+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<chapter xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
-xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="5.0"
- <info>
- <title>Cataloging</title>
- <abstract>
- <para>This chapter explains the cataloging procedures
- carried out from the staff client.</para>
- </abstract>
- </info>
- <section xml:id="MARC">
- <title>Working with the MARC Editor</title>
- <indexterm>
- <primary>cataloguing</primary>
- <secondary>MARC</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- <para>The MARC Editor allows MARC tags, sub-fields, and
- indicators to be edited.</para>
- <para>OPAC icons for text, moving pictures and sound rely on
- correct MARC coding in the leader and the 008, as do OPAC
- search filters such as publication date, item type, or target
- audience. Bibliographic matching and de-duplicating also rely
- on correct MARC coding and consistency in use and content in
- particular MARC tags.</para>
- <simplesect xml:id="editingMARCrecords">
- <title>Editing MARC Records</title>
- <indexterm>
- <primary>cataloguing</primary>
- <secondary>editing MARC records</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- <procedure>
- <step>
- <para>Retrieve the record.</para>
- </step>
- <step>
- <para>
- <menuchoice>
- <guimenu>Actions for this Record</guimenu>
- <guimenuitem>MARC Edit</guimenuitem>
- </menuchoice>
- .</para>
- </step>
- <step>
- <para>The MARC record will display.</para>
- </step>
- <step>
- <para>Select viewing and editing options, if desired.</para>
- <itemizedlist><listitem><para>
- <guilabel>Stack subfields</guilabel>
- to display each subfield on its own line.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- <guilabel>Flat-Text Editor</guilabel>
- switches to a plain-text (menmonic) MARC format. The advantage of this
- format is being able to copy and paste multiple lines. It also allows
- the use of tools like MarcEdit (
- <link xlink:href="http://people.oregonstate.edu/~reeset/marcedit/html/index.php">
- http://people.oregonstate.edu/~reeset/marcedit/html/index.php</link>.
- Unclick the box to switch back.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- <guilabel>Fast Item Add</guilabel>
- allows attaching items quickly with call number and barcode.
- When <guibutton>Save</guibutton> is clicked, the **INSERT
- will open.</para>
- </listitem></itemizedlist></step>
- <step><para>Make changes as desired.</para>
- <para>Right click into a tag field to add/remove rows
- or replace tags.</para>
- </listitem>
- <para>With the cursor at the end of a subfield, click <keycap>Control + D</keycap>
- (<keycap>Control + I</keycap> in Mac OSX) to insert a new subfield.</para>
- </listitem>
- <para>To remove a subfield, click <keycap>Shift + Delete</keycap>
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>To work with the data in a tag or indicator,
- click or
- <keycap>Tab</keycap>
- into the required field.
- <emphasis>Right click</emphasis>
- to view acceptable tags or indicators.</para>
- </listitem></itemizedlist></step>
- <step>
- <para>When finished, click
- <guibutton>Save Record</guibutton>
- and then either close the tab or switch to another view
- under <guimenu>Actions for this Record</guimenu>, for example to view it as it
- appears in the OPAC.</para>
- </step>
- </procedure>
- <tip>
- <para>The MARC Editor may be navigated using keyboard
- shortcuts. Click
- <guibutton>Help</guibutton>
- to see the shortcut menu from within the MARC
- Editor.</para>
- </tip>
- </simplesect>
- <simplesect xml:id="MARCrecordleader">
- <title>MARC Record Leader and MARC fixed field 008</title>
- <indexterm>
- <primary>MARC</primary>
- <secondary>MARC leader</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- <indexterm>
- <primary>MARC</primary>
- <secondary>fixed field 008</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- <para>Parts of the leader and the 008 field can be edited
- in the MARC Editor via the fixed field box displayed above
- the MARC record. Information about the leader and the 008
- can be found on the Library of Congress's MARC Standards
- page at
- <link xlink:href="http://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/ecbdlist.html">
- http://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/ecbdlist.html</link>
- .</para>
- <procedure>
- <title>To edit the MARC record leader</title>
- <step>
- <para>Retrieve and display the appropriate record in
- MARC Edit view.</para>
- </step>
- <step>
- <para>
- <emphasis>Click</emphasis>
- into any box displayed in the fixed field .</para>
- </step>
- <step>
- <para>Press
- <keycap>Tab</keycap>
- or use the mouse to move between fields.</para>
- </step>
- <step>
- <para>Click
- <guibutton>Save Record</guibutton>
- .</para>
- </step>
- </procedure>
- <tip>
- <para>The MARC Editor may be navigated using keyboard
- shortcuts. Click
- <guibutton>Help</guibutton>
- to see the shortcut menu from within the MARC
- Editor.</para>
- </tip>
- </simplesect>
- <simplesect xml:id="overlayingMARCrecords">
- <title>Overlaying MARC Records</title>
- <indexterm>
- <primary>cataloguing</primary>
- <secondary>overlaying MARC records</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- <para>Overlaying a MARC record replaces an existing MARC
- record while leaving all holdings, holds, active
- circulations, bills, and fines intact.</para>
- <para>In Evergreen, a record must be
- <emphasis>marked</emphasis>
- for overlay. The mark for overlay is by login. Only one
- record at a time may be marked for overlay. When another
- record is marked for overlay, the previously marked item is
- <emphasis>de-marked</emphasis>
- . Once a record is marked, it remains marked until overlaid
- or until the user logs out of Evergreen.</para>
- <procedure>
- <title>Marking a record for overlay</title>
- <step>
- <para>Search for and retrieve a record for
- overlay.</para>
- </step>
- <step>
- <para>Select
- <menuchoice>
- <guimenu>Actions for this Record</guimenu>
- <guimenuitem>Mark for Overlay</guimenuitem>
- </menuchoice>
- . Record is now
- <emphasis>marked</emphasis>
- .</para>
- </step>
- </procedure>
- <procedure>
- <title>Overlaying the marked record</title>
- <step>
- <para>Once the record is marked for overlay, proceed to
- <link linkend="z39.60">search for and import the new record from a Z39.50
- target</link>.</para>
- </step>
- <step>
- <para>Click
- <guibutton>MARC Editor for Overlay</guibutton>
- . The TCN of the Evergreen record marked for overlay is
- displayed.</para>
- </step>
- <step>
- <para>The record displays in MARC Edit view. Edit the
- record as necessary.</para>
- </step>
- <step>
- <para>Click
- <guibutton>Overlay Record</guibutton>
- .</para>
- </step>
- <step>
- <para>The existing record will display along with a
- prompt to confirm the overlay. Panes may be moved to
- view the record in entirety, if required.</para>
- </step>
- <step>
- <para>Click
- <guibutton>Overlay</guibutton>
- .</para>
- </step>
- <step>
- <para>Confirm the overlay. The record in Evergreen is
- overlaid with the new MARC record. All preexisting
- holdings remain intact.</para>
- </step>
- </procedure>
- </simplesect>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="z39.50">
- <title>Adding New Records via Built In Z39.50 Client</title>
- <indexterm>
- <primary>cataloguing</primary>
- <secondary>Z39.50</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- <para>The Z39.50 client is used to search bibliographic
- databases and examine or download bibliographic records. Open
- the client with
- <menuchoice>
- <guimenu>Cataloging</guimenu>
- <guimenuitem>Import Record from Z39.50</guimenuitem>
- </menuchoice>
- </para>
- <simplesect xml:id="z39.50screenfeatures">
- <title>Z39.50 Screen Features</title>
- <para>Initially, or when you want to change targets, start
- with the
- <guilabel role="bold">Service and Credentials</guilabel>
- area. Here you choose the remote databases you wish to
- search. Preconfigured servers are listed under Services. If
- any require authentication to access, you will see username
- and password boxes to the right.</para>
- <procedure>
- <step>Click all the databases you wish to search
- simultaneously (see the Note about which fields can be
- used).</step>
- <step>Fill in user information for any that require
- it.</step>
- <step>Click
- <guibutton>Save as Default</guibutton>
- to preserve these settings for next time.</step>
- </procedure>
- <para>The
- <guilabel role="bold">Query</guilabel>
- section is where you enter a search. The databases you
- select control which search fields you can use. You may use
- any combination of fields that are active (not grayed out),
- but be aware that not all fields are active for every
- database. Select just one database to see which fields are
- active for that database.</para>
- <note>
- <para>If you are searching multiple databases, you will
- only get results from those that support the fields
- you're searching! For example,
- <guilabel>Keyword</guilabel>
- and
- <guilabel>Subject</guilabel>
- are only active if the local catalog is selected, so
- using those fields in a combined database search
- guarantees that you will only get results from the local
- catalog.</para>
- </note>
- <para>The
- <guilabel>Query</guilabel>
- section has three buttons.</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <guibutton>Search</guibutton>
- begins searching on the criteria entered in the search
- fields.</listitem>
- <listitem>
- <guibutton>Clear Form</guibutton>
- resets all fields to empty.</listitem>
- <listitem>
- <guibutton>Raw Search</guibutton>
- is an advanced interface for using Prefix Query Format to
- build complex searches. See
- <xref linkend="rawsearches" />
- .</listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para>The
- <guilabel role="bold">Results</guilabel>
- pane displays the results from the most recent search.
- Information about each record retrieved appears on a
- separate summary line, with various columns of
- information.</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>If more than the default number of results is
- available, use
- <guibutton>Fetch More Results</guibutton>
- to add the next set to the screen.</listitem>
- <listitem>Click
- <guibutton>List Action</guibutton>
- to view options for exporting and saving from the list:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>Copy Field from selected row to
- Clipboard</listitem>
- <listitem>Print List CSV</listitem>
- <listitem>Copy List CSV to Clipboard</listitem>
- <listitem>Save List CSV to File</listitem>
- <listitem>Save List Configuration</listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>Select an item and click
- <guibutton>MARC View</guibutton>
- to toggle viewing the MARC record. When in MARC View, you
- can
- <guibutton>Print Page</guibutton>
- . To toggle back, click
- <guibutton>Results View</guibutton>
- .</listitem>
- <listitem>If you have previously <link linkend="overlayingMARCrecords">
- marked a record for
- overlay</link>,
- <guibutton>MARC Editor for Overlay</guibutton>
- will be active. Click to view/edit the new bib record to
- be laid over the local one you selected. See <xref linkend="overlayingMARCrecords"/>
- for details.</listitem>
- <listitem>
- <guibutton>MARC Editor for Import</guibutton>
- is used to view/edit a new record.</listitem>
- <listitem>To view long lists of results, click
- <guibutton>Hide Top Pane</guibutton>
- to give the results list more screen real
- estate.</listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </simplesect>
- <simplesect xml:id="importingarecordviaz39.50">
- <title>Importing a record via Z39.50</title>
- </simplesect>
- <simplesect xml:id="recordcollisions">
- <title>Record Collisions</title>
- </simplesect>
- <simplesect xml:id="fastitemadds">
- <title>Fast Item Adds</title>
- <note>
- <para>The status of items created with Fast Item Add will
- be set to
- <emphasis>In Process</emphasis>
- , consistent with other types of item creation. This is a
- change from 1.6.</para>
- </note>
- </simplesect>
- <simplesect xml:id="rawsearches">
- <title>Raw Searches</title>
- <tip>
- <para>Visit
- <link
- xlink:href="http://www.indexdata.com/yaz/doc/tools.html">
- http://www.indexdata.com/yaz/doc/tools.html</link>
- for more details on PQF and examples you can copy/paste
- into the search box.</para>
- </tip>
- </simplesect>
- </section>