my $type = 'biblio';
my $all_records = undef;
my $replace_001 = undef;
+my @library = ();
'help' => \$help,
'xml-idl=s' => \$idl,
'encoding=s' => \$encoding,
'timeout=i' => \$timeout,
+ 'library=s' => \@library,
if ($help) {
have a lot of items attached to them.
--type or -t Record type (BIBLIO, AUTHORITY) [BIBLIO]
--all or -a Export all records; ignores input list
+ --library Export the bibliographic records that have attached
+ holdings for the listed library or libraries as
+ identified by shortname
--replace_001 Replace the 001 field value with the record ID
Additional options for type = 'BIBLIO':
for all authority records in the database:
$0 --format XML --type AUTHORITY --all > output.xml
+To export a set of USMARC bibliographic records encoded in UTF-8 in a file
+named "sys1_bibs.mrc" based on records which have attached callnumbers for the
+libraries with the short names "BR1" and "BR2":
+ $0 --library BR1 --library BR2 --encoding UTF-8 > sys1_bibs.mrc
+if ($all_records && @library) {
+ die('Incompatible arguments: you cannot combine a request for all ' .
+ 'records with a request for records by library');
$type = lc($type);
$format = uc($format);
$encoding = uc($encoding);
for (my $i = 0; $i++ < $top_record;) {
+} elsif (@library) {
+ my $recids = $editor->json_query({
+ select => { bre => ['id'] },
+ from => { bre => 'acn' },
+ where => {
+ '+bre' => { deleted => 'f' },
+ '+acn' => {
+ deleted => 'f',
+ owning_lib => {
+ in => {
+ select => {'aou' => ['id'] },
+ from => 'aou',
+ where => { shortname => { in => \@library } }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ distinct => 1,
+ order_by => [{
+ class => 'bre',
+ field => 'id',
+ direction => 'ASC'
+ }]
+ });
+ foreach my $record (@$recids) {
+ export_record($record->{id});
+ };
} else {
while ( my $i = <> ) {
print "</collection>\n" if ($format eq 'XML');
$speed = $count{did} / (time - $start);