+[% time_format = ctx.get_org_setting(ctx.library.id, 'format.time');
+ UNLESS time_fmt;
+ time_format = '%H:%M %p';
+ END;
+ USE date (format = time_format);
+ today = date.format(format = '%Y-%d-%b ');
+ # We need to add "today" to the opening/closing hours for Date input
<h2>[% l('Opening hours') %]</h2>
[%- IF ctx.hours.dow_0_open == ctx.hours.dow_0_close; %]
<div class="opening-hours">[% l('Monday: closed') %]</div>
[%- ELSE %]
<div class="opening-hours" property="openingHoursSpecification" typeof="OpeningHoursSpecification"><link property="dayOfWeek" href="http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#Monday" />[%
- l('Monday: [_1]-[_2]', '<span property="opens">' _ ctx.hours.dow_0_open.substr(0, 5) _ '</span>',
- '<span property="closes">' _ ctx.hours.dow_0_close.substr(0, 5) _ '</span>') -%]
+ l('Monday: [_1] - [_2]', '<span property="opens">' _ date.format(today _ ctx.hours.dow_0_open) _ '</span>',
+ '<span property="closes">' _ date.format(today _ ctx.hours.dow_0_close) _ '</span>') -%]
[%- END %]
[%- IF ctx.hours.dow_1_open == ctx.hours.dow_1_close; %]
<div class="opening-hours">[% l('Tuesday: closed') %]</div>
[%- ELSE %]
<div class="opening-hours" property="openingHoursSpecification" typeof="OpeningHoursSpecification"><link property="dayOfWeek" href="http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#Tuesday" />[%
- l('Tuesday: [_1]-[_2]', '<span property="opens">' _ ctx.hours.dow_1_open.substr(0, 5) _ '</span>',
- '<span property="closes">' _ ctx.hours.dow_1_close.substr(0, 5) _ '</span>') -%]
+ l('Tuesday: [_1] - [_2]', '<span property="opens">' _ date.format(today _ ctx.hours.dow_1_open) _ '</span>',
+ '<span property="closes">' _ date.format(today _ ctx.hours.dow_1_close) _ '</span>') -%]
[%- END %]
[%- IF ctx.hours.dow_2_open == ctx.hours.dow_2_close; %]
<div class="opening-hours">[% l('Wednesday: closed') %]</div>
[%- ELSE %]
<div class="opening-hours" property="openingHoursSpecification" typeof="OpeningHoursSpecification"><link property="dayOfWeek" href="http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#Wednesday" />[%
- l('Wednesday: [_1]-[_2]', '<span property="opens">' _ ctx.hours.dow_2_open.substr(0, 5) _ '</span>',
- '<span property="closes">' _ ctx.hours.dow_2_close.substr(0, 5) _ '</span>') -%]
+ l('Wednesday: [_1] - [_2]', '<span property="opens">' _ date.format(today _ ctx.hours.dow_2_open) _ '</span>',
+ '<span property="closes">' _ date.format(today _ ctx.hours.dow_2_close) _ '</span>') -%]
[%- END %]
[%- IF ctx.hours.dow_3_open == ctx.hours.dow_3_close; %]
<div class="opening-hours">[% l('Thursday: closed') %]</div>
[%- ELSE %]
<div class="opening-hours" property="openingHoursSpecification" typeof="OpeningHoursSpecification"><link property="dayOfWeek" href="http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#Thursday" />[%
- l('Thursday: [_1]-[_2]', '<span property="opens">' _ ctx.hours.dow_3_open.substr(0, 5) _ '</span>',
- '<span property="closes">' _ ctx.hours.dow_3_close.substr(0, 5) _ '</span>') -%]
+ l('Thursday: [_1] - [_2]', '<span property="opens">' _ date.format(today _ ctx.hours.dow_3_open) _ '</span>',
+ '<span property="closes">' _ date.format(today _ ctx.hours.dow_3_close) _ '</span>') -%]
[%- END %]
[%- IF ctx.hours.dow_4_open == ctx.hours.dow_4_close; %]
<div class="opening-hours">[% l('Friday: closed') %]</div>
[%- ELSE %]
<div class="opening-hours" property="openingHoursSpecification" typeof="OpeningHoursSpecification"><link property="dayOfWeek" href="http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#Friday" />[%
- l('Friday: [_1]-[_2]', '<span property="opens">' _ ctx.hours.dow_4_open.substr(0, 5) _ '</span>',
- '<span property="closes">' _ ctx.hours.dow_4_close.substr(0, 5) _ '</span>') -%]
+ l('Friday: [_1] - [_2]', '<span property="opens">' _ date.format(today _ ctx.hours.dow_4_open) _ '</span>',
+ '<span property="closes">' _ date.format(today _ ctx.hours.dow_4_close) _ '</span>') -%]
[%- END %]
[%- IF ctx.hours.dow_5_open == ctx.hours.dow_5_close; %]
<div class="opening-hours">[% l('Saturday: closed') %]</div>
[%- ELSE %]
<div class="opening-hours" property="openingHoursSpecification" typeof="OpeningHoursSpecification"><link property="dayOfWeek" href="http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#Saturday" />[%
- l('Saturday: [_1]-[_2]', '<span property="opens">' _ ctx.hours.dow_5_open.substr(0, 5) _ '</span>',
- '<span property="closes">' _ ctx.hours.dow_5_close.substr(0, 5) _ '</span>') -%]
+ l('Saturday: [_1] - [_2]', '<span property="opens">' _ date.format(today _ ctx.hours.dow_5_open) _ '</span>',
+ '<span property="closes">' _ date.format(today _ ctx.hours.dow_5_close) _ '</span>') -%]
[%- END %]
[%- IF ctx.hours.dow_6_open == ctx.hours.dow_6_close; %]
<div class="opening-hours">[% l('Sunday: closed') %]</div>
[%- ELSE %]
<div class="opening-hours" property="openingHoursSpecification" typeof="OpeningHoursSpecification"><link property="dayOfWeek" href="http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#Sunday" />[%
- l('Sunday: [_1]-[_2]', '<span property="opens">' _ ctx.hours.dow_6_open.substr(0, 5) _ '</span>',
- '<span property="closes">' _ ctx.hours.dow_6_close.substr(0, 5) _ '</span>') -%]
+ l('Sunday: [_1] - [_2]', '<span property="opens">' _ date.format(today _ ctx.hours.dow_6_open) _ '</span>',
+ '<span property="closes">' _ date.format(today _ ctx.hours.dow_6_close) _ '</span>') -%]
[%- END %]