<para>To run the action triggers, an Evergreen administrator will need to run the trigger processing script <command>/openils/bin/action_trigger_runner.pl \r
<option>--process-hooks</option> <option>--run-pending</option></command>. This should be set up as a cron job to run \r
periodically.</para> \r
- <para>You will need to add some Hooks to the /openils/conf/action_trigger_filters.json file. Below is an example to add the <emphasis>password.reset_request</emphasis>, \r
- <emphasis>hold.available</emphasis> and <emphasis>checkout.due</emphasis> hooks so that they will be processed by <command>action_trigger_runner.pl</command>.</para> \r
- \r
- "password.reset_request" : { },\r
- "hold.available": {},\r
- "checkout.due" :\r
- { "context_org" : "circ_lib", "filter" :\r
- { "checkin_time" : null,\r
- "-or" :\r
- [ { "stop_fines" : ["MAXFINES", "LONGOVERDUE"] },\r
- { "stop_fines" : null }\r
- ]\r
- }\r
- }\r
+ <para>You have several options when running the script:</para>\r
+ <itemizedlist>\r
+ <listitem><option>--run-pending</option>: Run the pending events.</listitem>\r
+ <listitem><option>--process-hooks</option>: Create hook events</listitem>\r
+ <listitem><option>--osrf-config=[<varname>config_file</varname>]</option>: OpenSRF core config file. Defaults to: \r
+ <filename>/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml</filename>.</listitem>\r
+ <listitem><option>--custom-filters=[<varname>filter_file</varname>]</option>: File containing a JSON Object which describes any hooks that should\r
+ use a user-defined filter to find their target objects. Defaults to: <filename>/openils/conf/action_trigger_filters.json</filename></listitem>\r
+ <listitem><option>--max-sleep=[<varname>seconds</varname>]</option>: When in process-hooks mode, wait up to [<varname>seconds</varname>] for the lock file to go away. \r
+ Defaults to 3600 (1 hour).</listitem>\r
+ <listitem><option>--hooks=hook1[,hook2,hook3,...]</option>: Define which hooks to create events for. If none are defined, it defaults to the list of hooks defined \r
+ in the <option>--custom-filters</option> option.</listitem>\r
+ <listitem><option>--debug-stdout</option>: Print server responses to stdout (as JSON) for debugging.</listitem>\r
+ <listitem><option>--lock-file=[<varname>file_name</varname>]</option>: Sets the lock file for the process.</listitem>\r
+ <listitem><option>--help</option>: Show help information.</listitem>\r
+ </itemizedlist>\r
</section> \r
</simplesect> \r
<section xml:id="notifications">\r
- <title>Notifications</title>\r
+ <title>Email Notifications</title>\r
+ <para>Email notifications can be set up for Holds, Overdue items and Predue items. There are two ways to configure notifications for each of these type of notifications.</para>\r
+ <section xml:id="Holdnotifications">\r
+ <title>Hold Notifications</title>\r
+ <para>Hold notifications can be used that that library users are sent an email when their items are available for pickup. This notification is triggered when the item being held \r
+ is <emphasis>captured</emphasis> by a library staff member and the item is in the <emphasis>on holds shelf</emphasis> status. </para>\r
+ <simplesect> \r
+ <title>Hold Notifications using the Action Trigger</title> \r
+ <para>The easiest way to set up hold notifications is to use the <link linkend="actiontriggers">Action Trigger</link> mechanism introduced in Evergreen 1.6.</para> \r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>From the staff client menu, Click on\r
+ <menuchoice>\r
+ <guimenu>Admin</guimenu> \r
+ <guisubmenu>Local Administration</guisubmenu>\r
+ <guisubmenu>Notifications / Action triggers</guisubmenu>\r
+ </menuchoice>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Locate the Action Trigger Definition with the <guilabel>Name</guilabel> <guilabel>Hold Ready for Pickup Email Notification</guilabel>.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Double click on the item row to open the editing page, but <emphasis role="bold">not</emphasis> on the hyperlinked <guilabel>Name</guilabel></para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Double click on the item row to open the editing page, but <emphasis role="bold">not</emphasis> on the hyperlinked <guilabel>Name</guilabel></para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Check the <guilabel>Enabled</guilabel> check box to enable it.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Edit the <guilabel>Template</guilabel> text box to customize the body of the email as needed. Note that text between <quote>[% %]</quote> are variables to be \r
+ generated by the system. For example, <varname>[% user.family_name %]</varname> with be replaced by the family name of the user receiving a notice.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Click <guibutton>Save</guibutton> to save your changes.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Hold notices are now activated and will be processed the next time action triggers are processed. See <xref linkend="ProcessingActionTriggers" /> for \r
+ more details on processing action triggers.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ </simplesect> \r
+ <simplesect> \r
+ <title>Hold Notifications using the Evergreen Configuration File</title> \r
+ <para>An older method for Setting up hold notifications is through the Configuration file <filename>/openils/conf/opensrf.xml</filename>. </para> \r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Open the file <filename>/openils/conf/opensrf.xml</filename> with your favorite text editor</para>\r
+ <para>Locate this section of the configuration file:</para>\r
+<email>true</email> <!-- set to true for hold notice emails -->\r
+</programlisting> \r
+ \r
+ <para>Ensure that <email> is set to <emphasis role="bold">true</emphasis>.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Locate the following section of the configuration file:</para>\r
+<programlisting> <![CDATA[\r
+<email_notify> \r
+ <!-- global email notification settings -->\r
+ <template>/openils/var/data/hold_notification_template.example</template>\r
+ <para>Point the <template> variable to the hold notification template you will be using for hold notifications.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Locate the template and edit as desired. Use the example template provided as a guide.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ </simplesect> \r
+ </section> \r
+ <section xml:id="overedueandpreduenotifications">\r
+ <title>Overdue and Predue Notifications</title> \r
+ <para>Overdue and Predue email notifications can be used to inform users that they have materials which are overdue or to warn them that materials are almost overdue.</para> \r
+ <simplesect> \r
+ <title>Activating Overdue Existing Overdue Action Triggers</title> \r
+ <para>The easiest way to set up overdue notifications is to use the <link linkend="actiontriggers">Action Trigger</link> mechanism introduced in Evergreen 1.6.</para> \r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>From the staff client menu, Click on\r
+ <menuchoice>\r
+ <guimenu>Admin</guimenu> \r
+ <guisubmenu>Local Administration</guisubmenu>\r
+ <guisubmenu>Notifications / Action triggers</guisubmenu>\r
+ </menuchoice>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Locate the Action Trigger Definition you wish to activate. There are several overdue notices preloaded wit Evergreen 1.6.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Double click on the item row to open the editing page, but <emphasis role="bold">not</emphasis> on the hyperlinked <guilabel>Name</guilabel></para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Double click on the item row to open the editing page, but <emphasis role="bold">not</emphasis> on the hyperlinked <guilabel>Name</guilabel></para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Check the <guilabel>Enabled</guilabel> check box to enable it.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Edit the <guilabel>Template</guilabel> text box to customize the body of the email as needed. Note that text between <quote>[% %]</quote> are variables to be \r
+ generated by the system. For example, <varname>[% user.family_name %]</varname> with be replaced by the family name of the user receiving a notice.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Click <guibutton>Save</guibutton> to save your changes.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Overdue notices are now activated and will be processed the next time action triggers are processed. See <xref linkend="ProcessingActionTriggers" /> for \r
+ more details on processing action triggers.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ </simplesect> \r
+ <simplesect> \r
+ <title>Creating Overdue and Predue Notifications by Cloning Existing Action Triggers</title> \r
+ <para>If you wish to add overdue notices for different periods of time or wish to create a predue notice simply clone an existing overdue note, give it a \r
+ unique <guilabel>Name</guilabel>, customize as needed. and save.</para>\r
+ <para>There are no pre-existing predue notices so they will need to be created by cloning an existing overdue notice. \r
+ To make them predue notices, use a negative value in the <guilabel>Processing Delay Context Field</guilabel>. For example, to create a predue notice the day before the \r
+ due date, use the value <emphasis>-1 days</emphasis>.</para> \r
+ </simplesect>\r
+ <simplesect> \r
+ <title>Creating Overdue and Predue Notices using the Evergreen Configuration File</title> \r
+ <para>It is also possible to create overdue and predue notices using the Evergreen configuration file <filename>/openils/conf/opensrf.xml</filename></para> \r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Open <filename>/openils/conf/opensrf.xml</filename> with your favorite text editor.</para>\r
+ <para>Locate this section of the configuration file:</para>\r
+ <notice>\r
+ <!-- Notify at 7 days overdue -->\r
+ <notify_interval>7 days</notify_interval>\r
+ <!-- Options include always, noemail, and never. 'noemail' means a notice\r
+ will be appended to the notice file only if the patron has no valid email address. -->\r
+ <file_append>noemail</file_append>\r
+ <!-- do we attempt email notification? -->\r
+ <email_notify>true</email_notify>\r
+ <!-- notice template file -->\r
+ <email_template>/openils/var/data/templates/overdue_7day.example</email_template>\r
+ </notice>\r
+ </overdue>\r
+<!-- Courtesy notices -->\r
+ <predue>\r
+ <notice>\r
+ <!-- All circulations that circulate between 5 and 13 days -->\r
+ <circ_duration_range>\r
+ <from>3 days</from>\r
+ <to>13 days</to>\r
+ </circ_duration_range>\r
+ <!-- notify at 1 day before the due date -->\r
+ <notify_interval>1 day</notify_interval>\r
+ <file_append>false</file_append>\r
+ <email_notify>true</email_notify>\r
+ <email_template>/openils/var/data/templates/predue_1day.example</email_template>\r
+ </notice>\r
+ </predue>\r
+</programlisting> \r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>From this section of the configuration file, you may:</para>\r
+ <itemizedlist>\r
+ <listitem>Point to the template file for the specific notice: <email_template></listitem>\r
+ <listitem>Set the interval time for the specific notice: <notify_interval></listitem>\r
+ <listitem>Indicate whether to attempt email notification for the notice: <email_notify></listitem>\r
+ <listitem>For predue notices, you may also specify on which circulation ranges to activate the courtesy notice: \r
+ <circ_duration_range></listitem>\r
+ </itemizedlist>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Locate the templates and edit as desired. Use the example templates provided as guides.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>From the configuration file you may also set the default email sender address. however, this is just the default and the email sender \r
+ address for specific organizational units can be specified in the <link linkend="lsa-library-settings">library settings editor</link> \r
+ from the staff client.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ <note><para>You also need to set the email server from the configuration file. By default, it uses the <systemitem class="domainname">localhost</systemitem>.</para></note> \r
+ </simplesect>\r
+ </section>\r