my @formats = qw/USMARC UNIMARC XML BRE/;
-my ($config,$format,$encoding,$location,$dollarsign,$idl,$help,$holdings,$timeout) = ('/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml','USMARC','MARC8','','$',0);
+my ($config,$format,$encoding,$location,$dollarsign,$idl,$help,$holdings,$timeout) = ('/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml','USMARC','MARC8','','$',0,undef,undef,0);
'help' => \$help,
my %count = ();
my $speed = 0;
while ( my $i = <> ) {
- my $bib;
- try {
- local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "TIMEOUT\n" };
- alarm($timeout);
- $bib = $ses->request( '', $i, $flesh )->gather(1);
- alarm(0);
- } otherwise {
+ my $bib;
+ my $r = $ses->request( '', $i, $flesh );
+ my $s = $r->recv(timeout => $timeout);
+ if ($r->failed) {
+ warn "\n!!!!!! Failed trying to read record $i: " . $r->failed->stringify . "\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($r->timed_out) {
warn "\n!!!!!! Timed out trying to read record $i\n";
- };
- alarm(0);
+ next;
+ }
+ $bib = $s->content;
+ $r->finish;
next unless $bib;
if (uc($format) eq 'XML') {
- print $r->as_xml_record;
+ my $xml = $r->as_xml_record;
+ $xml =~ s/^<\?.+?\?>$//mo;
+ print $xml;
} elsif (uc($format) eq 'UNIMARC') {
print $r->as_usmarc;
} elsif (uc($format) eq 'USMARC') {