* `debian-stretch` for Debian 9
* `debian-jessie` for Debian 8
- * `ubuntu-trusty` for Ubuntu 14.04
* `ubuntu-xenial` for Ubuntu 16.04
* `ubuntu-bionic` for Ubuntu 18.04
1. Stop ejabberd before making any changes to its configuration by issuing the
following command as the *root* Linux account:
-.(Ubuntu Trusty) Stopping ejabberd
-[source, bash]
-/etc/init.d/ejabberd stop
.(Debian / Ubuntu Xenial / Ubuntu Bionic) Stopping ejabberd
[source, bash]
2. Edit the ejabberd config file.
-(Ubuntu Trusty) Ejabberd 2.x.x::
-Open `/etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg` and make the following
- a. Define your public and private domains in the `hosts` directive. For
- example:
-[source, bash]
-{hosts, ["localhost", "private.localhost", "public.localhost"]}.
- b. Change all `maxrate` values to 500000
- c. Increase the `max_user_sessions` value to 10000
- d. Comment out the `mod_offline` directive
(Debian Jessie) Ejabberd 13.x and 14.x::
Open `/etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.yml` and make the following
g. Uncomment the `mod_legacy_auth` directive
3. Restart the ejabberd server to make the changes take effect:
-.(Ubuntu Trusty) Starting ejabberd
-[source, bash]
-/etc/init.d/ejabberd start
.(Debian / Ubuntu Xenial / Ubuntu Bionic) Starting ejabberd
[source, bash]
# Makefile to install prerequisites for OpenSRF
-# Currently supports Debian (jessie/stretch), Ubuntu (trusty/xenial)
-# and Fedora (16).
+# Currently supports Debian (jessie/stretch) and Ubuntu
+# (xenial/bionic)
# Installs Perl prereqs, libjs with Perl wrapper
# - or -
# make -f Makefile.install debian-jessie
# - or -
-# make -f Makefile.install ubuntu-trusty
-# - or -
# make -f Makefile.install ubuntu-xenial
# - or -
# make -f Makefile.install ubuntu-bionic
apache2-dev \
- apache2-mpm-prefork \
- apache2-prefork-dev \
- ncurses-dev
apache2 \
apache2-dev \
fedora: install_fedora_rpms
-ubuntu-trusty: generic_ubuntu trusty apache_mpm_prefork_mods
ubuntu-xenial: generic_ubuntu xenial apache_mpm_prefork_mods apache_perl_mod
ubuntu-bionic: generic_ubuntu bionic apache_mpm_prefork_mods apache_perl_mod
-trusty: install_extra_debs install_extra_debs_trusty debian_sys_config
xenial: install_extra_debs install_extra_debs_xenial debian_sys_config
bionic: install_extra_debs install_extra_debs_bionic debian_sys_config
generic_ubuntu: install_debs
# Install even more packaged dependencies on modern distros