$site ||= $ctx->{aou_tree}->()->shortname;
my $depth;
- if (defined($cgi->param('depth')) and not $query =~ /depth\(\d+\)/) {
- $depth = defined $cgi->param('depth') ?
- $cgi->param('depth') : $ctx->{get_aou}->($site)->ou_type->depth;
+ if ($query =~ /depth\(\d+\)/) {
+ # depth is encoded in the search query
+ ($depth) = ($query =~ /depth\((\d+)\)/);
+ } else {
+ if (defined $cgi->param('depth')) {
+ $depth = $cgi->param('depth');
+ } else {
+ # no depth specified. match the depth to the search org
+ my ($org) = grep { $_->shortname eq $site } @{$ctx->{aou_list}->()};
+ $depth = $org->ou_type->depth;
+ }
$query .= " depth($depth)";
+ $logger->info("tpac: site=$site, depth=$depth, query=$query");
return ($query, $site, $depth);
return $cache{map}{aou}{$org_id};
+ # Returns a flat list of aou objects. often easier to manage than a tree.
+ $ro_object_subs->{aou_list} = sub {
+ $ro_object_subs->{aou_tree}->(); # force the org tree to load
+ return [ values %{$cache{map}{aou}} ];
+ };
# turns an ISO date into something TT can understand
$ro_object_subs->{parse_datetime} = sub {
my $date = shift;