. Select a file of authority data and put it in the *File to Upload* field.
. Make sure all the settings are correct, then press *Upload.*
. Evergreen will automatically assign a thesaurus based on the *Subj* fixed field, which is character 11 in the 008 field.
+. Evergreen will also try to determine who edited the record (based on the MARC 905u field or the user performing the import) and set the edit date, which you can view
+when you examine the record in the future.
-If you are importing authorities from an external vendor and want to track this, you may wish to set a unique Record Source.
+If you are importing authorities from an external vendor and want to track this, you may wish to set a unique Record Source. This source will be visible in the MARC
+Editor and in the 901$s field of the imported authority records.
Setting up Authority Record Match Sets
. Click *Cataloging -> MARC Batch Import/Export.*
* v = Repertoire de vedettes-matiere
* z = Other
* | = No attempt to code
+Editing authority records
+Editing an authority record (or merging two authority records) can cause its linked bibliographic records to also update. For example,
+if you correct a spelling error in the 150 field of a subject authority record, the relevant 650 field in linked bibliographic records
+will also be updated to reflect the correct spelling.
+When a bib record is automatically updated as a result of the modification of a linked authority record, the bib record's "Last Edit Date/
+Time" and "Last Editing User" fields will be updated to match the time of the update and the editory of the authority record. If you'd
+prefer that these fields not be automatically updated, you can set the _ingest.disable_authority_auto_update_bib_meta_ setting to true in the
+Library Settings Editor.