--- /dev/null
+Evergreen 2_8 Release Notes
+Upgrade notes
+New Features
+==== Duplicate Order Detection Improvements ====
+Provides tools to make it more clear to staff when a purchase order or
+items on an order have been ordered before.
+===== Prevent Duplicate PO Names =====
+Staff now have the option to specify a PO name during PO creation.
+If the selected name is already in use by another PO at or below
+the ordering agency for the PO, the user is warned, the save/submit
+operations are disabled, and a link to the existing PO is display. The
+link opens the related PO in a new tab when clicked.
+Selecting a name which is not yet used or clearing the name field
+(which defaults upon creation to the PO ID) will clear the warning and
+re-enable the submit/save operation.
+Similarly, when editing a PO, if the user attempts to use a name already
+used, the user will be warned and a link to the offending PO will be
+===== Show Existing Copies =====
+In the select list and PO view interfaces, beside the lineitem ID #, we
+now also display the number of catalog copies already owned at or below
+the ordering agency for the bib record in question.
+The count does not include copies linked to the lineitem in question
+nor does it include copies that are in some form of lost, missing, or
+discard status.
+Apache Access Handler: OpenILS::WWW::AccessHandler
+This Perl module is intended for limiting patron access to configured locations
+in Apache. These locations could be folder trees, static files, non-Evergreen
+dynamic content, or other Apache features/modules. It is intended as a more
+patron-oriented and transparent version of the OpenILS::WWW::Proxy and
+OpenILS::WWW:Proxy::Authen modules.
+Instead of using Basic Authentication the AccessHandler module instead redirects
+to the OPAC for login. Once logged in additional checks can be performed, based
+on configured variables:
+ * Permission Checks (at Home OU or specified location)
+ * Home OU Checks (Org Unit or Descendant)
+ * "Good standing" Checks (Not Inactive or Barred)
+Use of the module is a simple addition to a Location block in Apache:
+<Location /path/to/be/protected>
+ PerlAccessHandler OpenILS::WWW::AccessHandler
+ # For each option you wish to set:
+The available options are:
+ Default: /eg/opac/login +
+ The page to redirect to when Login is needed
+ Default: redirect_to +
+ The variable the login page wants the "destination" URL stored in
+ Default: <unset> +
+ URL to go to if Permission, Good Standing, or Home OU checks fail. If not set
+ a 403 error is generated instead. To customize the 403 you could use an
+ ErrorDocument statement.
+ Default: <User Home OU> +
+ Org Unit to check Permissions at and/or to load Referrer from. Can be a
+ shortname or an ID.
+ Default: <unset> +
+ Permission, or comma- or space-delimited set of permissions, the user must have to
+ access the protected area.
+ Default: 0 +
+ If set to a true value the user must be both Active and not Barred.
+ Default: <unset> +
+ An Org Unit, or comma- or space-delimited set of Org Units, that the user's Home OU must
+ be equal to or a descendant of to access this resource. Can be set to
+ shortnames or IDs.
+ Default: <unset> +
+ Library Setting to pull a forced referrer string out of, if set.
+As the AccessHandler module does not actually serve the content it is
+protecting, but instead merely hands control back to Apache when it is done
+authenticating, you can protect almost anything else you can serve with Apache.
+Use Cases
+The general use of this module is "protect access to something else" - what that
+something else is will vary. Some possibilities:
+ * Apache features
+ ** Automatic Directory Indexes
+ ** Proxies (see below)
+ *** Electronic Databases
+ *** Software on other servers/ports
+ * Non-Evergreen software
+ ** Timekeeping software for staff
+ ** Specialized patron request packages
+ * Static files and folders
+ ** Semi-public Patron resources
+ ** Staff-only downloads
+Proxying Websites
+One potentially interesting use of the AccessHandler module is to protect an
+Apache Proxy configuration. For example, after installing and enabling
+mod_proxy, mod_proxy_http, and mod_proxy_html you could proxy websites like so:
+<Location /proxy/>
+ # Base "Rewrite URLs" configuration
+ ProxyHTMLLinks a href
+ ProxyHTMLLinks area href
+ ProxyHTMLLinks link href
+ ProxyHTMLLinks img src longdesc usemap
+ ProxyHTMLLinks object classid codebase data usemap
+ ProxyHTMLLinks q cite
+ ProxyHTMLLinks blockquote cite
+ ProxyHTMLLinks ins cite
+ ProxyHTMLLinks del cite
+ ProxyHTMLLinks form action
+ ProxyHTMLLinks input src usemap
+ ProxyHTMLLinks head profile
+ ProxyHTMLLinks base href
+ ProxyHTMLLinks script src for
+ # To support scripting events (with ProxyHTMLExtended On)
+ ProxyHTMLEvents onclick ondblclick onmousedown onmouseup \
+ onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress \
+ onkeydown onkeyup onfocus onblur onload \
+ onunload onsubmit onreset onselect onchange
+ # Limit all Proxy connections to authenticated sessions by default
+ PerlAccessHandler OpenILS::WWW::AccessHandler
+ # Strip out Evergreen cookies before sending to remote server
+ RequestHeader edit Cookie "^(.*?)ses=.*?(?:$|;)(.*)$" $1$2
+ RequestHeader edit Cookie "^(.*?)eg_loggedin=.*?(?:$|;)(.*)$" $1$2
+<Location /proxy/example/>
+ # Proxy example.net
+ ProxyPass http://www.example.net/
+ ProxyPassReverse http://www.example.net/
+ ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain example.net example.com
+ ProxyPassReverseCookiePath / /proxy/example/
+ ProxyHTMLEnable On
+ ProxyHTMLURLMap http://www.example.net/ /proxy/example/
+ ProxyHTMLURLMap / /proxy/mail/
+ ProxyHTMLCharsetOut *
+ # Limit to BR1 and BR3 users
+ PerlSetVar OILSAccessHandlerHomeOU "BR1,BR3"
+As mentioned above, this can be used for multiple reasons. In addition to
+websites such as online databases for patron use you may wish to proxy software
+for staff or patron use to make it appear on your catalog domain, or perhaps to
+keep from needing to open extra ports in a firewall.
+Deleted flag for copy locations
+A deleted flag is now available for copy locations, allowing them to be
+"deleted" without losing statistical information for circulations in a given
+copy location. It also allows copy locations that are only used by deleted
+items to be deleted.
+When a copy location is deleted, it will remain in the database, but will be
+removed from display in the staff client and the catalog.
+New TPAC config option: Show more details
+There is a new option for TPAC to show more details by default.
+The Option for full details as a default, which may be especially important
+for e-content. Valid values are 'true', 'false' and 'hide'.
+Setting this to 'true' shows full details by default but allows the link
+to appear for 'Show Fewer Details'. The 'hide' option shows full details
+and also suppresses the link from displaying at all.
+Look for "show_more_details.default" in config.tt2.
+==== Vandelay Authority Record Match Sets ====
+Vandelay MARC Batch Import/Export now supports match sets for authority
+record import matching. Matches can be made against MARC tag/subfield
+entries and against a record's normalized heading + thesaurus. Internal
+identifier (901c) matches are also supported.
+===== UI Modifications =====
+ * Authority matches display the normalized heading/thesuarus for each
+ match.
+ * Item import summary is not displayed for authority queues, since
+ items cannot be imported with authority records.
+Active date display in OPAC
+If a library uses the copy's active date to calculate holds age protection,
+the active date will display with the copy details instead of the create date
+in the staff client view of the catalog. Libraries that do not enable the
+_Use Active Date for Age Protection_ library setting will continue to display
+the create date.
+Option to stop billing activity on zero-balance billed transactions
+A new setting is available via the Library Settings Editor to stop any billing
+activity on fully-paid lost or longoverdue transactions. When the _Do not
+change fines/fees on zero-balance LOST transaction_ setting is enabled, once a
+lost of long overdue transaction
+has been fully paid, no more lost fees will be voided or overdue fines restored
+or generated if the item is returned. The setting will reduce, though not
+eliminate, negative balances in the system.
+New Library Setting
+ * Do not change fines/fees on zero-balance LOST transaction (circ.checkin.lost_zero_balance.do_not_change') - When an item has been marked lost and all
+fines/fees have been completely paid on the transaction, do not void or
+reinstate any fines/fees EVEN IF circ.void_lost_on_checkin and/or
+circ.void_lost_proc_fee_on_checkin are enabled.
+Patron Message Center
+There is now a new mechanism via which messages can be sent to
+patrons for them to read while logged into the public catalog.
+Patron messages can be generated in two ways: when a new public
+note is added to the patron's record, and when an A/T event
+that is configured to generate messages is processed. Three
+new default A/T event definitions are added to generate
+patron messages when a hold is canceled due to lack of a target,
+staff action, or the item expiring on the shelf.
+In the public catalog, patrons can read their messages, mark
+one or more messages as read or unread, or delete messages that
+they do not want to see again. The XUL staff client has a new
+menu option on the patron display, "Message Center", that allows
+staff to view messages. Messages are intentionally not meant
+to be editable by patrons or library staff.
+During upgrade, existing public patron notes that are marked
+public are copied over as new patron messages that are marked
+as read.
+There are four new fields available in the A/T event definition:
+ * Message Title
+ * Message Template
+ * Message Library Path
+ * Message User Path
+If these four fields are set, when the A/T event is processed,
+a message is generated in addition to whatever reactor is
+specified by the event definition. This means that, for example,
+an email overdue notice can also generate a message that the
+patron can view in the public catalog.
+Void Lost and Long Overdue Bills on Claims Returned
+Four new settings have been added to allow sites to void lost item and long
+overdue billings and processing fees when an item is marked as Claims Returned.
+New Library Settings
+ * Void lost item billing when claims returned (circ.void_lost_on_claimsreturned)
+ * Void lost item processing fee when claims returned (circ.void_lost_proc_fee_on_claimsreturned)
+ * Void long overdue item billing when claims returned (circ.void_longoverdue_on_claimsreturned)
+ * Void long overdue item processing fee when claims returned (circ.void_longoverdue_proc_fee_on_claimsreturned)
+TPAC Discoverability Enhancements
+A number of discoverability enhancements have been made to the catalog
+to better support search engines:
+ * Titles of catalog pages now follow a "Page title - Library name" pattern
+ to provide more specific titles in search results, bookmarks, and browser
+ tabs.
+ * The OpenSearch title now specifies the library name instead of the generic
+ "Evergreen OpenSearch" at every scope.
+ * Subject headings are now exposed as http://schema.org/about[schema:about]
+ properties instead of http://schema.org/keyword[schema:keyword].
+ * Electronic resources are now assigned a http://schema.org/url[schema:url]
+ property, and any notes or link text are assigned a
+ http://schema.org/description[schema:description] property.
+ * Given a Library of Congress relator code for 1xx and 7xx fields, we now
+ surface the URL for that relator code along with
+ the http://schema.org/contributor[schema:contributor] property to give
+ machines a better chance of understanding how the person or organization
+ actually contributed to this work.
+ * Linking out to related records:
+ ** Given an LCCN (010 field), we link to the corresponding Library of Congress
+ record using http://schema.org/sameAs[schema:sameAs].
+ ** Given an OCLC number (035 field, subfield `a` beginning with `(OCoLC)`), we
+ link to the corresponding WorldCat record using
+ http://schema.org/sameAs[schema:sameAs].
+ ** Given a URI (024 field, subfield 2 = `'uri'`), we link to the
+ corresponding OCLC Work Entity record using
+ http://schema.org/exampleOfWork[schema:exampleOfWork].
+ * The sitemap generator script now includes located URIs as well as copies
+ listed in the `asset.opac_visible_copies` materialized view, and checks
+ the children or ancestors of the requested libraries for holdings as well.
+ * Links that robots should not crawl, such as search result links, are now
+ marked with the https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/96569?hl=en[@rel="nofollow"]
+ property.
+ * Catalog pages for record details and for library descriptions now express
+ a https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/139066?hl=en[@rel="canonical"]
+ link to simplify the number of variations of page URLs that could otherwise
+ have been derived from different search parameters.
+ * Catalog pages that do not exist now return a proper 404 "HTTP_NOT_FOUND"
+ HTTP status code, and record detail pages for records that have been deleted
+ now return a proper 410 "HTTP_GONE" HTTP status code, instead of returning a
+ misleading 200 "OK" HTTP status code.
+ * Record detail and library pages now include http://ogp.me/[Open Graph Protocol]
+ markup.
+Add new link to My Lists in My Account
+There is now a direct link to "My Lists" from the "My Account" area in the
+top upper-right part of the screen. This gives users the ability to quickly
+access their lists while logged into the catalog.
+The record summary page will now offer a link to a shorter permalink that
+can be used for sharing the record with others. All URL parameters are stripped
+from the link with the exception of the locg and copy_depth parameters. Those
+parameters are maintained so that people can share a link that displays just
+the holdings from one library/system or displays holdings from all libraries
+with a specific library's holdings floating to the top.
+Staff option to place another hold on same title
+When a hold is successful in the client, staff will now see a link
+to place another hold on the same title. This link provides some workflow
+improvement for times when staff are placing holds for multiple patrons on a
+newly-added title or when they are placing holds for book clubs.
+Removal of Bib Call Number Search
+The Bib Call Number Search has been removed as a default numeric search in
+the catalog. Evergreen sites that wish to restore this search to the catalog
+can add the following to the numeric_qtype menu in the numeric.tt2 file.
+ <option value="identifier|bibcn">[% l('Bib Call Number') %]</option>
+Improved styling on Text call number screen
+New styling on the _Text call number_ screen has added highlighting to the
+displayed message, makes the font consistent with other text on the screen, and
+displays better on mobile devices.
+A serious security flaw that allows unauthorized remote access to
+organizational unit settings is fixed in the following releases of
+Evergreen: 2.5.9, 2.6.7, and 2.7.4. All prior releases of Evergreen
+are vulnerable to exploitation of this flaw to reveal sensitive system
+information. If you are running a vulnerable release of Evergreen you
+are *strongly* encouraged to upgrade to a non-vulnerable release as
+soon as possible.
+The Evergreen project would like to acknowledge the following
+organizations who commissioned developments in this release of
+ * **TODO**
+We would also like to thank the following individuals who contributed
+code and documentations patches to this release of Evergreen:
+ * **TODO**
+We also thank the following organizations whose employees contributed
+ * **TODO**
+We regret any omissions. If a contributor has been inadvertantly
+missed, please open a bug at http://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/
+with a correction.
+++ /dev/null
-Apache Access Handler: OpenILS::WWW::AccessHandler
-This Perl module is intended for limiting patron access to configured locations
-in Apache. These locations could be folder trees, static files, non-Evergreen
-dynamic content, or other Apache features/modules. It is intended as a more
-patron-oriented and transparent version of the OpenILS::WWW::Proxy and
-OpenILS::WWW:Proxy::Authen modules.
-Instead of using Basic Authentication the AccessHandler module instead redirects
-to the OPAC for login. Once logged in additional checks can be performed, based
-on configured variables:
- * Permission Checks (at Home OU or specified location)
- * Home OU Checks (Org Unit or Descendant)
- * "Good standing" Checks (Not Inactive or Barred)
-Use of the module is a simple addition to a Location block in Apache:
-<Location /path/to/be/protected>
- PerlAccessHandler OpenILS::WWW::AccessHandler
- # For each option you wish to set:
-The available options are:
- Default: /eg/opac/login +
- The page to redirect to when Login is needed
- Default: redirect_to +
- The variable the login page wants the "destination" URL stored in
- Default: <unset> +
- URL to go to if Permission, Good Standing, or Home OU checks fail. If not set
- a 403 error is generated instead. To customize the 403 you could use an
- ErrorDocument statement.
- Default: <User Home OU> +
- Org Unit to check Permissions at and/or to load Referrer from. Can be a
- shortname or an ID.
- Default: <unset> +
- Permission, or comma- or space-delimited set of permissions, the user must have to
- access the protected area.
- Default: 0 +
- If set to a true value the user must be both Active and not Barred.
- Default: <unset> +
- An Org Unit, or comma- or space-delimited set of Org Units, that the user's Home OU must
- be equal to or a descendant of to access this resource. Can be set to
- shortnames or IDs.
- Default: <unset> +
- Library Setting to pull a forced referrer string out of, if set.
-As the AccessHandler module does not actually serve the content it is
-protecting, but instead merely hands control back to Apache when it is done
-authenticating, you can protect almost anything else you can serve with Apache.
-Use Cases
-The general use of this module is "protect access to something else" - what that
-something else is will vary. Some possibilities:
- * Apache features
- ** Automatic Directory Indexes
- ** Proxies (see below)
- *** Electronic Databases
- *** Software on other servers/ports
- * Non-Evergreen software
- ** Timekeeping software for staff
- ** Specialized patron request packages
- * Static files and folders
- ** Semi-public Patron resources
- ** Staff-only downloads
-Proxying Websites
-One potentially interesting use of the AccessHandler module is to protect an
-Apache Proxy configuration. For example, after installing and enabling
-mod_proxy, mod_proxy_http, and mod_proxy_html you could proxy websites like so:
-<Location /proxy/>
- # Base "Rewrite URLs" configuration
- ProxyHTMLLinks a href
- ProxyHTMLLinks area href
- ProxyHTMLLinks link href
- ProxyHTMLLinks img src longdesc usemap
- ProxyHTMLLinks object classid codebase data usemap
- ProxyHTMLLinks q cite
- ProxyHTMLLinks blockquote cite
- ProxyHTMLLinks ins cite
- ProxyHTMLLinks del cite
- ProxyHTMLLinks form action
- ProxyHTMLLinks input src usemap
- ProxyHTMLLinks head profile
- ProxyHTMLLinks base href
- ProxyHTMLLinks script src for
- # To support scripting events (with ProxyHTMLExtended On)
- ProxyHTMLEvents onclick ondblclick onmousedown onmouseup \
- onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress \
- onkeydown onkeyup onfocus onblur onload \
- onunload onsubmit onreset onselect onchange
- # Limit all Proxy connections to authenticated sessions by default
- PerlAccessHandler OpenILS::WWW::AccessHandler
- # Strip out Evergreen cookies before sending to remote server
- RequestHeader edit Cookie "^(.*?)ses=.*?(?:$|;)(.*)$" $1$2
- RequestHeader edit Cookie "^(.*?)eg_loggedin=.*?(?:$|;)(.*)$" $1$2
-<Location /proxy/example/>
- # Proxy example.net
- ProxyPass http://www.example.net/
- ProxyPassReverse http://www.example.net/
- ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain example.net example.com
- ProxyPassReverseCookiePath / /proxy/example/
- ProxyHTMLEnable On
- ProxyHTMLURLMap http://www.example.net/ /proxy/example/
- ProxyHTMLURLMap / /proxy/mail/
- ProxyHTMLCharsetOut *
- # Limit to BR1 and BR3 users
- PerlSetVar OILSAccessHandlerHomeOU "BR1,BR3"
-As mentioned above, this can be used for multiple reasons. In addition to
-websites such as online databases for patron use you may wish to proxy software
-for staff or patron use to make it appear on your catalog domain, or perhaps to
-keep from needing to open extra ports in a firewall.