-<ul ngbNav #tabs="ngbNav" *ngIf="template" [(activeId)]="template"
- (navChange)="onNavChange($event)" [keyboard]="true" [roles]="false" role="tablist" class="nav-tabs">
- <li role="presentation" [ngbNavItem]="'template'">
- <a i18n ngbNavLink role="tab">Template</a>
- <ng-template ngbNavContent>
- <div class="row">
- <div class="col-lg-12 mt-3 d-flex">
- <button class="btn btn-info" (click)="openEditDialog()" i18n>
- Edit Template Attributes
- </button>
- <button class="btn btn-success ml-2" (click)="applyChanges()" i18n>
- Save Template Changes
- </button>
- <button class="btn btn-info ml-2" (click)="cloneTemplate()" i18n>
- Clone Template
- </button>
- <span class="ml-3 mr-1" i18n>Force Print Context:</span>
- <eg-combobox #printContextCbox (onChange)="forceContextChange($event)">
- <eg-combobox-entry entryId="unset" entryLabel="<Unset>" i18n-entryLabel>
- </eg-combobox-entry>
- <eg-combobox-entry entryId="default" entryLabel="Default" i18n-entryLabel>
- </eg-combobox-entry>
- <eg-combobox-entry entryId="receipt" entryLabel="Receipt" i18n-entryLabel>
- </eg-combobox-entry>
- <eg-combobox-entry entryId="label" entryLabel="Label" i18n-entryLabel>
- </eg-combobox-entry>
- <eg-combobox-entry entryId="mail" entryLabel="Mail" i18n-entryLabel>
- </eg-combobox-entry>
- <eg-combobox-entry entryId="offline" entryLabel="Offline" i18n-entryLabel>
- </eg-combobox-entry>
- <eg-combobox-entry entryId="no-print" entryLabel="No-Print" i18n-entryLabel>
- </eg-combobox-entry>
- </eg-combobox>
- <div class="flex-1"> </div>
- <button class="btn btn-danger ml-2" (click)="deleteTemplate()" i18n>
- Delete Template
- </button>
- <span *ngIf="invalidJson" class="badge badge-danger ml-2" i18n>
- Invalid Sample JSON!
- </span>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="row mt-2">
- <div class="col-lg-6">
- <h4 i18n>
- Template for "{{template.label()}} ({{getOwnerName(template.id())}})"
- <span class="pl-2 text-warning" *ngIf="template.active() === 'f'">
- (Inactive)
+<ng-container *ngIf="template">
+ <ul ngbNav #tabs="ngbNav" [(activeId)]="selectedTab" [destroyOnHide]="false"
+ (navChange)="onNavChange($event)" [keyboard]="true" [roles]="false" role="tablist" class="nav-tabs">
+ <li role="presentation" [ngbNavItem]="'template'">
+ <a i18n ngbNavLink role="tab">Template</a>
+ <ng-template ngbNavContent>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-lg-12 mt-3 d-flex">
+ <button class="btn btn-info" (click)="openEditDialog()" i18n>
+ Edit Template Attributes
+ </button>
+ <button class="btn btn-success ml-2" (click)="applyChanges()" i18n>
+ Save Template Changes
+ </button>
+ <button class="btn btn-info ml-2" (click)="cloneTemplate()" i18n>
+ Clone Template
+ </button>
+ <span class="ml-3 mr-1" i18n>Force Print Context:</span>
+ <eg-combobox #printContextCbox (onChange)="forceContextChange($event)">
+ <eg-combobox-entry entryId="unset" entryLabel="<Unset>" i18n-entryLabel>
+ </eg-combobox-entry>
+ <eg-combobox-entry entryId="default" entryLabel="Default" i18n-entryLabel>
+ </eg-combobox-entry>
+ <eg-combobox-entry entryId="receipt" entryLabel="Receipt" i18n-entryLabel>
+ </eg-combobox-entry>
+ <eg-combobox-entry entryId="label" entryLabel="Label" i18n-entryLabel>
+ </eg-combobox-entry>
+ <eg-combobox-entry entryId="mail" entryLabel="Mail" i18n-entryLabel>
+ </eg-combobox-entry>
+ <eg-combobox-entry entryId="offline" entryLabel="Offline" i18n-entryLabel>
+ </eg-combobox-entry>
+ <eg-combobox-entry entryId="no-print" entryLabel="No-Print" i18n-entryLabel>
+ </eg-combobox-entry>
+ </eg-combobox>
+ <div class="flex-1"> </div>
+ <button class="btn btn-danger ml-2" (click)="deleteTemplate()" i18n>
+ Delete Template
+ </button>
+ <span *ngIf="invalidJson" class="badge badge-danger ml-2" i18n>
+ Invalid Sample JSON!
- </h4>
- <textarea rows="{{templateRowCount()}}" class="form-control"
- spellcheck="false"
- [ngModel]="template.template()"
- (ngModelChange)="template.template($event); template.ischanged(true)">
- </textarea>
+ </div>
- <div class="col-lg-6">
- <h4 i18n>Preview</h4>
- <div class="border border-dark w-100" id="template-preview-pane">
+ <div class="row mt-2">
+ <div class="col-lg-6">
+ <h4 i18n>
+ Template for "{{template.label()}} ({{getOwnerName(template.id())}})"
+ <span class="pl-2 text-warning" *ngIf="template.active() === 'f'">
+ (Inactive)
+ </span>
+ </h4>
+ <textarea rows="{{templateRowCount()}}" class="form-control"
+ spellcheck="false"
+ [ngModel]="template.template()"
+ (ngModelChange)="template.template($event); template.ischanged(true)">
+ </textarea>
- <h4 class="mt-3" i18n>Compiled Content</h4>
- <div class="border border-dark w-100">
- <pre class="p-1">{{compiledContent}}</pre>
+ <div class="col-lg-6">
+ <h4 i18n>Preview</h4>
+ <div class="border border-dark w-100" id="template-preview-pane">
+ </div>
+ <h4 class="mt-3" i18n>Compiled Content</h4>
+ <div class="border border-dark w-100">
+ <pre class="p-1">{{compiledContent}}</pre>
+ </div>
- </div>
- </ng-template>
- </li>
- <li role="presentation" [ngbNavItem]="'data'">
- <a i18n ngbNavLink role="tab">Sample Data</a>
- <ng-template ngbNavContent>
- <textarea rows="20" [(ngModel)]="sampleJson"
- spellcheck="false" class="form-control">
- </textarea>
- </ng-template>
- </li>
-<div [ngbNavOutlet]="tabs" class="mt-2"></div>
\ No newline at end of file
+ </ng-template>
+ </li>
+ <li role="presentation" [ngbNavItem]="'data'">
+ <a i18n ngbNavLink role="tab">Sample Data</a>
+ <ng-template ngbNavContent>
+ <textarea rows="20" [(ngModel)]="sampleJson"
+ spellcheck="false" class="form-control">
+ </textarea>
+ </ng-template>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <div [ngbNavOutlet]="tabs" class="mt-2"></div>
templateCache: {[id: number]: IdlObject} = {};
initialOrg: number;
selectedOrgs: number[];
+ selectedTab = 'template';
@ViewChild('templateSelector', { static: true }) templateSelector: ComboboxComponent;
- @ViewChild('tabs', { static: false }) tabs: NgbNav;
@ViewChild('editDialog', { static: true }) editDialog: FmRecordEditorComponent;
@ViewChild('confirmDelete', { static: true }) confirmDelete: ConfirmDialogComponent;
@ViewChild('printContextCbox', {static: false}) printContextCbox: ComboboxComponent;
- onTabChange(evt: NgbNavChangeEvent) {
+ onNavChange(evt: NgbNavChangeEvent) {
if (evt.nextId === 'template') {
// If the selected template changes through means other than the
- // template selecdtor, setting updateSelector=true will force the
+ // template selector, setting updateSelector=true will force the
// template to appear in the selector and get selected, regardless
// of whether it would have been fetched with current filters.
selectTemplate(id: number, updateSelector?: boolean) {
+ // reset things
+ this.selectedTab = 'template';
+ this.compiledContent = '';
+ if (this.container()) {
+ this.container().innerHTML = '';
+ }
+ this.sampleJson = '';
this.pcrud.retrieve('cpt', id).subscribe(t => {
this.template = this.templateCache[id] = t;