--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- Configuration for the Evergreen NCIPServer driver. -->
+ <!-- Information needed to authenticate with Evergreen -->
+ <credentials>
+ <!-- NCIPServer staff account -->
+ <username></username>
+ <!-- Password for the above -->
+ <password></password>
+ <!-- NCIPServer organizational unit shortname -->
+ <work_ou></work_ou>
+ <!-- Workstation registered for the URSA staff account -->
+ <workstation></workstation>
+ </credentials>
+ <!-- Path to opensrf_core.xml bootstrap configuration -->
+ <bootstrap></bootstrap>
+ <!-- Configurable options for created copies. -->
+ <items>
+ <!-- If you are on Evergreen version 2.7.0-alpha or later, you can
+ uncomment the following element to use precat copies instead
+ of making "short" bib records. If you are on an older
+ version of Evergreen, enabling this setting will not work the
+ way you wish and will cause staff no end of confusion.
+ -->
+ <!-- <use_precats /> -->
+ <!-- The following setting will cause force holds to be placed on
+ copies created by the AcceptItem message. This will also
+ cause those copies not to be holdable. The latter only takes
+ effect when use_precats is not in operation, since there is
+ no other way to place holds on precat copies.
+ -->
+ <!-- <use_force_holds /> -->
+ <!-- The following setting is recommended if you do not use precat
+ copies. If it is not present, a default of System Local will
+ be used.
+ It will be used as the bibliographic record source when the
+ "short" bibs are created. Having a unique entry for this in
+ your database makes it easy to identify bibliographic records
+ created via NCIP. It is highly recommended that you create
+ one just for this purpose.
+ The element can be set up empty with the cbs attribute
+ holding the database ID of the config.bib_source entry to
+ use. You can optionally set the text value of the element to
+ the name of the bib_source. If the cbs attribute is omitted,
+ then the text value name must be provided. The example
+ provided below will use the System Local config.bib_source
+ that comes with Evergreen.
+ -->
+ <bib_source cbs="2">System Local</bib_source>
+ <!-- Add a stat_cat_entry element for each stat cat that you wish
+ to fill in when creating copies. If you aren't using
+ stat_cats or if you don't wish to create any for these, you
+ don't need to have stat_cat_entry elements. You could delete
+ the dummy entry in this case. If you have any required stat
+ cats, then it is a good idea to have an entry here.
+ The stat_cat attribute is the numeric id of the stat_cat for
+ the entry.
+ The element's text node is used as the asset.stat_cat_entry's
+ value in the database.
+ -->
+ <!-- <stat_cat_entry stat_cat=""></stat_cat_entry> -->
+ </items>
+ <!-- Configurable options for patron retrieval/validation -->
+ <patrons>
+ <!-- You can block patrons by profile group in two ways:
+ The first is to enter a block_profile tag with a grp
+ attribute set to the value of the profile group's id, for
+ example:
+ <block_profile grp="20"/>
+ The second is to enter a block_profile tag with a text value
+ equal to the name of the profile group, for instance:
+ <block_profile>Local Use Only</block_profile>
+ In this case, the name must match exactly the case, spacing,
+ and punctuation (if any) of the profile group's name in the
+ permission.grp_tree table.
+ If you specify both the grp attribute and a text value with a
+ group name, then the value of the grp tag is used. The text
+ value will be ignored:
+ <block_profile grp="20">Local Use Only</block_profile>
+ You might want to do this in order to have slightly faster
+ configuration load times and still have the group name as a
+ reminder to the person that edits the configuration.
+ -->
+ </patrons>