text: 'No'
click: (ev) ->
- $(@).dialogAction 'non_action'
+ $(@).dialogAction 'autoclose'
# On creation, dialog message may be overidden by the intent scenario
- @set_message 'intent', false if intent
+ f = @options._scenario.intent?.body
+ @set_message 'intent', not intent, if $.isFunction f then f @options._action?._name else undefined
@_on 'dialogactionclose': -> @_destroy()
@option 'title', title or s?.title or @options._action._of._etitle()
return @
- non_action: ->
- @_on 'dialogactionclose': reroute if reroute = @options._scenario?.intent?.reroute
+ autoclose: ->
+ @_on 'dialogactionclose': @options._scenario?.intent?.reroute or ->
return @
# At this point, dialog buttons are turned off.
@option 'buttons', []
+ # Define functions to close dialogue box and reroute to another window
+ onclose_maybe_reroute = =>
+ @_on 'dialogactionclose': @options._scenario?.done?.reroute or ->
+ close = =>
+ onclose_maybe_reroute()
+ @close()
# Make an API call
action = @options._action
progress = => @set_message 'progress', true
# Re-use the dialog to show notifications with a close button
- (x) => @set_message 'done', true
+ (x) =>
+ f = @options._scenario.done?.body
+ @set_message 'done', true, if $.isFunction f then f x else undefined
+ window.setTimeout close, @options._scenario.done?.timeout or 2000
(x) => @set_message 'fail', true, responseMessage x
# On done and when the user closes the dialog, reroute the page
- .done =>
- @_on 'dialogactionclose': reroute if reroute = this.options._scenario?.done?.reroute
+ .done onclose_maybe_reroute
return @
- # Show or hide the dialog close button
- _close_button: (close) ->
- @element.parent()
- .find('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close')[if close then 'show' else 'hide']()
- .end()
- .end()
+ # Show and focus, or hide, the dialog close button.
+ _close_button: (show) ->
+ $button = @element.parent().find('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close')
+ if show then $button.show().focus() else $button.hide()
+ return @
# Map action names to labels
# of a given action object and hence the scenario object must be built
# dynamically.
- # TODO Since all of these extensions end with making an identical call to
- # the dialogAction widget, it would be good to abstract the call to the
- # outside environment, perhaps redefine the extensions as simple functions.
- # eg, fn:: action -> scenario
- #
- # TODO Map action names to re-routed page names. The rerouting function
- # depends on current page, current action, and current scenario
- #
# Build a dialog to place a hold
@dialogAction _scenario: scenario, _action: action
- # Build format buttons given specifications as follows.
- # formats = [ { formatType: type, linkTemplates: { downloadLink: { href: href } } } ]
- # actions = { downloadLink: { href: href, method: get, type: type } }
- #
- # TODO no need to define an action dialog because this is the only example of a get action
- # and we can allow the default behaviour to occur.
- #
- # Do we need a dialogDownload widget?
- # Confirm -> HTTP GET downloadLink.
- # Fail -> Browser navigates to errorURL and shows error status.
- # Done -> Response is a contentLink. HTTP Get contentLink.
- _formats: (formats) ->
- return @ unless formats
- tpl = _.template """
- <div>
- <a href="<%= href %>" class="opac-button" style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px"><%= label %></a>
- </div>
- """
- $buttons = for format in formats
- {
- formatType: n
- linkTemplates:
- downloadLink:
- href: href
- type: type
- } = format
+ _downloadLink: (action) ->
- # Create a button for this action
- $ tpl href: href, label: "Download #{od.labels n}"
+ scenario =
+ intent: body: (formatType) ->
+ if formatType is 'ebook-overdrive'
+ 'Download content to read in the browser?'
+ else
+ 'Download content for an e-book reader?'
+ done:
+ body: (x) ->
+ $ """
+ <div>Content is ready.</div>
+ <a href=#{x.links.contentlink.href}>Right-click to download in a new tab or window.</a>
+ <div>The link is valid for the next 60 seconds.</div>
+ """
+ timeout: 59000
+ fail: body: 'could not download'
- @empty().append $buttons
+ @dialogAction _scenario: scenario, _action: action
# Build action buttons and dialogs given specifications as follows.
# actions = [ { name: { href: h, method: m, fields: [ { name: n, value: v, options: [...] } ] } ]
.on 'click', action, (ev) ->
$('<div>')['_' + ev.data._name] ev.data
- # TODO apply dialogAction method directly as follows.
- #$('<div>').dialogAction _scenario: Actions.scenario[ev.data._name], _action: ev.data
return false
@empty().append $buttons
@append inputs
- # We will delegate the handling of download links to the page's
- # tbody. The sequence of operation is as follows. We need to get
- # from a download link to make the download request, receive a
- # content link as a response, and then perform a 'normal' get of
- # the content link. A complexity is to handle the error responses.
+ # Build format buttons given specifications as follows.
+ # formats = [ { formatType: type, linkTemplates: { downloadLink: { href: href } } } ]
+ #
+ # We need to get from a download link to make the download request,
+ # receive a content link as a response, and then perform a 'normal' get
+ # of the content link. A complexity is to handle the error responses.
# TODO The initial get could fail, in which case, the errorpageurl
# will be used to convey the failure status as a query string. We
# will be used as a redirect location. We will also redirect to the
# current page and hopefully will be able to discern the state and
# show it accordingly.
- #
- _download_format: ->
- @on 'click', 'td.formats a', (ev) ->
- $a = $(@)
- return unless $a.hasClass 'opac-button'
- ev.preventDefault()
+ _formats: (formats, id) ->
+ return @ unless formats
+ tpl = _.template """
+ <div>
+ <a href="<%= href %>" class="opac-button" style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px"><%= label %></a>
+ </div>
+ """
+ $tr = @closest('tr')
+ $buttons = for format in formats
+ {
+ formatType: n
+ linkTemplates:
+ downloadLink:
+ href: href
+ type: type
+ } = format
- # We will return to the current page to handle errors
x = encodeURIComponent window.location.href
- dl = @href
+ href = href
.replace /\{errorpageurl\}/, x
.replace /\{odreadauthurl\}/, x
- od.api dl
- .then(
- (x) ->
- $a
- .prop 'href', x.links.contentlink.href
- .text 'Content is ready. Right-click to download in a new tab or window'
- .removeClass 'opac-button'
- return
- -> console.log 'failed to get download link'
- )
- .then(
- -> # not expected to arrive here ever
- -> console.log 'failed to get contentLink'
- )
- return
+ action = format.linkTemplates.downloadLink
+ $.extend action, _of: $tr, _name: n, _id: id, href: href
+ # Create a button for this action
+ $ tpl href: href, label: "Download #{od.labels n}"
+ # On clicking the button, build a new dialog using the extended action object
+ .on 'click', action, (ev) ->
+ ev.preventDefault()
+ $('<div>')['_downloadLink'] ev.data
+ return false
+ @empty().append $buttons
_notify: (title, text) ->