-<partintro xmlns:xl="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xml:id="admin_intro">
- <para>This part of the documentation is intended for Evergreen administrators and requires root access to your Evergreen server(s) and administrator access to the Evergreen staff client. It deals with maintaining servers, installation, upgrading, and configuring both system wide and local library settings.
- Some sections require understanding of linux system administration while others require an understanding of your system hierarchy of locations and users. Many procedures explained in the following
- chapters are accomplished with linux commands run from the terminal without a Graphical User Interface (GUI).</para>
- <para>In order to accomplish some of the tasks, prerequisite knowledge or experience will be required and you may need to consult system administration documentation for your specific linux distribution if you have limited linux system experience. A vast ammount of free resources can be found on the on the web for various experinece levels. You might also consider consulting <link xl:href="http://www.postgresql.org/docs/">PostgreSQL</link> and <link xl:href="http://httpd.apache.org/docs/">Apache</link> documentation for a greater understanding of the software stack on which Evergreen is built.</para>
+<partintro xmlns:xl="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xml:id="admin_intro">\r
+ <para>This part of the documentation is intended for Evergreen administrators and requires root access to your Evergreen server(s) and administrator access to the Evergreen staff client. It deals with maintaining servers, installation, upgrading, and configuring both system wide and local library settings. \r
+ Some sections require understanding of linux system administration while others require an understanding of your system hierarchy of locations and users. Many procedures explained in the following \r
+ chapters are accomplished with linux commands run from the terminal without a Graphical User Interface (GUI).</para>\r
+ <para>In order to accomplish some of the tasks, prerequisite knowledge or experience will be required and you may need to consult system administration documentation for your specific linux distribution if you have limited linux system experience. A vast ammount of free resources can be found on the on the web for various experinece levels. You might also consider consulting <link xl:href="http://www.postgresql.org/docs/">PostgreSQL</link> and <link xl:href="http://httpd.apache.org/docs/">Apache</link> documentation for a greater understanding of the software stack on which Evergreen is built.</para>\r
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\r
+<chapter xml:id="notices" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="EN"\r
+ xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Search URL</title>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <para>When performing a search or clicking on the details links, Evergreen constructs a GET request url with the parameters of the search. The url for searches and details in Evergreen are persistent links in that they can be saved, shared and used later.</para>\r
+ <para>Here is a basic search URL structure:</para>\r
+ <screen><emphasis>[hostname]</emphasis>/opac/<emphasis>[locale]</emphasis>/skin/default/xml/rresult.xml?<emphasis role='bold'>rt</emphasis>=keyword&<emphasis role='bold'>tp</emphasis>=keyword&<emphasis role='bold'>t</emphasis>=<emphasis>[search term]</emphasis>&<emphasis role='bold'>l</emphasis>=<emphasis>[location id]</emphasis>&<emphasis role='bold'>d</emphasis>=0</screen> \r
+ <simplesect>\r
+ <title><emphasis>l</emphasis> Parameter</title>\r
+ <para>This is the id of the search location. It is an integer and maches the id of the location the user selected in the location drop down menu.</para>\r
+ <para>This is accompanied by a <emphasis>d</emphasis> parameter which indicated the depth of the location selected. For example, <emphasis>0</emphasis> would be the highest level and <emphasis>1</emphasis> would represent the next depth level.</para>\r
+ </simplesect>\r
+ <simplesect>\r
+ <title><emphasis>rt</emphasis> Parameter</title>\r
+ <para>The <emphasis>rt</emphasis> parameter in the URL represents the search type values and represent one of the following search or request types:</para>\r
+ <itemizedlist>\r
+ <listitem>keyword</listitem>\r
+ <listitem>title</listitem>\r
+ <listitem>author</listitem>\r
+ <listitem>subject</listitem>\r
+ <listitem>series</listitem>\r
+ </itemizedlist>\r
+ <para>These match the options in the search type drop-down box.</para>\r
+ </simplesect>\r
+ <simplesect>\r
+ <title>Sorting</title>\r
+ <para>The <emphasis>s</emphasis> parameter sorts the results on one of these criteria.</para>\r
+ <itemizedlist>\r
+ <listitem>pubdate (publication date) - chronological order</listitem>\r
+ <listitem>title - Alphabetical order</listitem>\r
+ <listitem>author - Alphabetical order on family name first</listitem>\r
+ </itemizedlist>\r
+ <para>The <emphasis>sd</emphasis> indicates the direction to sort</para>\r
+ <itemizedlist>\r
+ <listitem>asc - ascending</listitem>\r
+ <listitem>desc - descending</listitem>\r
+ </itemizedlist>\r
+ <para>In the absence of <emphasis>s</emphasis> or <emphasis>sd</emphasis> parameter, the search results default to sorting by relevance.</para>\r
+ </simplesect>\r
+ <simplesect>\r
+ <title>Advanced search (multiple fields)</title>\r
+ <para>Uses rt=multi; then prepend search field to the search terms (delimited by a colon) in the t parameter:</para>\r
+ <screen>...tp=&t=keyword%3Afools title%3Arush&av=&rt=multi</screen>\r
+ <para>ISBN and ISSN search include the following in the URL:</para>\r
+ <screen>...rt=isbn&adv=...</screen>\r
+ <screen>...rt=issn&adv=...</screen>\r
+ <para>Call number search will include:</para>\r
+ <screen>...cnbrowse.xml?cn=pr5655...</screen> \r
+ </simplesect>\r
+ \r
<title>Public Access Catalog</title>\r
+ <xi:include href="opac/opac_intro.xml"/>\r
<xi:include href="opac/basicsearch.xml"/>\r
<xi:include href="opac/advancedsearch.xml"/> \r
<xi:include href="opac/searchtips.xml"/>\r
<xi:include href="opac/searchmethodology.xml"/>\r
+ <xi:include href="opac/search_URL.xml"/>\r
<xi:include href="opac/searchresults.xml"/>\r
<xi:include href="opac/myaccount.xml"/>\r