--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\r
+<chapter xml:id="style-glossary" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="EN"\r
+ xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>DIG DocBook reference</title>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <section>\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Elements</title>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <para>Below is a non-exhaustive list of DocBook elements used in Evergreen documentation.\r
+ Authors may use other elements but are encouraged to draw from this list first. Each\r
+ term links to the authoritative DocBook 5 reference pages at <link\r
+ xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/"\r
+ >http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/part2.html</link>.</para>\r
+ <glossary>\r
+ <title/>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="section">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/section.html"\r
+ >section</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>A titled subdivision of a <markup linkend="chapter">chapter</markup>, only\r
+ required if a chapter has two or more sections. Sections appear in TOC and\r
+ have their own pages in HTML output (use <markup linkend="simplesect"\r
+ >simplesect</markup> to exclude from TOC). The <markup linkend="xmlid"\r
+ >xml:id</markup> attribute is optional and can be applied ad hoc when\r
+ linking to a section.</para>\r
+ <para>The section element can be nested to\r
+ create subsections. Here are some examples used in <emphasis>The Book of Evergreen</emphasis>: </para>\r
+ <itemizedlist>\r
+ <listitem>\r
+ <para><emphasis>section -> section</emphasis> (for a section and\r
+ subsection, both appearing in TOC)</para>\r
+ </listitem>\r
+ <listitem>\r
+ <para><emphasis>section -> simplesect</emphasis> (for a section and\r
+ subsection, w/ only the top level in the TOC)</para>\r
+ </listitem>\r
+ <listitem>\r
+ <para><emphasis>section -> section -> simplesect</emphasis> (for a\r
+ section, subsection, and sub-subsection, with the top 2 in the\r
+ TOC))</para>\r
+ </listitem>\r
+ </itemizedlist>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="xref">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/xref.html">xref</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>A cross reference to another part of the document (use <markup\r
+ linkend="link">link</markup> for external links). The destination is set\r
+ with the <markup linkend="linkend">linkend</markup> attribute, which matches\r
+ the <markup linkend="xmlid">xml:id</markup> of the destination element. Link\r
+ text is auto-generated.</para>\r
+ <para><application>oXygen</application> returns a validation error if the link\r
+ destination is in another xml file; this is resolved when the files are\r
+ assembled for publication and can be ignored.</para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="guimenu">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/guimenu.html"\r
+ >guimenu</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>Use for the names of staff client menus; formatted in italics.</para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="menuchoice">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/menuchoice.html"\r
+ >menuchoice</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>Use to describe a menu selection. Usually contains <markup\r
+ linkend="guimenu">guimenu</markup> and <markup linkend="guimenuitem"\r
+ >guimenitiem</markup> elements (may also contain <markup\r
+ linkend="guisubmenu">guisubmenu</markup>). Output displays an arrow\r
+ between each child element. <programlisting><![CDATA[ \r
+ <para>To clear the staff client cache go to\r
+ <menuchoice>\r
+ <guimenu>Admin</guimenu> \r
+ <guisubmenu>For developers</guisubmenu>\r
+ <guisubmenuitem>Clear Cache</guisubmenuitem>\r
+ </menuchoice>\r
+ </para>]]>\r
+ \r
+ </programlisting> displays as <informalexample>\r
+ <para>To clear the staff client cache go to <menuchoice>\r
+ <guimenu>Admin</guimenu>\r
+ <guisubmenu>For developers</guisubmenu>\r
+ <guimenuitem>Clear Cache</guimenuitem>\r
+ </menuchoice>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalexample></para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="guimenuitem">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/guimenuitem.html"\r
+ >guimenuitem</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>An option in a staff client menu or submenu; formatted in italics.</para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="guibutton">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/guibutton.html"\r
+ >guibutton</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>A button in the staff client. Currently formatted with italics, though this can be changed in the stylesheets.<programlisting><![CDATA[ \r
+<para>Click <guibutton>Modify Copies</guibutton> to save your changes</para>]]> \r
+ </programlisting>\r
+ displays as<informalexample>\r
+ <para>Click <guibutton>Modify Copies</guibutton> to save your\r
+ changes</para>\r
+ </informalexample></para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="informalfigure">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/informalfigure.html"\r
+ >informalfigure</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>A wrapper for a <markup>mediaobject</markup> and optional\r
+ associated text. Stylesheet customizations ensure the contents of an informfigure are kept together during PDF pagination. The\r
+ <markup linkend="step">step</markup> in the following example will not\r
+ split across a page break: <programlisting> <![CDATA[ \r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>STEP TEXT GOES HERE</para> \r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="media/FILENAME_HERE.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ \r
+ </programlisting></para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="figure">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/figure.html">figure</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>Wrapper for a <markup linkend="mediaobject">mediaobject</markup> that has\r
+ a title and appears in list of figures (in the book's front matter). Content in <markup\r
+ linkend="figure">figure</markup> and <markup linkend="informalfigure"\r
+ >informalfigure</markup> is not split across PDF page breaks.</para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="example">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/example.html"\r
+ >example</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>An example with a title.</para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="informalexample">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/informalexample.html"\r
+ >informalexample</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>An example with no title.</para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="formalpara">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/formalpara.html"\r
+ >formalpara</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>A titled paragraph. The following <programlisting><![CDATA[ \r
+ <title>Paragraph title</title>\r
+ <para>Paragraph body...</para> \r
+</formalpara>]]> \r
+ \r
+ </programlisting>\r
+ displays as<informalexample>\r
+ <formalpara>\r
+ <title>Paragraph title</title>\r
+ <para>Paragraph body...</para>\r
+ </formalpara>\r
+ </informalexample></para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="mediaobject">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/mediaobject.html"\r
+ >mediaobject</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>A wrapper for <markup linkend="imageobject"\r
+ >imageobjects</markup>. May be wrapped in an\r
+ <markup linkend="informalfigure">informalfigure</markup> to keep image and text together across page breaks. See <xref linkend="style-image"/> for more\r
+ on image formatting.</para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="alt">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/alt.html">alt</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>Metadata describing an element, usually for accessibility. For example, each <markup linkend="mediaobject">mediaobject</markup> may contain an\r
+ alt element with a generic description of the\r
+ image content.</para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="imageobject">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/imageobject.html"\r
+ >imageobject</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>Contained by <markup linkend="mediaobject">mediaobject</markup> and a\r
+ wrapper for <markup linkend="imagedata">imagedata</markup>. See <xref linkend="style-image"/> for more on\r
+ image formatting in <emphasis>The Book of Evergreen</emphasis>.</para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="imagedata">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/imagedata.html"\r
+ >imagedata</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>Contained by <markup linkend="imageobject">imageobject</markup>, its\r
+ attributes determine sizing, scaling, alignment, and source file. See <xref\r
+ linkend="style-image"/> for more on Sitka image formatting. </para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="guilabel">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/guilabel.html"\r
+ >guilabel</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>Use for labels and titles in the staff client. Where applicable <markup\r
+ linkend="guimenu">guimenu</markup>, <markup linkend="guimenuitem"\r
+ >guimenuitem</markup>, and <markup linkend="guibutton"\r
+ >guibutton</markup> are preferred. HTML is formatted in italics, PDF is\r
+ not formatted.</para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="guisubmenu">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/guisubmenu.html"\r
+ >guisubmenu</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>A staff client submenu. Used when a submenu is part of a <markup\r
+ linkend="menuchoice">menuchoice</markup> sequence. Not italicized.\r
+ </para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="keycap">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/keycap.html">keycap</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>The label on a keyboard button; formatted in bold (eg Press\r
+ <keycap>F5</keycap>).</para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="keycombo">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/keycap.html">keycap</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>For a combination of two or more keystrokes, wrap <markup linkend="keycap"\r
+ >keycap</markup> elements in a keycombo. Format is bold with a + between\r
+ keystrokes. <programlisting><![CDATA[ \r
+<para>Open a new tab with\r
+ <keycombo>\r
+ <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>\r
+ <keycap>T</keycap>\r
+ </keycombo>\r
+</para> ]]> \r
+ </programlisting> displays as<informalexample>\r
+ <para>Open a new tab with <keycombo>\r
+ <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>\r
+ <keycap>T</keycap>\r
+ </keycombo>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalexample></para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="application">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/application.html"\r
+ >application</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>The name of a software program or application such as\r
+ <application>Evergreen</application>. Currently not formatted, but\r
+ consistent use would allow for future batch formatting (e.g. italicize content of all application tags).</para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="emphasis">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/emphasis.html"\r
+ >emphasis</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>Use to <emphasis>italicize</emphasis> regular text. Use with the ROLE attribute for <emphasis role="bold">bold</emphasis> text</para>\r
+ <para><programlisting><![CDATA[ \r
+<para>For <emphasis>italic</emphasis> and <emphasis role="bold">bold</emphasis> output.</para>\r
+]]> \r
+ </programlisting> displays as<informalexample>\r
+ <para>For <emphasis>italic</emphasis> and <emphasis role="bold">bold</emphasis> output.</para>\r
+ \r
+ </informalexample> </para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="tip">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/tip.html">tip</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>Enclose tip text and images in this element for consistent formatting.\r
+ Display options are set with CSS and XSL stylesheets and include custom tip\r
+ text, icons, formatting, etc.\r
+ \r
+ <programlisting><![CDATA[ \r
+ <para>Tip text goes here</para>\r
+</tip> ]]> \r
+ </programlisting> displays as<informalexample>\r
+ <tip>\r
+ <para>Tip text goes here \r
+ </para>\r
+ </tip>\r
+ </informalexample> </para>\r
+ \r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="glossary">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:show="new" xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/glossary.html"\r
+ >glossary</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>Wrapper for a glossary. Must contain <markup\r
+ linkend="title">title</markup> element (to hide the title in published\r
+ output use an empty <markup><![CDATA[<title/>]]></markup> tag).</para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="glossentry">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/glossentry.html"\r
+ >glossentry</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>Wrapper for each glossary entry. Should always have an <markup\r
+ linkend="xmlid">xml:id</markup> for cross referencing. Entries are\r
+ sorted alphabetically in published output, regardless of order in xml source\r
+ document (this is optional and is set with stylesheet parameters). Full glossentry markup including child elements is shown below: <programlisting> <![CDATA[ \r
+<glossentry xml:id="guisubmenu">\r
+ <glossterm>guisubmenu</glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>A staff client submenu. Used primarily when a submenu is part\r
+ of a <markup>menuchoice</markup> sequence. Not italicized.</para> \r
+ <glossseealso otherterm="guimenu"/>\r
+ </glossdef>\r
+</glossentry>]]> \r
+ \r
+ </programlisting></para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="glossterm">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/glossterm.html"\r
+ >glossterm</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>Wrapper for the term in a <markup linkend="glossentry"\r
+ >glossentry</markup>.</para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="glosssee">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/glosssee.html"\r
+ >glosssee</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>A "see" link that points from one <markup linkend="glossentry"\r
+ >glossentry</markup> to another. Always has an <markup\r
+ linkend="otherterm">otherterm</markup> attribute that corresponds to the\r
+ <markup linkend="xmlid">xml:id</markup> of the referenced term.</para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="glossseealso">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/glossseealso.html"\r
+ >glossseealso</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>A "see also" link that points from one <markup linkend="glossentry"\r
+ >glossentry</markup> to another. Always has an <markup\r
+ linkend="otherterm">otherterm</markup> attribute corresponds to the\r
+ <markup linkend="xmlid">xml:id</markup> of the referenced term.</para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="itemizedlist">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/itemizedlist.html"\r
+ >itemizedlist</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>A bulleted list with an optional title.</para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="orderedlist">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/orderedlist.html"\r
+ >orderedlist</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>A numbered list with an optional title.</para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="listitem">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/listitem.html"\r
+ >listitem</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>Wrapper for individual entries on an <markup linkend="itemizedlist"\r
+ >itemizedlist</markup> or <markup linkend="orderedlist"\r
+ >orderedlist</markup>.</para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="programlisting">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/programlisting.html"\r
+ >programlisting</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>When used with <markup><![CDATA[CDATA]]></markup>, text in a\r
+ programlisting is published exactly as it appears in the xml file (including\r
+ line breaks and white space). Formatted as a block with a shaded background,\r
+ used only for coding examples (see\r
+ <emphasis>/style/style_glossary.xml</emphasis> for syntax example).\r
+ </para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="link">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/link.html">link</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>For external links. Must have an <markup>xlink:href</markup> attribute with the destination URL. In PDF output\r
+ the full URL is printed in brackts after the link text.</para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="procedure">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/procedure.html"\r
+ >procedure</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>A multi-step process consisting of two or more <markup linkend="step"\r
+ >steps</markup>. Applies to most converted Sitka docs.</para>\r
+ <glossseealso linkend="step">step</glossseealso>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="step">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/step.html">step</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>Component part of a <markup linkend="procedure">procedure</markup>. Steps\r
+ are auto-numbered and may contain text, figures, examples, etc. The <markup\r
+ linkend="xmlid">xml:id</markup> attribute is optional and only required\r
+ if linking to a particular step. To keep step content together during\r
+ pagination (eg text w/ associated image), use <markup\r
+ linkend="informalfigure">informalfigure</markup>.</para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="para">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/para.html">para</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>A paragraph; a required wrapper for text in most contexts.</para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="info">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/info.html">info</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>A wrapper for metadata about an element, including title.</para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="book">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/book.html">book</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>The top level element for Evergreen documentation, appears only in the file\r
+ <emphasis>root.xml</emphasis></para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="part">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/part.html">part</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>A subdivision of a book. Used only in\r
+ <emphasis>root.xml</emphasis>; each part should have a <markup\r
+ linkend="title">title</markup> and <markup linkend="xmlid"\r
+ >xml:id</markup>.</para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="chapter">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/chapter.html">\r
+ chapter</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>A subdivision of a <markup linkend="part">part</markup>, further divided\r
+ into <markup linkend="section">sections</markup>. In Evergreen documentation each chapter\r
+ is a separate xml file referenced by <emphasis>root.xml</emphasis>. Each chapter should\r
+ have an <markup linkend="xmlid">xml:id</markup>. The xml:id is required for cross-referencing and stable links to published html files. If there is no xml:id the generated html files names may change as content is added or re-located.</para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="title">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/title.html">title</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>Sets the title for the element which contains it. Required in \r
+ chapters and sections.</para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ \r
+ <glossentry xml:id="date">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/date.html">date</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>Wrapper for date info in any context. Mandatory component of chapter\r
+ <markup linkend="revision">revision</markup> entries. Format is YYYY-MM-DD</para>\r
+ \r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="authorinitials">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/authorinitials.html"\r
+ >authorinitials</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>An author's initials, mandatory componenet of the chapter <markup linkend="revision">revision</markup> element.\r
+ </para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="simplesect">\r
+ <glossterm><link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/simplesect.html"\r
+ >simplesect</link></glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>A subdivision of a <markup linkend="section">section</markup> that does\r
+ not appear in the TOC. A simplesect is terminal, i.e. cannot be further\r
+ subdivided with <markup linkend="section">section</markup> or <markup\r
+ linkend="simplesect">simplesect</markup> elements.</para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ </glossary>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section>\r
+ <title>Attributes</title>\r
+ <para>DocBook elements can be modified by one or more attributes. The attibutes below are commonly used in <emphasis>The Book of Evergreen</emphasis>. More info on DocBook 5 attributes is available at <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/ref-elements.html#common.attributes">http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/ref-elements.html#common.attributes</link></para>\r
+ <glossary>\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Attributes</title>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="xmlid">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/ref-elements.html#db.cmn.xml:id">xml:id</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>Optional xml identifier for an element, required for cross references and\r
+ linking. Must be unique within the entire documentation set. Good practice is to make sure that, at minimum, all\r
+ <markup linkend="book">book</markup>, <markup linkend="part">part</markup>, <markup linkend="chapter">chapter</markup>, and <markup linkend="glossentry">glossentry</markup> elements have an\r
+ xml:id. In html output, the xml:id becomes the name the html file and the URL for that segment of the documentation (if there is no xml:id, the html file is auto-numbered).</para>\r
+ \r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="linkend">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/ref-elements.html#db.cmn.linkend">linkend</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>Attribute that sets the link destination. Any DocBook 5 inline\r
+ element can become a link by adding a linkend attribute that corresponds to the\r
+ <markup linkend="xmlid">xml:id</markup> of the destination. See\r
+ <xref linkend="style-links"/> for more detailed info.</para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="otherterm">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/ref-elements.html#db.cmn.otherterm">otherterm</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ <glossdef>\r
+ <para>Applied exclusively to <markup linkend="glosssee">glosssee</markup> and\r
+ <markup linkend="glossseealso">glossseealso</markup> elements, it points\r
+ to the referenced glossary term. <programlisting><![CDATA[<glossseealso otherterm="date"/>]]></programlisting>displays as <informalexample><para>See also <link linkend="date">date</link>.</para></informalexample></para>\r
+ </glossdef></glossentry>\r
+ <glossentry xml:id="role">\r
+ <glossterm>\r
+ <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/ref-elements.html#db.cmn.role">role</link>\r
+ </glossterm>\r
+ \r
+ <glossdef><formalpara><title>Para</title><para>Applied to\r
+ <markup linkend="para">para</markup> tags to track changes to draft\r
+ docs for approval by other editors. Can have value of\r
+ <emphasis>added</emphasis>, <emphasis>deleted</emphasis>, or\r
+ <emphasis>changed</emphasis>; in html output will be highlighted in\r
+ green, red, and yellow\r
+ respectively.</para></formalpara></glossdef>\r
+ </glossentry>\r
+ \r
+ </glossary>\r
+ </section>\r