--- /dev/null
+contents = [
+ {
+ label => l('General Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="500"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('With Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="501"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Dissertation Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="502"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Bibliography, etc. Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="504"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Formatted Contents Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="505"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Restrictions on Access Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="506"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Scale Note for Graphic Material: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="507"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Creation/Production Credits Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="508"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Citation/References Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="510"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Participant or Performer Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="511"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Type of Report and Period Covered Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="513"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Data Quality Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="514"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Numbering Peculiarities Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="515"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Type of Computer File or Data Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="516"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Date/Time and Place of an Event Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="518"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Summary, etc.: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="520"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Target Audience Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="521"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Geographic Coverage Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="522"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Preferred Citation of Described Materials Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="524"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Supplement Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="525"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Study Program Information Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="526"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Additional Physical Form available Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="530"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Reproduction Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="533"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Original Version Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="534"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Location of Originals/Duplicates Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="535"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Funding Information Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="536"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('System Details Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="538"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Terms Governing Use and Reproduction Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="540"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Immediate Source of Acquisition Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="541"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Information Relating to Copyright Status: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="542"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Location of Other Archival Materials Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="544"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Biographical or Historical Data: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="545"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Language Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="546"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Former Title Complexity Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="547"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Issuing Body Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="550"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Entity and Attribute Information Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="552"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Cumulative Index/Finding Aids Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="555"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Information About Documentation Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="556"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Ownership and Custodial History: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="561"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Copy and Version Identification Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="562"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Binding Information: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="563"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Case File Characteristics Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="565"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Methodology Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="567"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Linking Entry Complexity Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="580"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Publications About Described Materials Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="581"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Action Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="583"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Accumulation and Frequency of Use Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="584"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Exhibitions Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="585"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Awards Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="586"]'
+ }, {
+ label => l('Source of Description Note: '),
+ xpath => '//*[@tag="588"]'
+ }
+BLOCK render_contents;
+ xpath = xpath || '//*[starts-with(@tag,"5")]';
+ FOR node IN ctx.marc_xml.findnodes(xpath);
+ all_content = [];
+ FOR subfield IN node.childNodes;
+ NEXT UNLESS subfield.nodeName == "subfield";
+ code = subfield.getAttribute('code');
+ NEXT UNLESS code.match('[a-z]');
+ all_content.push(subfield.textContent);
+ total_contents = all_content.join(" ").replace('\s+$', '');
+ %] [% total_contents %][%- END;
+ IF all_terms.size; "<br/>"; END;
+ END;
+[% BLOCK render_all_contents;
+ FOREACH cont IN contents;
+ content = PROCESS render_contents(xpath=cont.xpath);
+ IF content.match('\S');
+ <table class='rdetail_content'>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td class='rdetail_content_type'>[% cont.label %]</td>
+ <td class='rdetail_content_value' itemprop='keywords'>[% content %]</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ [%- END; %]
+ [%- END; %]
+[%- END %]
+[%- content_html = PROCESS render_all_contents;
+ IF content_html.length > 0;
+<h2 class='rdetail_contents'>[% l('Content descriptions') %]</h2>
+[%- content_html %]
+[%- END %]