$self->floating_plan->add_node( $self->parse_tree );
$self->parse_tree( $self->floating_plan );
+ $self->parse_tree->plan_level(0);
return $self;
the portion of the query string that needs to be processed at a higher level.
+our $last_class = '';
+our $last_type = '';
+our $floating = 0;
+our $fstart;
sub decompose {
my $self = shift;
my $pkg = ref($self) || $self;
- warn " ** decompose package is $pkg\n" if $self->debug;
$_ = shift;
my $current_class = shift || $self->default_search_class;
my $search_class_re = '^\s*(';
my $first_class = 1;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing." ** decompose package is $pkg\n" if $self->debug;
my %seen_classes;
for my $class ( keys %{$pkg->search_field_aliases} ) {
- warn " *** ... Looking for search fields in $class\n" if $self->debug;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing." *** ... Looking for search fields in $class\n" if $self->debug;
for my $field ( keys %{$pkg->search_field_aliases->{$class}} ) {
- warn " *** ... Looking for aliases of $field\n" if $self->debug;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing." *** ... Looking for aliases of $field\n" if $self->debug;
for my $alias ( @{$pkg->search_field_aliases->{$class}{$field}} ) {
my $aliasr = qr/$alias/;
- warn " *** Rewriting: $alias ($aliasr) as $class\|$field\n" if $self->debug;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing." *** Rewriting: $alias ($aliasr) as $class\|$field\n" if $self->debug;
my $aliasr = qr/$alias/;
- warn " *** Rewriting: $alias ($aliasr) as $class\n" if $self->debug;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing." *** Rewriting: $alias ($aliasr) as $class\n" if $self->debug;
if (!$seen_classes{$class}) {
$search_class_re .= '):';
- warn " ** Rewritten query: $_\n" if $self->debug;
- warn " ** Search class RE: $search_class_re\n" if $self->debug;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing." ** Rewritten query: $_\n" if $self->debug;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing." ** Search class RE: $search_class_re\n" if $self->debug;
my $required_re = $pkg->operator('required');
$required_re = qr/\Q$required_re\E/;
# Build the filter and modifier uber-regexps
my $facet_re = '^\s*(-?)((?:' . join( '|', @{$pkg->facet_classes}) . ')(?:\|\w+)*)\[(.+?)\]';
- warn " ** Facet RE: $facet_re\n" if $self->debug;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing." ** Facet RE: $facet_re\n" if $self->debug;
my $filter_re = '^\s*(-?)(' . join( '|', @{$pkg->filters}) . ')\(([^()]+)\)';
my $filter_as_class_re = '^\s*(-?)(' . join( '|', @{$pkg->filters}) . '):\s*(\S+)';
my $remainder = '';
- my $last_type = '';
while (!$remainder) {
+ warn ' 'x$recursing."Start of the loop. last_type: $last_type, joiner: ".$struct->joiner.", struct: $struct\n" if $self->debug;
+ if ($last_type eq 'FEND' and $fstart and $fstart != $struct) { # fall back further
+ $remainder = $_;
+ last;
+ } elsif ($last_type eq 'FEND') {
+ $fstart = undef;
+ $last_type = '';
+ }
if (/^\s*$/) { # end of an explicit group
+ local $last_type = '';
} elsif (/$float_end_re/) { # end of an explicit group
- warn "Encountered explicit float end\n" if $self->debug;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing."Encountered explicit float end, remainder: $'\n" if $self->debug;
$remainder = $';
$_ = '';
- $last_type = '';
+ $floating = 0;
+ $last_type = 'FEND';
+ last;
} elsif (/$group_end_re/) { # end of an explicit group
- warn "Encountered explicit group end\n" if $self->debug;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing."Encountered explicit group end, remainder: $'\n" if $self->debug;
- $_ = $';
- $remainder = $struct->top_plan ? '' : $';
+ $remainder = $';
+ $_ = '';
- $last_type = '';
+ local $last_type = '';
} elsif ($self->filter_count && /$filter_re/) { # found a filter
- warn "Encountered search filter: $1$2 set to $3\n" if $self->debug;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing."Encountered search filter: $1$2 set to $3\n" if $self->debug;
my $negate = ($1 eq $pkg->operator('disallowed')) ? 1 : 0;
$_ = $';
- $last_type = '';
+ local $last_type = '';
} elsif ($self->filter_count && /$filter_as_class_re/) { # found a filter
- warn "Encountered search filter: $1$2 set to $3\n" if $self->debug;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing."Encountered search filter: $1$2 set to $3\n" if $self->debug;
my $negate = ($1 eq $pkg->operator('disallowed')) ? 1 : 0;
$_ = $';
$struct->new_filter( $filter => $params, $negate );
- $last_type = '';
+ local $last_type = '';
} elsif ($self->modifier_count && /$modifier_re/) { # found a modifier
- warn "Encountered search modifier: $1\n" if $self->debug;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing."Encountered search modifier: $1\n" if $self->debug;
$_ = $';
if (!($struct->top_plan || $parser_config{$pkg}->{allow_nested_modifiers})) {
- warn " Search modifiers only allowed at the top level of the query\n" if $self->debug;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing." Search modifiers only allowed at the top level of the query\n" if $self->debug;
} else {
- $last_type = '';
+ local $last_type = '';
} elsif ($self->modifier_count && /$modifier_as_class_re/) { # found a modifier
- warn "Encountered search modifier: $1\n" if $self->debug;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing."Encountered search modifier: $1\n" if $self->debug;
my $mod = $1;
$_ = $';
if (!($struct->top_plan || $parser_config{$pkg}->{allow_nested_modifiers})) {
- warn " Search modifiers only allowed at the top level of the query\n" if $self->debug;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing." Search modifiers only allowed at the top level of the query\n" if $self->debug;
} elsif ($2 =~ /^[ty1]/i) {
- $last_type = '';
+ local $last_type = '';
} elsif (/$float_start_re/) { # start of an explicit float
- warn "Encountered explicit float start\n" if $self->debug;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing."Encountered explicit float start\n" if $self->debug;
+ $floating = 1;
+ $fstart = $struct;
+ $last_class = $current_class;
+ $current_class = undef;
$self->floating_plan( $self->new_plan( floating => 1 ) ) if (!$self->floating_plan);
# pass the floating_plan struct to be modified by the float'ed chunk
- my ($floating_plan, $subremainder) = $self->new->decompose( $', undef, undef, undef, $self->floating_plan);
+ my ($floating_plan, $subremainder) = $self->new( debug => $self->debug )->decompose( $', undef, undef, undef, $self->floating_plan);
$_ = $subremainder;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing."Remainder after explicit float: $_\n" if $self->debug;
+ $current_class = $last_class;
$last_type = '';
} elsif (/$group_start_re/) { # start of an explicit group
- warn "Encountered explicit group start\n" if $self->debug;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing."Encountered explicit group start\n" if $self->debug;
my ($substruct, $subremainder) = $self->decompose( $', $current_class, $recursing + 1 );
$struct->add_node( $substruct ) if ($substruct);
$_ = $subremainder;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing."Query remainder after bool group: $_\n" if $self->debug;
+ local $last_type = '';
- $last_type = '';
} elsif (/$and_re/) { # ANDed expression
$_ = $';
- next if ($last_type eq 'AND');
- next if ($last_type eq 'OR');
- warn "Encountered AND\n" if $self->debug;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing."Encountered AND\n" if $self->debug;
+ do {warn ' 'x$recursing."!!! Already doing the bool dance for AND\n" if $self->debug; next} if ($last_type eq 'AND');
+ do {warn ' 'x$recursing."!!! Already doing the bool dance for OR\n" if $self->debug; next} if ($last_type eq 'OR');
+ local $last_type = 'AND';
+ warn ' 'x$recursing."Saving LHS, building RHS\n" if $self->debug;
my $LHS = $struct;
- my ($RHS, $subremainder) = $self->decompose( "$group_start $_ $group_end", $current_class, $recursing + 1 );
+ #my ($RHS, $subremainder) = $self->decompose( "$group_start $_ $group_end", $current_class, $recursing + 1 );
+ my ($RHS, $subremainder) = $self->decompose( $_, $current_class, $recursing + 1 );
$_ = $subremainder;
- $struct = $self->new_plan( level => $recursing, joiner => '&', floating => $LHS->floating );
+ warn ' 'x$recursing."RHS built\n" if $self->debug;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing."Post-AND remainder: $subremainder\n" if $self->debug;
+ my $wrapper = $self->new_plan( level => $recursing + 1 );
if ($LHS->floating) {
- $self->floating_plan($struct);
- $LHS->floating(0);
+ $wrapper->{query} = $LHS->{query};
+ my $outer_wrapper = $self->new_plan( level => $recursing + 1 );
+ $outer_wrapper->add_node($_) for ($wrapper,$RHS);
+ $LHS->{query} = [$outer_wrapper];
+ $struct = $LHS;
+ } else {
+ $wrapper->add_node($_) for ($LHS, $RHS);
+ $wrapper->plan_level($wrapper->plan_level); # reset levels all the way down
+ $struct = $self->new_plan( level => $recursing );
+ $struct->add_node($wrapper);
- $struct->add_node($_) for ($LHS, $RHS);
$self->parse_tree( $struct ) if ($self->parse_tree == $LHS);
- $last_type = 'AND';
+ local $last_type = '';
} elsif (/$or_re/) { # ORed expression
$_ = $';
- next if ($last_type eq 'AND');
- next if ($last_type eq 'OR');
- warn "Encountered OR\n" if $self->debug;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing."Encountered OR\n" if $self->debug;
+ do {warn ' 'x$recursing."!!! Already doing the bool dance for AND\n" if $self->debug; next} if ($last_type eq 'AND');
+ do {warn ' 'x$recursing."!!! Already doing the bool dance for OR\n" if $self->debug; next} if ($last_type eq 'OR');
+ local $last_type = 'OR';
+ warn ' 'x$recursing."Saving LHS, building RHS\n" if $self->debug;
my $LHS = $struct;
- my ($RHS, $subremainder) = $self->decompose( "$group_start $_ $group_end", $current_class, $recursing + 1 );
+ #my ($RHS, $subremainder) = $self->decompose( "$group_start $_ $group_end", $current_class, $recursing + 1 );
+ my ($RHS, $subremainder) = $self->decompose( $_, $current_class, $recursing + 2 );
$_ = $subremainder;
- $struct = $self->new_plan( level => $recursing, joiner => '|' );
- $struct->add_node($_) for ($LHS, $RHS);
+ warn ' 'x$recursing."RHS built\n" if $self->debug;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing."Post-OR remainder: $subremainder\n" if $self->debug;
+ my $wrapper = $self->new_plan( level => $recursing + 1, joiner => '|' );
+ if ($LHS->floating) {
+ $wrapper->{query} = $LHS->{query};
+ my $outer_wrapper = $self->new_plan( level => $recursing + 1, joiner => '|' );
+ $outer_wrapper->add_node($_) for ($wrapper,$RHS);
+ $LHS->{query} = [$outer_wrapper];
+ $struct = $LHS;
+ } else {
+ $wrapper->add_node($_) for ($LHS, $RHS);
+ $wrapper->plan_level($wrapper->plan_level); # reset levels all the way down
+ $struct = $self->new_plan( level => $recursing );
+ $struct->add_node($wrapper);
+ }
$self->parse_tree( $struct ) if ($self->parse_tree == $LHS);
- $last_type = 'OR';
+ local $last_type = '';
} elsif ($self->facet_class_count && /$facet_re/) { # changing current class
- warn "Encountered facet: $1$2 => $3\n" if $self->debug;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing."Encountered facet: $1$2 => $3\n" if $self->debug;
my $negate = ($1 eq $pkg->operator('disallowed')) ? 1 : 0;
my $facet = $2;
$struct->new_facet( $facet => $facet_value, $negate );
$_ = $';
- $last_type = '';
+ local $last_type = '';
} elsif ($self->search_class_count && /$search_class_re/) { # changing current class
if ($last_type eq 'CLASS') {
$struct->remove_last_node( $current_class );
- warn "Encountered class change with no searches!\n" if $self->debug;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing."Encountered class change with no searches!\n" if $self->debug;
- warn "Encountered class change: $1\n" if $self->debug;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing."Encountered class change: $1\n" if $self->debug;
$current_class = $struct->classed_node( $1 )->requested_class();
$_ = $';
- $last_type = 'CLASS';
+ local $last_type = 'CLASS';
} elsif (/^\s*($required_re|$disallowed_re)?"([^"]+)"/) { # phrase, always anded
- warn 'Encountered' . ($1 ? " ['$1' modified]" : '') . " phrase: $2\n" if $self->debug;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing.'Encountered' . ($1 ? " ['$1' modified]" : '') . " phrase: $2\n" if $self->debug;
my $req_ness = $1 || '';
my $phrase = $2;
if (!$phrase_helper) {
- warn "Recursing into decompose with the phrase as a subquery\n" if $self->debug;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing."Recursing into decompose with the phrase as a subquery\n" if $self->debug;
my $after = $';
my ($substruct, $subremainder) = $self->decompose( qq/$req_ness"$phrase"/, $current_class, $recursing + 1, 1 );
$struct->add_node( $substruct ) if ($substruct);
$_ = $after;
} else {
- warn "Directly parsing the phrase subquery\n" if $self->debug;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing."Directly parsing the phrase subquery\n" if $self->debug;
$struct->joiner( '&' );
my $class_node = $struct->classed_node($current_class);
- $last_type = '';
+ local $last_type = '';
+ } elsif (/^\s*$required_re([^${group_end}${float_end}\s"]+)/) { # phrase, always anded
+ warn ' 'x$recursing."Encountered required atom (mini phrase), transforming for phrase parse: $1\n" if $self->debug;
+ $_ = '"' . $1 . '"' . $';
-# } elsif (/^\s*$required_re([^\s"]+)/) { # phrase, always anded
-# warn "Encountered required atom (mini phrase): $1\n" if $self->debug;
-# my $phrase = $1;
-# my $class_node = $struct->classed_node($current_class);
-# $class_node->add_phrase( $phrase );
-# $_ = $phrase . $';
-# $struct->joiner( '&' );
-# $last_type = '';
+ local $last_type = '';
} elsif (/^\s*([^${group_end}${float_end}\s]+)/o) { # atom
- warn "Encountered atom: $1\n" if $self->debug;
- warn "Remainder: $'\n" if $self->debug;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing."Encountered atom: $1\n" if $self->debug;
+ warn ' 'x$recursing."Remainder: $'\n" if $self->debug;
my $atom = $1;
my $after = $';
$_ = $after;
- $last_type = '';
+ local $last_type = '';
my $class_node = $struct->classed_node($current_class);
my $prefix = ($atom =~ s/^$disallowed_re//o) ? '!' : '';
my $truncate = ($atom =~ s/\*$//o) ? '*' : '';
- if ($atom ne '' and !grep { $atom =~ /^\Q$_\E+$/ } ('&','|','-','+')) { # throw away & and |, not allowed in tsquery, and not really useful anyway
+ if ($atom ne '' and !grep { $atom =~ /^\Q$_\E+$/ } ('&','|')) { # throw away & and |, not allowed in tsquery, and not really useful anyway
# $class_node->add_phrase( $atom ) if ($atom =~ s/^$required_re//o);
# $class_node->add_unphrase( $atom ) if ($prefix eq '!');
$class_node->add_fts_atom( $atom, suffix => $truncate, prefix => $prefix, node => $class_node );
$struct->joiner( '&' );
+ local $last_type = '';
last unless ($_);
package QueryParser::Canonicalize; # not OO
+use Data::Dumper;
sub _abstract_query2str_filter {
my $f = shift;
return @{$$children{$op}};
# This should produce an equivalent query to the original, given an
# abstract_query.
sub abstract_query2str_impl {
my $depth = shift || 0;
my $qp_class ||= shift || 'QueryParser';
+ my $force_qp_node = shift || 0;
my $qpconfig = $QueryParser::parser_config{$qp_class};
my $fs = $qpconfig->{operators}{float_start};
my $or = $qpconfig->{operators}{or};
my $isnode = 0;
+ my $size = 0;
my $q = "";
if (exists $abstract_query->{type}) {
$q .= ($q ? ' ' : '') . join(" ", map { _abstract_query2str_modifier($_, $qp_class) } @{$abstract_query->{modifiers}}) if
exists $abstract_query->{modifiers};
- $isnode = 1
- if (!$abstract_query->{floating} && exists $abstract_query->{children} && _kid_list($abstract_query->{children}) > 1);
+ $size = _kid_list($abstract_query->{children});
+ $isnode = 1 if ($size > 1 and ($force_qp_node or $depth));
+ #warn "size: $size, depth: $depth, isnode: $isnode, AQ: ".Dumper($abstract_query);
} elsif ($abstract_query->{type} eq 'node') {
if ($abstract_query->{alias}) {
$q .= ($q ? ' ' : '') . $abstract_query->{alias};
+ my $next_depth = int($size > 1);
if (exists $abstract_query->{children}) {
my $op = (keys(%{$abstract_query->{children}}))[0];
my $sub_node = pop @{$abstract_query->{children}{$op}};
$abstract_query->{floating} = 0;
- $q = $fs . " " . abstract_query2str_impl($abstract_query,0,$qp_class) . $fe. " ";
+ $q = $fs . " " . abstract_query2str_impl($abstract_query,0,$qp_class, 1) . $fe. " ";
$abstract_query = $sub_node;
$q .= ($q ? ' ' : '') . join(
($op eq '&' ? ' ' : " $or "),
map {
- my $x = abstract_query2str_impl($_, $depth + 1, $qp_class); $x =~ s/^\s+//; $x =~ s/\s+$//; $x;
+ my $x = abstract_query2str_impl($_, $depth + $next_depth, $qp_class, $force_qp_node); $x =~ s/^\s+//; $x =~ s/\s+$//; $x;
} @{$abstract_query->{children}{$op}}
$q .= ($q ? ' ' : '') . join(
($op eq '&' ? ' ' : " $or "),
map {
- my $x = abstract_query2str_impl($_, $depth + 1, $qp_class); $x =~ s/^\s+//; $x =~ s/\s+$//; $x;
+ my $x = abstract_query2str_impl($_, $depth + $next_depth, $qp_class, $force_qp_node); $x =~ s/^\s+//; $x =~ s/\s+$//; $x;
} @{$abstract_query->{$op}}
sub plan_level {
my $self = shift;
+ my $level = shift;
+ if (defined $level) {
+ $self->{level} = $level;
+ for (@{$self->query_nodes}) {
+ $_->plan_level($level + 1) if (ref and $_->isa('QueryParser::query_plan'));
+ }
+ }
return $self->{level};
my $abstract_query = {
type => "query_plan",
floating => $self->floating,
+ level => $self->plan_level,
filters => [map { $_->to_abstract_query } @{$self->filters}],
modifiers => [map { $_->to_abstract_query } @{$self->modifiers}]
+ $abstract_query->{children} ||= { QueryParser::_util::default_joiner() => $kids };
if ($self->{phrases} and not $opts{no_phrases}) {
for my $phrase (@{$self->{phrases}}) {
# Phrases appear duplication in a real QP tree, and we don't want