron.util');
+ JSAN.use('patron.util');
var au_obj = patron.util.retrieve_fleshed_au_via_id( ses(), g.ahr.usr() );
- $('patron_name').setAttribute('value',
- ( au_obj.prefix() ? au_obj.prefix() + ' ' : '') +
- au_obj.family_name() + ', ' +
- au_obj.first_given_name() + ' ' +
- ( au_obj.second_given_name() ? au_obj.second_given_name() + ' ' : '' ) +
- ( au_obj.suffix() ? au_obj.suffix() : '')
- + ' : ' + au_obj.card().barcode()
- );
+ $('patron_name').setAttribute('value',
+ ( au_obj.prefix() ? au_obj.prefix() + ' ' : '') +
+ au_obj.family_name() + ', ' +
+ au_obj.first_given_name() + ' ' +
+ ( au_obj.second_given_name() ? au_obj.second_given_name() + ' ' : '' ) +
+ ( au_obj.suffix() ? au_obj.suffix() : '')
+ + ' : ' + au_obj.card().barcode()
+ );
-function a_list_of_one() {
+function init_list() {
- var columns = circ.util.hold_columns(
- {
- 'status' : { 'hidden' : true },
- 'request_time' : { 'hidden' : false },
- 'pickup_lib_shortname' : { 'hidden' : false },
- 'current_copy' : { 'hidden' : false },
- 'phone_notify' : { 'hidden' : false },
- 'email_notify' : { 'hidden' : false },
- }
- );
+ var columns = circ.util.hold_columns(
+ {
+ 'status' : { 'hidden' : true },
+ 'request_time' : { 'hidden' : false },
+ 'pickup_lib_shortname' : { 'hidden' : false },
+ 'current_copy' : { 'hidden' : false },
+ 'phone_notify' : { 'hidden' : false },
+ 'email_notify' : { 'hidden' : false },
+ }
+ );
JSAN.use('util.list'); g.list = new util.list('holds_list');
- {
- 'columns' : columns,
- 'map_row_to_columns' : circ.util.std_map_row_to_columns(),
- 'retrieve_row' : function(params) {
- var row = params.row;
- try {
- switch(row.my.ahr.hold_type()) {
- case 'M' :
- row.my.mvr = g.network.request(
- [ row.my.ahr.target() ]
- );
- break;
- default:
- row.my.mvr = g.network.simple_request(
- 'MODS_SLIM_RECORD_RETRIEVE.authoritative',
- [ row.my.ahr.target() ]
- );
- if (row.my.ahr.current_copy()) {
- row.my.acp = g.network.simple_request( 'FM_ACP_RETRIEVE', [ row.my.ahr.current_copy() ]);
- }
- break;
+ {
+ 'columns' : columns,
+ 'map_row_to_columns' : circ.util.std_map_row_to_columns(),
+ 'retrieve_row' : function(params) {
+ var row = params.row;
+ try {
+ switch(row.my.ahr.hold_type()) {
+ case 'M' :
+ row.my.mvr = g.network.request(
+ [ row.my.ahr.target() ]
+ );
+ break;
+ default:
+ row.my.mvr = g.network.simple_request(
+ 'MODS_SLIM_RECORD_RETRIEVE.authoritative',
+ [ row.my.ahr.target() ]
+ );
+ if (row.my.ahr.current_copy()) {
+ row.my.acp = g.network.simple_request( 'FM_ACP_RETRIEVE', [ row.my.ahr.current_copy() ]);
- } catch(E) {
- g.error.sdump('D_ERROR','retrieve_row: ' + E );
- }
- if (typeof params.on_retrieve == 'function') {
- params.on_retrieve(row);
- }
- return row;
- },
- }
- );
- g.list.append(
- {
- 'row' : {
- 'my' : {
- 'ahr' : g.ahr,
- }
- },
- 'no_auto_select' : true,
- }
- );
+ break;
+ }
+ } catch(E) {
+ g.error.sdump('D_ERROR','retrieve_row: ' + E );
+ }
+ if (typeof params.on_retrieve == 'function') {
+ params.on_retrieve(row);
+ }
+ return row;
+ },
+ }
+ );
-function refresh() {
- retrieve_notifications(); render_notifications(); retrieve_notes(); render_notes();
+function a_list_of_one() {
+ g.list.clear();
+ g.list.append(
+ {
+ 'row' : {
+ 'my' : {
+ 'ahr' : g.ahr,
+ }
+ },
+ 'no_auto_select' : true,
+ }
+ );
function retrieve_notifications() {
function retrieve_notes() {
- try{
- g.ahr_id = xul_param('ahr_id');
- g.notes = new openils.PermaCrud(
- {
- authtoken :ses()
- }
- ).search('ahrn', {hold:g.ahr_id});
- }
- catch(E){alert(E);}
+ g.notes = g.pcrud.search('ahrn',{'hold':g.ahr_id});
+ g.notes = g.notes.reverse();
function apply(node,field,value) {
- node,'name',field,
- function(n) {
- switch(n.nodeName) {
- case 'description' : n.appendChild( document.createTextNode( value ) ); break;
- case 'label' : n.value = value; break;
- default : n.value = value; break;
- }
- }
- );
+ node,'name',field,
+ function(n) {
+ switch(n.nodeName) {
+ case 'description' : n.appendChild( document.createTextNode( value ) ); break;
+ case 'label' : n.value = value; break;
+ default : n.value = value; break;
+ }
+ }
+ );
function render_notifications() {
/* template */
var node = $('notification_template').cloneNode(true); np.appendChild(node); node.hidden = false;
- function(n){
- n.setAttribute(
- "tooltiptext",
- $("patronStrings").getFormattedString('staff.patron.hold_notices.tooltiptext',[g.notifications[i].id(), g.notifications[i].hold(), g.notifications[i].notify_staff()])
- );
- }
- );
+ function(n){
+ n.setAttribute(
+ "tooltiptext",
+ $("patronStrings").getFormattedString('staff.patron.hold_notices.tooltiptext',[g.notifications[i].id(), g.notifications[i].hold(), g.notifications[i].notify_staff()])
+ );
+ }
+ );
apply(node,'method',g.notifications[i].method() ? g.notifications[i].method() : '');
apply(node,'note',g.notifications[i].note() ? g.notifications[i].note() : '');
apply(node,'notify_time',g.notifications[i].notify_time() ? g.notifications[i].notify_time().toString().substr(0,10) : '');
function render_notes() {
JSAN.use('util.widgets'); util.widgets.remove_children('notes_panel');
- var notep = $('notes_panel');
+ var np = $('notes_panel');
for (var i = 0; i < g.notes.length; i++) {
- // template
- var notenode = $('note_template').cloneNode(true); notep.appendChild(notenode); notenode.hidden = false;
- /* alert('notenode = '
- + notenode + ' title = ' + g.notes[i].title() + ' note = ' +
- g.notes[i].body() + ' pub = ' + g.notes[i].pub() + ' slip = ' +
- g.notes[i].slip() );*/
- apply(notenode,'title',g.notes[i].title() ? g.notes[i].title() : '');
- apply(notenode,'note',g.notes[i].body() ? g.notes[i].body() : '');
- apply(notenode,'pub',g.notes[i].pub() ? g.notes[i].pub() : '');
- apply(notenode,'slip',g.notes[i].slip() ? g.notes[i].slip() : '');
+ /* template */
+ var node = $('note_template').cloneNode(true); np.appendChild(node); node.hidden = false;
+ util.widgets.apply(node,'name','create_date',
+ function(n){
+ n.setAttribute(
+ "tooltiptext",
+ $("patronStrings").getFormattedString('staff.patron.hold_notes.tooltiptext',[g.notes[i].id(), g.notes[i].hold(), g.notes[i].staff()])
+ );
+ }
+ );
+ apply(node,'title',g.notes[i].title() ? g.notes[i].title() : '');
+ apply(node,'note',g.notes[i].body() ? g.notes[i].body() : '');
+ //apply(node,'create_date',g.notes[i].create_date() ? g.notes[i].create_date().toString().substr(0,10) : ''); // FIXME -- need to rework date display more intelligently
+ apply(node,'pub',get_bool( g.notes[i].pub() ) ? $("patronStrings").getString('staff.patron.hold_notes.public') : $("patronStrings").getString('staff.patron.hold_notes.private') )
+ apply(node,'slip',get_bool( g.notes[i].slip() ) ? $("patronStrings").getString('staff.patron.hold_notes.print_on_slip') : $("patronStrings").getString('staff.patron.hold_notes.no_print_on_slip') )
+ apply(node,'staff',get_bool( g.notes[i].staff() ) ? $("patronStrings").getString('staff.patron.hold_notes.by_staff') : $("patronStrings").getString('staff.patron.hold_notes.by_patron') )
function new_notification() {
try {
netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege("UniversalXPConnect UniversalBrowserWrite");
xml += 'accesskey="' + $("patronStrings").getString('staff.patron.hold_notices.add_notif_record_accesskey') + '" name="fancy_submit"/></hbox></row></rows></grid></groupbox>';
JSAN.use('util.window'); var win = new util.window();
var fancy_prompt_data = win.open(
- 'fancy_prompt', 'chrome,resizable,modal,width=700,height=500',
- { 'xml' : xml, 'focus' : 'method', 'title' : $("patronStrings").getString('staff.patron.hold_notices.add_notif_record') }
- );
+ 'fancy_prompt', 'chrome,resizable,modal,width=700,height=500',
+ { 'xml' : xml, 'focus' : 'method', 'title' : $("patronStrings").getString('staff.patron.hold_notices.add_notif_record') }
+ );
if (fancy_prompt_data.fancy_status == 'complete') {
var notification = new ahn();
notification.method( fancy_prompt_data.method );
notification.note( fancy_prompt_data.note );
var r = g.network.simple_request('FM_AHN_CREATE',[ ses(), notification ]); if (typeof r.ilsevent != 'undefined') throw(r);
- setTimeout(function(){refresh();},0);
+ setTimeout(function(){fetch_and_render_all();},0);
} catch(E) {
- setTimeout(function(){refresh();},0);
+ setTimeout(function(){fetch_and_render_all();},0);
function new_note() {
- try{
- var newNote = new fieldmapper.ahrn();
- newNote.isnew("t");
- newNote.body(document.getElementById('hold_note_text').value);
- newNote.hold(g.ahr_id);
- newNote.title(document.getElementById('hold_note_title').value);
- if($('pub_bool').checked){
- newNote.pub("t");
- }else {
- newNote.pub("f");
- }
- if($('print_bool').checked){
- newNote.slip("t");
- }else{
- newNote.slip("f");
- }
- newNote.staff("t");
- new openils.PermaCrud({authtoken :ses()}).create(newNote);
- }
- catch(E) {
- alert('new_note FAILED');
- }
- refresh();
\ No newline at end of file
+ try {
+ netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege("UniversalXPConnect UniversalBrowserWrite");
+ var xml = '<groupbox xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul" flex="1">';
+ xml += '<caption label="' + $("patronStrings").getString('staff.patron.hold_notes.new_note') + '"/><grid flex="1"><columns><column/><column flex="1"/></columns><rows>';
+ xml += '<row><label value="' + $('patronStrings').getString('staff.patron.hold_notes.new_note.public') + '"/><checkbox id="pub" name="fancy_data" checked="false"/></row>';
+ xml += '<row><label value="' + $('patronStrings').getString('staff.patron.hold_notes.new_note.slip') + '"/><checkbox id="slip" name="fancy_data" checked="false"/></row>';
+ xml += '<row><label value="' + $("patronStrings").getString('staff.patron.hold_notes.title') + '"/><textbox id="title" name="fancy_data" context="clipboard"/></row>';
+ xml += '<row><label value="' + $("patronStrings").getString('staff.patron.hold_notes.body') + '"/><textbox multiline="true" id="note" name="fancy_data" context="clipboard"/></row>';
+ xml += '<row><spacer/><hbox><button label="' + $("patronStrings").getString('staff.patron.hold_notes.cancel') + '" name="fancy_cancel" ';
+ xml += 'accesskey="' + $("patronStrings").getString('staff.patron.hold_notes.cancel_accesskey') + '"/>';
+ xml += '<button label="' + $("patronStrings").getString('staff.patron.hold_notes.add_note') + '" ';
+ xml += 'accesskey="' + $("patronStrings").getString('staff.patron.hold_notes.add_note.accesskey') + '" name="fancy_submit"/></hbox></row></rows></grid></groupbox>';
+ JSAN.use('util.window'); var win = new util.window();
+ var fancy_prompt_data = win.open(
+ 'fancy_prompt', 'chrome,resizable,modal,width=700,height=500',
+ { 'xml' : xml, 'focus' : 'title', 'title' : $("patronStrings").getString('staff.patron.hold_notes.add_note') }
+ );
+ if (fancy_prompt_data.fancy_status == 'complete') {
+ var note = new ahrn();
+ note.isnew(1);
+ note.hold(g.ahr_id);
+ note.title( fancy_prompt_data.title );
+ note.body( fancy_prompt_data.note );
+ note.pub( get_bool( fancy_prompt_data.pub ) ? get_db_true() : get_db_false() );
+ note.slip( get_bool( fancy_prompt_data.slip ) ? get_db_true() : get_db_false() );
+ note.staff( true );
+ //var r = g.network.simple_request('FM_AHN_CREATE',[ ses(), notification ]); if (typeof r.ilsevent != 'undefined') throw(r);
+ g.pcrud.create(note);
+ setTimeout(function(){fetch_and_render_all();},0);
+ }
+ } catch(E) {
+ g.error.standard_unexpected_error_alert($("patronStrings").getString('staff.patron.hold_notes.new_note.not_created'),E);
+ setTimeout(function(){fetch_and_render_all();},0);
+ }
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- function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id); }
- function my_init() {
- try {
- netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege("UniversalXPConnect");
- if (typeof JSAN == 'undefined') { throw( $("commonStrings").getString('common.jsan.missing') ); }
- JSAN.errorLevel = "die"; // none, warn, or die
- JSAN.addRepository('/xul/server/');
- JSAN.use('util.error'); g.error = new util.error();
- JSAN.use('util.network'); g.network = new util.network();
- JSAN.use('util.date'); JSAN.use('util.money'); JSAN.use('patron.util');
- JSAN.use('OpenILS.data'); g.data = new OpenILS.data(); g.data.init({'via':'stash'});
- g.error.sdump('D_TRACE','my_init() for hold_notices.xul');
- g.ahr_id = xul_param('ahr_id');
- g.ahr = g.network.simple_request('FM_AHR_RETRIEVE',[ ses(), g.ahr_id ]);
- if (typeof g.ahr.ilsevent != 'undefined') { throw(g.ahr); }
- g.ahr = g.ahr[0];
- render_patron();
- a_list_of_one();
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- var bib_brief = document.createElement('iframe'); x.appendChild(bib_brief);
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- get_contentWindow(bib_brief).xulG = { 'docid' : g.ahr.target() };
- refresh();
- } catch(E) {
- try { g.error.standard_unexpected_error_alert('/xul/server/patron/hold_notices.xul',E); } catch(E) { alert('FIXME: ' + js2JSON(E)); }
- }
- }
- function render_patron() {
- if (g.ahr.usr()) {
- JSAN.use('patron.util');
- var au_obj = patron.util.retrieve_fleshed_au_via_id( ses(), g.ahr.usr() );
- $('patron_name').setAttribute('value',
- ( au_obj.prefix() ? au_obj.prefix() + ' ' : '') +
- au_obj.family_name() + ', ' +
- au_obj.first_given_name() + ' ' +
- ( au_obj.second_given_name() ? au_obj.second_given_name() + ' ' : '' ) +
- ( au_obj.suffix() ? au_obj.suffix() : '')
- + ' : ' + au_obj.card().barcode()
- );
- }
- }
- function a_list_of_one() {
- JSAN.use('circ.util');
- var columns = circ.util.hold_columns(
- {
- 'status' : { 'hidden' : true },
- 'request_time' : { 'hidden' : false },
- 'pickup_lib_shortname' : { 'hidden' : false },
- 'current_copy' : { 'hidden' : false },
- 'phone_notify' : { 'hidden' : false },
- 'email_notify' : { 'hidden' : false },
- }
- );
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- g.list.init(
- {
- 'columns' : columns,
- 'map_row_to_columns' : circ.util.std_map_row_to_columns(),
- 'retrieve_row' : function(params) {
- var row = params.row;
- try {
- switch(row.my.ahr.hold_type()) {
- case 'M' :
- row.my.mvr = g.network.request(
- [ row.my.ahr.target() ]
- );
- break;
- default:
- row.my.mvr = g.network.simple_request(
- 'MODS_SLIM_RECORD_RETRIEVE.authoritative',
- [ row.my.ahr.target() ]
- );
- if (row.my.ahr.current_copy()) {
- row.my.acp = g.network.simple_request( 'FM_ACP_RETRIEVE', [ row.my.ahr.current_copy() ]);
- }
- break;
- }
- } catch(E) {
- g.error.sdump('D_ERROR','retrieve_row: ' + E );
- }
- if (typeof params.on_retrieve == 'function') {
- params.on_retrieve(row);
- }
- return row;
- },
- }
- );
- g.list.append(
- {
- 'row' : {
- 'my' : {
- 'ahr' : g.ahr,
- }
- },
- 'no_auto_select' : true,
- }
- );
- }
- function refresh() {
- retrieve_notifications(); render_notifications();
- }
- function retrieve_notifications() {
- g.notifications = g.network.simple_request('FM_AHN_RETRIEVE_VIA_AHR',[ ses(), g.ahr_id ]).reverse();
- }
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- node,'name',field,
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- default : n.value = value; break;
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- }
- function render_notifications() {
- JSAN.use('util.widgets'); util.widgets.remove_children('notifications_panel');
- var np = $('notifications_panel');
- for (var i = 0; i < g.notifications.length; i++) {
- /* template */
- var node = $('notification_template').cloneNode(true); np.appendChild(node); node.hidden = false;
- util.widgets.apply(node,'name','notify_time',
- function(n){
- n.setAttribute(
- "tooltiptext",
- $("patronStrings").getFormattedString('staff.patron.hold_notices.tooltiptext',[g.notifications[i].id(), g.notifications[i].hold(), g.notifications[i].notify_staff()])
- );
- }
- );
- apply(node,'method',g.notifications[i].method() ? g.notifications[i].method() : '');
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- xml += '<button label="' + $("patronStrings").getString('staff.patron.hold_notices.add_notif_record') + '" ';
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- JSAN.use('util.window'); var win = new util.window();
- var fancy_prompt_data = win.open(
- 'fancy_prompt', 'chrome,resizable,modal,width=700,height=500',
- { 'xml' : xml, 'focus' : 'method', 'title' : $("patronStrings").getString('staff.patron.hold_notices.add_notif_record') }
- );
- if (fancy_prompt_data.fancy_status == 'complete') {
- var notification = new ahn();
- notification.isnew(1);
- notification.hold(g.ahr_id);
- notification.method( fancy_prompt_data.method );
- notification.note( fancy_prompt_data.note );
- var r = g.network.simple_request('FM_AHN_CREATE',[ ses(), notification ]); if (typeof r.ilsevent != 'undefined') throw(r);
- setTimeout(function(){refresh();},0);
- }
- } catch(E) {
- g.error.standard_unexpected_error_alert($("patronStrings").getString('staff.patron.hold_notices.new_notification.not_created'),E);
- setTimeout(function(){refresh();},0);
- }
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+ 'alt_view_btn' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ e.setAttribute('label', document.getElementById("circStrings").getString('staff.circ.holds.alt_view.label'));
+ e.setAttribute('accesskey', document.getElementById("circStrings").getString('staff.circ.holds.alt_view.accesskey'));
+ }
+ ],
+ 'cmd_alt_view' : [
+ ['command'],
+ function(ev) {
+ try {
+ var n = obj.controller.view.alt_view_btn;
+ if (n.getAttribute('toggle') == '1') {
+ document.getElementById('deck').selectedIndex = 0;
+ n.setAttribute('toggle','0');
+ n.setAttribute('label', document.getElementById("circStrings").getString('staff.circ.holds.alt_view.label'));
+ n.setAttribute('accesskey', document.getElementById("circStrings").getString('staff.circ.holds.alt_view.accesskey'));
+ } else {
+ document.getElementById('deck').selectedIndex = 1;
+ n.setAttribute('toggle','1');
+ n.setAttribute('label', document.getElementById("circStrings").getString('staff.circ.holds.list_view.label'));
+ n.setAttribute('accesskey', document.getElementById("circStrings").getString('staff.circ.holds.list_view.accesskey'));
+ netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege('UniversalXPConnect');
+ if (obj.retrieve_ids.length == 0) return;
+ var f = obj.browser.get_content();
+ xulG.ahr_id = obj.retrieve_ids[0].id;
+ xulG.patron_rendered_elsewhere = (obj.hold_interface_type == 'patron');
+ f.xulG = xulG;
+ f.fetch_and_render_all();
+ }
+ } catch(E) {
+ alert('Error in holds.js, cmd_alt_view handler: ' + E);
+ }
+ },
+ ],
'sel_mark_items_damaged' : [
function() {
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////THIS IS MY CURRENT CODE
- 'cmd_hold_note' : [
- ['command'],
- function() {
- try {
- JSAN.use('util.window'); var win = new util.window();
- for (var i = 0; i < obj.retrieve_ids.length; i++) {
- netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege('UniversalXPConnect');
- win.open(
- xulG.url_prefix(urls.XUL_HOLD_NOTE), // + '?ahr_id=' + obj.retrieve_ids[i].id,
- 'hold_note_' + obj.retrieve_ids[i].id,
- 'chrome,resizable',
- { 'ahrn_id' : obj.retrieve_ids[i].id }
- );
- }
- } catch(E) {
- obj.error.standard_unexpected_error_alert($("patronStrings").getString('staff.patron.holds.show_note.error_rendering_note'),E);
- }
- }
- ],
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- 'cmd_holds_print' : [
+ 'cmd_holds_print' : [
function() {
try {
'cmd_csv_to_printer' : [ ['command'], function() { obj.list.dump_csv_to_printer(); } ],
'cmd_csv_to_file' : [ ['command'], function() { obj.list.dump_csv_to_file( { 'defaultFileName' : 'holds.txt' } ); } ],
- 'cmd_show_details' : [
- ['command'],
- function() {
- try {
- JSAN.use('util.window'); var win = new util.window();
- for (var i = 0; i < obj.retrieve_ids.length; i++) {
- netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege('UniversalXPConnect');
- win.open(
- xulG.url_prefix(urls.XUL_HOLD_DETAILS), // + '?ahr_id=' + obj.retrieve_ids[i].id,
- 'hold_notices_' + obj.retrieve_ids[i].id,
- 'chrome,resizable',
- { 'ahr_id' : obj.retrieve_ids[i].id }
- );
- }
- } catch(E) {
- obj.error.standard_unexpected_error_alert($("patronStrings").getString('staff.patron.holds.show_notifications.error_rendering_notifs'),E);
- }
- }
- ],
'cmd_holds_edit_selection_depth' : [
function() {
}, 0
+ netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege('UniversalXPConnect');
+ JSAN.use('util.browser');
+ obj.browser = new util.browser();
+ obj.browser.init(
+ {
+ 'url' : urls.XUL_HOLD_DETAILS,
+ 'push_xulG' : true,
+ 'alt_print' : false,
+ 'browser_id' : 'hold_detail_frame',
+ 'passthru_content_params' : xulG,
+ }
+ );
'determine_hold_interface_type' : function() {
<command id="cmd_holds_print" />
<command id="cmd_show_catalog" />
<command id="cmd_retrieve_patron" />
- <command id="cmd_show_details" />
<command id="cmd_holds_edit_pickup_lib" />
<command id="cmd_holds_edit_phone_notify" />
<command id="cmd_holds_edit_email_notify" />
<command id="cmd_holds_cancel" />
<command id="cmd_search_opac" />
<command id="save_columns" />
+ <command id="cmd_alt_view" />
<popupset id="holds_popupset">
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<menuitem label="&staff.circ.holds.retrieve_patron;" command="cmd_retrieve_patron" accesskey="&staff.circ.holds.retrieve_patron.accesskey;"/>
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<menuseparator />
<menuitem label="&staff.circ.holds.edit_pickup_library;" command="cmd_holds_edit_pickup_lib" accesskey="&staff.circ.holds.edit_pickup_library.accesskey;"/>
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<vbox flex="0">
<hbox id="holds_top_ui" />
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<menu label="&staff.patron.holds_overlay.actions_for_holds.label;" accesskey="&staff.patron.holds_overlay.actions_for_holds.accesskey;">
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