parsed_target := vandelay.strip_field( target_xml, ''); -- this dance normalizes the format of the xml for the IF below
+ xml_output := parsed_target; -- if there are no replace rules, just return the input
FOR curr_field IN SELECT UNNEST( STRING_TO_ARRAY(field, ',') ) LOOP -- naive split, but it's the same we use in the perl
--- /dev/null
+-- Evergreen DB patch XXXX.schema.replace_field-default-value.sql
+-- Return the input XML when no replace rule is provided
+-- check whether patch can be applied
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('XXXX', :eg_version);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION vandelay.replace_field ( target_xml TEXT, source_xml TEXT, field TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $_$
+ xml_output TEXT;
+ parsed_target TEXT;
+ curr_field TEXT;
+ parsed_target := vandelay.strip_field( target_xml, ''); -- this dance normalizes the format of the xml for the IF below
+ xml_output := parsed_target; -- if there are no replace rules, just return the input
+ FOR curr_field IN SELECT UNNEST( STRING_TO_ARRAY(field, ',') ) LOOP -- naive split, but it's the same we use in the perl
+ xml_output := vandelay.strip_field( parsed_target, curr_field);
+ IF xml_output <> parsed_target AND curr_field ~ E'~' THEN
+ -- we removed something, and there was a regexp restriction in the curr_field definition, so proceed
+ xml_output := vandelay.add_field( xml_output, source_xml, curr_field, 1 );
+ ELSIF curr_field !~ E'~' THEN
+ -- No regexp restriction, add the curr_field
+ xml_output := vandelay.add_field( xml_output, source_xml, curr_field, 0 );
+ parsed_target := xml_output; -- in prep for any following loop iterations
+ RETURN xml_output;