my $response = NCIP::Response->new({type => $message . 'Response'});
- # We originally had a mass of complicated code here to handle most
- # of the possibilities provided by the standard. However, that
- # proved too difficult to get working with what we've agreed to do
- # with Auto-Graphics. The response was supposed to include the
- # ItemId, and for some reason that I couldn't figure out it was
- # not there. In order to get this working, I've decided to ignor
- # the extra stuff in the standard and just go with what our
- # current vendor sends.
# Because we need to have a user to place a hold, because the user
# is likely to have problems, and because getting the item
# information for the hold is trickier than getting the user
return $response;
- # We need to see if the bib exists and has a holdable, not deleted
- # copy at the selection_ou. If successful, we retun a
- # copy_details hashref for the holdable copy.
- my $copy_details = $self->find_target_details_by_bre($bre, $selection_ou);
- unless ($copy_details) {
- # We don't know if the items do not circulate or are not
- # holdable, but the closest "standard" problem message is Item
- # Does Not Circulate.
- $problem = NCIP::Problem->new(
- {
- ProblemType => 'Item Does Not Circulate',
- ProblemDetail => 'Request of Item cannot proceed because the Item is non-circulating',
- ProblemElement => 'BibliographicRecordIdentifier',
- ProblemValue => $bre->id()
- }
- );
- $response->problem($problem);
- return $response;
- }
# See if we were given a pickup location.
my $pickup_ou;
if ($request->{$message}->{PickupLocation}) {
$data->{UserOptionalFields} = $optionalfields;
$elements = $request->{$message}->{ItemElementType};
- if ($elements) {
+ if ($elements && $hold->current_copy()) {
+ my $copy_details = $self->retrieve_copy_details_by_id($hold->current_copy());
$elements = [$elements] unless (ref($elements) eq 'ARRAY');
my $optionalfields = $self->handle_item_elements($copy_details->{copy}, $elements);
$data->{ItemOptionalFields} = $optionalfields;
# have been fleshed when the user was retrieved.
$location = $user->home_ou() unless ($location);
- # $hold is the hold. $params is for the is_possible check.
- my ($hold, $params);
- # Prep the hold with fields common to all hold types:
- $hold = Fieldmapper::action::hold_request->new();
- $hold->isnew(1); # Just to make sure.
- $hold->target($item->id());
- $hold->usr($user->id());
- $hold->pickup_lib($location->id());
- $hold->expire_time(cleanse_ISO8601($expiration)) if ($expiration);
- if (!$user->email()) {
- $hold->email_notify('f');
- $hold->phone_notify($user->day_phone()) if ($user->day_phone());
- } else {
- $hold->email_notify('t');
- }
- # Ditto the params:
- $params = { pickup_lib => $location->id(), patronid => $user->id() };
+ # $params for the hold.
+ my $params = { pickup_lib => $location->id(), patronid => $user->id() };
if (ref($item) eq 'Fieldmapper::asset::copy') {
my $type = ($self->{config}->{items}->{use_force_holds}) ? 'F' : 'C';
- $hold->hold_type($type);
- $hold->current_copy($item->id());
$params->{hold_type} = $type;
- $params->{copy_id} = $item->id();
} elsif (ref($item) eq 'Fieldmapper::asset::call_number') {
- $hold->hold_type('V');
$params->{hold_type} = 'V';
- $params->{volume_id} = $item->id();
} elsif (ref($item) eq 'Fieldmapper::biblio::record_entry') {
- $hold->hold_type('T');
$params->{hold_type} = 'T';
- $params->{titleid} = $item->id();
if ($org_unit && ref($org_unit) eq 'Fieldmapper::actor::org_unit') {
- $hold->selection_ou($org_unit->id());
$params->{selection_ou} = $org_unit->id();
- if (ref($org_unit->ou_type())) {
- $hold->selection_depth($org_unit->ou_type->depth());
- $params->{depth} = $org_unit->ou_type->depth();
- }
+ $params->{depth} = $org_unit->ou_type->depth() if (ref($org_unit->ou_type()));
- # Check for a duplicate hold:
- my $duplicate = $U->simplereq(
- 'open-ils.pcrud',
- '',
- $self->{session}->{authtoken},
- {
- hold_type => $hold->hold_type(),
- target => $hold->target(),
- usr => $hold->usr(),
- expire_time => {'>' => 'now'},
- cancel_time => undef,
- fulfillment_time => undef
- }
- );
- if ($duplicate) {
- return NCIP::Problem->new(
- {
- ProblemType => 'Duplicate Request',
- ProblemDetail => 'A request for this item already exists for this patron.',
- ProblemElement => 'NULL',
- ProblemValue => 'NULL'
- }
- );
- }
- # Check if the hold is possible:
- my $r = $U->simplereq(
+ my $response = $U->simplereq(
- 'open-ils.circ.title_hold.is_possible',
+ 'open-ils.circ.holds.test_and_create.batch',
- $params
+ $params,
+ [$item->id()]
- if ($r->{success}) {
- $hold = $U->simplereq(
- 'open-ils.circ',
- 'open-ils.circ.holds.create.override',
- $self->{session}->{authtoken},
- $hold
- );
- if (ref($hold)) {
- $hold = $hold->[0] if (ref($hold) eq 'ARRAY');
- $hold = _problem_from_event('User Ineligible To Request This Item', $hold);
- } else {
- # open-ils.circ.holds.create.override returns the id on
- # success, so we retrieve the full hold object from the
- # database to return it.
- $hold = $U->simplereq(
- 'open-ils.pcrud',
- 'open-ils.pcrud.retrieve.ahr',
- $self->{session}->{authtoken},
- $hold
+ if (ref($response->{result})) {
+ my $event = (ref($response->{result}) eq 'ARRAY') ? $response->{result}->[0] : $response->{result}->{last_event};
+ if ($event->{textcode} eq 'HOLD_EXISTS') {
+ return NCIP::Problem->new(
+ {
+ ProblemType => 'Duplicate Request',
+ ProblemDetail => 'A request for this item already exists for this patron.',
+ ProblemElement => 'NULL',
+ ProblemValue => 'NULL'
+ }
- } elsif ($r->{last_event}) {
- $hold = _problem_from_event('User Ineligible To Request This Item', $r->{last_event});
- } elsif ($r->{textcode}) {
- $hold = _problem_from_event('User Ineligible To Request This Item', $r);
- } else {
- $hold = _problem_from_event('User Ineligible To Request This Item');
+ if ($event->{textcode} eq 'ITEM_NOT_HOLDABLE') {
+ return NCIP::Problem->new(
+ {
+ ProblemType => 'User Ineligible To Request This Item',
+ ProblemDetail => 'Agency rules prevent the Item from being requested by the User.',
+ ProblemElement => 'NULL',
+ ProblemValue => 'NULL'
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ if ($event->{textcode} eq 'HIGH_LEVEL_HOLD_HAS_NO_COPIES') {
+ return NCIP::Problem->new(
+ {
+ ProblemType => 'Unknown Item',
+ ProblemDetail => 'Agency does not have an Item to fill this request.',
+ ProblemElement => 'NULL',
+ ProblemValue => 'NULL'
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ return _problem_from_event('User Ineligible To Request This Item', $event);
+ # If we make it here, $response->{result} is a hold id.
+ my $hold = $U->simplereq(
+ 'open-ils.pcrud',
+ 'open-ils.pcrud.retrieve.ahr',
+ $self->{session}->{authtoken},
+ $response->{result}
+ );
return $hold;
return (wantarray) ? ($value, $idfield) : $value;
-=head2 find_target_details_by_bre
- $copy_details = $ils->find_target_details_by_bre($bre, $selection_ou);
-Returns copy details hashref for the "first" holdable copy found on a
-biblio.record_entry at an optionally given selection organization. If
-no suitable copy is found, this method returns undef.
-sub find_target_details_by_bre {
- my $self = shift;
- my $bre = shift;
- my $selection_ou = shift;
- # The copy details that we find:
- my $details;
- # We're going to search for non-deleted call numbers and flesh
- # copies with copy location and copy status.
- my $acns = $self->_call_number_search($bre->id(), $selection_ou, 1);
- if ($acns && @$acns) {
- # Now, we get available copies, sorted by status id. We
- # only need one, so we take the first that comes out.
- my @copies;
- foreach (@$acns) {
- push(@copies, @{$_->copies()});
- }
- my ($copy) = sort {$a->status->id() <=> $b->status->id()}
- grep { $_->deleted() eq 'f' && $_->holdable() eq 't' && $_->circulate() eq 't' &&
- $_->location->holdable() eq 't' && $_->location->circulate() eq 't' &&
- $_->status->holdable() eq 't' && $_->status->copy_active() eq 't' }
- @copies;
- if ($copy) {
- $details = $self->retrieve_copy_details_by_id($copy->id());
- }
- }
- return $details;
=head2 find_location_failover
$location = $ils->find_location_failover($location, $request, $message);
-# Search asset.call_number by a and location object.
-sub _call_number_search {
- my $self = shift;
- my $bibid = shift;
- my $location = shift;
- my $flesh = shift;
- my $search = {record => $bibid, deleted => 'f'};
- if ($location) {
- $search->{owning_lib} = {
- in => {
- select => {
- aou => [{
- column => 'id',
- transform => 'actor.org_unit_descendants',
- result_field => 'id'
- }]
- },
- from => 'aou',
- where => {id => $location->id()}
- }
- };
- }
- # If flesh is passed a true value, we flesh copies, copy status,
- # and copy location for the call numbers.
- if ($flesh) {
- $flesh = {
- flesh => 2,
- flesh_fields => {
- acn => ['copies'],
- acp => ['status', 'location']
- }
- }
- }
- my $acns = $U->simplereq(
- 'open-ils.pcrud',
- '',
- $self->{session}->{authtoken},
- $search,
- $flesh
- );
- return $acns;
# Search for holds using the user, idvalue and selection_ou.
sub _hold_search {
my $self = shift;