else if (!strcmp(words[0],"math_bench"))
ret_val = handle_math(words);
+ else if (!strcmp(words[0],"introspect"))
+ ret_val = handle_introspect(words);
else if (words[0][0] == '!')
ret_val = handle_exec( words );
+int handle_introspect(char* words[]) {
+ if(words[1]) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "--> %s\n", words[1]);
+ char buf[256];
+ memset(buf,0,256);
+ sprintf( buf, "request %s opensrf.system.method.all", words[1] );
+ return parse_request( buf );
+ }
+ return 0;
int handle_set( char* words[]) {
char* variable;
"set <variable> <value> - set a srfsh variable (e.g. set pretty_print true )\n"
"print <variable> - Displays the value of a srfsh variable\n"
"router query servers <server1 [, server2, ...]>\n"
" - Returns stats on connected services\n"
+ "\n"
"request <service> <method> [ <json formatted string of params> ]\n"
" - Anything passed in will be wrapped in a json array,\n"
" so add commas if there is more than one param\n"
+ "\n"
"relay <service> <method>\n"
" - Performs the requested query using the last received result as the param\n"
+ "\n"
"math_bench <num_batches> [0|1|2]\n"
" - 0 means don't reconnect, 1 means reconnect after each batch of 4, and\n"
" 2 means reconnect after every request\n"
+ "\n"
+ "introspect <service>\n"
+ " - prints the API for the service\n"
+ "\n"
"Note: long output is piped through 'less'. To search in 'less', type: /<search>\n"