function() {
+ self._addDistribFormulaRow();
function() {
self._fetchLineitem(liId, function(li){self._drawCopies(li);});
+ /**
+ * Insert a new row into the distribution formula selection form
+ */
+ this._addDistribFormulaRow = function() {
+ var self = this;
+ if(!self.distribFormulaStore) {
+ // no formulas, hide the form
+ openils.Util.hide('acq-lit-distrib-formula-tbody');
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!this.distribFormulaTemplate)
+ this.distribFormulaTemplate =
+ dojo.byId('acq-lit-distrib-formula-tbody').removeChild(dojo.byId('acq-lit-distrib-form-row'));
+ var row = dojo.byId('acq-lit-distrib-formula-tbody').appendChild(this.distribFormulaTemplate.cloneNode(true));
+ var selector = new dijit.form.FilteringSelect(
+ {store : self.distribFormulaStore},
+ nodeByName('selector', row)
+ );
+ var apply = new dijit.form.Button(
+ {label : 'Apply'}, // TODO i18n
+ nodeByName('set_button', row)
+ );
+ var release = new dijit.form.Button(
+ {label : 'Release', disabled: true}, // TODO i18n
+ nodeByName('rel_button', row)
+ );
+ dojo.connect(apply, 'onClick',
+ function() {
+ var form_id = selector.attr('value');
+ if(!form_id) return;
+ apply.attr('disabled', true);
+ release.attr('disabled', false);
+ self._applyDistribFormula(form_id);
+ }
+ );
+ dojo.connect(release, 'onClick',
+ function() {
+ apply.attr('disabled', false);
+ release.attr('disabled', true);
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ /**
+ * Applies a distrib formula to the current set of copies
+ */
+ this._applyDistribFormula = function(formula) {
+ if(!formula) return;
+ formula = this.distribForms.filter(
+ function(form) {
+ return == formula;
+ }
+ )[0];
+ var copyRows = dojo.query('tr', self.copyTbody);
+ for(var rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < copyRows.length; rowIndex++) {
+ var row = copyRows[rowIndex];
+ var copy_id = row.getAttribute('copy_id');
+ var copyWidgets = this.copyWidgetCache[copy_id];
+ var entryIndex = 0;
+ var entry = null;
+ // find the correct entry for the current row
+ dojo.forEach(formula.entries(),
+ function(e) {
+ if(!entry) {
+ entryIndex += e.item_count();
+ if(entryIndex > rowIndex)
+ entry = e;
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ if(entry) {
+ //console.log("rowIndex = " + rowIndex + ", entry = " + + ", entryIndex=" +
+ // entryIndex + ", owning_lib = " + entry.owning_lib() + ", location = " + entry.location());
+ dojo.forEach(
+ ['owning_lib', 'location'],
+ function(field) {
+ if(entry[field]())
+ copyWidgets[field].attr('value', (entry[field]()));
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ };
this._fetchDistribFormulas = function(onload) {
if(this.distribForms) {
- <!--
- <tbody><tr>
- <td colspan='0'>
- <a href='javascript:void(0);'
- onclick='openils.Util.toggle("acq-lit-distrib-formula-tbody");'>Distribution Formulas</a>
- </td>
- </tr></tbody>
- -->
- <tbody id='acq-lit-distrib-formula-tbody' class='hidden'>
+ <tbody><tr><td class='acq-lit-table-spacer' colspan='0'/></tr></tbody>
+ <tbody id='acq-lit-distrib-formula-tbody'>
<tr id='acq-lit-distrib-form-row'>
- <td name='selector'/>
- <td name='setbutton'/>
+ <td colspan='0'>
+ <span>Distribution Formulas</span>
+ <div name='selector'></div>
+ <div name='set_button'></div>
+ <div name='rel_button'></div>
+ </td>
<tbody><tr><td class='acq-lit-table-spacer' colspan='0'/></tr></tbody>
<tbody style='font-weight:bold;'>