* xref:acquisitions:introduction.adoc[Acquisitions]
-** xref:acquisitions:selection_lists_po.adoc[]
-** xref:acquisitions:invoices.adoc[]
-** xref:acquisitions:receive_items_from_invoice.adoc[]
-** xref:acquisitions:vandelay_acquisitions_integration.adoc[]
-** xref:acquisitions:purchase_requests_patron_view.adoc[]
-** xref:acquisitions:purchase_requests_management.adoc[]
-** xref:acquisitions:blanket.adoc[]
+** xref:acquisitions:selection_lists_po.adoc[Selection Lists and Purchase Orders]
+** xref:acquisitions:vandelay_acquisitions_integration.adoc[Load MARC Order Records]
+** xref:acquisitions:invoices.adoc[Invoices]
+** xref:acquisitions:purchase_requests_management.adoc[Managing patron purchase requests]
+** xref:acquisitions:purchase_requests_patron_view.adoc[Placing purchase requests from a patron record]
+** xref:acquisitions:blanket.adoc["Blanket" Orders]
-== "Blanket" Orders ==
+= "Blanket" Orders =
"Blanket" orders allow staff to invoice an encumbered amount multiple times, paying off the charge over a period of time. The work flow supported by this development assumes staff does not need to track the individual contents of the order, only the amounts encumbered and invoiced in bulk.
-=== Example ===
+== Example ==
. Staff creates PO with a Direct Charge of "Popular Fiction 2015" and a charge type of "Blanket Order".
.. Alternatively, if the PO needs to be finalized without creating a final invoice, staff can use the new _Finalize Blanket Order_ option on the PO page.
-More details about blanket orders
+== More details about blanket orders ==
* Any direct charge using a _blanket_ item type will create a long-lived charge that can be invoiced multiple times.
-== Acquisitions ==
+= Acquisitions =
-=== Initial Configuration ===
+== Initial Configuration ==
Before beginning to use Acquisitions, the following must be configured by an administrator:
More details can be found in the Staff Client System Administration manual.
-Acquisitions Workflow
+== Acquisitions Workflow ==
The following diagram shows how the workflow functions in Evergreen. One of the differences in this process you should notice is that when creating a selection list on the vendor site, libraries will be downloading and importing the vendor bibs and item records.
-== Invoices ==
+= Invoices =
-=== Introduction ===
+== Introduction ==
You can invoice items before you receive the items if desired. You can also
reopen closed invoices, and you can print all invoices.
-=== Creating invoices and adding line items ===
+== Creating invoices and adding line items ==
You can add specific line items to an invoice from the PO or acquisitions
search results screen. You can also search for relevant line items from within
the invoice interface. In addition, you can add all line items from an entire
Purchase order to an invoice or you can create a blanket invoice for items that are not
attached to a purchase order.
-==== Creating a blanket invoice ====
+=== Creating a blanket invoice ===
You can create a blanket invoice for purchases that are not attached to a purchase order.
image::media/acq_invoice_blanket.png[Blanket invoice]
-==== Adding line items from a Purchase Order or search results screen to an invoice ====
+=== Adding line items from a Purchase Order or search results screen to an invoice ===
You can create an invoice or add line items to an invoice directly from a
Purchase Order or an acquisitions search results screen.
. You can re-open a closed invoice by clicking the link, _Re-open invoice_. This
link appears at the bottom of a closed invoice.
-==== Search for line items from an invoice ====
+=== Search for line items from an invoice ===
indexterm:[acquisitions,lineitems,searching for]
indexterm:[acquisitions,invoices,searching for lineitems]
-==== Create an invoice for a purchase order ====
+=== Create an invoice for a purchase order ===
You can create an invoice for all of the line items on a purchase order. With
the exception of fields with drop-down menus, no limitations on the data that you enter exist.
. You can re-open a closed invoice by clicking the link, _Re-open invoice_. This
link appears at the bottom of a closed invoice.
-==== Link an existing invoice to a purchase order ====
+=== Link an existing invoice to a purchase order ===
You can use the link invoice feature to link an existing invoice to a purchase
order. For example, an invoice is received for a shipment with items on
image::media/acq_invoice_link.png[Link Invoice]
-=== Electronic Invoicing ===
+== Electronic Invoicing ==
-=== View an invoice ===
+== View an invoice ==
You can view an invoice in one of four ways: view open invoices; view invoices
on a purchase order; view invoices by searching specific invoice fields; view
. To view invoices by searching specific invoice fields, see the section on
searching the acquisitions module.
. To view invoices for a line item, see the section on line item invoices.
+== Receive Items From an Invoice ==
+This feature enables users to receive items from an invoice. Staff can receive individual copies, or they can receive items in batch.
+=== Receive Items in Batch (List Mode) ===
+In this example, we have created a purchase order, added line items and copies, and activated the purchase order. We will create an invoice from the purchase order, receive items, and invoice them. We will receive the items in batch from the invoice.
+1) Retrieve a purchase order.
+2) Click *Create Invoice*.
+3) The blank invoice appears. In the top half of the invoice, enter descriptive information about the invoice. In the bottom half of the invoice, enter the number of items for which you were invoiced, the amount that you were billed, and the amount that you paid.
+4) Click *Save*. You must choose a save option before you can receive items.
+5) The screen refreshes. In the top right corner of the screen, click *Receive Items*.
+6) The *Acquisitions Invoice Receiving* screen opens. By default, this screen enables users to receive items in batch, or *Numeric Mode*. You can select the number of copies that you want to receive; you are not receiving specific copies in this mode.
+7) Select the number of copies that you want to receive. By default, the number that you invoiced will appear. In this example, we will receive one copy of each title.
+NOTE: You cannot receive fewer items than 0 (zero) or more items than the number that you ordered.
+8) Click *Receive Selected Copies*.
+9) When you are finished receiving items, close the screen. You can repeat this process as you receive more copies.
+=== Receive Specific Copies (Numeric Mode) ===
+In this example, we have created a purchase order, added line items and copies, and activated the purchase order. We will create an invoice from the purchase order, receive items, and invoice them. We will receive specific copies from the invoice. This function may be useful to libraries who purchase items that have been barcoded by their vendor.
+1) Complete steps 1-5 in the previous section.
+2) The *Acquisitions Invoice Receiving* screen by default enables user to receive items in batch, or *Numeric Mode*. Click *Use List Mode* to receive specific copies.
+3) Select the check boxes adjacent to the copies that you want to receive. Leave unchecked the copies that you do not want to receive.
+4) Click *Receive Selected Copies*.
+The screen will refresh. Copies that have not yet been received remain on the screen so that you can receive them when they arrive.
+5) When all copies on an invoice have been received, a message confirms that no copies remain to be received.
+6) The purchase order records that all items have been received.
-== Managing patron purchase requests ==
+= Managing patron purchase requests =
-=== Introduction ===
+== Introduction ==
indexterm:[purchase requests]
Patron Requests can be used to track purchase suggestions from patrons in Evergreen. This feature allows purchase requests to be placed on selection lists to integrate with the Acquisitions module. Patron Requests can be accessed through the Acquisitions module under *Acquisitions -> Patron Requests* and through patron accounts under *Other -> Acquisition Patron Requests*. Requests can be placed and managed through both interfaces.
-=== Place a Patron Request ===
+== Place a Patron Request ==
. Go to *Acquisitions -> Patron Requests*. This interface is scoped by Patron Home Library and will default to the library your workstation is registered to.
.. Requests can also be placed directly through a patron account, in which case the interface will scope to the patron ID.
image::media/patronrequests_requestform.PNG[Patron Requests Form]
-Actions for Requests
+== Actions for Requests ==
After placing a Patron Request, a variety of actions can be taken by selecting the request, or right-clicking, and selecting Actions within either *Acquisitions -> Patron Requests* or through the patron account under *Other -> Acquisition Patron Requests*:
* *Set No Hold on Requests* - allows you to indicate that a hold should not be placed on the requested title, without needing to go in and edit the request individually.
* *Cancel Requests* - cancel the request and select a cancellation reason
-=== Administration ===
+== Administration ==
-==== Request Status ====
+=== Request Status ===
Patron Requests will use the following statuses:
* *Fulfilled* - This is the state when an associated hold request has been fulfilled.
* *Canceled* - This is the state when the acquisition request has been canceled.
-==== Notifications/Action Triggers ====
+=== Notifications/Action Triggers ===
The following email notifications are included with Evergreen, but are disabled by default. The notices can be enabled through the *Notifications/Action Triggers* interface under *Administration -> Local Administration*. The existing notices could also be modified to place a message in the *Patron Message Center*. Any enabled notifications related to holds placed on requests will also be sent to patrons.
* Email Notice: Patron Acquisition Request marked Cancelled
* Email Notice: Patron Acquisition Request marked Received
-==== Permissions ====
+=== Permissions ===
This feature includes one new permission and makes use of several existing permissions. The following permissions are required to manage patron requests:
* user_request.update
** This is checked when updating a request or canceling a request
* user_request.delete
+== Placing purchase requests from a patron record ==
+indexterm:[patrons, purchase requests]
+Patrons may wish to suggest titles for your Library to purchase. You can track these requests within Evergreen,
+whether or not you are using the acquisitions module for other purposes. This section describes how you can record
+these requests within a patron's record.
+. Retrieve the patron's record.
+. Select Other --> Acquisition Patron Requests. This takes you to the Aquisition Patron Requests Screen. CTRL+click or scrollwheel click to open this in a new browser tab.
+. The Acquisition Patron Requests Screen will show any other requests that this patron has made. You may sort the requests by clicking on the column headers.
+. To show canceled requests, click the _Show Canceled Requests_ checkbox.
+. To add the request, click the _Create Request_ button.
+NOTE: You will need the CREATE_PURCHASE_REQUEST permission to add a request.
+. The request type field is required. Every other field is optional, although it is recommended that you enter as much information about the
+request as possible.
+. The _Pickup Library_ and _User ID_ fields will be filled in automatically.
+. _Request Date/Time_ and _User Barcode_ will be automatically recorded when the request is saved.
+. _Notify by Email When Hold is Ready_ and _Notify by Phone When Hold is Ready_ will pull in preferences from the patron account if left blank, or can be set manually here.
+. You have the option to automatically place a hold for the patron if your library decides to purchase the item. If you'd like Evergreen to
+generate this hold, check the _Place Hold_ box.
+. When you have finished entering information about the request, click the _Save_ button.
+++ /dev/null
-== Placing purchase requests from a patron record ==
-indexterm:[patrons, purchase requests]
-Patrons may wish to suggest titles for your Library to purchase. You can track these requests within Evergreen,
-whether or not you are using the acquisitions module for other purposes. This section describes how you can record
-these requests within a patron's record.
-. Retrieve the patron's record.
-. Select Other --> Acquisition Patron Requests. This takes you to the Aquisition Patron Requests Screen. CTRL+click or scrollwheel click to open this in a new browser tab.
-. The Acquisition Patron Requests Screen will show any other requests that this patron has made. You may sort the requests by clicking on the column headers.
-. To show canceled requests, click the _Show Canceled Requests_ checkbox.
-. To add the request, click the _Create Request_ button.
-NOTE: You will need the CREATE_PURCHASE_REQUEST permission to add a request.
-. The request type field is required. Every other field is optional, although it is recommended that you enter as much information about the
-request as possible.
-. The _Pickup Library_ and _User ID_ fields will be filled in automatically.
-. _Request Date/Time_ and _User Barcode_ will be automatically recorded when the request is saved.
-. _Notify by Email When Hold is Ready_ and _Notify by Phone When Hold is Ready_ will pull in preferences from the patron account if left blank, or can be set manually here.
-. You have the option to automatically place a hold for the patron if your library decides to purchase the item. If you'd like Evergreen to
-generate this hold, check the _Place Hold_ box.
-. When you have finished entering information about the request, click the _Save_ button.
+++ /dev/null
-=== Receive Items From an Invoice ===
-This feature enables users to receive items from an invoice. Staff can receive individual copies, or they can receive items in batch.
-==== Receive Items in Batch (List Mode) ====
-In this example, we have created a purchase order, added line items and copies, and activated the purchase order. We will create an invoice from the purchase order, receive items, and invoice them. We will receive the items in batch from the invoice.
-1) Retrieve a purchase order.
-2) Click *Create Invoice*.
-3) The blank invoice appears. In the top half of the invoice, enter descriptive information about the invoice. In the bottom half of the invoice, enter the number of items for which you were invoiced, the amount that you were billed, and the amount that you paid.
-4) Click *Save*. You must choose a save option before you can receive items.
-5) The screen refreshes. In the top right corner of the screen, click *Receive Items*.
-6) The *Acquisitions Invoice Receiving* screen opens. By default, this screen enables users to receive items in batch, or *Numeric Mode*. You can select the number of copies that you want to receive; you are not receiving specific copies in this mode.
-7) Select the number of copies that you want to receive. By default, the number that you invoiced will appear. In this example, we will receive one copy of each title.
-NOTE: You cannot receive fewer items than 0 (zero) or more items than the number that you ordered.
-8) Click *Receive Selected Copies*.
-9) When you are finished receiving items, close the screen. You can repeat this process as you receive more copies.
-==== Receive Specific Copies (Numeric Mode) ====
-In this example, we have created a purchase order, added line items and copies, and activated the purchase order. We will create an invoice from the purchase order, receive items, and invoice them. We will receive specific copies from the invoice. This function may be useful to libraries who purchase items that have been barcoded by their vendor.
-1) Complete steps 1-5 in the previous section.
-2) The *Acquisitions Invoice Receiving* screen by default enables user to receive items in batch, or *Numeric Mode*. Click *Use List Mode* to receive specific copies.
-3) Select the check boxes adjacent to the copies that you want to receive. Leave unchecked the copies that you do not want to receive.
-4) Click *Receive Selected Copies*.
-The screen will refresh. Copies that have not yet been received remain on the screen so that you can receive them when they arrive.
-5) When all copies on an invoice have been received, a message confirms that no copies remain to be received.
-6) The purchase order records that all items have been received.
-== Selection Lists and Purchase Orders ==
+= Selection Lists and Purchase Orders =
-=== Selection Lists ===
+== Selection Lists ==
Selection lists allow you to create, manage, and save lists of items
that you may want to purchase. To view your selection list, click
*Acquisitions* -> *My Selection Lists*. Use the general search to view selection lists created by other users.
-==== Create a selection list ====
+=== Create a selection list ===
Selection lists can be created in four areas within the module. Selection lists can be created when you xref:#brief_records[Add Brief Records], Upload MARC Order Records, or find records through the xref:#marc_federated_search[MARC Federated Search]. In each of these interfaces, you will find the Add to Selection List field. Enter the name of the selection list that you want to create in that field.
image::media/acq_selection_create.png[create selection list]
-==== Add items to a selection list ====
+=== Add items to a selection list ===
You can add items to a selection list in one of three ways: xref:#brief_records[add a brief record]; upload MARC order records; add records through a xref:#marc_federated_search[federated search]; or use the View/Place Orders menu item in the catalog.
-==== Clone selection lists ====
+=== Clone selection lists ===
Cloning selection lists enables you to copy one selection list into a new selection list. You can maintain both copies of the list, or you can delete the previous list.
image::media/acq_selection_clone.png[clone selection list]
-==== Merge selection lists ====
+=== Merge selection lists ===
You can merge two or more selection lists into one selection list.
image::media/acq_selection_merge.png[merge selection list]
-==== Delete selection lists ====
+=== Delete selection lists ===
You can delete selection lists that you do not want to save. You will not be able to retrieve these items through the General Search after you have deleted the list. You must delete all line items from a selection list before you can delete the list.
. Check the box adjacent to the selection list(s) that you want to delete.
. Click Delete Selected.
-==== Mark Ready for Selector ====
+=== Mark Ready for Selector ===
After an item has been added to a selection list or purchase order, you can mark it ready for selector. This step is optional but may be useful to individual workflows.
image::media/acq_selection_mark_ready.png[mark ready]
-==== Convert selection list to purchase order ====
+=== Convert selection list to purchase order ===
Use the Actions menu to convert a selection list to a purchase order.
-=== Purchase Orders ===
+== Purchase Orders ==
Purchase Orders allow you to keep track of orders and, if EDI is enabled, communicate with your provider.
To view purchase orders, click
*Acquisitions* -> *Purchase Orders*.
-==== Naming your purchase order ====
+=== Naming your purchase order ===
You can give your purchase order a name.
* Click *View PO* to view the purchase order with the matching name. The purchase order will open in a new tab.
* Repeat the steps to change the name of an existing purchase order and make the name unique.
-==== Activating your purchase order ====
+=== Activating your purchase order ===
When the appropriate criteria have been met the Activate Order button will appear and you can proceed with the following:
* Debits Encumbered
* Real Copies Processed
-===== Activate Purchase Order without loading items =====
+==== Activate Purchase Order without loading items ====
It is possible to activate a purchase order without loading items. Once the purchase order has been activated without loading items, it is not possible to load the items. This feature should only be used in situations where the copies have already been added to the catalogue, such as:
To use this feature, click the Activate Without Loading Items button.
-===== Activate Purchase Order with Zero Copies =====
+==== Activate Purchase Order with Zero Copies ====
By default, a purchase order cannot be activated if a line item on the
purchase order has zero copies. To activate a purchase order with line
-==== Line item statuses ====
+=== Line item statuses ===
The purchase orders interface keeps track of various statuses that your
line items might be in. This section lists some of the statuses you might
see when looking at purchase orders.
-===== Canceled and Delayed Items =====
+==== Canceled and Delayed Items ====
In the purchase order interface, you can easily
differentiate between canceled and delayed items. Each label begins
-===== Paid PO Line Items =====
+==== Paid PO Line Items ====
Purchase Order line items are marked as "Paid" in red text when all non-cancelled copies on the line item have been invoiced.
-=== Brief Records ===
+== Brief Records ==
Brief records are short bibliographic records with minimal information that are often used as placeholder records until items are received. Brief records can be added to selection lists or purchase orders and can be imported into the catalog. You can add brief records to new or existing selection lists. You can add brief records to new, pending or on-order purchase orders.
-==== Add brief records to a selection list ====
+=== Add brief records to a selection list ===
. Click *Acquisitions* -> *New Brief Record*. You can also add brief records to an existing selection list by clicking the Actions menu on the selection list and choosing Add Brief Record.
. Choose a selection list from the drop down menu, or enter the name of a new selection list.
-==== Add brief records to purchase orders ====
+=== Add brief records to purchase orders ===
You can add brief records to new or existing purchase orders.
-=== MARC Federated Search ===
+== MARC Federated Search ==
The MARC Federated Search enables you to import bibliographic records into a selection list or purchase order from a Z39.50 source.
image::media/acq_marc_search-2.png[line item]
-=== Line Items ===
+== Line Items ==
-==== Return to Line Item ====
+=== Return to Line Item ===
This feature enables you to return to a specific line item on a selection list,
purchase order, or invoice after you have navigated away from the page that
* Selection List
* Purchase Order
-==== Display a Count of Existing Copies on Selection List and Purchase Order Lineitems ====
+=== Display a Count of Existing Copies on Selection List and Purchase Order Lineitems ===
When displaying Acquisitions lineitems within the Selection List and Purchase Order interfaces, Evergreen displays a count of existing catalog copies on the lineitem. The count of existing catalog copies refers to the number of copies owned at the ordering agency and / or the ordering agency's child organization units.
-== Load MARC Order Records ==
+= Load MARC Order Records =
-=== Introduction ===
+== Introduction ==
The Acquisitions Load MARC Order Record interface enables you to add MARC
records to selection lists and purchase orders and upload the records into the
For detailed instructions on record matching and importing, see
the cataloging manual.
-=== Basic Upload Options ===
+== Basic Upload Options ==
. Click *Acquisitions* -> *Load MARC Order Records*.
. If you want to upload the MARC records to a new purchase order, then
check _Create Purchase Order_.
image::media/load_marc_order_records.png[Acquisitions MARC upload screen]
-=== Record Matching Options ===
+== Record Matching Options ==
Use the options below the horizontal rule for the system to check for matching
records before importing an order record.
image::media/load_marc_order_records.png[Acquisitions MARC upload screen]
-=== Default Upload Settings ===
+== Default Upload Settings ==
You can set default upload values by modifying the following settings in
*Administration* -> *Local Administration* -> *Library Settings Editor*:
image::media/acq_upload_library_settings.png[Acq upload settings in Library Settings Editor]
-=== Sticky Settings ===
+== Sticky Settings ==
If the above default settings are not implemented, the selections/values used
in the following fields will be sticky and will automatically populate the
- Insufficient Quality Fall-Through Profile
- Load Items for Imported Records
-=== Use Cases for MARC Order Upload form ===
+== Use Cases for MARC Order Upload form ==
You can add items to a selection list or purchase order and ignore the record
matching options, or you can use both acquisitions and cataloging functions. In
= Attributions =
Copyright © 2009-2018 Evergreen DIG
Copyright © 2008-2018 SC LENDS
-Copyright @ 2012-2018 CW MARS
+Copyright © 2012-2018 CW MARS
+Copyright © 2014-2020 MOBIUS
*DIG Contributors*
* Lindsay Stratton, Pioneer Library System
* Yamil Suarez, Berklee College of Music
* Jenny Turner, PALS
+* Debbie Luchenbill, MOBIUS
+* Blake Graham-Henderson, MOBIUS
+* Ted Peterson, MOBIUS
= Licensing =
Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License].
-= Index =
+== Index ==
= Index =
= Licensing =
title: Evergreen Documentation
- start_page: docs::index
+ start_page: docs:shared:about_this_documentation
url: http://localhost/prod