=head2 JSONObject2Perl
-Final routine in the object re-vivification chain, called by L</rawJSON2perl>.
+Intermediate routine called by L</rawJSON2perl>.
# not a hash; an array. revivify.
for my $i (0..scalar(@$obj) - 1) {
$obj->[$i] = $pkg->JSONObject2Perl($obj->[$i])
- unless ref $obj->[$i] eq 'JSON::XS::Boolean';
+ unless (ref $obj->[$i] eq 'JSON::XS::Boolean');
+ # FIXME? This does nothing except leave any Booleans in
+ # place, without recursively calling this sub on
+ # them. I'm not sure if that's what's supposed to
+ # happen, or if they're supposed to be thrown out of the
+ # array
my $ref = ref $obj;
return $obj unless $ref;
return $obj if $ref eq 'JSON::XS::Boolean';
- my $newobj;
+ my $jsonobj;
if(UNIVERSAL::isa($obj, 'HASH')) {
- $newobj = {};
- $newobj->{$_} = $pkg->perl2JSONObject($obj->{$_}) for (keys %$obj);
+ $jsonobj = {};
+ $jsonobj->{$_} = $pkg->perl2JSONObject($obj->{$_}) for (keys %$obj);
} elsif(UNIVERSAL::isa($obj, 'ARRAY')) {
- $newobj = [];
- $newobj->[$_] = $pkg->perl2JSONObject($obj->[$_]) for(0..scalar(@$obj) - 1);
+ $jsonobj = [];
+ $jsonobj->[$_] = $pkg->perl2JSONObject($obj->[$_]) for(0..scalar(@$obj) - 1);
if($ref ne 'HASH' and $ref ne 'ARRAY') {
- $ref = $pkg->lookup_hint($ref) || $ref;
- $newobj = {$JSON_CLASS_KEY => $ref, $JSON_PAYLOAD_KEY => $newobj};
+ $ref = $pkg->lookup_hint($ref) if $pkg->lookup_hint($ref);
+ $jsonobj = {$JSON_CLASS_KEY => $ref, $JSON_PAYLOAD_KEY => $jsonobj};
- return $newobj;
+ return $jsonobj;