// Does not fire on initialOrg
@Output() onChange = new EventEmitter<IdlObject>();
+ // convenience method to get an IdlObject representing the current
+ // selected org unit. One way of invoking this is via a template
+ // reference variable.
+ selectedOrg(): IdlObject {
+ if (this.selected == null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return this.org.get(this.selected.id);
+ }
private auth: AuthService,
private store: StoreService,
// Remove the tree-padding spaces when matching.
formatter = (result: OrgDisplay) => result.label.trim();
+ // reset the state of the component
+ reset() {
+ this.selected = null;
+ }
filter = (text$: Observable<string>): Observable<OrgDisplay[]> => {
return text$.pipe(