== Introduction ==
-The Acquisitions Load MARC Order Record interface enables you to add MARC
-records to selection lists and purchase orders and upload the records into the
-catalog. You can both create and activate purchase orders in one step from this
-interface. You can also load bibs and items into the catalog.
-Leveraging the match sets available in the cataloging MARC batch Import
-interface, you can also utilize record matching mechanisms to prevent the
-creation of duplicate records.
-For detailed instructions on record matching and importing, see
-the cataloging manual.
-== Basic Upload Options ==
-. Click *Acquisitions* -> *Load MARC Order Records*.
-. If you want to upload the MARC records to a new purchase order, then
-check _Create Purchase Order_.
-. If you want to activate the purchase order at the time of creation, then
-check _Activate Purchase Order_.
-. Enter the name of the *Provider*. The text will auto-complete.
-. Select an org unit from the drop down menu. The context org unit is the org
-unit responsible for placing and managing the order. It defines what org unit
-settings (eg copy locations) are in scope, what fiscal year to use, who is
-allowed to view/modify the PO, where the items should be delivered and the EDI
-SAN. In the case of a multi-branch system uploading records for multiple
-branches, choosing the system is probably best. Single branch libraries or
-branches responsible for their own orders should probably select the branch.
-. If you want to upload the records to a selection list, you can select a list
-from the drop down menu, or type in the name of the selection list that you
-want to create.
-. Select a *Fiscal Year* from the dropdown menu that matches the fiscal year
-of the funds that will be used for the order. If no fiscal year is selected, the
-system will use the organizational unit's default fiscal year stored in the
-database. If not fiscal year is set, the system will default to the current
-calendar year.
-image::media/load_marc_order_records.png[Acquisitions MARC upload screen]
-== Record Matching Options ==
-Use the options below the horizontal rule for the system to check for matching
-records before importing an order record.
-. Create a queue to which you can upload your records, or add you records to an existing queue
-. Select a *Record Match Set* from the drop-down menu.
-. Select a *Merge Profile.* Merge profiles enable you to specify which tags
-should be removed or preserved in incoming records.
-. Select a *Record Source* from the drop-down menu.
-. If you want to automatically import records on upload, select one or more of
-the following options.
- .. *Import Non-Matching Records* - import any records that don't have a match
- in the system.
- .. *Merge on Exact Match (901c)* - use only for records that will match on
- the 901c field.
- .. *Merge on Single Match* - import records that only have one match in the
- system.
- .. *Merge on Best Match* - If more than one match is found in the catalog for
- a given record, Evergreen will attempt to perform the best match as defined
- by the match score.
-. To only import records that have a quality equal to or greater than the
-existing record, enter a *Best/Single Match Minimum Quality Ratio*. Divide the
-incoming record quality score, as determined by the match set's quality
-metrics, by the record quality score of the best match that exists in the
-catalog. If you want to ensure that the inbound record is only imported when it
-has a higher quality than the best match, then you must enter a ratio that is
-higher than 1, such as 1.1. If you want to bypass all quality restraints, enter
-a 0 (zero) in this field.
-. Select an *Insufficient Quality Fall-Through Profile* if desired. This field
-enables you to indicate that if the inbound record does not meet the
-configured quality standards, then you may still import the record using an
-alternate merge profile. This field is typically used for selecting a merge
-profile that allows the user to import holdings attached to a lower quality
-record without replacing the existing (target) record with the incoming record.
-This field is optional.
-. If your order records contain holdings information, by default, Evergreen
-will load them as acquisitions copies. (Note: These can be overlayed with real copies
-during the MARC batch importing process.) Or you can select *Load Items for
-Imported Records* to load them as live copies that display in the catalog.
-image::media/load_marc_order_records.png[Acquisitions MARC upload screen]
-== Default Upload Settings ==
-You can set default upload values by modifying the following settings in
-*Administration* -> *Local Administration* -> *Library Settings Editor*:
-- Upload Activate PO
-- Upload Create PO
-- Upload Default Insufficient Quality Fall-Thru Profile
-- Upload Default Match Set
-- Upload Default Merge Profile
-- Upload Upload Default Min. Quality Ratio
-- Upload Default Provider
-- Upload Import Non Matching by Default
-- Upload Load Items for Imported Records by Default
-- Upload Merge on Best Match by Default
-- Upload Merge on Exact Match by Default
-- Upload Merge on Single Match by Default
-image::media/acq_upload_library_settings.png[Acq upload settings in Library Settings Editor]
-== Sticky Settings ==
-If the above default settings are not implemented, the selections/values used
-in the following fields will be sticky and will automatically populate the
-fields the next time the *Load MARC Order Records* screen is pulled up:
-- Create Purchase Order
-- Activate Purchase Order
-- Context Org Unit
-- Record Match Set
-- Merge Profile
-- Import Non-Matching Records
-- Merge on Exact Match (901c)
-- Merge on Single Match
-- Merge on Best Match
-- Best/Single Match Minimum Quality Ratio
-- Insufficient Quality Fall-Through Profile
-- Load Items for Imported Records
-== Use Cases for MARC Order Upload form ==
-You can add items to a selection list or purchase order and ignore the record
-matching options, or you can use both acquisitions and cataloging functions. In
-these examples, you will use both functions.
-*Example 1*
-Using the Acquisitions MARC Batch Load interface, upload MARC records to a
-selection list and import queue, and match queued records with existing catalog
-In this example, an acquisitions librarian has received a batch of MARC records
-from a vendor. She will add the records to a selection list and a Vandelay
-record queue.
-A cataloger will later view the queue, edit the records, and import them into
-the catalog.
-. Click *Acquisitions -> Load MARC Order Records*
-. Add MARC order records to a *Selection list* and/or a *Purchase Order.*
-Check the box to create a purchase order if desired.
-. Select a *Provider* from the drop-down menu, or begin typing the code for the provider, and the field will auto-fill.
-. Select a *Context Org Unit* from the drop down-menu, or begin typing the code
-for the context org unit, and the field will auto-fill.
-. Select a *Selection List* from the drop down menu, or begin typing the name
-of the selection list. You can create a new list, or the field will auto-fill.
-. Create a new record import queue, or upload the records to an existing
-. Select a *Record Match Set*.
-. Browse your computer to find the MARC file, and click *Upload*.
-. The processed items appear at the bottom of the screen.
-. You can click the link(s) to access the selection list or the import queue.
-Click the link to *View Selection List*.
-. Look at the first line item. The line item has not yet been linked to the
-catalog, but it is linked to a record import queue. Click the link to the
-*queue* to examine the MARC record.
-. The batch import interface opens in a new tab. The bibliographic records
-appear in the queue. Records that have matches are identified in the queue. You
-can edit these records and/or import them into the catalog, completing the
-*Example 2*: Using the Acquisitions MARC Batch Load interface, upload MARC
-records to a selection list, and use the Vandelay options to import the records
-directly into the catalog. The Vandelay options will enable you to match
-incoming records with existing catalog records.
-In this example, a librarian will add MARC records to a selection list, create
-criteria for matching incoming and existing records, and import the matching
-and non-matching records into the catalog.
-. Click *Acquisitions* -> *Load MARC Order Records*
-. Add MARC order records to a *Selection list* and/or a *Purchase Order.*
-Check the box to create a purchase order if desired.
-. Select a *Provider* from the drop down menu, or begin typing the code for the
-provider, and the field will auto-fill.
-. Select a *Context Org Unit* from the drop down menu, or begin typing the code for the context org unit, and the field will auto-fill.
-. Select a *Selection List* from the drop down menu, or begin typing the name
-of the selection list. You can create a new list, or the field will auto-fill.
-. Create a new record import queue, or upload the records to an existing queue.
-. Select a *Record Match Set*.
-. Select *Merge Profile* -> *Match-Only Merge*.
-. Check the boxes adjacent to *Import Non-Matching Records* and *Merge on Best
-. Browse your computer to find the MARC file, and click *Upload*.
-. Click the link to *View Selection List* Line items that do not match
-existing catalog records on title and ISBN contain the link, *link to catalog*.
-This link indicates that you could link the line item to a catalog record, but
-currently, no match exists between the line item and catalog records. Line
-items that do have matching records in the catalog contain the link, *catalog*.
+The Acquisitions Load MARC Order Record interface enables you to add MARC records to selection lists and purchase orders and upload the records into the catalog. You can both create and activate purchase orders in one step from this interface. You can also load bibs and items into the catalog.
+Leveraging the match sets available in the cataloging MARC Batch Import interface, you can also utilize record matching mechanisms to prevent the creation of duplicate records.
+Permissions to use this feature are:
+* IMPORT_MARC - Using batch importer to create new bib records requires the IMPORT_MARC permission. If the permission fails, the queued record will fail import and be stamped with a 'import.record.perm_failure' import error.
+* IMPORT_ACQ_LINEITEM_BIB_RECORD_UPLOAD - This allows interfaces leveraging the batch importer, such as Acquisitions, to create a higher barrier to entry. This permission prevents users from creating new bib records directly from the ACQ vendor MARC file upload interface.
+* CREATE_PICKLIST - if you wish to create a selection list from your upload, you need this permission.
+* CREATE_PURCHASE_ORDER - if you wish to create a purchase order from your upload, you need this permission.
+Select *Acquisitions -> Load MARC Order Records* to open the Load MARC Order Records interface.
+image::vandelay_acquisitions_integration/acq_load_marc_order_records.png[Load MARC Order Records Interface]
+== Upload Defaults ==
+You can set default upload values for certain organizational units by modifying the following settings in *Administration -> Local Administration -> Library Settings Editor*:
+* Upload Activate PO
+* Upload Create PO
+* Upload Default Insufficient Quality Fall-Thru Profile
+* Upload Default Match Set
+* Upload Default Merge Profile
+* Upload Upload Default Min. Quality Ratio
+* Upload Default Provider
+* Upload Import Non Matching by Default
+* Upload Load Items for Imported Records by Default
+* Upload Merge on Best Match by Default
+* Upload Merge on Exact Match by Default
+* Upload Merge on Single Match by Default
+== Upload Templates ==
+You can create and save templates for later use. Templates are saved as a user setting. To save a template, set your desired values in the Load MARC Order Records interface, enter a name in the _Apply/Create Form Template_ field, and then select *Save Template*. Templates are saved in a server workstation preference, eg.acq.picklist.upload.templates.
+To set a previously saved template as the default, select your preferred template from the _Apply/Create Form Template_ field, and then select _Mark Template as Default_. This default is saved as a workstation setting, and it will override any default settings established in the Library Settings Editor as described above.
+To edit a previously saved template, select the template from the _Apply/Create Form Template_ field, make your desired changes, and then select *Save Template*. This will overwrite the previous iteration of the template.
+To delete a previously saved template, select the template from the _Apply/Create Form Template_ field, and then select *Delete Template*.
+== Uploading Records ==
+When uploading records, you can choose several different options related to purchase order creation, record matching, and more.
+=== Purchase Order Options ===
+* _Provider_ (this field is required) - the vendor associated with the purchase order.
+** You will see a list of providers available to you based on your permissions and assigned working locations.
+* _Ordering Agency_ (this field is required) - the library organizational unit associated with the purchase order.
+** The context org unit is the org unit responsible for placing and managing the order. It defines what organizational unit settings (e.g. locations) are in scope, what fiscal year to use, who is allowed to view/modify the PO, where the items should be delivered and the EDI SAN.
+** In the case of a multi-branch system uploading records for multiple branches, choosing the system is probably best. Single branch libraries or branches responsible for their own orders should probably select the branch.
+** Note that while this field is not marked as required, it is actually required.
+* _Fiscal Year_ (this field is required) - the fiscal year for this purchase order.
+** This should match the fiscal year of the funds that will be used for the order.
+** If no fiscal year is selected, the system will use the Ordering Agency’s default fiscal year stored in the database. If no fiscal year is set, Evergreen will default to the current calendar year.
+* _Add to Selection List?_ - if you want to add the uploaded titles to an existing selection list, enter the selection list name here.
+* _Create Purchase Order_ - select this checkbox if you want to immediately create a new purchase order with the uploaded records.
+* _Activate Purchase Order_ - select this checkbox if you want to activate the purchase order at the time of creation.
+=== Upload and Record Matching Options ===
+Use these options for Evergreen to check for matching records before importing an order record.
+* _Record Source_ - select a record source from the dropdown menu.
+* _Record Match Set_ - Select a Record Match Set from the drop-down menu.
+** Match Sets are created via the xref:cataloging:batch_importing_MARC.adoc#matchsets[MARC Batch Import/Export Interface]
+* _Merge Profile_ - Select a Merge Profile. Merge profiles enable you to specify which tags should be removed or preserved in incoming records.
+** Merge Profiles are created via the xref:cataloging:batch_importing_MARC.adoc#_mergeoverlay_profiles[MARC Batch Import/Export Interface]
+* If you want to automatically import records on upload, select one or more of the following options:
+** _Import Non-Matching Records_ - import any records that don’t have amatch in the system. Matches are determined by the parameters of the Record Match Set that you choose.
+** _Merge on Exact Match (901c)_ - use only for records that will match on the 901c field.
+** _Merge on Single Match_ - import records that only have one match in the system.
+** _Merge on Best Match_ - If more than one match is found in the catalog for a given record, Evergreen will attempt to perform the best match as defined by the match score.
+* _Best/Single Match Minimum Quality Ratio_ - To only import records that have a quality equal to or greater than the existing record, enter a Best/Single Match Minimum Quality Ratio.
+** Divide the incoming record quality score, as determined by the match set’s quality metrics, by the record quality score of the best match that exists in the catalog.
+** If you want to ensure that the inbound record is only imported when it has a higher quality than the best match, then you must enter a ratio that is higher than 1, such as 1.1.
+** If you want to bypass all quality restraints, enter a 0 (zero) in this field.
+* _Insufficient Quality Fall-Through Profile_ - Select an Insufficient Quality Fall-Through Profile if desired.
+** This field enables you to indicate that if the inbound record does not meet the configured quality standards, then you may still import the record using an alternate merge profile.
+** This field is typically used for selecting a merge profile that allows the user to import holdings attached to a lower quality record without replacing the existing (target) record with the incoming record.
+* _Load Items for Imported Records_ - select this checkbox to load holdings information as live items that display in the catalog.
+** By default (i.e. if this checkbox is left unselected), Evergreen will load order records with holdings information as acquisitions items, which can be overlaid with real items during the MARC batch importing process.
+== Record Queue and Import ==
+Once you have entered the above settings, you will need to create a new queue or add to an existing queue, and select your file for import.
+. In the _Select or Create a Queue_ field, either select your existing queue from the dropdown or start typing in the field to search.
+.. Searches in this field are neither case-sensitive nor left-anchored.
+.. If you wish to create a new queue, type the queue name in the field.
+.. Queue names must be unique.
+. In the _File to Upload_ field, select the _Choose File_ button to open a file browse window. Select the file you wish to upload and select *Open*.
+. Select the *Upload* button at the bottom of the interface in order toupload your file according to the parameters you set.
+. When the upload finishes, you will see Upload Complete at the bottom of the screen. You will see a link to open your queue, and depending on whether you created a selection list and/or a purchase order, you will also see link(s) to open those.
+image::vandelay_acquisitions_integration/acq_lmor_complete.png[Upload Complete]
-. Click the *catalog* link to view the line item in the catalog.
+.. Select *Queue* to open a new tab and show your queue in the MARC Batch Import/Export interface.
+.. If you created or added to a selection list as part of this upload, you will see the option for *Selection List*. This link will open a new tab and show you your selection list.
+.. If you created a purchase order as part of this upload, you will see the option for *Purchase Order*. This link will open a new tab and show you your purchase order.
-*Permissions to use this Feature*
+*NOTE:* Depending on the size of your upload file and selected match parameters, the upload may take some time to fully process.
-IMPORT_MARC - Using batch importer to create new bib records requires the
-IMPORT_MARC permission (same as open-ils.cat.biblio.record.xml.import). If the
-permission fails, the queued record will fail import and be stamped with a new
-"import.record.perm_failure" import error
+== Use Cases for Load MARC Order Records ==
-IMPORT_ACQ_LINEITEM_BIB_RECORD_UPLOAD - This allows interfaces leveraging
-the batch importer, such as Acquisitions, to create a higher barrier to entry.
-This permission prevents users from creating new bib records directly from the
-ACQ vendor MARC file upload interface.
+You can add items to a selection list or purchase order and ignore the record matching options, or you can use both acquisitions and cataloging functions. In these examples, you will use both functions.
+=== Use Case #1 ===
+Using the Acquisitions Load MARC Order Records interface, upload MARC records to a selection list and import queue, and match queued records with existing catalog records.
+In this example, an acquisitions librarian has received a batch of MARC records from a vendor. She will add the records to a selection list and a record queue.
+A cataloger will later view the queue, edit the records, and import them into the catalog.
+. Select *Acquisitions -> Load MARC Order Records*.
+. Select the checkbox to create a purchase order if desired.
+. Select a _Provider_ from the dropdown, or begin typing the code for the provider, and the field will auto-fill.
+. Select an _Ordering Agency_ from the dropdown, or begin typing the code for the library organizational unit, and the field will auto-fill.
+. If you wish to add your records to an existing selection list, choose a _Selection List_ from the dropdown, or begin typing the name of the selection list, and the field will auto-fill.
+.. If you are creating a new selection list, enter a unique name for your list in this field.
+. Select a _Record Match Set_ as well as other upload settings.
+. Make sure any Import and Merge checkboxes are NOT selected.
+. Select a record import queue from the dropdown, or begin typing the name of an existing queue, and the field will auto-fill.
+.. If you are creating a new import queue, enter a unique name for your queue in this field.
+. Browse your computer to find the MARC file, and click *Upload*.
+.. This will upload your records to a queue and, if you so chose, to a selection list and/or purchase order. These records are not yet in the catalog.
+. When the upload finishes, you will see Upload Complete at the bottom of the screen.
+. You can click the link(s) to access the purchase order, selection list, or the import queue. Click the link to go to the *Selection List*.
+. Look at the first line item. The line item has not yet been linked to the catalog, but it is linked to a record import queue.
+.. To link a single record, select *Link to Catalog* on the line item to open a search dialog. This dialog will populate with bibliographic information from your line item. Select *Submit* to execute the search, and then select *View MARC* to see the MARC record in your catalog. Select *Link* to link this line item to your selected MARC record.
+.. If you wish to import all records in the queue, select *Import Queue* on the line item. The batch import interface will open in a new tab. The bibliographic records appear in the queue. Records that have matches are identified in the queue. You can edit these records and/or import them into the catalog, completing the process. xref:cataloging:batch_importing_MARC.adoc#import_records[MARC Batch Import/Export] documentation for more information.
+=== Use Case #2 ===
+Using the Acquisitions Load MARC Order Records interface, upload MARC records to a selection list, and use the match options to import the records directly into the catalog. The Vandelay options will enable you to match incoming records with existing catalog records.
+In this example, a librarian will add MARC records to a selection list, create criteria for matching incoming and existing records, and import the matching and non-matching records into the catalog.
+. Select *Acquisitions -> Load MARC Order Records*.
+. Select the checkbox to create a purchase order if desired.
+. Select a _Provider_ from the dropdown, or begin typing the code for the provider, and the field will auto-fill.
+. Select an _Ordering Agency_ from the dropdown, or begin typing the code for the library organizational unit, and the field will auto-fill.
+. If you wish to add your records to a selection list, choose a _Selection List_ from the dropdown, or begin typing the name of the selection list, and the field will auto-fill.
+.. If you are creating a new selection list, enter a unique name for your list in this field .
+. Select a _Record Match Set_ as well as other upload settings.
+. Select _Merge Profile -> Match-Only Merge_.
+. Select the checkboxes for _Import Non-Matching Records_ and _Merge on Best Match_.
+. Select a record import queue from the dropdown, or begin typing the name of an existing queue, and the field will auto-fill.
+.. If you are creating a new import queue, enter a unique name for your queue in this field.
+. Browse your computer to find the MARC file, and click Upload.
+. When the upload finishes, you will see Upload Complete at the bottom of the screen.
+. You will see link(s) to access the purchase order, selection list, or the import queue.
+. Click the link to go to the *Selection List*.
+.. Line items that do not match existing catalog records will show *Link to Catalog*. To link this line item to a catalog record, select *Link to Catalog* to open a search dialog. This dialog will populate with bibliographic information from your line item. Select *Submit* to execute the search, and then select *View MARC* to see the MARC record in your catalog. Select *Link* to link this line item to your selected MARC record.
+.. Line items that do have matching records in the catalog will instead show *Catalog* on the line item. Select that link to view the catalog record that the line item is attached to.
\ No newline at end of file