-"Blanket" Orders
+== "Blanket" Orders ==
"Blanket" orders allow staff to invoice an encumbered amount multiple times, paying off the charge over a period of time. The work flow supported by this development assumes staff does not need to track the individual contents of the order, only the amounts encumbered and invoiced in bulk.
+=== Example ===
. Staff creates PO with a Direct Charge of "Popular Fiction 2015" and a charge type of "Blanket Order".
+== Acquisitions ==
-Initial Configuration
+=== Initial Configuration ===
Before beginning to use Acquisitions, the following must be configured by an administrator:
+== Invoices ==
+=== Introduction ===
You can invoice items before you receive the items if desired. You can also
reopen closed invoices, and you can print all invoices.
-Creating invoices and adding line items
+=== Creating invoices and adding line items ===
You can add specific line items to an invoice from the PO or acquisitions
search results screen. You can also search for relevant line items from within
the invoice interface. In addition, you can add all line items from an entire
Purchase order to an invoice or you can create a blanket invoice for items that are not
attached to a purchase order.
-Creating a blanket invoice
+==== Creating a blanket invoice ====
You can create a blanket invoice for purchases that are not attached to a purchase order.
image::media/acq_invoice_blanket.png[Blanket invoice]
-Adding line items from a Purchase Order or search results screen to an invoice
+==== Adding line items from a Purchase Order or search results screen to an invoice ====
You can create an invoice or add line items to an invoice directly from a
Purchase Order or an acquisitions search results screen.
. You can re-open a closed invoice by clicking the link, _Re-open invoice_. This
link appears at the bottom of a closed invoice.
-Search for line items from an invoice
+==== Search for line items from an invoice ====
indexterm:[acquisitions,lineitems,searching for]
indexterm:[acquisitions,invoices,searching for lineitems]
-Create an invoice for a purchase order
+==== Create an invoice for a purchase order ====
You can create an invoice for all of the line items on a purchase order. With
the exception of fields with drop-down menus, no limitations on the data that you enter exist.
. You can re-open a closed invoice by clicking the link, _Re-open invoice_. This
link appears at the bottom of a closed invoice.
-Link an existing invoice to a purchase order
+==== Link an existing invoice to a purchase order ====
You can use the link invoice feature to link an existing invoice to a purchase
order. For example, an invoice is received for a shipment with items on
image::media/acq_invoice_link.png[Link Invoice]
-Electronic Invoicing
+=== Electronic Invoicing ===
-View an invoice
+=== View an invoice ===
You can view an invoice in one of four ways: view open invoices; view invoices
on a purchase order; view invoices by searching specific invoice fields; view
-Managing patron purchase requests
+== Managing patron purchase requests ==
+=== Introduction ===
indexterm:[purchase requests]
Patron Requests can be used to track purchase suggestions from patrons in Evergreen. This feature allows purchase requests to be placed on selection lists to integrate with the Acquisitions module. Patron Requests can be accessed through the Acquisitions module under *Acquisitions -> Patron Requests* and through patron accounts under *Other -> Acquisition Patron Requests*. Requests can be placed and managed through both interfaces.
-Place a Patron Request
+=== Place a Patron Request ===
. Go to *Acquisitions -> Patron Requests*. This interface is scoped by Patron Home Library and will default to the library your workstation is registered to.
.. Requests can also be placed directly through a patron account, in which case the interface will scope to the patron ID.
* *Set No Hold on Requests* - allows you to indicate that a hold should not be placed on the requested title, without needing to go in and edit the request individually.
* *Cancel Requests* - cancel the request and select a cancellation reason
+=== Administration ===
-Request Status
+==== Request Status ====
Patron Requests will use the following statuses:
* *Fulfilled* - This is the state when an associated hold request has been fulfilled.
* *Canceled* - This is the state when the acquisition request has been canceled.
-Notifications/Action Triggers
+==== Notifications/Action Triggers ====
The following email notifications are included with Evergreen, but are disabled by default. The notices can be enabled through the *Notifications/Action Triggers* interface under *Administration -> Local Administration*. The existing notices could also be modified to place a message in the *Patron Message Center*. Any enabled notifications related to holds placed on requests will also be sent to patrons.
* Email Notice: Patron Acquisition Request marked Cancelled
* Email Notice: Patron Acquisition Request marked Received
+==== Permissions ====
This feature includes one new permission and makes use of several existing permissions. The following permissions are required to manage patron requests:
-Placing purchase requests from a patron record
+== Placing purchase requests from a patron record ==
indexterm:[patrons, purchase requests]
-Receive Items From an Invoice
+=== Receive Items From an Invoice ===
This feature enables users to receive items from an invoice. Staff can receive individual copies, or they can receive items in batch.
-Receive Items in Batch (List Mode)
+==== Receive Items in Batch (List Mode) ====
In this example, we have created a purchase order, added line items and copies, and activated the purchase order. We will create an invoice from the purchase order, receive items, and invoice them. We will receive the items in batch from the invoice.
-Receive Specific Copies (Numeric Mode)
+==== Receive Specific Copies (Numeric Mode) ====
In this example, we have created a purchase order, added line items and copies, and activated the purchase order. We will create an invoice from the purchase order, receive items, and invoice them. We will receive specific copies from the invoice. This function may be useful to libraries who purchase items that have been barcoded by their vendor.
-Selection Lists and Purchase Orders
+== Selection Lists and Purchase Orders ==
-Selection Lists
+=== Selection Lists ===
Selection lists allow you to create, manage, and save lists of items
that you may want to purchase. To view your selection list, click
*Acquisitions* -> *My Selection Lists*. Use the general search to view selection lists created by other users.
-Create a selection list
+==== Create a selection list ====
Selection lists can be created in four areas within the module. Selection lists can be created when you <<_brief_records,Add Brief Records>>, Upload MARC Order Records, or find records through the <<_marc_federated_search,MARC Federated Search>>. In each of these interfaces, you will find the Add to Selection List field. Enter the name of the selection list that you want to create in that field.
image::media/acq_selection_create.png[create selection list]
-Add items to a selection list
+==== Add items to a selection list ====
You can add items to a selection list in one of three ways: <<_brief_records,add a brief record>>; upload MARC order records; add records through a <<_marc_federated_search,federated search>>; or use the View/Place Orders menu item in the catalog.
-Clone selection lists
+==== Clone selection lists ====
Cloning selection lists enables you to copy one selection list into a new selection list. You can maintain both copies of the list, or you can delete the previous list.
image::media/acq_selection_clone.png[clone selection list]
-Merge selection lists
+==== Merge selection lists ====
You can merge two or more selection lists into one selection list.
image::media/acq_selection_merge.png[merge selection list]
-Delete selection lists
+==== Delete selection lists ====
You can delete selection lists that you do not want to save. You will not be able to retrieve these items through the General Search after you have deleted the list. You must delete all line items from a selection list before you can delete the list.
. Check the box adjacent to the selection list(s) that you want to delete.
. Click Delete Selected.
-Mark Ready for Selector
+==== Mark Ready for Selector ====
After an item has been added to a selection list or purchase order, you can mark it ready for selector. This step is optional but may be useful to individual workflows.
image::media/acq_selection_mark_ready.png[mark ready]
-Convert selection list to purchase order
+==== Convert selection list to purchase order ====
Use the Actions menu to convert a selection list to a purchase order.
. Click Submit.
-Purchase Orders
+=== Purchase Orders ===
Purchase Orders allow you to keep track of orders and, if EDI is enabled, communicate with your provider.
To view purchase orders, click
*Acquisitions* -> *Purchase Orders*.
-Naming your purchase order
+==== Naming your purchase order ====
You can give your purchase order a name.
* Click *View PO* to view the purchase order with the matching name. The purchase order will open in a new tab.
* Repeat the steps to change the name of an existing purchase order and make the name unique.
-Activating your purchase order
+==== Activating your purchase order ====
When the appropriate criteria have been met the Activate Order button will appear and you can proceed with the following:
* Debits Encumbered
* Real Copies Processed
-Activate Purchase Order without loading items
+===== Activate Purchase Order without loading items =====
It is possible to activate a purchase order without loading items. Once the purchase order has been activated without loading items, it is not possible to load the items. This feature should only be used in situations where the copies have already been added to the catalogue, such as:
To use this feature, click the Activate Without Loading Items button.
-Activate Purchase Order with Zero Copies
+===== Activate Purchase Order with Zero Copies =====
By default, a purchase order cannot be activated if a line item on the
purchase order has zero copies. To activate a purchase order with line
-Line item statuses
+==== Line item statuses ====
The purchase orders interface keeps track of various statuses that your
line items might be in. This section lists some of the statuses you might
see when looking at purchase orders.
-Canceled and Delayed Items
+===== Canceled and Delayed Items =====
In the purchase order interface, you can easily
differentiate between canceled and delayed items. Each label begins
-Paid PO Line Items
+===== Paid PO Line Items =====
Purchase Order line items are marked as "Paid" in red text when all non-cancelled copies on the line item have been invoiced.
image::media/2_10_Lineitem_Paid.png[Paid Lineitem]
-Brief Records
+=== Brief Records ===
Brief records are short bibliographic records with minimal information that are often used as placeholder records until items are received. Brief records can be added to selection lists or purchase orders and can be imported into the catalog. You can add brief records to new or existing selection lists. You can add brief records to new, pending or on-order purchase orders.
-Add brief records to a selection list
+==== Add brief records to a selection list ====
. Click *Acquisitions* -> *New Brief Record*. You can also add brief records to an existing selection list by clicking the Actions menu on the selection list and choosing Add Brief Record.
. Choose a selection list from the drop down menu, or enter the name of a new selection list.
-Add brief records to purchase orders
+==== Add brief records to purchase orders ====
You can add brief records to new or existing purchase orders.
-MARC Federated Search
+=== MARC Federated Search ===
The MARC Federated Search enables you to import bibliographic records into a selection list or purchase order from a Z39.50 source.
image::media/acq_marc_search-2.png[line item]
-Line Items
+=== Line Items ===
-Return to Line Item
+==== Return to Line Item ====
This feature enables you to return to a specific line item on a selection list,
purchase order, or invoice after you have navigated away from the page that
* Selection List
* Purchase Order
-Display a Count of Existing Copies on Selection List and Purchase Order Lineitems
+==== Display a Count of Existing Copies on Selection List and Purchase Order Lineitems ====
When displaying Acquisitions lineitems within the Selection List and Purchase Order interfaces, Evergreen displays a count of existing catalog copies on the lineitem. The count of existing catalog copies refers to the number of copies owned at the ordering agency and / or the ordering agency's child organization units.
-Load MARC Order Records
+== Load MARC Order Records ==
+=== Introduction ===
The Acquisitions Load MARC Order Record interface enables you to add MARC
records to selection lists and purchase orders and upload the records into the
For detailed instructions on record matching and importing, see
the cataloging manual.
-Basic Upload Options
+=== Basic Upload Options ===
. Click *Acquisitions* -> *Load MARC Order Records*.
. If you want to upload the MARC records to a new purchase order, then
check _Create Purchase Order_.
image::media/load_marc_order_records.png[Acquisitions MARC upload screen]
-Record Matching Options
+=== Record Matching Options ===
Use the options below the horizontal rule for the system to check for matching
records before importing an order record.
image::media/load_marc_order_records.png[Acquisitions MARC upload screen]
-Default Upload Settings
+=== Default Upload Settings ===
You can set default upload values by modifying the following settings in
*Administration* -> *Local Administration* -> *Library Settings Editor*:
image::media/acq_upload_library_settings.png[Acq upload settings in Library Settings Editor]
-Sticky Settings
+=== Sticky Settings ===
If the above default settings are not implemented, the selections/values used
in the following fields will be sticky and will automatically populate the
- Insufficient Quality Fall-Through Profile
- Load Items for Imported Records
-Use Cases for MARC Order Upload form
+=== Use Cases for MARC Order Upload form ===
You can add items to a selection list or purchase order and ignore the record
matching options, or you can use both acquisitions and cataloging functions. In
-Best-Hold Selection Sort Order
+== Best-Hold Selection Sort Order ==
Best-Hold Selection Sort Order allows libraries to configure customized rules for Evergreen to use to select the best hold to fill at opportunistic capture. When an item is captured for a hold upon check-in, Evergreen evaluates the holds in the system that the item could fill. Evergreen uses a set of rules, or a Best-Hold Selection Sort Order, to determine the best hold to fill with the item. In previous version of Evergreen, there were two sets of rules for Evergreen to use to determine the best hold to fulfill: Traditional and FIFO (First In, First Out). Traditional uses Org Unit Proximity to identify the nearest hold to fill. FIFO follows a strict order of first-in, first-out rules. This feature allows new, custom Best-Hold Selection Sort Orders to be created. Existing Best-Hold Selection Sort Orders can also be modified.
-Preconfigured Best-Hold Orders
+=== Preconfigured Best-Hold Orders ===
Evergreen comes with six preconfigured Best-Hold Selection Sort Orders to choose from:
* Traditional
The Holds-go-home and Holds-always-go-home options allow libraries to determine how long they want to allow items to transit outside of the item’s home library, before it must return to its home library to fulfill any holds that are to be picked up there. Libraries can set this time limit in the library setting *Holds: Max foreign-circulation time*. The Library Settings Editor can be found under *Administration -> Local Administration -> Library Settings Editor*.
-Create a New Best-Hold Selection Sort Order
+=== Create a New Best-Hold Selection Sort Order ===
To create a new Best-Hold Selection Sort Order, go to *Administration -> Server Administration -> Best-Hold Selection Sort Order*.
. Click *Create New*.
image::media/best_hold_sort_order1.jpg[Best-Hold Selection Sort Order]
-Edit an Existing Best-Hold Selection Sort Order
+=== Edit an Existing Best-Hold Selection Sort Order ===
To edit an existing Best-Hold Selection Sort Order, go to *Administration -> Server Administration -> Best-Hold Selection Sort Order*.
. Click *Edit Existing*.
. Next, use the *Move Up* and *Move Down* buttons to arrange the fields in the new order that you would like Evergreen to check when looking for the best hold to fill with an item at opportunistic capture.
. Click *Save Changes* to save your edits.
-Choosing the Best-Hold Selection Sort Order
+=== Choosing the Best-Hold Selection Sort Order ===
The Best-Hold Selection Sort Order can be set for an Org Unit in the *Library Settings Editor*.
To select the Best-Hold Selection Sort Order that your Org Unit will use:
image::media/best_hold_sort_order2.jpg[Library Settings Editor]
-Permissions to use this Feature
+=== Permissions to use this Feature ===
To administer the custom Best-Hold Selection Sort Order interface, you need the following permission:
-MARC Import Remove Fields
+== MARC Import Remove Fields ==
MARC Import Remove Fields allows staff to configure MARC tags to be automatically removed from bibliographic records when they are imported into Evergreen. This feature allows specific MARC tags to be removed from records that are imported through three different interfaces:
* Acquisitions -> Load MARC Order Records
-Create a MARC Import Remove Fields profile
+=== Create a MARC Import Remove Fields profile ===
To create a MARC Import Remove Fields profile, go to *Administration -> Server Administration -> MARC Import Remove Fields*.
. Click *New Field Group*.
image::media/marc_import_remove_fields3.png[MARC Remove Fields Profile]
-Import Options
+=== Import Options ===
The Label for each of the MARC Import Remove Fields profiles will appear on the three affected import screens. To select a profile, check the box next to the desired Label before importing the records.
*Cataloging -> Import Record from Z39.50*
image::media/marc_import_remove_fields5.jpg[Load MARC Order Records]
-Permissions to use this Feature
+=== Permissions to use this Feature ===
The following permissions are required to use this feature:
-MARC Record Attributes
+== MARC Record Attributes ==
The MARC Record Attribute Definitions support the ingesting, indexing, searching, filtering, and delivering of bibliographic record attributes.
To Access the MARC Record Attributes, click *Administration* -> *Server Administration* -> *MARC Record Attributes*
-Managing Fixed Field Drop-down Context Menus
+=== Managing Fixed Field Drop-down Context Menus ===
indexterm:[Fixed fields]
indexterm:[MARC editor,configuring]
-Multi Valued Fields and Composite Record Attributes
+=== Multi Valued Fields and Composite Record Attributes ===
*Multi Valued Fields* and *Composite Record Attributes* expands upon the Record Attribute Definitions feature to include capturing all occurrences of multi-valued elements in a record. *Multi Valued Fields* allows users to say that a bibliographic record contains multiple entries for a particular record attribute. *Composite Record Attributes* supports the application of a more complicated and nested form of structure to a record attribute definition.
-Multi Valued Fields
+==== Multi Valued Fields ====
Multi Valued Fields allows for the capturing of multi-valued elements of a bibliographic record. Through the use of Multi Valued Fields, Evergreen recognizes that records are capable of storing multiple values. Multi Valued Fields are represented in the Record Attribute Definitions interface by a column named *Multi-valued?*. With *Multi-valued?* set to *True*, Evergreen will recognize the bibliographic records in the database that have multiple values mapping to the record attribute definition; it will also track and search on those values in the catalog. This feature will be particularly handy for bibliographic records representing a Blu-ray / DVD combo pack, since both format types can be displayed in the OPAC (if both formats were cataloged in the record).
-Composite Record Attributes
+==== Composite Record Attributes ====
Composite Record Attributes build on top of Evergreen’s ability to support record attributes that contain multiple entries. The Composite Record Attributes feature enables administrators to take a record attribute definition and apply a more complicated and nested form of structure to that particular record attribute. Two new Record Attribute Definitions columns have been added to facilitate the management of the Composite Record Attributes. The *Composite attribute?* column designates whether or not a particular record attribute definition is also a composite record attribute. The *Coded Value Maps* column contains a *Manage* link in each row that allows users to manage the Coded Value Maps for the record attributes.
-Coded Value Maps
+==== Coded Value Maps ====
To manage the Coded Value Maps of a particular record attribute definition, click the *Manage* link located under the Coded Value Maps column for that record attribute. This will open the Coded Value Maps interface. What administrators see on the Coded Value Maps screen does not define the structure of the composite record attribute; they must go into the *Composite Attribute Entry Definitions* screen to view this information.
Now that the *Composite attribute?* value is set to *True*, click on the *Manage* link located under the *Coded Value Maps* column for the edited record attribute definition. Back in the Coded Value Maps screen, a *Manage* link should now be exposed under the *Composite Definition* column. Clicking on a specific coded value’s *Manage* link will take the user into the *Composite Attribute Entry Definitions* screen for that specified coded value.
-Composite Attribute Entry Definitions
+==== Composite Attribute Entry Definitions ====
The Composite Attribute Entry Definitions screen is where administrators can locally define and edit Composite Record Attributes for specific coded values. For example: administrators can further refine and distinguish the way a “book” should be defined within their database, by bringing together the right combination of attributes together to truly define what a “book” is in their database.
-Search and Icon Formats
+==== Search and Icon Formats ====
-Search and Icon Formats
+===== Search and Icon Formats =====
The table below shows all the search and icon formats. In some cases they vary slightly, with the icon format being more restrictive. This is so that things such as a search for "All Books" will include Large Print books yet Large Print books will not show both a "Book" and "Large Print Book" icon.
-Record Types
+===== Record Types =====
This table shows the record types currently used in determining elements of search and icon formats. They are based on a combination of the MARC Record Type (LDR 06) and Bibliographic Level (LDR 07) fixed fields.
-Fixed Field Types
+===== Fixed Field Types =====
This table details the fixed field types currently used for determining search and icon formats. See the <<anchor-2,record types>> section above for how the system determines them.
[width="40%", cols="<,<,<,<"]
An Org Unit Proximity Adjustment can be created to tell Evergreen which libraries to look at first for items to fill a hold or which library to look at last. This may be useful for accounting for true transit costs or physical distances between libraries. It can also be used to identify libraries that have special lending agreements or preferences. Org Unit Proximity Adjustments can be created for all holds between two org units, or they can be created for holds on specific Shelving Locations and Circulation Modifiers.
-Absolute and Relative Adjustments
+=== Absolute and Relative Adjustments ===
Two types of proximity adjustments can be created in Evergreen: Absolute adjustments and Relative adjustments.
Absolute proximity adjustments allow you to replace the default proximity distance between two org units. An absolute adjustment could be made to tell the hold targeter to look at a specific library or library system first to find an item to fill a hold, before looking elsewhere in the consortium.
Relative proximity adjustments allows the proximity between org units to be treated as closer or farther from one another than the default distance. A relative proximity adjustment could be used to identify a library that has limited hours or slow transit times to tell the hold targeter to look at that library last for items to fill a hold.
-Create an Org Unit Proximity Adjustment
+=== Create an Org Unit Proximity Adjustment ===
.To create an Org Unit Proximity Adjustment between two libraries:
. In the Administration menu choose *Server Administration -> Org Unit Proximity Adjustments*.
. Click *New OU Proximity Adjustment*.
This will create a one-way proximity adjustment between Org Units. In this example this adjustment will apply to items requested at by a patron BR4 and filled at BR1. To create the reciprocal proximity adjustment, for items requested at BR1 and filled at BR4, create a second proximity adjustment between the two Org Units.
-Permissions to use this Feature
+=== Permissions to use this Feature ===
To create Org Unit Proximity Adjustments, you will need the following permission:
-SMS Text Messaging
+== SMS Text Messaging ==
The SMS Text Messaging feature enables users to receive hold notices via text message. Users can opt-in to this hold notification as their default setting for all holds, or they
can receive specific hold notifications via text message. Users can also send call numbers and item locations via text message.
-Administrative Setup
+=== Administrative Setup ===
You cannot receive text messages from Evergreen by default. You must enable this feature to receive hold notices and item information from Evergreen via text message.
-Enable Text Messages
+==== Enable Text Messages ====
. Click *Administration* -> *Local Administration* -> *Library Settings Editor.*
. Select the setting, *Enable features that send SMS text messages.*
image::media/SMS_Text_Messaging1.png[Library Setting to enable SMS]
-Authenticate Patrons
+==== Authenticate Patrons ====
By default, you must be logged into your OPAC account to send a text message
from Evergreen. However, if you turn on this setting, you can text message copy
image::media/SMS_Text_Messaging2.png[Library Setting to disable SMS auth/login requirement]
-Configure SMS Carriers
+==== Configure SMS Carriers ====
A list of SMS carriers that can transmit text messages to users is available in the staff client. Library staff can edit this list, or add new carriers.
-Configure Text Message Templates
+==== Configure Text Message Templates ====
Library staff control the content and format of text messages through the templates in Notifications/Action Triggers. Patrons cannot add free text to their text messages.
image::media/SMS_Text_Messaging6.png[Hold Ready SMS Trigger Event Definition]
-Receiving Holds Notices via Text Message
+=== Receiving Holds Notices via Text Message ===
You can receive notification that your hold is ready for pickup from a text message that is sent to your mobile phone.
-Sending Copy Details via Text Message
+=== Sending Copy Details via Text Message ===
You can search the catalog for an item, and, after retrieving results
for the item, click a hyperlink to send the copy information in a text
-Acquisitions Administration
+== Acquisitions Administration ==
-Acquisitions Settings
+=== Acquisitions Settings ===
* Temporary call number prefix - Temporary call number prefix for items that are
created in the acquisitions module
-Cancel/Delay reasons
+=== Cancel/Delay reasons ===
indexterm:[acquisitions,purchase order,cancellation]
indexterm:[acquisitions,line item,cancellation]
a purchase. For example, you could create a cancel reason of 'back ordered,' and
you could choose to keep the debits associated with the purchase.
-Create a cancel/delay reason
+==== Create a cancel/delay reason ====
. To add a new cancel reason, click _Administration -> Acquisitions Administration ->
Cancel reasons_.
. Click _Save_.
-Delete a custom cancel/delay reason
+==== Delete a custom cancel/delay reason ====
You can delete custom cancel reason.
system expects those reasons to be available to handle EDI order responses.
+=== Claiming ===
Currently, all claiming is manual, but the admin module enables you to build
claim policies and specify the action(s) that users should take to claim items.
-Create a claim policy
+==== Create a claim policy ====
The claim policy link enables you to name the claim policy and specify the
organization that owns it.
entered in this field.
. Click _Save_.
-Create a claim type
+==== Create a claim type ====
The claim type link enables you to specify the reason for a type of claim.
entered in this field.
. Click _Save_.
-Create a claim event type
+==== Create a claim event type ====
The claim event type describes the physical action that should occur when an
item needs to be claimed. For example, the user should notify the vendor via
. Click _Save_.
-Create a claim policy action
+==== Create a claim policy action ====
The claim policy action enables you to specify how long a user should wait
before claiming the item.
You can create claim cycles by adding multiple claim policy actions to a claim
-Currency Types
+=== Currency Types ===
indexterm:[acquisitions,currency types]
-Create a currency type
+==== Create a currency type ====
. To create a new currency type, click _Administration -> Acquisitions Administration ->
Currency types_.
-Edit a currency type
+==== Edit a currency type ====
. To edit a currency type, click your cursor in the row that you want to edit.
The row will turn blue.
From the currency types interface, you can delete currencies that have never
been applied to funds or used to make purchases.
-Distribution Formulas
+=== Distribution Formulas ===
indexterm:[acquisitions,distribution formulas, templates]
to predefine settings for your copies. You can create and reuse formulas as
-Create a distribution formula
+==== Create a distribution formula ====
. Click _Administration -> Acquisitions Administration -> Distribution Formulas_.
. Click _New Formula_.
To edit the Formula Name, click the hyperlinked name of the formula in the top
left corner. A pop-up box will enable you to enter a new formula name.
-Edit a distribution formula
+==== Edit a distribution formula ====
To edit a distribution formula, click the hyperlinked title of the formula.
-Electronic Data Interchange
+=== Electronic Data Interchange ===
also the command line system administration manual, which includes some initial setup steps that are
required for use of EDI.
-Entering SANs (Standard Address Numbers)
+==== Entering SANs (Standard Address Numbers) ====
For EDI to work your library must have a SAN and each of your providers must each supply you with their SAN.
A SAN (Standard Address Number) is a unique 7 digit number that identifies your library.
-Entering a Library's SAN
+===== Entering a Library's SAN =====
These steps only need to be done once per library.
image::media/enter-library-san-2.png[Enter Library SAN]
-Entering a Provider's SAN
+===== Entering a Provider's SAN =====
These steps need to be repeated for every provider with which EDI is used.
image::media/enter-provider-san-2.png[Enter Provider SAN]
-Create an EDI Account
+==== Create an EDI Account ====
CAUTION: You *must* create your provider before you create an EDI account for the provider.
. Click _Save_.
-EDI Messages
+==== EDI Messages ====
interface, EDI messages that pertain to a specific purchase order can be
viewed from the purchase order interface (See _Acquisitions -> Purchase Orders_).
-Exchange Rates
+=== Exchange Rates ===
indexterm:[acquisitions,exchange rates]
however, staff can override the automatic conversion by providing an explicit
amount to credit to the receiving fund.
-Create an exchange rate
+==== Create an exchange rate ====
. To create a new exchange rate, click _Administration -> Acquisitions Administration ->
Exchange Rates_.
. Click _Save_.
-Edit an exchange rate
+==== Edit an exchange rate ====
Edit an exchange rate just as you would edit a currency type.
-MARC Federated Search
+=== MARC Federated Search ===
indexterm:[acquisitions,MARC federated search]
image::media/acq_marc_search-2.png[line item]
-Fund Tags
+=== Fund Tags ===
entered in this field.
. Click _Save_.
-Funding Sources
+=== Funding Sources ===
indexterm:[acquisitions,funding sources]
can be used to track exact amounts for accounts in your general ledger. You can
then use funds to track spending and purchases for specific collections.
-Create a funding source
+==== Create a funding source ====
. To create a new funding source, click _Administration -> Acquisitions Administration ->
Funding Source_.
choices in the Currency Types interface.
. Click _Save_.
-Allocate credits to funding sources
+==== Allocate credits to funding sources ====
. Apply a credit to this funding source.
. Click _Apply_.
-Allocate credits to funds
+==== Allocate credits to funds ====
If you have already set up your funds, then you can then click the Allocate to
Fund button to apply credits from the funding sources to the funds. If you have
. Click _Apply_.
-Track debits and credits
+==== Track debits and credits ====
You can track credits to and allocations from each funding source. These amounts
are updated when credits and allocations are made in the Funding Source
Details. Access the Funding Source Details by clicking on the hyperlinked name
of the Funding Source.
+=== Funds ===
year. The drop-down menu at the top of the screen enables you to focus on funds
that are owned by specific organizational units during specific years.
-Create a fund
+==== Create a fund ====
. To create a new fund, click _Administration -> Acquisitions Administration -> Funds_.
. Enter a name for the fund. No limits exist on the number of characters that
encumbrances into next year's fund.
. Click _Save_.
-Allocate credits from funding sources to funds
+==== Allocate credits from funding sources to funds ====
Credits can be applied to funds from funding sources using the fund interface.
The credits that you apply to the fund can be applied later to purchases.
. Click _Apply_.
-Transfer credits between funds
+==== Transfer credits between funds ====
The credits that you allocate to funds can be transferred between funds if
desired. In the following example, you can transfer $500.00 from the Young Adult
. Click _Transfer_.
-Track balances and expenditures
+==== Track balances and expenditures ====
The Fund Details allows you to track the fund's balance, encumbrances, and
amount spent. It also allows you to track allocations from the funding
-Fund reporting
+==== Fund reporting ====
-Edit a fund
+==== Edit a fund ====
Edit a fund just as you would edit a currency type.
-Perform fiscal year close-out operation
+==== Perform fiscal year close-out operation ====
indexterm:[acquisitions,funds,fiscal rollover]
. Evergreen will begin the propagation process. Evergreen will make a clone of
each fund, but it will increment the year by 1.
-Invoice menus
+=== Invoice menus ===
Invoice menus allow you to create drop-down menus that appear on invoices. You
can create an invoice item type or invoice payment method.
-Invoice item type
+==== Invoice item type ====
The invoice item type allows you to enter the types of additional charges that
you can add to an invoice. Examples of additional charge types might include
. Click _Save_.
-Invoice payment method
+==== Invoice payment method ====
The invoice payment method allows you to predefine the type(s) of invoices and
payment method(s) that you accept. The text that you enter in the admin module
Payment methods can be deleted from this screen.
-Line Item Features
+=== Line Item Features ===
indexterm:[acquisitions,line items]
can choose. Line item alerts appear in a pop-up box when the line item, or any
of its copies, are marked as received.
-Create a line item alert
+==== Create a line item alert ====
. To create a line item alert, click _Administration -> Acquisitions Administration ->
Line Item Alerts_.
. Click _Save_.
-Line item MARC attribute definitions
+==== Line item MARC attribute definitions ====
Line item attributes define the fields that Evergreen needs to extract from the
bibliographic records that are in the acquisitions database to display in the
interface. You will be able to enter information for the brief record in the
fields where attributes have been defined.
+=== Providers ===
Providers are vendors. You can create a provider profile that includes contact
information for the provider, holdings information, invoices, and other
-Create a provider
+==== Create a provider ====
. To create a new provider, click _Administration_ -> _Acquisitions Administration_ ->
. Click Save.
-Add contact and holdings information to providers
+==== Add contact and holdings information to providers ====
After you save the provider profile, the screen reloads so that you can save
additional information about the provider. You can also access this screen by
. Click invoices to access invoices associated with a provider.
-Edit a provider
+==== Edit a provider ====
Edit a provider just as you would edit a currency type.
-Notifications / Action Triggers
+== Notifications / Action Triggers ==
+=== Introduction ===
indexterm:[action triggers, event definitions, notifications]
-Event Definitions
+=== Event Definitions ===
Event Definitions is the main tab and contains the key fields when working with action triggers. These fields include:
-Table 1: Action Trigger Event Definitions
+==== Table 1: Action Trigger Event Definitions ====
|*Field* |*Description*
-Creating Action Triggers
+=== Creating Action Triggers ===
. From the top menu, select *Administration* -> *Local Administration* -> *Notifications / Action triggers*.
. Click on the _New_ button.
A quick and easy way to create new action triggers is to clone an existing action trigger.
-Cloning Existing Action Triggers
+==== Cloning Existing Action Triggers ====
. Check the check box next to the action trigger you wish to clone.
. Click _Clone Selected_ on the top left of the page.
. An editing window will open. Notice that the fields will be populated with content from the cloned action trigger. Edit as necessary and give the new action trigger a unique Name.
. Click _Save_.
-Editing Action Triggers
+==== Editing Action Triggers ====
. Double-click on the action trigger you wish to edit.
. The edit screen will appear. When you are finished editing, click _Save_ at the bottom of the form. Or click _Cancel_ to exit the screen without saving.
Before deleting an action trigger, you should consider disabling it through the editing form. This way you can keep it for future use or cloning.
-Deleting Action Triggers
+==== Deleting Action Triggers ====
. Check the check box next to the action trigger you wish to delete
. Click _Delete Selected_ on the top-right of the page.
-Testing Action Triggers
+==== Testing Action Triggers ====
. Go to the list of action triggers.
. Click on the blue link text for the action trigger you'd like to test.
+==== Hooks ====
Hooks define the Fieldmapper class in the core_type column off of which the rest of the field definitions ``hang''.
-Table 2. Hooks
+===== Table 2. Hooks =====
| *Field* | *Description*
| Hook Key | A unique name given to the hook.
+==== Reactors ====
Reactors link the trigger definition to the action to be carried out.
-Table 3. Action Trigger Reactors
+===== Table 3. Action Trigger Reactors =====
| Field | Description
+==== Validators ====
Validators set the validation test to be preformed to determine whether the action trigger is executed.
-Table 4. Action Trigger Validators
+===== Table 4. Action Trigger Validators =====
| Field | Description
-Processing Action Triggers
+=== Processing Action Triggers ===
To run action triggers, an Evergreen administrator will need to run the trigger processing script. This should be set up as a cron job to run periodically. To run the script, use this command:
-Age hold protection
+== Age hold protection ==
indexterm:[Holds, Age Protection]
-Aging Circulations
+== Aging Circulations ==
.Use case
copies over the appropriate data to `action.aged_circulation`,
then deletes the `action.circ` row.
-Global Flags
+=== Global Flags ===
There are four global flags used for aging circulations.
-What Data is Aged?
+=== What Data is Aged? ===
Only completed transactions are aged. These circulations have been checked in (returned) and *do not* contain any unpaid fines or bills.
You can create a cron job to automatically age circulations.
-How Circulations are Aged
+=== How Circulations are Aged ===
The action.aged_circulation table is for statistical reporting while breaking the link to the patron who had the item checked out.
-Impacts on Billing Data
+=== Impacts on Billing Data ===
When a circulation is aged, billings and payments linked to the circulation are migrated from the active billing and payment tables to the `money.aged_billing` and `money.aged_payment` tables.
-Setting limits on allowed payment amounts
+=== Setting limits on allowed payment amounts ===
Two new settings have been added to prevent library staff
from accidentally clearing all patron bills by scanning a
-Apache Access Handler Perl Module
+== Apache Access Handler Perl Module ==
The OpenILS::WWW::AccessHandler Perl module is intended for limiting patron
access to configured locations in Apache. These locations could be folder
trees, static files, non-Evergreen dynamic content, or other Apache
protecting, but instead merely hands control back to Apache when it is done
authenticating, you can protect almost anything else you can serve with Apache.
-Use Cases
+=== Use Cases ===
The general use of this module is "protect access to something else" - what that
something else is will vary. Some possibilities:
** Semi-public Patron resources
** Staff-only downloads
-Proxying Websites
+=== Proxying Websites ===
One potentially interesting use of the AccessHandler module is to protect an
Apache Proxy configuration. For example, after installing and enabling
mod_proxy, mod_proxy_http, and mod_proxy_html you could proxy websites like so:
-Apache Rewrite Tricks
+== Apache Rewrite Tricks ==
It is possible to use Apache's Rewrite Module features to perform a number of
useful tricks that can make people's lives much easier.
-Short URLs
+=== Short URLs ===
Making short URLs for common destinations can simplify making printed media as
well as shortening or simplifying what people need to type. These are also easy
to add and require minimal maintenance, and generally can be implemented with a
RewriteRule ^/search/isbn/(.*) /eg/opac/results?_special=1&qtype=identifier|isbn&query=$1 [R]
-Domain Based Content with RewriteMaps
+=== Domain Based Content with RewriteMaps ===
One creative use of Rewrite features is domain-based configuration in a single
eg_vhost.conf file. Regardless of how many VirtualHost blocks use the
configuration you don't need to duplicate things for minor changes, and can in
-Managing audio alerts
+== Managing audio alerts ==
-Globally silencing sounds
+=== Globally silencing sounds ===
indexterm:[audio alerts,silencing]
-Self-check interface
+=== Self-check interface ===
indexterm:[audio alerts,self check interface]
indexterm:[self check interface,audio alerts]
-Authentication Proxy
+== Authentication Proxy ==
indexterm:[authentication, proxy]
-Using arbitrary LDAP usernames
+=== Using arbitrary LDAP usernames ===
Authentication Proxy supports LDAP-based login with a username that is
different from your Evergreen username.
+== Authorities ==
-Authority Control Sets
+=== Authority Control Sets ===
The tags and subfields that display in authority records in Evergreen are
image::media/Authority_Server_Admin_Menu.png[Server administration authority actions]
-Add a Control Set
+==== Add a Control Set ====
. Click *Administration* -> *Server Administration* -> *Authority Control Sets*.
. Click *New Control Set*.
want to access, or click *Administration* -> *Server Administration* -> *Authority Thesauri*.
-Add a Thesaurus
+==== Add a Thesaurus ====
. Click *Administration* -> *Server Administration* -> *Authority Control Sets*,
and choose the hyperlinked thesaurus that you want to access, or click *Admin*
Personal Name." Authority fields also enable you to create the corresponding
tag in the bibliographic record that would contain the same data.
-Create an Authority Field
+==== Create an Authority Field ====
. Click *Administration* -> *Server Administration* -> *Authority Control Sets*.
. Click *Authority Fields*. The number in parentheses indicates the number of
-Browse Axes
+=== Browse Axes ===
Authority records can be browsed, by default, along five axes: author, series,
subject, title, and topic. Use the *Browse Axes* feature to create additional
-Create a new Browse Axis
+==== Create a new Browse Axis ====
. Click *Administration* -> *Server Administration* -> *Authority Browse Axes*
. Click *New Browse Axis*.
-Auto Suggest in Catalog Search
+== Auto Suggest in Catalog Search ==
The auto suggest feature suggestions for completing search terms as the user enters his search query. Ten suggestions are the default, but the number of suggestions is configurable at
the database level. Scroll through suggestions with your mouse, or use the arrow keys to scroll through the suggestions. Select a suggestion to view records that are linked to
this suggestion. This feature is not turned on by default. You must turn it on in the Administration module.
-Enabling this Feature
+=== Enabling this Feature ===
. To enable this feature, click *Administration* -> *Server Administration* -> *Global Flags*.
. Scroll down to item 10, OPAC.
-Using this Feature
+=== Using this Feature ===
. Enter search terms into the basic search field. Evergreen will automatically suggest search terms.
. Select a suggestion to view records that are linked to this suggestion.
-Autorenewals in Evergreen
+== Autorenewals in Evergreen ==
+=== Introduction ===
Circulation policies in Evergreen can now be configured to automatically renew items checked out on patron accounts. Circulations will be renewed automatically and patrons will not need to log in to their OPAC accounts or ask library staff to renew materials.
Autorenewals are set in the Circulation Duration Rules, which allows this feature to be applied to selected circulation policies. Effectively, this makes autorenewals configurable by patron group, organizational unit or library, and circulation modifier.
-Configure Autorenewals
+=== Configure Autorenewals ===
Autorenewals are configured in *Administration -> Server Administration -> Circulation Duration Rules*.
The Circulation Duration Rule can then be applied to specific circulation policies (*Administration -> Local Administration -> Circulation Policies*) to implement autorenewals in Evergreen.
-Autorenewal Notices and Action Triggers
+=== Autorenewal Notices and Action Triggers ===
Two new action triggers have been added to Evergreen for use with autorenewals. They can be found and configured in *Administration -> Local Administration -> Notifications/Action Triggers*.
image::media/autorenew_norenewnotice.PNG[Notification of Blocked Autorenewal]
-Autorenewals in Patron Accounts
+=== Autorenewals in Patron Accounts ===
A new column called _AutoRenewalsRemaining_ indicates how many autorenewals are available for a transaction.
-Backing up your Evergreen System
+= Backing up your Evergreen System =
-Database backups
+== Database backups ==
Although it might seem pessimistic, spending some of your limited time preparing for disaster is one of
the best investments you can make for the long-term health of your Evergreen system. If one of your
or additional functionality. This section describes how to back up your data so that you or a colleague
can help you recover from various disaster scenarios.
-Creating logical database backups
+=== Creating logical database backups ===
The simplest method to back up your PostgreSQL data is to use the `pg_dump` utility to create a logical
backup of your database. Logical backups have the advantage of taking up minimal space, as the indexes
You should establish a routine of nightly logical backups of your database, with older logical backups
being automatically deleted after a given interval.
-Restoring from logical database backups
+=== Restoring from logical database backups ===
To increase your confidence in the safety of your data, you should regularly test your ability to
restore from a logical backup. Restoring a logical backup that you created using the custom format
to restore the logical backup from a file named evergreen_20121212.dump into the "testrestore"
database on a system with 2 CPU cores: `pg_restore -j 2 -d testrestore evergreen_20171212.dump`
-Creating physical database backups with support for point-in-time recovery
+=== Creating physical database backups with support for point-in-time recovery ===
While logical database backups require very little space, they also have the disadvantage of
taking a great deal of time to restore for anything other than the smallest of Evergreen systems.
to any point in time over the past four weeks, you might take physical backups at weekly intervals,
keeping the last four physical backups and all of the corresponding WAL segments.
-Creating a replicated database
+=== Creating a replicated database ===
If you have a separate server that you can use to run a replica of your database, consider
replicating your database to that server. In the event that your primary database server suffers a
-Booking Module Administration
+== Booking Module Administration ==
-Creating Bookable Non-Bibliographic Resources
+=== Creating Bookable Non-Bibliographic Resources ===
Staff with the required permissions (Circulator and above) can create bookable non-bibliographic resources such as laptops, projectors, and meeting rooms.
You need to create resource types and resource attributes (features of the resource types), and add booking items (resources) to individual resource type. Each resource attribute may have multiple values. You need to link the applicable features (resource attributes and values) to individual item (resource) through the Resource Attribute Map. Before you create resources (booking items) you need to have a resource type and associated resource attributes and values, if any, for them.
-Create New Resource Type
+==== Create New Resource Type ====
1) Select Administration -> Booking Administration -> Resource Types.
-Create New Resource Attribute
+==== Create New Resource Attribute ====
1) Select Administration -> Booking Administration -> Resource Attributes.
One resource type may have multiple attributes. You may repeat the above procedure to add more.
-Create New Resource Attribute Value
+==== Create New Resource Attribute Value ====
1) One resource attribute may have multiple values. To add new attribute value, select Administration -> Booking Administration -> Resource Attribute Values.
5) The attribute value will appear in the list. Each attribute should have at least two values attached to it; repeat this process for all applicable attribute values.
-Create New Resource
+==== Create New Resource ====
1) Add items to a resource type. Click Administration -> Booking Administration -> Resources.
One resource type may have multiple resources attached.
-Map Resource Attributes and Values to Resources
+==== Map Resource Attributes and Values to Resources ====
1) Use Resource Attribute Maps to bring together the resources and their attributes and values. Select Administration -> Booking Administration -> Resource Attribute Maps.
-Editing Non-Bibliographic Resources
+=== Editing Non-Bibliographic Resources ===
Staff with the required permissions can edit aspects of existing non-bibliographic resources. For example, resource type can be edited in the event that the fine amount for a laptop changes from $2.00 to $5.00.
-Editing Resource Types
+==== Editing Resource Types ====
1) Bring up your list of resource types. Select Administration -> Booking Administration -> Resource Types.
-Deleting Non-bibliographic Resources
+=== Deleting Non-bibliographic Resources ===
1) To delete a booking resource, go to Administration -> Booking Administration -> Resources.
-Circulating uncataloged materials
+== Circulating uncataloged materials ==
+=== Introduction ===
This section discusses settings for circulating items that are not cataloged.
Evergreen offers two ways to circulate an item that is not in the catalog:
accrue on these materials, but Evergreen does collect statistics on these
-Pre-cataloged item settings
+=== Pre-cataloged item settings ===
indexterm:[on-the-fly circulation]
indexterm:[pre-cataloged items,routing to a different library]
NOTE: Evergreen always sets the owning library of pre-cataloged items to be the
-Non-cataloged item settings
+=== Non-cataloged item settings ===
indexterm:[ephemeral items]
types. For example, you may choose to circulate non-cataloged paperbacks or magazine
back-issues, but not wish to catalog them.
-Adding a new non-cataloged type
+==== Adding a new non-cataloged type ====
. Go to Administration > Local Administration > Non-Cataloged Types Editor.
. Under _Create a new non-cataloged type_, start filling out the appropriate
-Deleting a non-cataloged type
+==== Deleting a non-cataloged type ====
. Go to Administration > Local Administration > Non-Cataloged Types Editor.
. Click the _Delete_ button next to the type you wish to delete. Note that
-Circulation Limit Sets
+== Circulation Limit Sets ==
-Maximum Checkout by Shelving Location
+=== Maximum Checkout by Shelving Location ===
This feature enables you to specify the maximum number of checkouts of items by
shelving location and is an addition to the circulation limit sets. Circulation
Closed dates do not affect the processing delays for Action/Triggers. For example, if your library has a trigger event that marks items as lost after 30 days, that 30 day period will include both open and closed dates.
-Adding a closure
+==== Adding a closure ====
. Select _Administration > Local Administration_.
. Select _Closed Dates Editor_.
Now that your organizational structure is established, you can begin
configuring permissions for the staff users of your Evergreen system.
-Detailed closure
+==== Detailed closure ====
If your closed dates include a portion of a business day, you should create a detailed closing.
-Call Number Prefixes and Suffixes
+== Call Number Prefixes and Suffixes ==
You can configure call number prefixes and suffixes in the Admin module. This feature ensures more precise cataloging because each cataloger will have access to an identical drop down menu of call number prefixes and suffixes that are used at his library. In addition, it may streamline cataloging workflow. Catalogers can use a drop down menu to enter call number prefixes and suffixes rather than entering them manually. You can also run reports on call number prefixes and suffixes that would facilitate collection development and maintenance.
-Configure call number prefixes
+=== Configure call number prefixes ===
Call number prefixes are codes that precede a call number.
-Configure call number suffixes
+=== Configure call number suffixes ===
Call number suffixes are codes that succeed a call number.
-Apply Call Number Prefixes and Suffixes
+=== Apply Call Number Prefixes and Suffixes ===
You can apply call number prefixes and suffixes to items from a pre-configured list in the Holdings Editor.
-Administering shelving locations
+== Administering shelving locations ==
-Creating new shelving locations
+=== Creating new shelving locations ===
. Click _Administration_.
. Click _Local Administration_.
use the typical circulation and hold policies to determine circulation
-Deleting shelving locations
+=== Deleting shelving locations ===
You may only delete a shelving location if:
. it doesn't contain any items, or
Evergreen preserves shelving locations in the database, so no statistical information
is lost when a shelving location is deleted.
-Modifying shelving location order
+=== Modifying shelving location order ===
. Go to _Administration_.
. Go to _Local Administration_.
. Click _Apply changes_.
-Shelving location groups
+=== Shelving location groups ===
.Use case
NOTE: To work with Shelving Location Groups, you will need the ADMIN_COPY_LOCATION_GROUP
-Create a Shelving Location Group
+==== Create a Shelving Location Group ====
. Click Administration -> Local Administration -> Shelving Location Groups.
. At the top of the screen is a drop down menu that displays the org unit tree.
the catalog to retrieve results from any of the shelving locations that you added to
the shelving location group.
-Order Shelving Location Groups
+==== Order Shelving Location Groups ====
If you create more than one shelving location group, then you can order the groups in the
org unit tree.
-Item Status
+== Item Status ==
indexterm:[copy status]
|17|Lost and Paid|false|false|false
-Adding Item Statuses
+=== Adding Item Statuses ===
. In the _New Status_ field, enter the name of the new status you wish to add.
. Click _Add_.
image::media/copy_status_add.png[Adding item statuses]
-Deleting Item Statuses
+=== Deleting Item Statuses ===
. Highlight the statuses you wish to delete. Ctrl-click to select more than one
You will not be able to delete statuses if items currently exist with that
-Editing Item Statuses
+=== Editing Item Statuses ===
. Double click on a status name to change its name. Enter the new name.
. To change whether a status is holdable, visible in the OPAC, or sets the
-Item Tags (Digital Bookplates)
+== Item Tags (Digital Bookplates) ==
indexterm:[copy tags]
Item Tags allow staff to apply custom, pre-defined labels or tags to items. Item tags are visible in the public catalog and are searchable in both the staff client and public catalog based on configuration. This feature was designed to be used for Digital Bookplates to attach donation or memorial information to items, but may be used for broader purposes to tag items.
+=== Administration ===
New Permissions:
* OPAC: Enable Digital Bookplate Search: when set to _True_ for a given org unit, the digital bookplate search option will be available in the catalog.
-Creating item Tags
+=== Creating item Tags ===
There are two components to this feature: Item Tag Types and Item Tags.
Item Tag Types are used to define the type of tag, such as “Bookplates” or “Local History Notes”, as well as the organizational unit scope for use of the tag type.
Item Tags are associated with a Item Tag Type and are used to configure the list of tags that can be applied to copies, such as a list of memorial or donation labels, that are applicable to a particular organizational unit.
-Create Item Tag Types
+==== Create Item Tag Types ====
. Go to *Administration->Server Administration->Item Tag Types*.
. In the upper left hand corner, click *New Record*. A dialog box will appear. Assign the following to create a new Item Tag Type:
image::media/copytags2.PNG[Item Tag Types Grid View]
-Create Item Tags
+==== Create Item Tags ====
. Go to *Administration->Local Administration->Item Tags*.
. In the upper left hand corner, click *New Record*. A dialog box will appear. Assign the following to create a new Item Tag:
image::media/copytags4.PNG[Item Tags Grid View]
-Managing Item Tags
+=== Managing Item Tags ===
-Editing Tags
+==== Editing Tags ====
Existing item tags can be edited by selecting a tag and clicking *Actions->Edit Record* or right-clicking on a tag and selecting *Edit Record*. The dialog box will appear and you can modify the item tag. Click *Save* to save any changes. Changes will be propagated to any items that the tag has been attached to.
-Deleting Tags
+==== Deleting Tags ====
Existing item tags can be deleted by selecting a tag and clicking *Actions->Delete Record* or right-clicking on a tag and selecting *Delete Record*. Deleting a tag will delete the tag from any items it was attached to in the catalog.
-Cash Reports
+== Cash Reports ==
Cash reports are useful for quickly getting information about money that
your library has collected from patrons. This can be helpful in a few
-Ebook API integration
+== Ebook API integration ==
Evergreen supports integration with third-party APIs provided by OverDrive and
A future Evergreen release will add the ability for users to check out
titles, place holds, etc., directly via the public catalog.
-Ebook API service configuration
+=== Ebook API service configuration ===
This feature uses the new `open-ils.ebook_api` OpenSRF service. This
service must be configured in your `opensrf.xml` and `opensrf_core.xml`
config files for ebook API integration to work. See
`opensrf.xml.example` and `opensrf_core.xml.example` for guidance.
-OverDrive API integration
+=== OverDrive API integration ===
Before enabling OverDrive API integration, you will need to request API
access from OverDrive. OverDrive will provide the values to be used for
the following new org unit settings:
older-style OverDrive records with the record identifier embedded in
the 856 URL, you need to specify URL patterns with this setting.
-OneClickdigital API integration
+=== OneClickdigital API integration ===
Before enabling OneClickdigital API integration, you will need to
request API access from OneClickdigital. OneClickdigital will provide
the values to be used for the following new org unit settings:
records. Evergreen uses the patterns specified here to extract
record identifiers for OneClickdigital titles.
-Additional configuration
+=== Additional configuration ===
Evergreen communicates with third-party vendor APIs using the new
`OpenILS::Utils::HTTPClient` module. This module is configured using
settings in `opensrf.xml`. The default settings should work for most
-ebook_api service
+== ebook_api service ==
The `open-ils.ebook_api` service looks up title and
patron information from specified ebook vendor APIs.
-Emergency Closing Handler
+== Emergency Closing Handler ==
+=== Introduction ===
The *Closed Dates Editor* now includes an Emergency Closing feature that allows libraries to shift due dates and expiry dates to the next open day. Overdue fines will be automatically voided for the day(s) the library is marked closed. Once an Emergency Closing is processed, it is permanent and cannot be rolled back.
+=== Administration ===
+==== Permissions ====
To create an Emergency Closing, the EMERGENCY_CLOSING permission needs to be granted to the user for all locations to be affected by an emergency closing.
-Create an emergency closing
+=== Create an emergency closing ===
The Emergency Closing feature is located within the *Closed Dates Editor* screen, which can be accessed via *Administration -> Local Administration -> Closed Dates Editor*.
*Reason* - Label the reason for library closing accordingly, e.g. 3/15 Snow Day
-Emergency Closing Handler
+==== Emergency Closing Handler ====
When a date is chosen that is nearer in time than the end of the longest configured circulation period or in the past, then a *Possible Emergency Closing* message will appear in the pop-up and in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. Below the Possible Emergency Closing message, two checkboxes appear: *Emergency* and *Process Immediately*.
image::media/ECHLibraryClosingDone.png[Emergency Closing Processing Complete]
-Editing Closing to process Emergency Closing
+==== Editing Closing to process Emergency Closing ====
If *Process immediately* is not selected during an Emergency Closing event creation, staff will need to edit the existing Emergency Closing event and process the affected items.
-Floating Groups
+= Floating Groups =
Before floating groups items could float or not. If they floated then they floated everywhere, with no restrictions.
After floating groups where an item will float is defined by what group it has been assigned to.
-Floating Groups
+== Floating Groups ==
Each floating group comes with a name and a manual flag, plus zero or more group members. The name is used solely for selection and display purposes.
The manual flag dictates whether or not the "Manual Floating Active" checkin modifier needs to be active for an item to float. This allows for greater control over when items float. It also prevents automated checkins via SIP2 from triggering floats.
-Floating Group Members
+=== Floating Group Members ===
Each member of a floating group references an org unit and has a stop depth, an optional max depth, and an exclude flag.
-Org Unit
+=== Org Unit ===
The org unit and all descendants are included, unless max depth is set, in which case the tree is cut off at the max depth.
-Stop Depth
+=== Stop Depth ===
The stop depth is the highest point from the current item circ library to the checkin library for the item that will be traversed. If the item has to go higher than the stop depth on the tree the member rule in question is ignored.
-Max Depth
+=== Max Depth ===
As mentioned with the org unit, the max depth is the furthest down on the tree from the org unit that gets included. This is based on the entire tree, not just off of the org unit. So in the default tree a max depth of 1 will stop at the system level no matter if org unit is set to CONS or SYS1.
+=== Exclude ===
Exclude, if set, causes floating to not happen for the member. Excludes always take priority, so you can remove an org unit from floating without having to worry about other rules overriding it.
+== Examples ==
-Float Everywhere
+=== Float Everywhere ===
This is a default floating rule to emulate the previous floating behavior for new installs and upgrades.
* Max Depth: Unset
* Exclude: Off
-Float Within System
+=== Float Within System ===
This would permit an item to float anywhere within a system, but would return to the system if it was returned elsewhere.
* Max Depth: Unset
* Exclude: Off
-Float To All Branches
+=== Float To All Branches ===
This would permit an item to float to any branch, but not to sublibraries or bookmobiles.
* Max Depth: 2
* Exclude: Off
-Float To All Branches Within System
+=== Float To All Branches Within System ===
This would permit an item to float to any branch in a system, but not to sublibraries or bookmobiles, and returning to the system if returned elsewhere.
* Max Depth: 2
* Exclude: Off
-Float Between BR1 and BR3
+=== Float Between BR1 and BR3 ===
This would permit an item to float between BR1 and BR3 specifically, excluding sublibraries and bookmobiles.
* Max Depth: 2
* Exclude: Off
-Float Everywhere Except BM1
+=== Float Everywhere Except BM1 ===
This would allow an item to float anywhere except for BM1. It accomplishes this with two members.
That works because excludes are applied first.
-Float into, but not out of, BR2
+=== Float into, but not out of, BR2 ===
This would allow an item to float into BR2, but once there it would never leave. Why you would want to allow items to float to but not from a single library I dunno, but here it is. This takes advantage of the fact that the rules say where we can float *to*, but outside of stop depth don't care where we are floating *from*.
-Hold-driven recalls
+= Hold-driven recalls =
indexterm:[hold-driven recalls]
indexterm:[circulation, recalls, hold-driven]
. 'Optionally': Notifies the current patron of the recall, including the
new due date and fine level
-Enabling hold-driven recalls
+== Enabling hold-driven recalls ==
By default, holds do not trigger recalls. To enable hold-driven recalls
of circulating items, library settings must be changed as follows:
threshold. If so, then the eligible item with the due date nearest to the
current date is recalled.
-Editing the item recall notification email template
+== Editing the item recall notification email template ==
The template for the item recall notification email is contained in the
'Item Recall Email Notice' template, found under *Administration* -> *Local
Administration* -> *Notifications / Action Triggers*.
-hold-targeter service
+== hold-targeter service ==
The `open-ils.hold-targeter` service is used to target holds.
-Setting regular library hours
+=== Setting regular library hours ===
You may do this in _Administration_ > _Server Administration_ > _Organizational
-Infrastructure Changes to Authority Browse
+=== Infrastructure Changes to Authority Browse ===
As part of a larger development and consulting project to improve how authority records are used in public catalog browse, improvements have been made to how authority records are indexed in Evergreen. This will not result in any direct changes to the public catalog, but will create infrastructure for improvements to the browse list. Specifically, a configuration table will be used to specify how browse entries from authority records should be generated. This new tables will supplement the existing authority control set configuration tables but will not replace them.
-Backend functionality
+==== Backend functionality ====
The new configuration table, authority.heading_field, specifies how headings can be extracted from MARC21 authority records. The general mechanism is similar to how config.metabib_field specifies how bibliographic records should be indexed: the XML representation of the MARC21 authority record is first passed through a stylesheet specified by the authority.heading_field definition, then XPath expressions are used to extract the heading for generating browse entries for the authority.simple_heading and metabib.browse_entry tables.
The initial set of definitions supplied for authority.heading_field use the MARCXML to MADS 2.1 stylesheet; this helps ensure that heading strings extracted from authority records will match headings extracted from bibliographic records using the MODS stylesheet.
-Staff User Interface
+==== Staff User Interface ====
An interface for configuring authority headings is available in Server Administration in the web-based staff client, under the name "Authority Headings Fields".
-Library Settings Editor
+== Library Settings Editor ==
+=== Introduction ===
(((Library Settings Editor)))
With the *Library Settings Editor* one can optionally customize
descriptions of available settings see the <<_settings_overview,Settings
Overview>> table below.
-Editing Library Settings
+=== Editing Library Settings ===
1. To open the *Library Settings Editor* select *Admin* -> *Local
Administration* -> *Library Settings Editor*.
Overview>> table. Refer to the <<_data_types,Data Types>> table at the
bottom of this page for more information.
-Exporting/Importing Library Settings
+=== Exporting/Importing Library Settings ===
((("Exporting", "Library Settings Editor")))
((("Importing", "Library Settings Editor")))
image::media/lse-5.png[Importing Library Settings]
-Settings Overview
+=== Settings Overview ===
The settings are grouped together in separate tables based on functions
and modules, which are affected by the setting. They are in the same
|Vandelay Generate Default Call Numbers|Auto-generate default item call numbers when no item call number is present|True/False|These are pulled from the MARC Record.
-Data Types
+==== Data Types ====
((("Data Types", "Library Settings Editor")))
Acceptable formats for each setting type are listed below. Quotation
-Address Alert
+== Address Alert ==
indexterm:[address alerts]
You must have Local Administrator permissions or ADMIN_ADDRESS_ALERT permission to access the Address Alert module.
-General Usage Examples
+=== General Usage Examples ===
- Alert staff when an address for a large apartment is entered to prompt them to ask for unit number.
- Alert staff when the address of a hotel or other temporary housing is entered.
- Alert staff when an address for a different country is entered.
- Alert staff when a specific city or zip code is entered if that city or zip code needs to be handled in a special way. If you have a neighboring city that you don't have a reciprocal relationship with, you could notify staff that a fee card is required for this customer.
-Access Control and Scoping
+=== Access Control and Scoping ===
Each address alert is tied to an Org Unit and will only be matched against staff client instances of that Org Unit and its children.
The specific permission that controls access to configuring this feature is ADMIN_ADDRESS_ALERT. Local Administrator level users will already have this permission. It is possible for the Local Administrator to grant this permission to other staff.
-Adding a new Address Alert
+=== Adding a new Address Alert ===
How to add an address to the alert list:
. Click save once you have finished.
-Editing an Address Alert
+=== Editing an Address Alert ===
To make changes to an existing alert, double click on the alert in the list. The editing form will appear, make your changes and click save or cancel when you are done.
If you don't see your alerts, make sure the *"Context Org Unit"* selection box has the correct Org Unit selected.
-Deleting an Address Alert
+=== Deleting an Address Alert ===
To delete an alert or many alerts, click the selection check-box for all alerts you would like to delete. Then click the "Delete Selected" button at the top of the screen.
-Staff View of Address Alerts
+=== Staff View of Address Alerts ===
When an Address Alert is triggered by a matching address the staff will see the address block highlighted with a red dashed line, along with an *"Address Alert"* block which contains the alert message.
image::media/lsa-address_alert_staff_view.png[Address Alert Staff View]
-Regular Expressions / Wildcards
+=== Regular Expressions / Wildcards ===
All of the patterns entered to match the various address fields are evaluated as case-insensitive regular expressions by default.
The simplest regular expression that acts as a wildcard is ".*", that matches any type of character zero or more times.
+=== Examples ===
.Apartment address
Match an apartment address to prompt for unit number.
. Alert Message = "Customer must purchase a Fee card."
. City = "(Emeryville|San Jose|San Francisco)"
+=== Development ===
Links to resources with more information on how and why this feature was developed and where the various source files are located.
-Barcode Completion
+== Barcode Completion ==
indexterm:[Barcode Completion,Lazy Circ]
the process of looking up a barcode, it can add extra delays to the check-out
process. Please test in your environment before using in production.
-Scoping and Permissions
+=== Scoping and Permissions ===
*Local Administrator* permission is needed to access the admin interface of the
Barcode Completion feature.
descendants of that org unit.
-Access Points
+=== Access Points ===
The admin interface for Barcode Completion is located under *Administration*
-> *Local Administration* -> *Barcode Completion*.
The barcode completion functionality is available at the following interfaces.
-Check Out Step 1: Lookup Patron by Barcode
+==== Check Out Step 1: Lookup Patron by Barcode ====
image::media/Barcode_Checkout_Patron_Barcode.png[Patron Barcode Lookup for Checking Out]
-Check Out Step 2: Scanning Item Barcodes
+==== Check Out Step 2: Scanning Item Barcodes ====
image::media/Barcode_Checkout_Item_Barcode.png[Item Barcode at Check Out]
-Staff Client Place Hold from Catalog
+==== Staff Client Place Hold from Catalog ====
image::media/Barcode_OPAC_Staff_Place_Hold.png[Patron Barcode Lookup for Staff Placing Hold]
-Check In
+==== Check In ====
image::media/Barcode_Check_In.png[Item Barcode at Check In]
-Item Status
+==== Item Status ====
image::media/Barcode_Item_Status.png[Item Barcode at Item Status screen]
*Search for Patron [by Name]* interface.
-Multiple Matches
+=== Multiple Matches ===
If multiple barcodes are matched, say if you have both "123" and "00000123"
as valid barcodes, you will receive a list of all the barcodes that match all
image::media/lsa-barcode_completion_multiple.png[Barcode Completion Multiple Matches]
-Barcode Completion Data Fields
+=== Barcode Completion Data Fields ===
The following data fields can be set for each Barcode Completion rule.
image::media/lsa-barcode_completion_fields.png[Barcode Completion Data Fields]
-Create, Update, Filter, Delete/Disable Rules
+=== Create, Update, Filter, Delete/Disable Rules ===
image::media/lsa-barcode_completion_admin.png[Barcode Completion Admin]
In the Barcode Completion admin interface at *Administration* -> *Local Administration*
-> *Barcode Completion* you can create, update and disable rules.
-Create Rules
+==== Create Rules ====
To create a new rule click on the *New* button in the upper right corner.
When you are are done with editing the new rule click the *Save* button. If
you want to cancel the new rule creation click the *Cancel* button.
-Update Rules
+==== Update Rules ====
To edit a rule double click on the rule in the main list.
-Filter Rules
+==== Filter Rules ====
It may be useful to filter the rules list if there are a large number of
rules. Click on the *filter* link to bring up the *Filter Results* dialog
box. You can filter on any of the data fields and you can setup multiple
To clear out the filter rules, delete all of the filter rules by clicking the
*X* next to each rule, and then click *Apply*.
-Delete/Disable Rules
+==== Delete/Disable Rules ====
It isn't possible to delete a rule from the database from the admin interface.
If a rule is no longer needed set *Active* to "False" to disable it. To keep
the number of rules down, reuse inactive rules when creating new rules.
+=== Examples ===
In all these examples, the unique part of the barcode is *123*. So that is
all that users will need to type to match the full barcode.
-Barcode With Prefix and Padding
+==== Barcode With Prefix and Padding ====
Barcode: *4545000123*
of it. Then adds zeros between the prefix and your number to pad it out to
10 characters. Then it searches the database for that barcode.
-Barcode With Suffix
+==== Barcode With Suffix ====
Barcode: *123000book*
Then adds zeros between your number and the suffix to pad it out to 10
characters. Then it searches the database for that barcode.
-Barcode With Left Padding
+==== Barcode With Left Padding ====
Barcode: *0000000123*
number and the left to pad it out to 10 characters. Then it searches the
database for that barcode.
-Barcode With Right Padding
+==== Barcode With Right Padding ====
Barcode: *1230000000*
number and the right to pad it out to 10 characters. Then it searches the
database for that barcode.
-Barcode of any Length with Prefix and Suffix
+==== Barcode of any Length with Prefix and Suffix ====
Barcode: *a123b*
barcode that is entered and then search for that valid barcode.
+=== Testing ===
To test this feature, setup the rules that you want, then setup items/users
with barcodes that should match. Then try scanning the short version of
-Standing Penalties
+== Standing Penalties ==
In versions of Evergreen prior to 2.3, the following penalty types were
available by default. When applied to user accounts, these penalties prevented
-Statistical Categories Editor
+== Statistical Categories Editor ==
This is where you configure your statistical categories (stat cats). Stat cats are a way to save and report on additional information that doesn't fit elsewhere in Evergreen's default records. It is possible to have stat cats for copies or patrons.
Work Log
-Expanding the Work Log
+=== Expanding the Work Log ===
In versions of Evergreen prior to 2.3, the work log recorded check ins,
checkouts, patron registration, patron editing, and renewals. In version 2.3,
-MARC Templates
+== MARC Templates ==
MARC Templates make the cataloging process more efficient for catalogers. At this time, MARC Templates have to be
created on the server, rather than in the Web client.
-Adding MARC Templates
+=== Adding MARC Templates ===
. Create a marc template in the directory _/openils/var/templates/marc/_. It should be in xml format. Here is an
example file `k_book.xml`:
-Multilingual Search in Evergreen
+=== Multilingual Search in Evergreen ===
It is now possible to search for items that contain multiple languages in the Evergreen catalog. This will help facilitate searching for bilingual and multilingual materials, including specific translations, alternative languages, and to exclude specific translations from a search.
-Search Syntax
+==== Search Syntax ====
To search for materials that contain multiple languages (Boolean AND), the search filters can be constructed in the following ways:
.. Explicit Boolean filtering: _-item_lang(eng) || -item_lang(spa)_
-Advanced Search
+==== Advanced Search ====
Within the Advanced Search interface, multiple languages can be selected from the Language filter by holding down the Ctrl key on the keyboard and selecting the desired languages. This will apply a Boolean OR operator to the language filters.
-Adding Subfields to the Index
+==== Adding Subfields to the Index ====
Additional subfields for the 041 tag, such as h, j, k, and n, can be added to the index through the Record Attribute Definitions interface. Any records containing the additional subfields will need to be reingested into the database after making changes to the Record Attribute Definition.
-Patron Address City/State/County Pre-Populate by ZIP Code
+== Patron Address City/State/County Pre-Populate by ZIP Code ==
indexterm:[zips.txt, Populate Address by ZIP Code, ZIP code]
* The zips.txt data is loaded once at service startup and stored in memory, so changes to the zips.txt data file require that Evergreen be restarted. Specifically, you need to restart the "open-ils.search" OpenSRF service.
-Scoping and Permissions
+=== Scoping and Permissions ===
There are no staff client permissions associated with this feature since there is no staff client interface.
This feature affects all users of the system; there is no way to have separate settings per Org Unit.
-Setup Steps
+=== Setup Steps ===
-Step 1 - Setup Data File
+==== Step 1 - Setup Data File ====
The default location and name of the data file is /openils/var/data/zips.txt on your Evergreen server. You can choose a different location if needed.
-Step 2 - Enable Feature
+==== Step 2 - Enable Feature ====
The next step is to tell the system to use the zips.txt file that you created. This is done by editing /openils/conf/opensrf.xml. Look about halfway into the file and you may very well see a commented section in the file that looks similar to this:
NOTE: The specific opensrf services you need to restart are "opensrf.setting" and "open-ils.search".
-Step 3 - Test
+==== Step 3 - Test ====
Open up the staff client and try to register a new patron. When you get to the address section, enter a ZIP code that you know is in your zips.txt file. The data from the file that matches your ZIP will auto fill the city, state and county fields.
-ZIP Code Data
+=== ZIP Code Data ===
There are several methods you can use to populate your zips.txt with data.
-Manual Entry
+==== Manual Entry ====
If you only have a few communities that you serve, entering data manually may be the simplest approach.
-Geonames.org Data
+==== Geonames.org Data ====
Geonames.org provides free ZIP code to city, state and county information licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, which means you need to put a link to them on your website. Their data includes primary city, state and county information only. It doesn't include info about which other cities are included in a ZIP code. Visit http://www.geonames.org for more info.
egrep "^\|(ND|MN|WI|SD)\|" zips.txt > zips-mn.txt
-Commercial Data
+==== Commercial Data ====
There are many vendors that sell databases that include ZIP code to city, state and county information. A web search will easily find them. Many of the commercial vendors will include more information on which ZIP codes cover multiple cities, counties and states, which you could use to populate the alert field.
-Existing Patron Database
+==== Existing Patron Database ====
Another possibility is to use your current patron database to build your zips.txt. Pull out the current ZIP, city, state, county unique rows and use them to form your zips.txt.
* http://git.esilibrary.com/?p=migration-tools.git;a=blob;f=enrich_ZIPs
+=== Development ===
If you need to make changes to how this feature works, such as to add support for other postal code formats, here is a list of the files that you need to look at.
-Patron registration administration
+== Patron registration administration ==
indexterm:[new patron form]
indexterm:[edit patron form]
indexterm:[forms,edit patron]
indexterm:[forms,patron registration]
-Email addresses
+=== Email addresses ===
indexterm:[patrons,email addresses]
If you'd like to disallow multiple email addresses, set
this value to `^(?:\b[^@,\s]+@[^@,\s]+\.[^@.,\s]+\b)$`
-Parent/guardian field
+=== Parent/guardian field ===
indexterm:[patrons,parent/guardian field]
requires parent/guardian"). When this setting is set to true, a value
will be required in the patron editor when the juvenile flag is active.
-Privacy waiver
+=== Privacy waiver ===
indexterm:[Allow others to use my account]
indexterm:[checking out,materials on another patron's account]
-Patron self-registration administration
+== Patron self-registration administration ==
-Library Settings
+=== Library Settings ===
Three Library Settings are specific to patron self-registration:
-User and Group Permissions
+== User and Group Permissions ==
It is essential to understand how user and group permissions can be used to allow
staff to fulfill their roles while ensuring that they only have access to the
staff members have the ability to assign elevated permissions to a user, and
which staff members have the ability to edit users in particular groups.
-Staff Accounts
+=== Staff Accounts ===
New staff accounts are created in much the same way as patron accounts, using
_Circulation -> Register Patron_ or *Shift+F1*. Select one of the staff
NOTE: In multi-branch libraries it is possible to assign more than one working
-Staff Account Permissions
+==== Staff Account Permissions ====
To view a detailed list of permissions for a particular Evergreen account go to
_Administration -> User Permission Editor_ in the staff client.
-Granting Additional Permissions
+==== Granting Additional Permissions ====
A _Local System Administrator (LSA)_ may selectively grant _LSA_ permissions to
other staff accounts. In the example below a _Circ +Full Cat_ account is granted
-Phonelist.pm Module
+= Phonelist.pm Module =
+== Introduction ==
PhoneList.pm is a mod_perl module for Apache that works with Evergreen
to generate callings lists for patron holds or overdues. It outputs a csv file
The following sections provide more information on getting what you want in your output.
-Adding Parameters
+== Adding Parameters ==
If you are not familiar with HTTP/URL query strings, the format is
quite simple.
Any misspelled or parameters not listed in the table above will be
ignored by the program.
+== Output ==
On a successful run, the program will return a CSV file named
phone.csv. Depending on your browser or settings you will alternately
holds or overdues. The specific contents are described in the
appropriate sections below.
+== Holds ==
The `phonelist` program will return a list of patrons with items on
hold by default, so long as you do not use the `overdue`
| Count | Number of items on hold, if `addcount` parameter is used, otherwise this column is not present in the file.
+== Overdues ==
If you add the `overdue` parameter, you can get a list of patrons with
overdue items instead of a list of patrons with items on the hold
| Titles | A colon-separated list of titles that the patron has overdue.
-Skipping patrons with email notification of holds
+== Skipping patrons with email notification of holds ==
Skipping patrons who have email notification for their holds or
overdues is very simple. You just need to add the `skipemail`
request email notification on all of their current holds. In practice,
we find that this is usually the case.
-Using the ws_ou parameter
+== Using the ws_ou parameter ==
Generally, you will not need to use the ws_ou parameter when using the
phonelist program. The phonelist will look up the branch where your
to specify which branch, or the whole system, you wish to search when
running the program.
-Automating the download
+== Automating the download ==
If you'd like to automate the download of these files, you should be
able to do so using any HTTP programming toolkit. Your client must
-Administering the Physical Characteristics Wizard
+=== Administering the Physical Characteristics Wizard ===
indexterm:[Physical characteristics wizard]
indexterm:[MARC editor,configuring]
-Statistical Popularity Badges
+== Statistical Popularity Badges ==
Statistical Popularity Badges allow libraries to set popularity parameters that define popularity badges, which bibliographic records can earn if they meet the set criteria. Popularity badges can be based on factors such as circulation and hold activity, bibliographic record age, or material type. The popularity badges that a record earns are used to adjust catalog search results to display more popular titles (as defined by the badges) first. Within the OPAC there are two new sort options called "Most Popular" and "Popularity Adjusted Relevance" which will allow users to sort records based on the popularity assigned by the popularity badges.
-Popularity Rating and Calculation
+=== Popularity Rating and Calculation ===
Popularity badge parameters define the criteria a bibliographic record must meet to earn the badge, as well as which bibliographic records are eligible to earn the badge. For example, the popularity parameter "Circulations Over Time" can be configured to create a badge that is applied to bibliographic records for DVDs. The badge can be configured to look at circulations within the last 2 years, but assign more weight or popularity to circulations from the last 6 months.
Multiple popularity badges may be applied to a bibliographic record. For each applicable popularity badge, the record will be rated on a scale of 1-5, where a 5 indicates the most popular. Evergreen will then assign an overall popularity rating to each bibliographic record by averaging all of the popularity badge points earned by the record. The popularity rating is stored with the record and will be used to rank the record within search results when the popularity badge is within the scope of the search. The popularity badges are recalculated on a regular and configurable basis by a cron job. Popularity badges can also be recalculated by an administrator directly on the server.
-Creating Popularity Badges
+=== Creating Popularity Badges ===
There are two main types of popularity badges: point-in-time popularity (PIT), which looks at the popularity of a record at a specific point in time—such as the number of current circulations or the number of open hold requests; and temporal popularity (TP), which looks at the popularity of a record over a period of time—such as the number of circulations in the past year or the number of hold requests placed in the last six months.
. Click *OK* to save the badge.
-New Global Flags
+=== New Global Flags ===
OPAC Default Sort: can be used to set a default sort option for the catalog. Users can always override the default by manually selecting a different sort option while searching.
Maximum Popularity Importance Multiplier: used with the Popularity Adjusted Relevance sort option in the OPAC. Provides a scaled adjustment to relevance score based on the popularity rating earned by bibliographic records. See below for more information on how this flag is used.
-Sorting by Popularity in the OPAC
+=== Sorting by Popularity in the OPAC ===
Within the stock OPAC template there is a new option for sorting search results called "Most Popular". Selecting "Most Popular" will first sort the search results based on the popularity rating determined by the popularity badges and will then apply the default "Sort by Relevance". This option will maximize the popularity badges and ensure that the most popular titles appear higher up in the search results.
There is a second new sort option called "Popularity Adjusted Relevance", which can be used to find a balance between popularity and relevance in search results. For example, it can help ensure that records that are popular, but not necessarily relevant to the search, do not supersede records that are both popular and relevant in the search results. It does this by sorting search results using an adjusted version of Relevance sorting. When sorting by relevance, each bibliographic record is assigned a baseline relevance score between 0 and 1, with 0 being not relevant to the search query and 1 being a perfect match. With "Popularity Adjusted Relevance" the baseline relevance is adjusted by a scaled version of the popularity rating assigned to the bibliographic record. The scaled adjustment is controlled by a Global Flag called "Maximum Popularity Importance Multiplier" (MPIM). The MPIM takes the average popularity rating of a bibliographic record (1-5) and creates a scaled adjustment that is applied to the baseline relevance for the record. The adjustment can be between 1.0 and the value set for the MPIM. For example, if the MPIM is set to 1.2, a record with an average popularity badge score of 5 (maximum popularity) would have its relevance multiplied by 1.2—in effect giving it the maximum increase of 20% in relevance. If a record has an average popularity badge score of 2.5, the baseline relevance of the record would be multiplied by 1.1 (due to the popularity score scaling the adjustment to half way between 1.0 and the MPIM of 1.2) and the record would receive a 10% increase in relevance. A record with a popularity badge score of 0 would be multiplied by 1.0 (due to the popularity score being 0) and would not receive a boost in relevance.
-Popularity Badge Example
+=== Popularity Badge Example ===
A popularity badge called "Long Term Holds Requested" has been created which has the following parameters:
-Purging holds
+== Purging holds ==
Similar to purging circulations one may wish to purge old (filled or canceled) hold information. This feature adds a database function and
settings for doing so.
-Purge User Activity
+== Purge User Activity ==
User activity types are now set to transient by default for new
Evergreen installs. This means only the most recent activity entry per
-QStore service
+== QStore service ==
The QStore service is used by the user buckets feature
in the Web client.
-Print (Receipt) Templates
+== Print (Receipt) Templates ==
indexterm:[web client, receipt template editor]
indexterm:[print templates]
indexterm:[web client, print templates]
Receipts come in various types: Bills, checkout, items, holds, transits and
-Receipt Templates
+=== Receipt Templates ===
This is a complete list of the receipts currently in use in Evergreen.
*Transit Slip*:: This is printed when an items goes in-transit to another location.
-Editing Receipts
+=== Editing Receipts ===
To edit a Receipt:
. Click *Save Locally* in the Upper right hand corner.
-Formatting Receipts
+==== Formatting Receipts ====
Print templates use variables for various pieces of information coming from the
Evergreen database. These variables deal with everything from the library name
-Text Formatting
+==== Text Formatting ====
General text formatting
| Currency | 1 | {{1 \| currency}} | $1.00
-Date Formatting
+==== Date Formatting ====
If you do not format dates, they will appear in a system format which isn't
easily readable.
|{{today \| date:'M/d/yyyy'}} | 8/1/2017
-Currency Formatting
+==== Currency Formatting ====
Add " | currency" after any dollar amount that you wish to display as currency.
`{{xact.summary.balance_owed | currency}}` prints as `$2.50`
-Conditional Formatting
+==== Conditional Formatting ====
You can use Angular JS to only print a line if the data matches. For example:
See also: https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngIf
+==== Substrings ====
To print just a sub-string of a variable, you can use a *limitTo* function.
`{{variable | limitTo:limit:begin}}` where *limit* is the number of characters
+==== Images ====
You can use HTML and CSS to add an image to your print template if you have the
image uploaded onto a publicly available web server. (It will currently only
-Sort Order
+==== Sort Order ====
You can sort the items in an ng-repeat block using orderBy. For example, the
following will sort a list of holds by the shelving location first, then by the
`<tr ng-repeat="hold_data in holds | orderBy :
+==== Subtotals ====
You can use Angular JS to add information from each iteration of a loop together
to create a subtotal. This involves setting an initial variable before the
<2> This adds the list item's price to the variable.
<3> This prints the total of the variable.
-Exporting and importing Customized Receipts
+=== Exporting and importing Customized Receipts ===
Once you have your receipts set up on one machine you can export your receipts,
and then load them on to another machine. Just remember to *Save Locally*
once you import the receipts on the new machine.
-Exporting templates
+==== Exporting templates ====
As you can only save a template on to the computer you are working on you will
need to export the template if you have more than one computer that prints out
receipts (i.e., more than one computer on the circulation desk, or another
. Click OK.
-Importing Templates
+==== Importing Templates ====
. Click Import.
. Navigate to and select the template that you want to import. Click Open.
-Z39.50 Servers
+== Z39.50 Servers ==
-Restrict Z39.50 Sources by Permission Group
+=== Restrict Z39.50 Sources by Permission Group ===
In Evergreen versions preceding 2.2, all users with cataloging privileges could view all of the Z39.50 servers that were available for use in the staff client. In Evergreen version 2.2, you can use a permission to restrict users' access to Z39.50 servers. You can apply a permission to the Z39.50 servers to restrict access to that server, and then assign that permission to users or groups so that they can access the restricted servers.
-Administrative Settings
+==== Administrative Settings ====
You can add a permission to limit use of Z39.50 servers, or you can use an existing permission.
-Restrict Z39.50 Sources by Permission Group
+==== Restrict Z39.50 Sources by Permission Group ====
1) Click *Administration -> Server Administration -> Z39.50 Servers*
NOTE: As an alternative to creating a new permission to restrict use, you can use a preexisting permission. For example, your library uses a permission group called SuperCat, and only members in this group should have access to a restricted Z39.50 source. Identify a permission that is unique to the SuperCat group (e.g. CREATE_MARC) and apply that permission to the restricted Z39.50 server. Because these users are in the only group with the permission, they will be the only group w/ access to the restricted server.
-Storing Z39.50 Server Credentials
+=== Storing Z39.50 Server Credentials ===
Staff have the option to apply Z39.50 login credentials to each Z39.50 server at different levels of the organizational unit hierarchy. Credentials can be set at the library branch or system level, or for an entire consortium. When credentials are set for a Z39.50 server, searches of the Z39.50 server will use the stored credentials. If a staff member provides alternate credentials in the Z39.50 search interface, the supplied credentials will override the stored ones. Staff have the ability to apply new credentials or clear existing ones in this interface. For security purposes, it is not possible for staff to retrieve or report on passwords.
-Notes about the Bibliographic Schema in the Database
+== Notes about the Bibliographic Schema in the Database ==
-Bibliographic fingerprint
+=== Bibliographic fingerprint ===
Evergreen creates a fingerprint for each bib record, which can be found in the `fingerprint` column of the `biblio.record_entry` table.
This fingerprint is used to group together different bib records in a Group Formats & Editions search in the public catalog.
-Designing the patron search experience
+= Designing the patron search experience =
Editing the formats select box options in the search interface
{adv_label => l("Our Library's Field"), adv_filter => "facet_group_code"},
-Changing the display of facets and facet groups
+== Changing the display of facets and facet groups ==
Facets can be reordered on the search results page by editing the
_opac/parts/config.tt2_ file in your template directory.
by editing the _facet.default_display_count_ value in _config.tt2_. The default
value is 5.
-Facilitating search scope changes
+== Facilitating search scope changes ==
Users often search in a limited scope, such as only searching items in their
local library. When they aren't able find materials that meet their needs in
-Adjusting Relevance Ranking and Indexing
+== Adjusting Relevance Ranking and Indexing ==
-Metabib Class FTS Config Maps
+=== Metabib Class FTS Config Maps ===
NOTE: These settings will apply to all libraries in your
consortium. There is no way to apply these settings to
the Administration > Server Administration > Metabib
Field FTS Config Maps screen.
-Metabib Field FTS Config Maps
+=== Metabib Field FTS Config Maps ===
NOTE: These settings will apply to all libraries in your
consortium. There is no way to apply these settings to
-Keeping Evergreen Current and Secure
+= Keeping Evergreen Current and Secure =
+== Introduction ==
When it comes to running an Evergreen system, there are two special areas of concern:
The following hints to help you cope with these challenges.
-Upgrading the Evergreen software
+== Upgrading the Evergreen software ==
The Evergreen community at large have agreed upon an upgrade cycle that produces new major releases twice a year, in Spring and Fall. Major releases can contain new features. The community supports each major release with 12 subsequent monthly minor releases that contain only bug fixes, and continues to provide security fixes if necessary for an additional three months after the end of the regular minor bug fix support, for a total of 15 months of support for each major release.
Keep the Evergreen release schedule in mind when planning your own testing and upgrade schedules. If you participate in testing new Evergreen releases during the release candidate stages, you will prepare your own library for the upgrade process and help flush out any remaining bugs before the major release of the software. This also gives you time to prepare the members of your library for the upcoming changes by giving them the chance, when possible, to familiarize themselves with new features on your test system. You also have the chance to prepare supporting materials, like handouts and other kinds of documentation, to help your users before, during and after each upgrade cycle.
-Securing the server(s) on which your Evergreen installation runs
+== Securing the server(s) on which your Evergreen installation runs ==
An Evergreen installation requires interaction between many different components and, depending on the size of your consortium and how many servers you have, it can range from quite complex to extremely. That said, there are a number of standard guidelines that you can follow to secure your server.
-Patron privacy and the SIP protocol
+== Patron privacy and the SIP protocol ==
SIP traffic includes a lot of patron information, and is not
encrypted by default. It is strongly recommended that you
encrypt any SIP traffic.
-SIP server configuration
+=== SIP server configuration ===
On the SIP server, use `iptables` or `etc/hosts` to allow SSH connections on port 22 from the SIP client machine. You will probably want to have very restrictive rules
on which IP addresses can connect to this server.
-SSH tunnels on SIP clients
+=== SSH tunnels on SIP clients ===
SSH tunnels are a good fit for use cases like self-check machines, because it is relatively easy to automatically open the connection. Using a VPN is another option,
but many VPN clients require manual steps to open the VPN connection.
-SIP Server
+== SIP Server ==
-About the SIP Protocol
+=== About the SIP Protocol ===
indexterm:[Automated Circulation System]
** The automated sorting of items, often to bins or book carts, based on shelving location or other programmable
-Installing the SIP Server
+=== Installing the SIP Server ===
bear in mind that too many connections can exhaust memory. On a 4G RAM/4 CPU server (that is also running
evergreen), it is not recommended to exceed 100 +SIP+ client connections.
-Setting the encoding
+===== Setting the encoding =====
SIPServer looks for the encoding in the following
the implementation config, and this check may be removed at some time
in the future.
+===== Datatypes =====
The `msg64_hold_datatype` setting is similar to `msg64_summary_datatype`, but affects holds instead of circulations.
When set to `barcode`, holds information will be delivered as a set of copy barcodes instead of title strings for
and make subsequent hold-related action requests, like holds cancellation.
-Adding SIP Users
+==== Adding SIP Users ====
indexterm:[configuration files, oils_sip.xml]
+===== Syslog =====
$ sudo /etc/init.d/sysklogd restart
+===== Syslog-NG =====
* Don't be dismayed at *Invalid Username*. That's just one of the many tests that are run.
-More Testing
+==== More Testing ====
Once you have opened up either the +SIP+ OR +SIP2+ ports to be accessible from outside you can do some testing
via +telnet+. In the following tests:
-SIP Communication
+=== SIP Communication ===
indexterm:[SIP Server, SIP Communication]
-01 Block Patron
+==== 01 Block Patron ====
-09/10 Checkin
+==== 09/10 Checkin ====
~The request looks like:
-11/12 Checkout
+==== 11/12 Checkout ====
-15/16 Hold
+==== 15/16 Hold ====
Evergreen supports the Hold message for the purpose of canceling
holds. It does not currently support creating hold requests via SIP2.
-19/20 Item Status Update
+==== 19/20 Item Status Update ====
-29/30 Renew
+==== 29/30 Renew ====
Evergreen supports the Renew message. Evergreen checks whether a penalty is specifically configured to block
renewals before blocking any SIP renewal.
-35/36 End Session
+==== 35/36 End Session ====
3520100505 115901AOBR1|AA999999|
-65/66 Renew All
+==== 65/66 Renew All ====
Evergreen supports the Renew All message.
-97/96 Resend
+==== 97/96 Resend ====
-99/98 SC and ACS Status
+==== 99/98 SC and ACS Status ====
99<status code><max print width><protocol version>
+==== Fields ====
All fixed-length fields in a communication will appear before the first variable-length field. This allows for simple
parsing. Variable-length fields are by definition delimited, though there will not necessarily be an initial delimiter
-Running the sitemap generator
+=== Running the sitemap generator ===
The `sitemap_generator` script must be invoked with the following argument:
* `--lib-hostname`: specifies the hostname for the catalog (for example,
megabytes of disk space, so ensure that your Evergreen instance has enough room
before running the script.
-Sitemap details
+=== Sitemap details ===
The sitemap generator script includes located URIs as well as items
listed in the `asset.opac_visible_copies` materialized view, and checks
the children or ancestors of the requested libraries for holdings as well.
+=== Scheduling ===
To enable search engines to maintain a fresh index of your bibliographic
records, you may want to include the script in your cron jobs on a nightly or
weekly basis.
-Column Picker
+== Column Picker ==
indexterm:[Column Picker]
-Recent Staff Searches
+== Recent Staff Searches ==
This feature enables you to view your recent searches as you perform them in the staff client. The number of searches that you can view is configurable. This feature is only available through the staff client; it is not available to patrons in the OPAC.
-Administrative Settings
+=== Administrative Settings ===
By default, ten searches will be saved as you search the staff client. If you want to change the number of saved searches, then you can configure the number of searches that you wish to save through the *Library Settings Editor* in the *Admin* module.
. Click *Update Setting.* This will prevent you from viewing any saved searches.
-Recent Staff Searches
+=== Recent Staff Searches ===
Evergreen will save staff searches that are entered through either the basic or advanced search fields. To view recent staff searches:
-Return to Search Results from MARC Record
+== Return to Search Results from MARC Record ==
This feature enables you to return to your title search results directly from any view of the MARC record, including the OPAC View, MARC Record, MARC Edit, and Holdings Maintenance. You can use this feature to page through records in the MARC Record View or Edit interfaces. You do not have to return to the OPAC View to access title results, simply click the button marked _Back To Results_.
-Managing Staff from the Command Line
+= Managing Staff from the Command Line =
-Changing passwords
+== Changing passwords ==
If you need to change a patron or staff account password without using the staff client, here is how you can reset it with SQL.
-TPac Configuration and Customization
+== TPac Configuration and Customization ==
-Template toolkit documentation
+=== Template toolkit documentation ===
For more general information about template toolkit see: http://template-toolkit.org/docs/index.html[official
The purpose of this chapter is to focus on the
Evergreen-specific uses of Template Toolkit ('TT') in the OPAC.
+=== TPAC URL ===
The URL for the TPAC on a default Evergreen system is
http://localhost/eg/opac/home (adjust `localhost` to match your hostname or IP
address, naturally!)
-Perl modules used directly by TPAC
+=== Perl modules used directly by TPAC ===
* `Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/WWW/EGCatLoader.pm`
* `Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/WWW/EGCatLoader/Account.pm`
* `Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/WWW/EGCatLoader/Search.pm`
* `Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/WWW/EGCatLoader/Util.pm`
-Default templates
+=== Default templates ===
The source template files are found in `Open-ILS/src/templates/opac`.
ready to commit the changes to a branch. See below for information on template
-Apache configuration files
+=== Apache configuration files ===
The base Evergreen configuration file on Debian-based systems can be found in
`/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/eg.conf`. This file defines the basic virtual host
bulk of the configuration for each virtual host by including
-TPAC CSS and media files
+=== TPAC CSS and media files ===
The CSS files used by the default TPAC templates are stored in the repo in
`Open-ILS/web/css/skin/default/opac/` and installed in
stored in the repo in `Open-ILS/web/images/` and installed in
-Mapping templates to URLs
+=== Mapping templates to URLs ===
The mapping for templates to URLs is straightforward. Following are a few
examples, where `<templates>` is a placeholder for one or more directories
thing to note is that the file references are relative to the top of the
template directory.
-How to override templates
+=== How to override templates ===
Overrides for templates go in a directory that parallels the structure of the
default templates directory. The overrides then get pulled in via the Apache
You should now be able to see your change at http://localhost/eg/opac/advanced
-Defining multiple layers of overrides
+==== Defining multiple layers of overrides ====
You can define multiple layers of overrides, so if you want every library in
your consortium to have the same basic customizations, and then apply
-Changing some text in the TPAC
+=== Changing some text in the TPAC ===
Out of the box, the TPAC includes a number of placeholder text and links. For
example, there is a set of links cleverly named 'Link 1', 'Link 2', and so on
the page in our Web browser and see the live changes immediately (assuming
we are looking at the BR1 overrides, of course).
+=== Troubleshooting ===
If there is a problem such as a TT syntax error, it generally shows up as a
an ugly server failure page. If you check the Apache error logs, you will
-User Activity Types
+== User Activity Types ==
The User Activity Types feature enables you to specify the user activity that you want to record in the database. You can use this feature for reporting purposes. This function will also display a last activity date in a user's account.
-Enabling this Feature
+=== Enabling this Feature ===
Click *Administration* -> *Server Administration* -> *User Activity Types* to access the default set of user activity types and to add new ones. The default set of user activity types records user logins to the Evergreen ILS and to third party products that communicate with Evergreen.
-Using this Feature
+=== Using this Feature ===
The last activity date for user logins appears in the patron's summary.
-Virtual Index Definitions
+=== Virtual Index Definitions ===
Virtual index definitions can be configured in Evergreen to create customized search indexes that make use of data collected by other (real) index definitions. Real index definitions use an XPath expression to indicate the bibliographic data that should be included in the index. Virtual index definitions bring together data collected by other index definitions to create a new, virtual index. They can also use an XPath expression to collect data directly for an index, but they are not required to.
All index definitions can be modified by having other indexes map to them. For example, Genre could be added to the All Subjects field definition in the Subject index. This would allow users to search Genre as part of a Subject search.
-Keyword Virtual Index Definition
+==== Keyword Virtual Index Definition ====
Evergreen now uses a virtual index definition for the Keyword index. This allows libraries to customize the keyword search index by specifying which fields are included in the keyword index, as well as how each field should be weighted for relevance ranking in search results. By default, the keyword index contains all of the search fields other than the keyword definition itself. Each field is assigned a weight of 1, with the exception of Title Proper, which is assigned a weight of 8. A match on the Title Proper within a keyword search will be given the higher weight and therefore a higher relevance ranking within search results.
. The weight of a field can be modified by selecting the field and going to *Actions>Edit Record* or right-clicking and selecting *Edit Record*.
.. The Metabib Field Virtual Map modal will appear. Increase the weight of the field and click *Save*.
-Configuring Virtual Index Definitions
+==== Configuring Virtual Index Definitions ====
. To configure a virtual index definition, go to *Administration>Server Administration>MARC Search/Facet Fields*.
.. This interface now has a _Search Class_ filter that allows users to easily select which search class they want to view.
Note: A service restart is required after definitions and mapping are changed. Changes to weight only do not require a restart as they are calculated in real time.
-Search Term Highlighting in Search Results
+==== Search Term Highlighting in Search Results ====
Search terms are now highlighted on the main OPAC search results page, the bibliographic record detail page, and the metarecord grouped results page. This will help users discern why a certain record was included in the search result set, as well as its relevance to the search. Search terms will be highlighted in both real and virtual fields that were searched. Terms that were stemmed or normalized during searching will also be highlighted. Search term highlighting can be turned off within the OPAC by selecting the checkbox to "Disable Highlighting" in the search results interface.
-Best Practices for Using the Browser
+== Best Practices for Using the Browser ==
-Pop-up Blockers
+=== Pop-up Blockers ===
Before using the web client, be sure to disable pop-up blockers for your
Evergreen system's domain.
_Allowed Sites_ list.
-Setting Browser Defaults for Web Client
+=== Setting Browser Defaults for Web Client ===
To ensure that staff can easily get to the web client portal page on login
without additional steps, you can set the browser's home page to default to the
. Click the *Set Pages* link.
. Add _https://localhost/eg/staff/_ to the _Enter URL_ box and click *OK*.
-Setting the Web Client as the Home Page in Firefox
+==== Setting the Web Client as the Home Page in Firefox ====
. In the top-right corner of your browser, click the menu button.
. Click *Options*.
. In the _When Firefox starts:_ dropdown menu, select _Show my home page_.
can also open options from the web client's dropdown menus in a new tab
- Navigate to the next tab using CTRL-Tab. Go to the previous tab with CTRL-Shift-Tab.
-Setting New Tab Behavior
+==== Setting New Tab Behavior ====
Some users may want to automatically open the web client's portal page in a new
tab. Neither Chrome nor Firefox will open your home page by default when you
open a new tab. However, both browsers have optional add-ons that will allow you
Logging into Evergreen
-Registering a Workstation
+=== Registering a Workstation ===
indexterm:[staff client, registering a workstation]
-Logging Out
+=== Logging Out ===
indexterm:[staff client, logging out]
-Workstation Administration
+== Workstation Administration ==
indexterm:[staff client, configuration]
indexterm:[workstation, configuration]
-Copy Editor: Copy Location Name First
+=== Copy Editor: Copy Location Name First ===
indexterm:[copy editor, shelving location]
Simply click it to make copy location name displayed first. The setting is saved
on the workstation.
-Font and Sound Settings
+=== Font and Sound Settings ===
indexterm:[staff client, fonts, zooming]
indexterm:[staff client, sounds]
-In the Staff Client
+==== In the Staff Client ====
You may change the size of displayed text or turn staff client sounds on
and off. These settings are specific to each workstation and stored on
image::media/workstation_admin-2.jpg[font size]
-In the OPAC
+==== In the OPAC ====
It is also possible to zoom in and zoom out when viewing the OPAC in the
staff client, making the font appear larger or smaller. (This will not
(minus sign, to zoom out), and *CTRL + 0* (to restore default). The
workstation will remember the setting.
-Select Hotkeys
+=== Select Hotkeys ===
indexterm:[staff client, hotkeys]
_off_ for the current login session.
It has the same effect as when you click *Disable Hotkeys* on the _Hotkeys_ menu.
-Configure Printers
+=== Configure Printers ===
indexterm:[staff client, printers]
image::media/workstation_admin-6.jpg[page setup]
-Advanced Settings
+==== Advanced Settings ====
If you followed the steps above and still cannot print there are two alternate
print strategies:
-Turning off print headers and footers in Chrome
+==== Turning off print headers and footers in Chrome ====
-Turning off print headers and footers in Firefox
+==== Turning off print headers and footers in Firefox ====
-Borrowing items: who, what, for how long
+= Borrowing items: who, what, for how long =
Circulation policies pull together user, library, and item data to determine how
library materials circulate, such as: which patrons, from what libraries can
interfaces, and should be configured prior to setting up the circulation
-Data elements that affect your circulation policies
+== Data elements that affect your circulation policies ==
There are a few data elements which must be considered when setting up your
circulation policies.
-Copy data
+=== Copy data ===
Several fields set via the holdings editor are commonly used to affect the
circulation of an item.
* *Reference?* flag - The reference? flag in the holdings editor can also be used as
a data element in circulation policies.
-Shelving location data
+=== Shelving location data ===
* To get to the Shelving Locations Editor, navigate to *Administration ->
Local Administration -> Shelving Locations Editor*.
* Shelving locations can also be used as a data element in circulation policies.
-User data
+=== User data ===
Finally, several characteristics of specific patrons can affect circulation
policies. You can modify these characteristics in a patron's record (*Search ->
* Other user data that can be used for circulation policies include the
*juvenile* flag in the user record.
-Circulation Rules
+== Circulation Rules ==
*Loan duration* describes the length of time for a checkout. You can also
identify the maximum renewals that can be placed on an item.
does. This will make it easier to select the correct rule when creating your
circ policies.
-Circulation Limit Sets
+=== Circulation Limit Sets ===
Circulation Limit Sets allow you to limit the maximum number of items for
different types of materials that a patron can check out at one time. Evergreen
*Min Depth* field and select the *Global* flag. Add the DVD, BLURAY and VHS circ
modifiers to the limit set.
-Creating Circulation Policies
+== Creating Circulation Policies ==
Once you have identified your data elements that will drive circulation policies
and have created your circulation rules, you are ready to begin creating your
and circulation sets created in the above sets when creating the circulation
-Best practices for creating policies
+=== Best practices for creating policies ===
* Start by replacing the default consortium-level circ policy with one that
contains a majority of your libraries' duration, recurring fine, and max fine
is not circulated. However, now we have added new rules that state that "Adult"
patrons of "SYS1" can circulate "dvd" items.
-Settings Relevant to Circulation
+=== Settings Relevant to Circulation ===
The following circulation settings, available via *Administration
-> Local Administration -> Library Settings Editor*, can
-Describing your organization
+= Describing your organization =
Your Evergreen system is almost ready to go. You'll need to add each of the
libraries that will be using your Evergreen system. If you're doing this for a
will appear in the hierarchy list below the parent unit. Click on the new unit
and edit the data, click *Save*
-Organizational Unit data
+=== Organizational Unit data ===
The *Addresses* tab allows you to enter library contact information. Library
Phone number, email address, and addresses are used in patron email
notifications, hold slips, and transit slips. The Library address tab is broken
and other closures are set in the *Closed Dates Editor*. Hours of operation and
closed dates impact due dates and fine accrual.
-After Changing Organization Unit Data
+=== After Changing Organization Unit Data ===
After you change Org Unit data, you must run the autogen.sh script.
This script updates the Evergreen organization tree and fieldmapper IDL.
-Describing your people
+= Describing your people =
Many different members of your staff will use your Evergreen system to perform
the wide variety of tasks required of the library.
referred to as a working organizational unit or work OU) which affects where a
particular user can exercise the permissions they have been granted.
-Setting the staff user's working location
+== Setting the staff user's working location ==
To grant a working location to a staff user in the staff client:
. Search for the patron. Select *Search > Search for Patrons* from the top menu.
to this user. Depending on your own permissions, you may also have the ability
to grant individual permissions directly to this user.
-Comparing approaches for managing permissions
+== Comparing approaches for managing permissions ==
The Evergreen community uses two different approaches to deal with managing
permissions for users:
permission group in line with what your library, or possibly your consortium,
defines as the appropriate needs for each function in the library.
-Managing permissions in the staff client
+== Managing permissions in the staff client ==
In this section, we'll show you in the staff client:
* where to find the available permissions
some essential groups. You can compare the existing permissions with these
suggested permissions and, if any are missing, you will know how to add them.
-Where to find existing permissions and what they mean
+=== Where to find existing permissions and what they mean ===
In the staff client, in the upper right corner of the screen, click on
*Administration > Server Administration > Permissions*.
permission allows. All of the most common permissions have easily
understandable descriptions.
-Where to find existing Permission Groups
+=== Where to find existing Permission Groups ===
In the staff client, in the upper right corner of the screen, navigate to
*Administration > Server Administration > Permission Groups*.
Groups that were listed at the beginning of this chapter. If you do not and you
need them, you will have to create them.
-Adding or removing permissions from a Permission Group
+=== Adding or removing permissions from a Permission Group ===
First, we will remove a permission from the Staff group.
. From the list of Permission Groups, click on *Staff*.
If you have saved your changes and you don't see them, you may have to click
the Reload button in the upper left side of the staff client screen.
-Managing role-based permission groups in the staff client
+== Managing role-based permission groups in the staff client ==
Main permission groups are granted in the staff client through Edit in the patron record using the Main (Profile) Permission Group field. Additional permission
groups can be granted using secondary permission groups.
-Secondary Group Permissions
+=== Secondary Group Permissions ===
The _Secondary Groups_ button functionality enables supplemental permission
groups to be added to staff accounts. The *CREATE_USER_GROUP_LINK* and
In general when creating a secondary permission group do not grant the
permission to login to Evergreen.
-Granting Secondary Permissions Groups
+==== Granting Secondary Permissions Groups ====
. Open the account of the user you wish to grant secondary permission group to.
. Click _Save_ in the top right hand corner of the _Edit Screen_ to save the user's account.
-Removing Secondary Group Permissions
+==== Removing Secondary Group Permissions ====
. Open the account of the user you wish to remove the secondary permission group from.
. Click _Edit_.
. Click _Secondary Groups_, located to the right of the _Main (Profile) Permission Group_.
. Click _Save_ in the top right hand corner of the _Edit Screen_ to save the user's account.
-Managing role-based permission groups in the database
+== Managing role-based permission groups in the database ==
While the ability to assign a user to multiple permission groups has existed in
Evergreen for years, a staff client interface is not currently available to
facilitate the work of the Evergreen administrator. However, if you or members
-Designing your catalog
+= Designing your catalog =
When people want to find things in your Evergreen system, they will check the
catalog. In Evergreen, the catalog is made available through a web interface,
In this chapter, we'll show you how to customize the OPAC, change it from its
default configuration, and make it your own.
-Configuring and customizing the public interface
+== Configuring and customizing the public interface ==
The public interface is referred to as the TPAC or Template Toolkit (TT) within
the Evergreen community. The template toolkit system allows you to customize the
look and feel of your OPAC by editing the template pages (.tt2) files as well as
the associated style sheets.
-Locating the default template files
+=== Locating the default template files ===
The default URL for the TPAC on a default Evergreen system is
_http://localhost/eg/opac/home_ (adjust _localhost_ to match your hostname or IP
than touching the installed templates until you are ready to commit the changes
to a branch. See below for information on template overrides.
-Mapping templates to URLs
+=== Mapping templates to URLs ===
The mapping for templates to URLs is straightforward. Following are a few
examples, where _<templates>_ is a placeholder for one or more directories that
Note that file references are relative to the top of the template directory.
-How to override template files
+=== How to override template files ===
Overrides for template files or TPAC pages go in a directory that parallels the
structure of the default templates directory. The overrides then get pulled in
bash$ vim /openils/var/templates_custom/opac/advanced.tt2
-Configuring the custom templates directory in Apache's eg.conf
+=== Configuring the custom templates directory in Apache's eg.conf ===
You now need to teach Apache about the new custom template directory. Edit
_/etc/apache2/sites-available/eg.conf_ and add the following _<Location /eg>_
be able to see your change at _http://localhost/eg/opac/advanced_ where
_localhost_ is the hostname of your Evergreen server.
-Adjusting colors for your public interface
+=== Adjusting colors for your public interface ===
You may adjust the colors of your public interface by editing the _colors.tt2_
file. The location of this file is in
template folder and edit the custom file and not the file located in your default
-Adjusting fonts in your public interface
+=== Adjusting fonts in your public interface ===
Font sizes can be changed in the _colors.tt2_ file located in
_/openils/var/templates/opac/parts/css/_. Again, create and edit a custom
Other aspects of fonts such as the default font family can be adjusted in
-Media file locations in the public interface
+=== Media file locations in the public interface ===
The media files (mostly PNG images) used by the default TPAC templates are stored
in the repository in _Open-ILS/web/images/_ and installed in
-Changing some text in the public interface
+=== Changing some text in the public interface ===
Out of the box, TPAC includes a number of placeholder text and links. For
example, there is a set of links cleverly named Link 1, Link 2, and so on in the
Once the link and link text has been edited to your satisfaction, load the page
in a Web browser and see the live changes immediately.
-Adding translations to PO file
+=== Adding translations to PO file ===
After you have added custom text in translatable form to a TT2 template, you need to add the custom strings and its translations to the PO file containing the translations. Evergreen PO files are stored in _/openils/var/template/data/locale/_
service apache2 restart
-Adding and removing MARC fields from the record details display page
+=== Adding and removing MARC fields from the record details display page ===
It is possible to add and remove the MARC fields and subfields displayed in the
record details page. In order to add MARC fields to be displayed on the details
can also be used to display MARC fields in other pages, such as your results
-Using bibliographic source variables
+==== Using bibliographic source variables ====
For bibliographic records, there is a "bib source" that can be associated with
every record. This source and its ID are available as record attributes called
-Setting the default physical location for your library environment
+== Setting the default physical location for your library environment ==
_physical_loc_ is an Apache environment variable that sets the default physical
location, used for setting search scopes and determining the order in which
SetEnv physical_loc 104
-Setting a default language and adding optional languages
+== Setting a default language and adding optional languages ==
_OILSWebLocale_ adds support for a specific language. Add this variable to the
Virtual Host section in _/etc/apache2/eg_vhost.conf_.
*American English is built into Evergreen so you do not need to set up this
language and there are no PO files.
-Updating translations in Evergreen using current translations from Launchpad
+=== Updating translations in Evergreen using current translations from Launchpad ===
Due to Evergreen release workflow/schedule, some language strings may already have been translated in Launchpad,
but are not yet packaged with Evergreen. In such cases, it is possible to manually replace the PO file in
service apache2 restart
-Change Date Format in Patron Account View
+== Change Date Format in Patron Account View ==
Libraries with same-day circulations may want their patrons to be able to view
the due *time* as well as due date when they log in to their OPAC account. To
accomplish this, go to _opac/myopac/circs.tt2_. Find the line that reads:
-Including External Content in Your Public Interface
+== Including External Content in Your Public Interface ==
The public interface allows you to include external services and content in your
public interface. These can include book cover images, user reviews, table of
The following are some of the external content services which you can configure
in Evergreen.
+=== OpenLibrary ===
The default install of Evergreen includes OpenLibrary book covers. The settings
for this are controlled by the <added_content> section of
of the record.summary.jacket_size. The default value is "medium" and the
available options are "small", "medium" and "large."
+=== ChiliFresh ===
ChiliFresh is a subscription-based service which allows book covers, reviews and
social interaction of patrons to appear in your catalog. To activate ChiliFresh,
in opensrf.xml. When the option is present, only the identifier(s) listed will
be sent.
+=== Obalkyknih.cz ===
-Setting up Obalkyknih.cz account
+==== Setting up Obalkyknih.cz account ====
If your library wishes to use added content provided by Obalkyknih.cz, a service based in the Czech Republic, you have to http://obalkyknih.cz/signup[create an Obalkyknih.cz account].
Please note that the interface is only available in Czech. After logging in your Obalkyknih.cz account, you have to add your IP address and Evergreen server address to your account settings.
(In case each library uses an address of its own, all of these addresses have to be added.)
-Enabling Obalkyknih.cz in Evergreen
+==== Enabling Obalkyknih.cz in Evergreen ====
Set obalkyknih_cz.enabled to true in '/openils/var/templates/opac/parts/config.tt2':
-Google Analytics
+=== Google Analytics ===
Google Analytics is a free service to collect statistics for your Evergreen
site. Statistic tracking is disabled by default through the Evergreen
the value of google_analytics.enabled to true and change the value of
_google_analytics.code_ to be the code in your Google Analytics account.
+=== NoveList ===
Novelist is a subscription-based service providing reviews and recommendation
for books in you catalog. To activate your Novelist service in Evergreen, open
You should use the URL provided by NoveList.
+=== RefWorks ===
RefWorks is a subscription-based online bibliographic management tool. If you
have a RefWorks subscription, you can activate RefWorks in Evergreen by editing
the _ctx.refworks.enabled_ value to _true_. You may also set the RefWorks URL by
changing the _ctx.refworks.url_ setting on the same file.
-SFX OpenURL Resolver
+=== SFX OpenURL Resolver ===
An OpenURL resolver allows you to find electronic resources and pull them into
your catalog based on the ISBN or ISSN of the item. In order to use the SFX
change the _openurl.baseurl_ setting to point to the URL of your OpenURL
-Syndetic Solutions
+=== Syndetic Solutions ===
Syndetic Solutions is a subscription service providing book covers and other
data for items in your catalog. In order to activate Syndetic, edit the
-Clear External/Added Content Cache
+=== Clear External/Added Content Cache ===
On the catalog's record summary page, there is a link for staff that will forcibly clear
the cache of the Added Content for that record. This is helpful for when the Added Content
Added Content Supplier.
-Configure a Custom Image for Missing Images
+=== Configure a Custom Image for Missing Images ===
You can configure a "no image" image other than the standard 1-pixel
blank image. The example eg_vhost.conf file provides examples in the
comments. Note: Evergreen does not provide default images for these.
-Including Locally Hosted Content in Your Public Interface
+== Including Locally Hosted Content in Your Public Interface ==
It is also possible to show added content that has been generated locally
by placing the content in a specific spot on the web server. It is
possible to have local book jackets, reviews, TOC, excerpts or annotations.
-File Location and Format
+=== File Location and Format ===
By default the files will need to be placed in directories under
*/openils/var/web/opac/extras/ac/* on the server(s) that run Apache.
- others, one of html, xml or json ... html is the default for non-image added content
* *recordid* is the bibliographic record id (bre.id).
+=== Example ===
If you have some equipment that you are circulating such as a
laptop or eBook reader and you want to add an image of the equipment
-Styling the searchbar on the homepage
+== Styling the searchbar on the homepage ==
The `.searchbar-home` class is added to the div that
contains the searchbar when on the homepage. This allows
-Hard due dates
+== Hard due dates ==
This feature allows you to specify a specific due date within your circulation policies. This is particularly useful for academic and school libraries, who may wish to make certain items due at the end of a semester or term.
NOTE: To work with hard due dates, you will need the CREATE_CIRC_DURATION, UPDATE_CIRC_DURATION, and DELETE_CIRC_DURATION permissions at the _consortium_ level.
-Creating a hard due date
+=== Creating a hard due date ===
Setting up hard due dates is a two-step process. You must first create a hard due date, and then populate it with specific values.
To create a hard due date:
-Importing materials in the staff client
+= Importing materials in the staff client =
Evergreen exists to connect users to the materials represented by bibliographic
records, call numbers, and copies -- so getting these materials into your
for large batches of records such as the initial migration from your legacy
library system.
-Staff client batch record imports
+== Staff client batch record imports ==
The staff client has a utility for importing batches of bibliographic and item
records available through *Cataloging > MARC Batch Import/Export*. In addition
to importing new records, this interface can be used to match incoming records
For instance, when you click on the *Record Match Sets*, the title on the screen
will be *Vandelay Match Sets*.
-When to use the MARC Batch Importer
+=== When to use the MARC Batch Importer ===
* When importing in batches of up to 500 to 1,000 records.
* When you need the system to match those incoming records to existing records
must enable the _Vandelay Generate Default Barcodes_ and _Vandelay Default
Barcode Prefix (vandelay.item.barcode.prefix)_ settings.
-Record Match Sets
+=== Record Match Sets ===
Click the *Record Match Sets* button to identify how Evergreen should match
incoming records to existing records in the system.
* MARC tag 024a (UPC)
* MARC tag 028a (Publisher number)
-Create Match Sets
+=== Create Match Sets ===
. On the *Record Match Sets* screen, click *New Match Set* to create a set of
record match points. Give the set a *Name*. Assign the *Owning Library* from
the dropdown list. The *Match Set Type* should remain as *biblio*. Click
image::media/create_match_sets.png[Creating a Match Point]
. Click *Save Changes to Expression*.
-Quality Metrics
+=== Quality Metrics ===
* Quality metrics provide a mechanism for Evergreen to measure the quality of
records and to make importing decisions based on quality.
* Metrics are configured in the match set editor.
image::media/record_quality_metrics.png[Quality Metric Grid]
-Import Item Attributes
+=== Import Item Attributes ===
If you are importing items with your records, you will need to map the data in
your holdings tag to fields in the item record. Click the *Holdings Import
Profile* button to map this information.
image::media/batch_import_profile.png[Partial Screenshot of a Holdings Import Profile]
-Overlay/Merge Profiles
+=== Overlay/Merge Profiles ===
If Evergreen finds a match for an incoming record in the database, you need to
identify which fields should be replaced, which should be preserved, and which
should be added to the record. Click the *Merge/Overlay Profiles* button to
You can add multiple tags to these specifications, separating each tag with a
-Importing the records
+=== Importing the records ===
After making the above configurations, you are now ready to import your
-Migrating Patron Data
+= Migrating Patron Data =
+== Introduction ==
This section will explain the task of migrating your patron data from comma
delimited files into Evergreen. It does not deal with the process of exporting
This assumes 1 address per patron. More complex scenarios may require more sophisticated SQL.
-Creating an sql Script for Importing Patrons
+== Creating an sql Script for Importing Patrons ==
The procedure for importing patron can be automated with the help of an sql script. Follow these
steps to create an import script:
database is rolled back to its original state. Lines beginning with -- are
comments to let you you what each sql statement is doing and are not processed.
-Batch Updating Patron Data
+== Batch Updating Patron Data ==
For academic libraries, doing batch updates to add new patrons to the Evergreen
database is a critical task. The above procedures and import script can be
-Migrating from a legacy system
+= Migrating from a legacy system =
+== Introduction ==
When you migrate to Evergreen, you generally want to migrate the bibliographic
records and item information that existed in your previous library system. For
then the following section will guide you towards a method of generating common
data formats so that you can then load the data into the database in bulk.
-Making electronic resources visible in the catalog
+== Making electronic resources visible in the catalog ==
Electronic resources generally do not have any call number or item information
associated with them, and Evergreen enables you to easily make bibliographic
records visible in the public catalog within sections of the organizational
load the records using either the command-line bulk import method or the MARC
Batch Importer in the staff client.
-Migrating your bibliographic records
+== Migrating your bibliographic records ==
Convert your MARC21 binary records into the MARCXML format, with one record per
line. You can use the following Python script to achieve this goal; just
install the _pymarc_ library first, and adjust the values of the _input_ and
-Ordering materials
+= Ordering materials =
+== Introduction ==
Acquisitions allows you to order materials, track the expenditure of your
collections funds, track invoices and set up policies for manual claiming. In
this chapter, we're going to be describing how to use the most essential
functions of acquisitions in the Evergreen system.
-When should libraries use acquisitions?
+== When should libraries use acquisitions? ==
* When you want to track spending of your collections budget.
* When you want to use Evergreen to place orders electronically with your
with acquisitions. At a minimum, a library must configure *Funding Sources*,
*Funds*, and *Providers* to use acquisitions.
-Managing Funds
+== Managing Funds ==
-Funding Sources (Required)
+=== Funding Sources (Required) ===
Funding sources allow you to specify the sources that contribute monies to your
fund(s). You can create as few or as many funding sources as you need. These
can be used to track exact amounts for accounts in your general ledger.
hyperlinked name of the funding source and then click the *Apply Credit*
button. Add the amount of funds you need to add. The *Note* field is optional.
-Funds (Required)
+=== Funds (Required) ===
Funds allow you to allocate credits toward specific purchases. They typically
are used to track spending and purchases for specific collections. Some
libraries may choose to define very broad funds for their collections (e.g.
*Funding Source* from which the allocation will be drawn and then enter an
amount for the allocation. The *Note* field is optional.
-Fund Tags (Optional)
+=== Fund Tags (Optional) ===
You can apply tags to funds so that you can group funds for easy reporting. For
example, you have three funds for children’s materials: Children's Board Books,
Children's DVDs, and Children's CDs. Assign a fund tag of children's to each
For convenience when propagating or rolling over a fund for a new fiscal year,
fund tags will be copied from the current fund to the new year's fund.
+== Ordering ==
-Providers (Required)
+=== Providers (Required) ===
Providers are the vendors from whom you order titles.
. To add a provider record, select *Administration -> Acquisitions Administration ->
*Provider Name*, *Code*, *Owner*, and *Currency*. You also need to select the
*Active* checkbox to use the provider.
-Distribution Formulas (Optional)
+=== Distribution Formulas (Optional) ===
If you are ordering for a multi-branch library system, distribution formulas
are a useful way to specify the number of items that should be distributed to
specific branches and item locations.
the right side of the field.
. Keep adding entries until the distribution formula is complete.
-Helpful acquisitions Library Settings
+=== Helpful acquisitions Library Settings ===
There are several acquisitions Library Settings available that will help with
acquisitions workflow. These settings can be found at *Administration -> Local
Administration -> Library Settings Editor*.
* Temporary call number prefix - Applies a unique prefix to the start of the
call number that is automatically generated during the acquisitions process.
-Preparing for order record loading
+=== Preparing for order record loading ===
If your library is planning to upload order records in a batch, you need to add
some information to your provider records so that Evergreen knows how to map
the item data contained in the order record.
where 962 is the holdings tag and p is the subfield that contains the PO Name.
-Preparing to send electronic orders from Evergreen
+=== Preparing to send electronic orders from Evergreen ===
If your library wants to transmit electronic order information to a vendor, you
will need to configure your server to use EDI. You need to install the EDI
translator and EDI scripts on your server by following the instructions in the
-Troubleshooting TPAC errors
+== Troubleshooting TPAC errors ==
If there is a problem such as a TT syntax error, it generally shows up as an
ugly server failure page. If you check the Apache error logs, you will probably
-Working with the MARC Editor
+== Working with the MARC Editor ==
Editing MARC Records
. When finished, click _Save_. The record will remain open in the editor. You can close the browser window or browser tab. Or you can switch to
another view from the navigation near the top (for example to view it as it appears in the OPAC choose _OPAC View_).
-MARC Record Leader and MARC fixed field 008
+==== MARC Record Leader and MARC fixed field 008 ====
You can edit parts of the leader and the 008 field in the MARC Editor via the fixed field editor box displayed above
the MARC record.
-To edit the MARC record leader
+===== To edit the MARC record leader =====
. Retrieve and display the appropriate record in _MARC Edit_ view.
OPAC icons for text, moving pictures and sound rely on correct MARC coding in the leader, 007, and 008, as do OPAC
search filters such as publication date, item type, or target audience.
-MARC Fixed Field Editor Right-Click Context Menu Options
+===== MARC Fixed Field Editor Right-Click Context Menu Options =====
The MARC Fixed Field Editor provides suggested values for select fixed fields based on the record type being edited. Users can right-click on the value control for a fixed field and choose the appropriate value from the menu options.
The Evergreen database contains information from the Library of Congress’s MARC 21 format standards that includes possible values for select fixed fields. The right-click context menu options are available for fixed fields whose values are already stored in the database. Fixed fields that do not contain possible values in the database, the user will receive the default web browser menu (such as cut, copy, paste, etc.).
. *config.coded_value_map* defines the set of valid values for many of the fixed fields and the translatable, human-friendly labels for them.
. *config.record_attr_definition* links together the information from the config.marc21_ff_pos_map and config.coded_value_map tables.
-Deleting MARC Records
+==== Deleting MARC Records ====
You can delete MARC records using the MARC Editor.
-To Delete a MARC record
+===== To Delete a MARC record =====
. Retrieve and display the appropriate record in the MARC editor.
. Click on the _MARC Edit_ tab.
-MARC Batch Edit
+== MARC Batch Edit ==
+=== Introduction ===
This function is used to batch edit MARC records either adding a field, removing a field or changing the contents of a field.
-Setting Up a Batch Edit Session
+=== Setting Up a Batch Edit Session ===
Record Source::
This includes options to batch edit identifying MARC records in a record bucket, CSV file or by record id.
Go! (button)::
This button runs the action defined by the rule template(s).
-Action (Rule Type)
+==== Action (Rule Type) ====
Replaces the value in a MARC field for a batch of records.
Use this to add a field and its contents to a batch of records.
-Other Template Fields
+==== Other Template Fields ====
MARC Tag::
This is used to identify the field for adding, replacing, or deleting.
Subfield (optional)::
MARC Data::
Use this to indicate the data to add or used in replacing the existing data.
-Advanced Matching Restrictions (Optional)
+==== Advanced Matching Restrictions (Optional) ====
Regular Expression::
Using PERL syntax for a regular expression to identify the data to be removed or replaced.
. Click *Go!*
. Results page will display indicating the number of records successfully edited
+=== Examples ===
-Adding a new field to all records
+==== Adding a new field to all records ====
. In the _action_ menu, choose _Add_.
. In _MARC Tag_, type the MARC tag number.
. Leave the _Subfields_ field blank.
. In _MARC Data_, type the field you would like to add.
-Delete a field if it contains a particular string
+==== Delete a field if it contains a particular string ====
. In the _action_ menu, choose _Delete_.
. In _MARC Tag_, type the MARC tag number.
-Managing Authorities
+== Managing Authorities ==
+=== Introduction ===
This section describes how you can create, import, view, modify, merge, and delete authority records in Evergreen.
-Creating Authorities
+=== Creating Authorities ===
Currently in Evergreen to create a new authority record, as opposed to importing an authority record, you
need to have a bib record open in the bib MARC editor.
-Importing Authorities
+=== Importing Authorities ===
. Click *Cataloging -> MARC Batch Import/Export.*
. You may create a queue to better track this import project. If you do not create a new queue, it will automatically put your records into a default queue named *-*.
. Don't set a value for Holdings Import Profile, because this doesn't apply to authority records.
-Setting up Authority Record Match Sets
+==== Setting up Authority Record Match Sets ====
. Click *Cataloging -> MARC Batch Import/Export.*
. Click *Record Match Sets.*
. If you have sufficient privileges, you will be able to click on the *New Match Set*. If you are unable to do so, check that you have the ADMIN_IMPORT_MATCH_SET permission.
Evergreen's internal identifier is in the 901c field. If you have previously exported authority record -- perhaps for an external vendor to do authority cleanup work -- and you want to import them back into your catalog, you may wish to include the 901c field in your match set.
-Viewing and Editing Authority Records by Database ID
+=== Viewing and Editing Authority Records by Database ID ===
The authority record retriever allows catalogers to retrieve a specific
authority record using its database ID. Catalogers can
. View or edit the authority record as needed.
-Manage Authorities Interface
+=== Manage Authorities Interface ===
In Evergreen to view, edit, merge, and delete authority records you would use the *Manage Authorities* interface
through the *Cataloging* menu.
-Searching for authorities
+==== Searching for authorities ====
To search for authorities in your system, first select the *Cataloging* menu and then select *Manage Authorities*.
Then proceed to fill out the search form.
* | = No attempt to code
-Editing authority records
+===== Editing authority records =====
Editing an authority record (or merging two authority records) can cause its linked bibliographic records to also update. For example,
if you correct a spelling error in the 150 field of a subject authority record, the relevant 650 field in linked bibliographic records
-Batch Importing MARC Records
+== Batch Importing MARC Records ==
+=== Introduction ===
indexterm:[MARC records,importing,using the staff client]
you can apply filters that enable you to generate any errors that may have
occurred during import. You can print, email or export your queue as a CSV file.
+=== Permissions ===
To use match sets to import records, you will need the following permission:
-Record Display Attributes
+=== Record Display Attributes ===
This feature enables you to specify the tags and subfields that will display in
records that appear in the import queue.
-Record Match Sets
+=== Record Match Sets ===
This feature enables you to create custom match points that you can use to
accurately match incoming records with existing catalog records.
-Creating a Match Set
+==== Creating a Match Set ====
In this example, to demonstrate matching on record attributes and MARC tags and
subfields, we will create a record match set that defines a match based on the
-Replace Mode
+==== Replace Mode ====
Replace Mode enables you to replace an existing part of the expression tree
with a new record attribute, MARC tag, or Boolean operator. For example, if
. Click *Exit Replace Mode*.
-Quality Metrics
+==== Quality Metrics ====
. Set the *Quality Metrics for this Match Set*. Quality metrics are used to
determine the overall quality of a record. Each metric is given a weight and
-Merge/Overlay Profiles
+=== Merge/Overlay Profiles ===
If Evergreen finds a match for an incoming record in the database, you need to identify which fields should be replaced, which should be preserved, and which should be added to the record.
Click the Merge/Overlay Profiles button to create a profile that contains this information.
You can add multiple tags to the specification options, separating each tag with a comma.
-Import Item Attributes
+=== Import Item Attributes ===
If you are importing items with your records, you will need to map the data in
your holdings tag to fields in the item record. Click the *Holdings Import
Profile* button to map this information.
-Import Records
+=== Import Records ===
The *Import Records* interface incorporates record match sets, quality metrics,
more merging options, and improved ways to manage your queue. In this example,
-Cataloging Electronic Resources -- Finding Them in Catalog Searches
+== Cataloging Electronic Resources -- Finding Them in Catalog Searches ==
There are two ways to make electronic resources visible in the catalog without
adding items to the record:
shelving location(s). In contrast, transcendent electronic resources will appear in
results limited to any shelving location.
-Adding a Located URI to the Record
+=== Adding a Located URI to the Record ===
A Located URI allows you to add the short name for the owning library to the 856
field to indicate which organizational units should be able to find the
resource. The owning organizational unit can be a branch, system, or consortium.
When troubleshooting located URIs, check to make sure there are no spaces either
before or after the organizational unit short name.
-Located URI Example 1
+==== Located URI Example 1 ====
The _When enabled, Located URIs will provide visibility behavior identical to
copies_ flag is set to False (default behavior)
belonging to the search library (if it is an exact match, not a child) will sort
to the top.
-Located URI Example 2
+==== Located URI Example 2 ====
The _When enabled, Located URIs will provide visibility behavior identical to
copies_ flag is set to True
belonging to the search library (if it is an exact match, not a child) will sort
to the top.
-Using Transcendant Bib Sources for Electronic Resources
+=== Using Transcendant Bib Sources for Electronic Resources ===
Connecting a bib record to a transcendent bib source will make the record
visible in search results regardless of the user's search scope.
-Conjoined Items
+== Conjoined Items ==
Prior to Evergreen version 2.1, items could be attached to only one bibliographic record. The Conjoined Items feature in Evergreen 2.1 enables catalogers to link items to multiple bibliographic records. This feature will enable more precise cataloging. For example, catalogers will be able to indicate items that are printed back to back, are bilingual, are part of a bound volume, are part of a set, or are available as an e-reader pre-load. This feature will also help the user retrieve more relevant search results. For example, a librarian catalogs a multi-volume festschrift. She can create a bibliographic record for the festschrift and a record for each volume. She can link the items on each volume to the festschrift record so that a patron could search for a volume or the festschrift and retrieve information about both works.
In the example below, a librarian has created a bibliographic record for two bestselling items. These books are available as physical copies in the library, and they are available as e-reader downloads. The librarian will link the copy of the Kindle to the bibliographic records that are available on the e-reader.
-Using the Conjoined Items Feature
+=== Using the Conjoined Items Feature ===
The Conjoined Items feature was designed so that you can link items between bibliographic records when you have the item in hand, or when the item is not physically present. Both processes are described here. The steps are fewer if you have the item in hand, but both processes accomplish the same task. This document also demonstrates the process to edit or delete links between items and bibliographic records. Finally, the permission a cataloger needs to use this feature is listed.
-Item Buckets
+== Item Buckets ==
Item buckets are containers copy records can be put into to easily perform batch actions on. Copies stay in buckets until they are removed.
NOTE: The words _copy_ and _item_ are used interchangeably in Evergreen.
-Managing Item Buckets
+=== Managing Item Buckets ===
-Creating Item Buckets
+==== Creating Item Buckets ====
Item buckets can be created in the _Item Bucket_ interface as well as on the fly when adding items to a bucket from
a catalogue search or from within the _Item Status_ interface. For information on creating buckets on the fly see _Adding Copies to a Bucket_ (needs section ID).
NOTE: The functionality for making buckets publicly visible does not appear to be in place at this time.
-Editing Item Buckets
+==== Editing Item Buckets ====
1. In the _Item Bucket_ interface click *Buckets* in either the _Pending Copies_ or _Bucket View_ tab.
NOTE: The functionality for making buckets publicly visible does not appear to be in place at this time.
-Sharing Item Buckets
+==== Sharing Item Buckets ====
-Finding the Bucket ID
+===== Finding the Bucket ID =====
1. With the bucket open, look at the URL for the bucket ID. Share this ID with the staff member who needs access to this bucket.
image::media/copy-bucket-share-1.png[Bucket ID URL]
-Opening a Shared Bucket
+===== Opening a Shared Bucket =====
. In the _Item Bucket_ interface click *Buckets* in either the _Pending Copies_ or _Bucket View_ tab.
image::media/copy-bucket-share-4.png[Item Bucket Interface]
-Deleting Item Buckets
+==== Deleting Item Buckets ====
1. In the _Item Bucket_ interface click *Buckets* in either the _Pending Copies_ or _Bucket View_ tab.
6. Refresh your screen.
-Adding Copies to a Bucket
+=== Adding Copies to a Bucket ===
-From the Item Bucket Interface
+==== From the Item Bucket Interface ====
1. In the _Item Bucket_ interface click on the *Pending Copies* tab.
NOTE: Once you have added your selected items to a bucket you can deselect them, select other items on your pending list, and add those items to a different bucket.
-From a Catalogue Search
+==== From a Catalogue Search ====
1. Retrieve the title through a catalogue search.
2. If it is not your default view click on the *Holdings View* tab.
8. Repeat steps 1 through 7 to add additional items.
-From the Scan Item Interface
+==== From the Scan Item Interface ====
. Click on _Search_ -> _Search for Copies by Barcode_
. Scan the barcode(s) of the item(s) you wish to add to the bucket.
. Choose the existing bucket that you'd like to add to, or create a new bucket.
-Removing Copies from a Bucket
+=== Removing Copies from a Bucket ===
. Open the _Item Bucket_ interface. By default you are on the *Bucket View* tab.
. Your bucket will reload and the selected item(s) will no longer be in the bucket.
-Editing Copies in a Bucket
+=== Editing Copies in a Bucket ===
. Open the _Item Bucket_ interface. By default you are on the *Bucket View* tab.
image::media/copy-bucket-edit-copy-3.png[Item Bucket Interface]
-Deleting Copies from the Catalogue
+=== Deleting Copies from the Catalogue ===
. Open the _Item Bucket_ interface. By default you are on the *Bucket View* tab.
. The items have been deleted from the catalogue.
-Placing Holds on Copies in a Bucket
+=== Placing Holds on Copies in a Bucket ===
. Open the _Item Bucket_ interface. By default you are on the *Bucket View* tab.
. The hold has been placed.
-Transferring Copies to Volumes
+=== Transferring Copies to Volumes ===
1. Retrieve the title through a catalogue search.
2. If it is not your default view click on the *Holdings View* tab.
-Hiding Fields in the Holdings Editor
+== Hiding Fields in the Holdings Editor ==
A user may hide specific fields in the holdings editor if these fields are not used for cataloging in their organization. Hiding fields that are not used by your organization helps to reduce confusion among staff and also declutters the holdings editor screen.
-Working with holdings templates
+== Working with holdings templates ==
Setting up holdings templates can save a lot of time when creating items, and they
also improve consistency and accuracy. Any time you find yourself creating multiple
items with the same item-level data, you may wish to create a holdings template
to automate that process.
-Creating a new holdings template
+=== Creating a new holdings template ===
* Open _Administration_ -> _Local Administration_ -> _Holdings Template Editor_.
* Select the desired template attributes by moving through the fields in the
of the screen.
* Press the _Save_ button.
-Using a holdings template
+=== Using a holdings template ===
Whenever you see the holdings editor, you can use data from your templates.
-Using the Item Status interface
+== Using the Item Status interface ==
The Item Status interface is a powerful tool that can give you a lot of information
about specific items in your catalog.
-Accessing the Item Status interface
+=== Accessing the Item Status interface ===
There are three ways to access the item status interface:
-Through the Search menu
+==== Through the Search menu ====
. Click *Search -> Search for Copies by Barcode*.
. Scan your barcode.
-Through the Circulation menu
+==== Through the Circulation menu ====
. Click *Circulation -> Item Status*.
. Scan your barcode.
-From the OPAC view
+==== From the OPAC view ====
. Click *Search -> Search the Catalog*.
. Find a bibliographic record that you are interested in.
-Specific fields
+=== Specific fields ===
-Active date
+==== Active date ====
indexterm:[active date]
are typically considered active, and statuses like _In process_ or
_On order_ are typically not.
-Printing spine labels
+=== Printing spine labels ===
indexterm:[spine labels]
indexterm:[printing, spine labels]
-Creating spine labels
+==== Creating spine labels ====
To create spine and item labels for an item (or group of items):
-Item Tags
+== Item Tags ==
indexterm:[copy tags]
image::media/copytags7.PNG[Item Tags in the OPAC]
-Creating and Applying a Item Tag During Cataloging
+=== Creating and Applying a Item Tag During Cataloging ===
Item tags can be created in the Holdings Editor on the fly while cataloging or viewing an item:
NOTE: It is not possible to remove tags using the Item Bucket interface.
-Searching Item Tags
+=== Searching Item Tags ===
Item Tags can be searched in the public catalog if searching has been enabled via Library Settings. Item Tags can be searched in the Basic and Advanced Search interfaces by selecting Digital Bookplate as the search field. Specific item tags can also be searched using a Keyword search and a specific search syntax.
-Digital Bookplate Search Field
+==== Digital Bookplate Search Field ====
*Basic Search*
image::media/copytags11.png[Digital Bookplates Search Field Location in Advanced Search]
-Keyword Search
+==== Keyword Search ====
Item Tags can also be searched by using a Keyword search in the Basic and Advanced search interfaces. Searches need to be constructed using the following syntax:
-Link Checker
+== Link Checker ==
The Link Checker enables you to verify the validity of URLs stored in MARC records.
The ability to verify URLs would benefit locations with large electronic resource collections.
-Search for URLs
+=== Search for URLs ===
Search for MARC records that contain URLs that you want to verify.
-View Your Results
+=== View Your Results ===
If you do not click *Process Immediately*, then you must select the links that you want to verify, and click
*Verify Selected URLs*. If you click *Process Immediately*, then you skip this step, and Evergreen
-Manage Your Sessions
+=== Manage Your Sessions ===
-Edit Columns
+==== Edit Columns ====
You can use the *Column Picker* to add and remove columns on any of the *Link Checker* interfaces.
To access the *Column Picker*, right click on any of the column headings. The columns are saved to your user account.
-Clone Sessions
+==== Clone Sessions ====
You can clone sessions that you run frequently or that have frequently-used parameters that
need only minor adjustments to create new searches. To clone a session:
. In the Session ID column, click *Clone*. A copy of the parameters of that search will appear.
-View Verification Attempts
+==== View Verification Attempts ====
To view the results of a verification attempt after you have closed the session, click *Cataloging* -> *Link Checker*.
Your link checker sessions appear in a list. To view the results of a session, click the *Open* link in the Session ID column.
-MARC Tag-table Service
+=== MARC Tag-table Service ===
The tag tables for the web staff client MARC editor are
stored in the database. The tag-table
service has the following features:
-Bibliographic Record Merging and Overlay
+=== Bibliographic Record Merging and Overlay ===
Catalogers can merge or overlay records in record buckets or using records obtained from a Z39.50 service.
-Merge Records in Record Buckets
+==== Merge Records in Record Buckets ====
1. Click *Cataloging>Record Buckets*.
2. Create and/or select a record bucket.
9. When you are satisfied that you have selected the correct merge profile, click the *Merge* button in the bottom right corner.
10. Note that merge profiles that contain a preserve field specification are not available to be chosen in this interface, as they would have the effect of reversing which bibliographic record is considered the target of the merge.
-Track Record Merges
+==== Track Record Merges ====
When 2 or more bib records are merged in a record bucket, all records involved are stamped with a new merge_date value. For any bib record, this field indicates the last time it was involved in a merge. At the same time, all subordinate records (i.e. those deleted as a product of the merge) are stamped with a merged_to value indicating which bib record the source record was merged with.
image::media/merge_tracking.png[merge message with date]
-Merge Records Using Z39.50
+==== Merge Records Using Z39.50 ====
1. Search for a record in the catalog that you want to overlay.
2. Select the record, and click *MARC View*.
14. Also note when the merge profile is applied, the Z39.50 record acts as the target of the merge. For example, if your merge profile adds 650 fields, those 650 fields are brought over from the record that already exists in the Evergreen database (i.e., the one that you are overlaying from Z39.50).
15. Also note that merge profiles that contain a preserve field specification are not available to be chosen in this interface, as they would have the effect of reversing which bibliographic record is considered the target of the merge.
-New Admin Settings
+==== New Admin Settings ====
1. Go to *Admin>Local Administration>Library Settings Editor>Upload Default Merge Profile (Z39.50 and Record Buckets)*.
2. Select a default merge profile, and *click Update Setting*. The merge profiles that appear in this drop down box are those that are created in *MARC Batch Import/Export*. Note that catalogers will only see merge profiles that are allowed by their org unit and permissions.
-Monograph Parts
+== Monograph Parts ==
*Monograph Parts* enables you to differentiate between parts of
monographs or other multi-part items. This feature enables catalogers
groups or users that will make use of the features described below.
-Add a Monograph Part to an Existing Record
+=== Add a Monograph Part to an Existing Record ===
To add a monograph part to an existing record in the catalog:
image::media/manage_parts_opac.png[Catalog Record showing items with part details]
-Monograph Part Merging
+=== Monograph Part Merging ===
The monograph part list for a bibliographic record may, over time, diverge from
the proscribed format, resulting in multiple labels for what are essentially the
-Overlay Existing Catalog Record via Z39.50 Import
+== Overlay Existing Catalog Record via Z39.50 Import ==
This feature enables you to replace a catalog record with a record obtained through a Z39.50 search. No new permissions or administrative settings are needed to use this feature.
-MARC 007 Field Physical Characteristics Wizard
+== MARC 007 Field Physical Characteristics Wizard ==
The MARC 007 Field Physical Characteristics Wizard enables catalogers to interact with a database wizard that leads the user step-by-step through the MARC 007 field positions. The wizard displays the significance of the current position and provides dropdown lists of possible values for the various components of the MARC 007 field in a more user-friendly way.
-Record Buckets
+= Record Buckets =
+== Introduction ==
Record buckets are containers for MARC records. Once records are in a bucket, you can take
various types of actions, including:
* Downloading the MARC files for all records in the bucket, so you can edit them in another
program like http://marcedit.reeset.net[MARCEdit].
-Creating Record Buckets
+== Creating Record Buckets ==
. Click on _Cataloging_ -> _Record Buckets_.
. On the _Buckets_ menu, click _New Bucket_.
. Give the bucket a name and (optionally) a description.
-Adding Records to a Bucket
+== Adding Records to a Bucket ==
-From the Record Bucket Interface
+=== From the Record Bucket Interface ===
. Click on _Cataloging_ -> _Record Buckets_.
. On the _Buckets_ menu, choose the bucket that you'd like to add records to.
. Go to the _Record Query_ tab.
-Specific fields
+== Specific fields ==
+=== 264 ===
The Public Catalog displays tag 264 information for Publisher, Producer, Distributor, Manufacturer,
and Copyright within a full bib record's summary.
-Accessing the holdings editor from a catalog record
+== Accessing the holdings editor from a catalog record ==
The bibliographic record detail page displays library holdings, including the call number, shelving location, and item barcode. Within the
staff client, the holdings list displays a column next to the item barcode(s) containing two links, *view* and *edit*.
-Using the Holdings Editor
+== Using the Holdings Editor ==
indexterm:[call numbers,editing]
The Holdings Editor is the tool where you can edit all holdings data.
-Specific fields
+=== Specific fields ===
-Acquisitions Cost
+==== Acquisitions Cost ====
indexterm:[acquisitions cost]
This field is populated with the invoiced cost of the originating acquisition.
This field will be empty until its originating acquisition is connected to an
-Item Number
+==== Item Number ====
indexterm:[copy number]
indexterm:[item number]
not include an item number in this field, Evergreen will assign your
item a default item number of 1.
-Accessing the Holdings Editor by barcode
+=== Accessing the Holdings Editor by barcode ===
. Click *Search -> Search for Items by Barcode*
. Scan your barcode.
-Z39.50 Search Enhancements
+== Z39.50 Search Enhancements ==
-Parts Level Hold
+=== Parts Level Hold ===
. To place a parts level hold, retrieve a record with parts-level items
attached to the title, such as a multi-disc DVD, an annual travel guide,
Requested formats are listed in the _Holdable Part_ column in hold records. Use the _Column Picker_ to display it when the hold record is displayed.
-Placing Holds in Patron Records
+=== Placing Holds in Patron Records ===
. Holds can be placed from patron records too. In the patron record on the _Holds_ screen, click the _Place Hold_ button on the left top corner.
. You may continue to search for more titles. Once you are done, click the _Holds_ button on the top to go back to the _Holds_ screen. Click the _Refresh_ button to display your newly placed holds.
-Placing Multiple Holds on Same Title
+==== Placing Multiple Holds on Same Title ====
After a successful hold placement, staff have the option to place another hold on the same title by clicking the link _Place another hold for this title_. This returns to the hold screen, where a different patron's information can be entered.
This feature can be useful for book groups or new items where a list of waiting patrons needs to be transferred into the system.
-Managing Holds
+=== Managing Holds ===
Holds can be cancelled at any time by staff or patrons. Before holds are captured, staff or patrons can suspend them or set them as inactive for a period of time without losing the hold queue position, activate suspended holds, change
notification method, phone number, pick-up location (for multi-branch libraries only), expiration date, activation date for inactive holds, etc. Once a hold is captured, staff can change the pickup location and extend the hold shelf
-Actions for Selected Holds
+==== Actions for Selected Holds ====
. Retrieve the patron record and go to the _Holds_ screen.
. Highlight the hold record, then select _Actions_.
-Transferring Holds
+==== Transferring Holds ====
. Holds on one title can be transferred to another with the hold request
time preserved. To do so, you need to find the destination title and
-Cancelled Holds
+==== Cancelled Holds ====
. Cancelled holds can be displayed. Click the _Recently Cancelled Holds_ button on the _Holds_ screen.
Based on your library’s setting, hold request time can be reset when a hold is un-cancelled.
-Viewing Details & Adding Notes to Holds
+==== Viewing Details & Adding Notes to Holds ====
. You can view details of a hold by selecting a hold then clicking the _Detail View_ button on the _Holds_ screen.
-Displaying Queue Position
+==== Displaying Queue Position ====
Using the Column Picker, you can display _Queue Position_ and _Total number of Holds_.
-Managing Holds in Title Records
+==== Managing Holds in Title Records ====
. Retrieve and display the title record in the catalog.
. Click _Actions_ -> _View Holds_.
-Retargeting Holds
+==== Retargeting Holds ====
Holds need to be retargeted whenever a new item is added to a record, or after some types of item status changes, for instance when an item is changed from _On Order_ to _In Process_. The system does not automatically recognize the newly added items as available to fill holds.
. When the screen refreshes, the holds will be retargeted. The system will now recognize the new items as available for holds.
-Pulling & Capturing Holds
+==== Pulling & Capturing Holds ====
-Holds Pull List
+===== Holds Pull List =====
There are usually four statuses a hold may have: _Waiting for Copy_, _Waiting for Capture_, _In Transit_ and _Ready for Pickup_.
The _Holds Pull List_ is updated constantly. Once an item on the list is no longer available or a hold on the list is captured, the items will disappear from the list. The _Holds Pull List_ should be printed at least once a day.
-Capturing Holds
+===== Capturing Holds =====
Holds can be captured when a checked-out item is returned (checked in) or an item on the _Holds Pull List_ is retrieved and captured. When a hold is captured, the hold slip will be printed and if the patron has chosen to be notified by email, the email notification will be sent out. The item should be put on the hold shelf.
-Handling Missing and Damaged Item
+==== Handling Missing and Damaged Item ====
If an item on the holds pull list is missing or damaged, you can change its status directly from the holds pull list.
. Evergreen will update the status of the item and will immediately retarget the hold.
-Holds Notification Methods
+==== Holds Notification Methods ====
. In Evergreen, patrons can set up their default holds notification method in the _Account Preferences_ area of _My Account_. Staff cannot set these preferences for patrons; the patrons must do it when they are logged into the public catalog.
If the patron changes their contact telephone number when placing the hold, this phone number will display on the holds slip. It will not necessarily be the same phone number contained in the patron’s record.
-Clearing Shelf-Expired Holds
+==== Clearing Shelf-Expired Holds ====
. Items with _Ready-for-Pickup_ status are on the _Holds Shelf_. The _Holds Shelf_ can help you manage items on the holds shelf. To see the holds shelf list, select _Circulation_ -> _Holds Shelf_.
-Alternate Hold Pick up Location
+=== Alternate Hold Pick up Location ===
image::media/custom_hold_pickup_location2.jpg[OPAC Account]
-Display Hold Types on Pull Lists
+=== Display Hold Types on Pull Lists ===
This feature ensures that the hold type can be displayed on all hold interfaces.
-Placing Holds
+=== Placing Holds ===
Holds can be placed by staff in the _Staff Client_ and by patrons in the OPAC. In this chapter we demonstrate placing holds in the _Staff Client_.
-Holds Levels
+=== Holds Levels ===
Evergreen has different levels of holds. Library staff can place holds at all levels, while patrons can only place title-level holds, and parts-level holds. The chart below summarizes the levels of holds.
-Title Level Hold
+=== Title Level Hold ===
image::media/holds_title_options_adv.png[Place Hold screen with Advanced Options]
-Patron Search from Place Hold
+=== Patron Search from Place Hold ===
Patron Search from Place Hold allows staff members, when placing a hold on behalf of a patron in the web staff client, to search for patrons by names and other searchable patron information, rather than relying on barcode alone.
-To use Patron Search From Place Holds:
+==== To use Patron Search From Place Holds: ====
1. After performing a search in the catalog, staff will retrieve a bibliographic record.
2. Click *Place Hold* either in the search results or within the detailed bibliographic record. The Place Hold Screen will appear. Note: this feature also appears when placing volume level holds and copy level holds.
-Booking Module
+== Booking Module ==
-Creating a Booking Reservation
+=== Creating a Booking Reservation ===
indexterm:[scheduling,resources using the booking module]
indexterm:[booking,reserving a resource]
Only staff members may create reservations. A reservation can be started from a patron record, or a booking resource.
To reserve catalogued items, you may start from searching the catalogue, if you do not know the booking item's barcode.
-To create a reservation from a patron record
+==== To create a reservation from a patron record ====
. Retrieve the patron's record.
. Select Other -> Booking -> Create Reservations. This takes you to the Create Reservations Screen.
. The screen will refresh, and the new reservation will appear in the schedule.
-Search the catalogue to create a reservation
+==== Search the catalogue to create a reservation ====
If you would like to reserve a catalogued item but do not know the item barcode, you may start with a catalogue search.
Reservations on catalogued items can be created on Item Status (F5) screen. Select the item, then Actions -> Book Item Now.
-Reservation Pull List
+=== Reservation Pull List ===
indexterm:[booking,pull list]
indexterm:[pull list,booking]
. The pull list will appear. Select the actions button, then _Print_ to print the pull list.
-Capturing Items for Reservations
+=== Capturing Items for Reservations ===
indexterm:[booking,capturing reservations]
-Picking Up Reservations
+=== Picking Up Reservations ===
indexterm:[booking,picking up reservations]
4) The screen will refresh to show that the patron has picked up the reservation(s).
-Returning Reservations
+=== Returning Reservations ===
indexterm:[booking,returning reservations]
Reservations can be returned from within patron records by selecting Other -> Booking -> Return Reservations
-Cancelling a Reservation
+=== Cancelling a Reservation ===
indexterm:[booking,canceling reservations]
A reservation can be cancelled in a patron's record or reservation creation screen.
-Cancel a reservation from the patron record
+==== Cancel a reservation from the patron record ====
1) Retrieve the patron's record.
-Circulating Items
+== Circulating Items ==
Check Out
-Regular Items
+==== Regular Items ====
1) To check out an item click *Check Out Items* from the Circulation and Patrons toolbar, or select *Circulation* -> *Check Out*.
5) When all items are scanned, click the *Done* button to generate slip receipt or to exit patron record if not printing slip receipts.
-Pre-cataloged Items
+==== Pre-cataloged Items ====
1) Go to patron's *Check Out* screen by clicking *Circulation* -> *Check Out Items*.
dialog other than the Cancel button will be disabled if the current user
lacks the CREATE_PRECAT permission.
-Due Dates
+==== Due Dates ====
Circulation periods are pre-set. When items are checked out, due dates are automatically calculated and inserted into circulation records if the *Specific Due Date* checkbox is not selected on the Check Out screen. The *Specific Due Date* checkbox allows you to set a different due date to override the pre-set loan period.
-Email Checkout Receipts
+==== Email Checkout Receipts ====
This feature allows patrons to receive checkout receipts through email at the circulation desk and in the Evergreen self-checkout interface. Patrons need to opt in to receive email receipts by default and must have an email address associated with their account. Opt in can be staff mediated at the time of account creation or in existing accounts. Patrons can also opt in directly in their OPAC account or through patron self-registration. This feature does not affect the behavior of checkouts from SIP2 devices.
-Staff Client Check Out
+===== Staff Client Check Out =====
When a patron has opted to receive email checkout receipts by default, an envelope icon representing email will appear next to the receipt options in the Check Out screen. A printer icon representing a physical receipt appears if the patron has not opted in to the default email receipts.
Staff can click *Quick Receipt* and the default checkout receipt option will be triggered—an email will be sent or the receipt will print out. The Quick Receipt option allows staff to stay in the patron account after completing the transaction. Alternatively, staff can click *Done* to trigger the default checkout receipt and close out the patron account. By clicking on the arrow next to the Quick Receipt or Done buttons, staff can select which receipt option to use, regardless of the selected default. The email receipt option will be disabled if the patron account does not have an email address.
-Self Checkout
+===== Self Checkout =====
In the Self Checkout interface, patrons will have the option to select a print or email checkout receipt, or no receipt. The radio button for the patron's default receipt option will be selected automatically in the interface. Patrons can select a different receipt option if desired. The email receipt radio button will be disabled if there is no email address associated with the patron's account.
-Opt In
+===== Opt In =====
*Staff Mediated Opt In At Registration*
-Email Checkout Receipt Configuration
+===== Email Checkout Receipt Configuration =====
Email checkout receipts will be sent out through a Notifications/Action Trigger called Email Checkout Receipt. The email template and action trigger can be customized by going to *Administration->Local Administration->Notifications/Action Trigger->Email Checkout Receipt*.
-Check In
+=== Check In ===
-Regular check in
+==== Regular check in ====
1) To check in an item click *Check In Items* from the Circulation and Patrons toolbar, or select *Circulation* -> *Check In*.
image::media/Check_In-Cancel_Transit.png[Actions Menu - Cancel Transit]
-Backdated check in
+==== Backdated check in ====
This is useful for clearing a book drop.
3) Move the cursor to the *Barcode* field. Scan the items. When finishing backdated check-in, change the *Effective Date* back to today's date.
-Backdate Post-Checkin
+==== Backdate Post-Checkin ====
After an item has been checked in, you may use the Backdate Post-Checkin function to backdate the check-in date.
Checked-out items can be renewed if your library's policy allows it. The new due date is calculated from the renewal date. Existing loans can also be extended to a specific date by editing the due date or renewing with a specific due date.
-Renewing via a Patron's Account
+==== Renewing via a Patron's Account ====
1) Retrieve the patron record and go to the *Items Out* screen.
-Renewing by Item Barcode
+==== Renewing by Item Barcode ====
1) To renew items by barcode, select *Circulation* -> *Renew Items*.
2) Scan or manually entire the item barcode.
-Editing Due Date
+==== Editing Due Date ====
1) Retrieve the patron record and go to the *Items Out* screen.
Editing a due date is not included in the renewal count.
-Marking Items Lost and Claimed Returned
+=== Marking Items Lost and Claimed Returned ===
-Lost Items
+==== Lost Items ====
1) To mark items Lost, retrieve patron record and click *Items Out*.
2) Select the item. Click on *Actions* -> *Mark Lost (by Patron)*.
- When an item is marked Claimed Returned, the value in *Claims-returned Count* field in the patron record is automatically increased. Staff can manually adjust this count by editing the patron record.
-In-house Use (F6)
+=== In-house Use (F6) ===
1) To record in-house use, select *Circulation* -> *Record-In House Use*, click *Check Out* -> *Record In-House Use* on the circulation toolbar , or press *F6*.
The statistics of in-house use are separated from circulation statistics. The in-house use count of cataloged items is not included in the items' total use count.
-Item Status
+=== Item Status ===
The Item Status screen is very useful. Many actions can be taken by either circulation staff or catalogers on this screen. Here we will cover some circulation-related functions, namely checking item status, viewing past circulations, inserting item alert messages, marking items missing or damaged, etc.
-Checking item status
+==== Checking item status ====
1) To check the status of an item, select *Search* -> *Search for copies by Barcode*.
You can also retrieve the past circulations on the patron's Items Out screen and from the Check In screen.
-Marking items damaged or missing and other functions
+==== Marking items damaged or missing and other functions ====
1) To mark items damaged or missing, retrieve the item on the *Item Status* screen.
2) Select the item. Click on *Actions for Selected Items* -> *Mark Item Damaged* or *Mark Item Missing*.
3) Following the above procedure, you can check in and renew items by using the *Check in Items* and *Renew Items* on the dropdown menu.
-Item alerts
+==== Item alerts ====
The *Edit Item Attributes* function on the *Actions for Selected Items* dropdown list allows you to edit item records. Here, we will show you how to insert item alert messages by this function. See cataloging instructions for more information on item editing.
1) Retrieve record on *Item Status* screen.
5) Click *Modify Copies*, then confirm the action.
-Long Overdue Items
+=== Long Overdue Items ===
*Items Marked Long Overdue*
The _Patron Search_ button on the upper right may be used to resume searching for patrons.
-Retrieve Recent Patrons
+=== Retrieve Recent Patrons ===
indexterm:[patrons, retrieving recent]
-Setting up Retrieve Recent Patrons
+==== Setting up Retrieve Recent Patrons ====
* This feature must be configured in the _Library Settings Editor_
(_Administration -> Local Administration -> Library Settings Editor_). The
** The default value is 1 for backwards compatibility. (The _Circulation ->
Retrieve Last Patron_ menu entry will be available.)
-Retrieving Recent Patrons
+==== Retrieving Recent Patrons ====
* Once the library setting has been configured to a number greater than 1, the
option Retrieve Recent Patrons will appear below the Retrieve Last patron
option in the Circulation drop-down from the Menu Bar (_Circulation ->
Date_ button will work, since the permission group determines the expiration date.
-Email field
+==== Email field ====
indexterm:[patrons,email addresses]
`ui.patron.edit.au.email.regex` library setting.
-Patron Self-Registration
+=== Patron Self-Registration ===
Patron Self-Registration allows patrons to initiate registration for a library account through the OPAC. Patrons can fill out a web-based form with basic information that will be stored as a “pending patron” in Evergreen. Library staff can review pending patrons in the staff-client and use the pre-loaded account information to create a full patron account. Pending patron accounts that are not approved within a configurable amount of time will be automatically deleted.
-Updating Patron Information
+=== Updating Patron Information ===
indexterm:[patrons, updating]
patrons, but staff may be given permissions to override blocks.
-Staff-Generated Messages
+=== Staff-Generated Messages ===
indexterm:[patrons, messages]
*Staff-Generated Penalties/Messages*: These messages are added via the _Messages_ button in the patron record. They can be a note, alert or block. Staff initials can be required. (See the section <<staff_generated_penalties_web_client,Staff-Generated Penalties/Messages>> for more.)
-Patron Alerts
+=== Patron Alerts ===
indexterm:[patrons, Alerts]
image::media/circulation_patron_records-26_web_client.png[circulation_patron_records 26]
-Staff-Generated Penalties/Messages
+=== Staff-Generated Penalties/Messages ===
To access this feature, use the _Messages_ button in the patron record.
image::media/staff-penalties-1_web_client.png[Messages screen]
-Add a Message
+==== Add a Message ====
Click *Apply Penalty/Message* to begin the process of adding a message to the patron.
image::media/staff-penalties-3_web_client.png[[Messages on a record]
-Modify a Message
+==== Modify a Message ====
Messages can be edited by staff after they are created.
image::media/staff-penalties-6_web_client.png[Modified message in the list]
-Archive a Message
+==== Archive a Message ====
Messages which are no longer current can be archived by staff. This action will remove any alerts or blocks associated with the message, but retains the information contained there for future reference.
Archived messages will be shown in the section labelled _Archived Penalties/Messages_. To view messages, click *Retrieve Archived Penalties*. By default, messages archived within the past year will be retrieved. To retrieve messages from earlier dates, change the start date to the desired date before clicking *Retrieve Archived Penalties*.
-Remove a Message
+==== Remove a Message ====
Messages which are no longer current can be removed by staff. This action removes any alerts or blocks associated with the message and deletes the information from the system.
Click to select the message to be removed, then click _Actions_ -> _Remove Penalty/Message_. This menu can also be accessed by right-clicking in the message area.
-User Buckets
+=== User Buckets ===
User Buckets allow staff to batch delete and make batch modifications to user accounts in Evergreen. Batch modifications can be made to selected fields in the patron account:
User accounts can be added to User Buckets by scanning individual user barcodes or by uploading a file of user barcodes directly in the User Bucket interface. They can also be added to a User Bucket from the Patron Search screen. Batch changes and batch edit sets are tied to the User Bucket itself, not to the login of the bucket owner.
-Create a User Bucket
+==== Create a User Bucket ====
*To add users to a bucket via the Patron Search screen:*
. Go to *Search->Search for Patrons*.
. Select the user accounts that you want to add to the bucket by checking the box next to each user row or by using the CTRL or SHIFT key on your keyboard to select multiple users.
. Go to *Actions->Add To Bucket* or right-click on a selected user account to view the _Actions_ menu and select *Add To Bucket*. The user accounts will move to the Bucket View tab and are now in the selected User Bucket.
-Batch Edit All Users
+==== Batch Edit All Users ====
To batch edit all users in a user bucket:
. Go to *Circulation->User Buckets* and select the *Bucket View* tab.
-Batch Modify Statistical Categories
+==== Batch Modify Statistical Categories ====
To batch modify statistical categories for all users in a bucket:
. Go to *Circulation->User Buckets* and select the *Bucket View* tab.
-Batch Delete Users
+==== Batch Delete Users ====
To batch delete users in a bucket:
. Go to *Circulation->User Buckets* and select the *Bucket View* tab.
. Click on *Buckets* and select the bucket you want to modify from the list of existing buckets.
-View Batch Changes
+==== View Batch Changes ====
. The batch changes that have been made to User Buckets can be viewed by going to *Circulation->User Buckets* and selecting the *Bucket View* tab.
. Click *Buckets* to select an existing bucket.
-Roll Back Batch Changes
+==== Roll Back Batch Changes ====
. Batch Changes and Batch Deletions can be rolled back or reversed by going to *Circulation->User Buckets* and selecting the *Bucket View* tab.
. Click *Buckets* to select an existing bucket.
-Sharing Buckets
+==== Sharing Buckets ====
If a User Bucket has been made Staff Shareable, it can be retrieved via bucket ID by another staff account. The ID for each bucket can be found at the end of the URL for the bucket. For example, in the screenshot below, the bucket ID is 32.
A shared bucket can be retrieved by going to *Circulation->User Buckets* and selecting the *Bucket View* tab. Next, click *Buckets* and select *Shared Bucket*. A dialog box called _Load Shared Bucket by Bucket ID_ will appear. Enter the ID of the bucket you wish to retrieve and click *Load Bucket*. The shared bucket will load in the Bucket View tab.
+==== Permissions ====
All permissions must be granted at the organizational unit that the workstation is registered to or higher and are checked against the users' Home Library at when a batch modification or deletion is executed.
Permissions for Batch Edits:
-Offline Circulation
+= Offline Circulation =
+== Introduction ==
Evergreen's Offline Circulation interface is designed to log transactions during a network or server outage. Transactions can be uploaded and processed once connectivity is restored.
The web service workers will refresh the cache every 24 hours under normal use. Offline Circulation information is stored via IndexedDB.
-Using Offline Circulation
+== Using Offline Circulation ==
The Offline Circulation interface can be found by navigating to *Circulation -> Offline Circulation*.
This warning is not network-aware and it will appear regardless of network connection state. You must be logged out to record offline transactions. If you see this warning and wish to record offline transactions, click *Proceed* in order to log out.
+== Checkout ==
To check out items in Offline Circulation:
Pre-cataloged item checkout is not available in Offline Circulation. Any pre-cataloged item checked out through Offline Circulation will result in an entry in the Exception List and will not successfully check out. Pre-cataloged items which are checked in through offline will also result in an entry in the Exception List, but will successfully check in.
+== Renew ==
To renew an item, you must know the item's barcode number. The patron's barcode is optional.
image::media/offline_renew.png[Offline renewal]
-In-House Use
+== In-House Use ==
To record in-house use transactions in *Offline Circulation*:
image::media/offline_inhouse.png[Offline in house use]
+== Checkin ==
To checkin items in Offline Circulation:
Items targeted for holds will be captured for their holds when the offline transactions are uploaded and processed; however, there will be no indication in the Exceptions list about this unless the item is also transiting.
-Patron Registration
+== Patron Registration ==
Patron registration in Evergreen Offline Circulation records patron information for later upload. In the web staff client, the Patron Registration form in Offline is the same as the regular Patron Registration interface.
Enter patron information and click the *Save* button in the top-right of the Patron Registration interface. You may checkout items to this patron right away, even if you are still in offline mode.
-Managing Offline Transactions
+== Managing Offline Transactions ==
-Offline Block List
+=== Offline Block List ===
While logged in and still online, you may download an *Offline Block List*. This will locally store a list of all patrons with blocks at the time of the download. If this list is present, the Offline Circulation interface will check transactions against this list.
image::media/offline_patron_blocked.png[Patron blocked modal]
-Exporting Offline Transactions
+=== Exporting Offline Transactions ===
If you anticipate a multi-day closing or if you plan to process your offline transactions at a different workstation, you will want to export your offline transactions.
To export transactions while you are logged in, navigate to *Circulation -> Offline Circulation* and click on the *Session Management* tab. Click on the *Export Transactions* button to generate the pending.xacts file as above. If you wish, you can at this point click *Clear Transactions* to clear the list of pending transactions.
-Processing Offline Transactions
+=== Processing Offline Transactions ===
Once connectivity is restored, navigate back to your *Evergreen Login Page*. You will see a message telling you that there are unprocessed Offline Transactions waiting for upload.
. Scroll to the bottom of the screen to see if there are any entries in the <<_exceptions,*Exception List*>>. Some of these may require staff follow up.
-Uploading Previously Exported Transactions
+=== Uploading Previously Exported Transactions ===
If you had previous exported your offline transactions you can upload them for processing.
. The *Pending Transactions* list will populate with your imported transactions.
. You may now proceed according to the instructions under <<_processing_offline_transactions,Processing Offline Transactions>>.
+==== Exceptions ====
Exceptions are problems that were encountered during processing. For example, a mis-scanned patron barcode, an open circulation, or an item that was not checked in before it was checked out to another patron would all be listed as exceptions. Those transactions causing exceptions might not be loaded into Evergreen database. Staff should examine the exceptions and take necessary action.
-Self checkout
+= Self checkout =
+== Introduction ==
Evergreen includes a self check interface designed for libraries that simply
want to record item circulation without worrying about security mechanisms like
magnetic strips or RFID tags.
-Initializing the self check
+== Initializing the self check ==
The self check interface runs in a web browser. Before patrons can use the self
check station, a staff member must initialize the interface by logging in.
image::media/self-check-admin-login.png[Self Check Admin Login]
-Basic Check Out
+== Basic Check Out ==
. Patron scans their barcode.
image::media/self_check_check_out_6.png[self check]
-View Items Out
+== View Items Out ==
. Patrons are able to view the items they currently have checked out by clicking *View Items Out*
image::media/self_check_view_items_out_2.png[self check]
-View Holds
+== View Holds ==
. Patrons are able to view their current holds by clicking *View Holds*
image::media/self_check_view_holds_2.png[self check]
-View Fines
+== View Fines ==
. Patrons are able to view the fines they currently owe by clicking *View Details*
-Self checkout
+= Self checkout =
+== Introduction ==
Evergreen includes a self check interface designed for libraries that simply
want to record item circulation without worrying about security mechanisms like
magnetic strips or RFID tags.
-Initializing the self check
+== Initializing the self check ==
The self check interface runs in a web browser. Before patrons can use the self
check station, a staff member must initialize the interface by logging in.
image::media/self-check-admin-login.png[Self Check Admin Login]
-Setting library hours of operation
+=== Setting library hours of operation ===
When the self check prints a receipt, the default template includes the
library's hours of operation in the receipt. If the library has no configured
hours of operation, the attempt to print a receipt fails and the browser hangs.
-Configuring self check behavior
+=== Configuring self check behavior ===
Several library settings control the behavior of the self check:
* *Block copy checkout status*: Prevent the staff user's permission override
workstation when they login. The workstation parameter ensures that check outs
are recorded as occurring at the correct library.
-Using the self check
+== Using the self check ==
See the circulation manual for documentation about using the self check interface.
-Triggered Events and Notices
+== Triggered Events and Notices ==
+=== Introduction ===
Improvements to the Triggered Events interface enables you to easily filter,
sort, and print triggered events from the patron's account or an item's details.
This feature is especially useful when tracking notice completion from a
patron's account.
-Access and View
+=== Access and View ===
You can access *Triggered Events* from two Evergreen interfaces: a patron's
account or an item's details.
+=== Filter ===
The triggered events that display are controlled by the filters on the right
side of the screen. By default, Evergreen displays completed circulation
+=== Sort ===
You can sort your results by clicking the column name.
+=== Print ===
You can select the events that you want to print, or you can print all events.
To print selected events, check the boxes adjacent to the events that you want
to print, and click *Print Selected Events*. To print all events, simply click
*Print All Events*.
+=== Reset ===
If the triggered event does not complete or the notice is not sent and the
trigger needs to be run again, then select the event, and click *Reset Selected
-User buckets
+= User buckets =
+== Introduction ==
indexterm:[patron buckets]
indexterm:[patrons, batch operations]
From this interface it is possible to perform a set of specific batch update
operations on the group of users you have identified.
-Editing users
+== Editing users ==
indexterm:[batch edit, patrons]
You can change the following fields in batch:
not receive any notifications that they might otherwise receive when their accounts
are edited.
-Deleting users
+== Deleting users ==
indexterm:[batch delete, patrons]
You may also delete users as a batch.
This mechanism does not completely purge the user from the database. User data
will still be available to system administrators with database access.
-Editing Statistical Category Entries
+== Editing Statistical Category Entries ==
All users in the bucket can have their Statistical Category Entries
modified. Unlike user data field updates, modification of Statistical
-Using Opensearch as a developer
+= Using Opensearch as a developer =
+== Introduction ==
Evergreen responds to OpenSearch requests. This can be a good way to get
search results delivered in a format that you prefer.
-Using Supercat
+= Using Supercat =
+== Introduction ==
You can use SuperCat to get data about ISBNs, metarecords, bibliographic
records, and authority records.
Throughout this section, replace `<hostname>` with the domain or subdomain
of your Evergreen installation to try these examples on your own system.
+== ISBNs ==
Given one ISBN, Evergreen can return a list of related records and ISBNs,
including alternate editions and translations. To use the Supercat
+== Records ==
-Record formats
+=== Record formats ===
First, determine which format you'd like to receive data in. To see the
available formats for bibliographic records, visit
-Retrieve records
+=== Retrieve records ===
You can retrieve records using URLs in the following format:
-Recent records
+=== Recent records ===
SuperCat can return feeds of recently edited or created authority and bibliographic records:
Example: http://gapines.org/opac/extras/feed/freshmeat/atom/biblio/import/10/2008-01-01
-Filtering by Org Unit
+==== Filtering by Org Unit ====
You can generate a similar list, with the added ability to limit by Org Unit, using the item-age browse axis.
Example: http://gapines.org/opac/extras/browse/html-full/item-age/ARL-BOG/1/10
-Additional Filters
+==== Additional Filters ====
If you'd like to limit to a particular status, you can append `?status=0`
where `0` is the ID number of the status you'd like to limit to. If a
-Using UnAPI
+= Using UnAPI =
-URL format
+== URL format ==
Evergreen's unAPI support includes access to many
record types. For example, the following URL would fetch
-Developing with pgTAP tests
+= Developing with pgTAP tests =
-Setting up pgTAP on your development server
+== Setting up pgTAP on your development server ==
Currently, Evergreen pgTAP tests expect a version of pgTAP (0.93)
that is not yet available in the packages for most Linux distributions.
-Running pgTAP tests
+== Running pgTAP tests ==
The pgTAP tests can be found in subdirectories of `Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/`
as follows:
-Support Scripts
+== Support Scripts ==
Various scripts are included with Evergreen in the `/openils/bin/` directory
(and in the source code in `Open-ILS/src/support-scripts` and
-authority_control_fields: Connecting Bibliographic and Authority records
+=== authority_control_fields: Connecting Bibliographic and Authority records ===
indexterm:[authority control]
-marc_export: Exporting Bibliographic Records into MARC files
+=== marc_export: Exporting Bibliographic Records into MARC files ===
indexterm:[MARC records,exporting,using the command line]
`marc_export` does not output progress as it executes.
+==== Options ====
The *marc_export* support script includes several options. You can find a complete list
by running `./marc_export -h`. A few key options are also listed below:
---descendants and --library
+===== --descendants and --library =====
The `marc_export` script has two related options, `--descendants` and
`--library`. Both options take one argument of an organizational unit
in the output. You can also combine `--library` and `--descendants`
options when necessary.
+===== --items =====
The `--items` option will add an 852 field for every relevant item to the MARC
record. This 852 field includes the following information:
+===== --since =====
You can use the `--since` option to export records modified after a certain date and time.
+===== --store =====
By default, marc_export will use the reporter storage service, which should
work in most cases. But if you have a separate reporter database and you
know you want to talk directly to your main production database, then you
can set the `--store` option to `cstore` or `storage`.
+===== --uris =====
The `--uris` option (short form: `-u`) allows you to export records with
located URIs (i.e. electronic resources). When used by itself, it will export
only records that have located URIs. When used in conjunction with `--items`,
-Parallel Ingest with pingest.pl
+=== Parallel Ingest with pingest.pl ===
indexterm:[MARC records,importing,using the command line]
of the input records as it cannot run in parallel with itself. It
does, however, run in parallel with the other ingests.
-Command Line Options
+==== Command Line Options ====
pingest.pl accepts the following command line options:
-Importing Authority Records from Command Line
+=== Importing Authority Records from Command Line ===
psql -U evergreen -h localhost -d evergreen -f pg_loader-output.sql
-Juvenile-to-adult batch script
+=== Juvenile-to-adult batch script ===
The batch `juv_to_adult.srfsh` script is responsible for toggling a patron
from juvenile to adult. It should be set up as a cron job.
When no library setting value is present at a given patron's home library, the
value passed in to the script will be used as a default.
-MARC Stream Importer
+=== MARC Stream Importer ===
indexterm:[MARC records,importing,using the command line]
-Updating translations using Launchpad
+= Updating translations using Launchpad =
This document describes how to update the translations in an Evergreen branch
by pulling them from Launchpad, as well as update the files to be translated
in Launchpad by updating the POT files in the Evergreen master branch.
+== Prerequisites ==
You must install all of the Python prerequisites required for building
translations, per
* http://pypi.python.org/pypi/simplejson/[simplejson]
* http://lxml.de/[lxml]
-Updating the translations
+== Updating the translations ==
. Check out the latest translations from Launchpad by branching the Bazaar
-Setting Up EDI Acquisitions
+== Setting Up EDI Acquisitions ==
+=== Introduction ===
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is used to exchange information between
participating vendors and Evergreen. This chapter contains technical
information for installation and configuration of the components necessary
to run EDI Acquisitions for Evergreen.
+=== Installation ===
-Install EDI Translator
+==== Install EDI Translator ====
The EDI Translator is used to convert data into EDI format. It runs
on localhost and listens on port 9191 by default. This is controlled via
[source, bash]
-cp -r Open-ILS/src/edi_translator /openils/var/edi
+== cp -r Open-ILS/src/edi_translator /openils/var/edi ==
2. Navigate to where you have saved the code to begin next step:
[source, bash]
-cd /openils/var/edi
+== cd /openils/var/edi ==
3. Next, as the *root* user (or a user with sudo rights), install the
dependencies, via "install.sh". This will perform some apt-get routines
to install the code needed for the EDI translator to function.
[source, bash]
-kill -INT $(pgrep ruby)
+== kill -INT $(pgrep ruby) ==
-Install EDI Scripts
+==== Install EDI Scripts ====
The EDI scripts are "edi_pusher.pl" and "edi_fetcher.pl" and are used to
"push" and "fetch" EDI messages for configured EDI accounts.
[source, bash]
10 * * * * cd /openils/bin && /usr/bin/perl ./edi_pusher.pl > /dev/null
-0 1 * * * cd /openils/bin && /usr/bin/perl ./edi_fetcher.pl > /dev/null
+== 0 1 * * * cd /openils/bin && /usr/bin/perl ./edi_fetcher.pl > /dev/null ==
* The example for edi_pusher.pl sets the script to run at
10 minutes past the hour, every hour.
* The example for edi_fetcher.pl sets the script to run at
You may choose to run the EDI scripts more or less frequently based on the
necessary response times from your vendors.
+=== Configuration ===
-Configuring Providers
+==== Configuring Providers ====
Look in Administration -> Acquisitions Administration -> Providers
|URL |The vendor website
-Configuring EDI Accounts
+==== Configuring EDI Accounts ====
Look in Administration -> Acquisitions Administration -> EDI Accounts
|Vendor Assigned Code |Usually a sub-account designation. Can be used with or without the Vendor Account Number.
-Configuring Organizational Unit SAN code
+==== Configuring Organizational Unit SAN code ====
Look in Administration -> Server Administration -> Organizational Units
This interface allows a library to configure their SAN, alongside
their address, phone, etc.
+=== Troubleshooting ===
-PO JEDI Template Issues
+==== PO JEDI Template Issues ====
Some libraries may run into issues with the action/trigger (PO JEDI).
The template has to be modified to handle different vendor codes that
-Installing the Evergreen server
+= Installing the Evergreen server =
-Preamble: referenced user accounts
+== Preamble: referenced user accounts ==
In subsequent sections, we will refer to a number of different accounts, as
Evergreen that you will use to test connectivity and configure your
Evergreen instance.
-Preamble: developer instructions
+== Preamble: developer instructions ==
Skip this section if you are using an official release tarball downloaded
autoreconf -i
-Installing prerequisites
+== Installing prerequisites ==
* **PostgreSQL**: The minimum supported version is 9.6.
* **Linux**: Evergreen has been tested on
make -f Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile.install <osname>-packager
-Extra steps for web staff client
+== Extra steps for web staff client ==
Skip this entire section if you are using an official release tarball downloaded
from http://evergreen-ils.org/downloads
-Install dependencies for web staff client
+=== Install dependencies for web staff client ===
You may skip this section if you have installed the
environment variable `PATH`.
-Install AngularJS files for web staff client
+=== Install AngularJS files for web staff client ===
1. Building, Testing, Minification: The remaining steps all take place within
the staff JS web root:
-Install Angular files for web staff client
+=== Install Angular files for web staff client ===
1. Building, Testing, Minification: The remaining steps all take place within
the Angular staff root:
npm run test
-Configuration and compilation instructions
+== Configuration and compilation instructions ==
For the time being, we are still installing everything in the `/openils/`
directory. From the Evergreen source directory, issue the following commands as
If not, please adjust PATH as needed so that the Evergreen `configure` script
can find `osrf_config`.
-Installation instructions
+== Installation instructions ==
1. Once you have configured and compiled Evergreen, issue the following
command as the *root* Linux account to install Evergreen and copy
make install
-Change ownership of the Evergreen files
+== Change ownership of the Evergreen files ==
All files in the `/openils/` directory and subdirectories must be owned by the
`opensrf` user. Issue the following command as the *root* Linux account to
chown -R opensrf:opensrf /openils
-Run ldconfig
+== Run ldconfig ==
On Debian Stretch / Buster, run the following command as the root user:
-Additional Instructions for Developers
+== Additional Instructions for Developers ==
Skip this section if you are using an official release tarball downloaded
-Configure the Apache Web server
+== Configure the Apache Web server ==
. Use the example configuration files to configure your Web server for
the Evergreen catalog, web staff client, Web services, and administration
* <<_apache_rewrite_tricks,Apache Rewrite Tricks>>
* <<_apache_access_handler_perl_module,Apache Access Handler Perl Module>>
-Configure OpenSRF for the Evergreen application
+== Configure OpenSRF for the Evergreen application ==
There are a number of example OpenSRF configuration files in `/openils/conf/`
that you can use as a template for your Evergreen installation. Issue the
following commands as the *opensrf* Linux account:
`eg_db_config`, described in <<_creating_the_evergreen_database,Creating the Evergreen
database>>, sets the database connection information in `opensrf.xml` for you.
-Configure action triggers for the Evergreen application
+== Configure action triggers for the Evergreen application ==
_Action Triggers_ provide hooks for the system to perform actions when a given
event occurs; for example, to generate reminder or overdue notices, the
`checkout.due` hook is processed and events are triggered for potential actions
For more information about configuring and running action triggers, see
<<_processing_action_triggers,Notifications / Action Triggers>>.
-Creating the Evergreen database
+== Creating the Evergreen database ==
-Setting up the PostgreSQL server
+=== Setting up the PostgreSQL server ===
For production use, most libraries install the PostgreSQL database server on a
dedicated machine. Therefore, by default, the `Makefile.install` prerequisite
to PostgreSQL, see
-Creating the Evergreen database and schema
+=== Creating the Evergreen database and schema ===
Once you have created the *evergreen* PostgreSQL account, you also need to
create the database and schema, and configure your configuration files to point
You can get a complete set of options for `eg_db_config` by passing the
`--help` parameter.
-Loading sample data
+=== Loading sample data ===
If you add the `--load-all-sample` parameter to the `eg_db_config` command,
a set of authority and bibliographic records, call numbers, copies, staff
and regular users, and transactions will be loaded into your target
for creating problem reports that developers can easily recreate with their
own copy of the _concerto_ sample data.
-Creating the database on a remote server
+=== Creating the database on a remote server ===
In a production instance of Evergreen, your PostgreSQL server should be
installed on a dedicated server.
-PostgreSQL 9.6 and later
+==== PostgreSQL 9.6 and later ====
To create the database instance on a remote database server running PostgreSQL
9.6 or later, simply use the `--create-database` flag on `eg_db_config`.
-Starting Evergreen
+== Starting Evergreen ==
1. As the *root* Linux account, start the `memcached` and `ejabberd` services
(if they aren't already running):
might not be able to successfully log in to the OPAC or web staff client until the
Apache Web server is restarted.
-Testing connections to Evergreen
+== Testing connections to Evergreen ==
Once you have installed and started Evergreen, test your connection to
Evergreen via `srfsh`. As the *opensrf* Linux account, issue the following
mailing list] for assistance before making any drastic changes to your system
-Getting help
+== Getting help ==
Need help installing or using Evergreen? Join the mailing lists at
http://evergreen-ils.org/communicate/mailing-lists/ or contact us on the Freenode
IRC network on the #evergreen channel.
+== License ==
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0
Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative
-Upgrading the Evergreen Server
+== Upgrading the Evergreen Server ==
Before upgrading, it is important to carefully plan an upgrade strategy to minimize system downtime and service interruptions.
All of the steps in this chapter are to be completed from the command line.
-Software Prerequisites
+=== Software Prerequisites ===
* **PostgreSQL**: The minimum supported version is 9.6.
* **Linux**: Evergreen 3.X.X has been tested on Debian Stretch (9.0),
command; for example, `su - opensrf`. Once you have become a non-root user, to
become the *root* user again simply issue the `exit` command.
-Upgrade the Evergreen code
+=== Upgrade the Evergreen code ===
The following steps guide you through a simplistic upgrade of a production
server. You must adjust these steps to accommodate your customizations such
as catalogue skins.
cp /home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-3.X.X/Open-ILS/examples/apache/eg.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/eg.conf
-Upgrade the Evergreen database schema
+=== Upgrade the Evergreen database schema ===
indexterm:[database schema]
completed the entire upgrade and tested your system. Reingesting records
may take a long time depending on the number of bib records in your system.
-Restart Evergreen and Test
+=== Restart Evergreen and Test ===
. As the *root* user, restart memcached to clear out all old user sessions.
[source, bash]
of this documentation for tips on finding solutions and seeking further assistance
from the Evergreen community.
-Review Release Notes
+=== Review Release Notes ===
Review this version's release notes for other tasks
that need to be done after upgrading. If you have upgraded over several
-System Requirements
+== System Requirements ==
-Server Minimum Requirements
+=== Server Minimum Requirements ===
The following are the base requirements setting Evergreen up on a test server:
* Linux Operating System (community supports Debian, Ubuntu, or Fedora)
* Ports 80 and 443 should be opened in your firewall for TCP connections to allow OPAC and staff client connections to the Evergreen server.
-Web Client Requirements
+=== Web Client Requirements ===
The current stable release of Firefox or Chrome is required to run the web
client in a browser.
-Staff Client Requirements
+=== Staff Client Requirements ===
Staff terminals connect to the central database using the Evergreen staff client, available for download from The Evergreen download page.
The staff client must be installed on each staff workstation and requires at minimum:
-Bibliographic Search Enhancements
+== Bibliographic Search Enhancements ==
Enhancements to the bibliographic search function enable you to search for records that were created, edited, or deleted within a date range. You can use the catalog interface or the record feed to search for records with specific date ranges.
Note that all dates should be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD and should be included in parentheses.
-Use the Catalog to Retrieve Records with Specified Date Ranges:
+=== Use the Catalog to Retrieve Records with Specified Date Ranges: ===
-Search by Create Date or Range
+==== Search by Create Date or Range ====
To find records that were created on or after a specific date, enter the term, create_date, and the date in the catalog search field. For example, to find records that were created on or after April 1, 2013, enter the following into the catalog search field:
-Search by Edit Date or Range
+==== Search by Edit Date or Range ====
To find records that were edited on or before a specific date, enter the term, edit-date, and the date in the catalog search field. The date should be preceded by a comma. For example, to find records that were edited on or before April 1, 2013, enter the following into the catalog search field:
-Search by Deleted Status
+==== Search by Deleted Status ====
To search for deleted records, enter in your catalog search field the term, edit_date, the date that you want to search, and the term, #deleted. For example, to find records that were deleted on or after April 1, 2013, enter the following into the catalog search field:
-Use a Feed to Retrieve Records with Specified Date Ranges:
+=== Use a Feed to Retrieve Records with Specified Date Ranges: ===
You can use a feed to retrieve records that were created, edited, or deleted within specific date ranges by adding the dates to the catalog's URL. You can do this manually, or you can write a script that would automatically retrieve this information.
NOTE: To retrieve deleted records, replace the # with %23 in your URL.
-Binary MARC21 Feeds
+== Binary MARC21 Feeds ==
Evergreen's OpenSearch service can return search results in many formats, including HTML, MARCXML, and MODS. As of version 2.4, it can also return results in binary MARC21 format.
When making an HTTP request to an Evergreen system using the OpenSearch API, you must include the term "marc21" in the appropriate location within the URL to retrieve a feed of MARC21 records in a binary format. The following example demonstrates the appropriate form of the URL:
-Batch Actions from Search
+== Batch Actions from Search ==
+=== Introduction ===
The public catalog and staff interface display checkboxes on the search results pages, both for bibliographic records and metarecord constituents. Selecting one or more titles with these checkboxes adds the titles to a basket, which is viewable on the search bar as an icon. Users can then take a variety of actions on titles within the basket: place holds, print or email title details, add the items to a permanent list (from the public catalog) or add the titles to a bucket (from the staff interface).
-Using Batch Actions from Search in the Public Catalog
+=== Using Batch Actions from Search in the Public Catalog ===
. Perform a search in the public catalog and retrieve a list of results.
image::media/BatchActionsSearch-03.png[Details of Basket Actions Drop-down]
-Actions Initiated with the Basket Actions Drop-down
+==== Actions Initiated with the Basket Actions Drop-down ====
* *View Basket* - This opens the basket in a new screen. Checkboxes allow for the selection of one or more titles within the basket. A drop-down menu appears above the list of titles that can be used to place holds, print title details, email title details, or remove titles from the basket. This menu reads _Actions for these items_. (See the next section for more information about this menu.)
* *Place Hold* - This allows for placement of holds in batch for all of the items in the basket. If not already authenticated, users will be asked to login. Once authenticated, the holds process begins for all titles within the basket. Users can set _Advanced Hold Options_ for each title, as well as set the pickup location, hold notification and suspend options.
* *Clear Basket* - This removes removes all titles from the basket
-View Basket -> _Actions for These Items_ Drop-down Menu
+==== View Basket -> _Actions for These Items_ Drop-down Menu ====
Most actions described above can be taken on titles from within the basket with the _Actions for these items_ drop-down menu. This menu offers additional flexibility, as users can select some or all of the individual titles in the basket on which to place holds, print or email details, or remove from the basket. Users cannot add titles to permanent lists with this menu.
image::media/BatchActionsSearch-04.png[Actions for These Items Drop-down Menu]
-Using Batch Actions from Search in the Staff Interface
+=== Using Batch Actions from Search in the Staff Interface ===
. Perform a search in the staff interface and retrieve a list of results.
image::media/BatchActionsSearch-03.png[Details of Basket Actions Drop-down]
-Actions Initiated with the Basket Actions Drop-down
+==== Actions Initiated with the Basket Actions Drop-down ====
* *View Basket* - This opens the basket in a new screen. Checkboxes allow for the selection of one or more titles within the basket. A drop-down menu appears above the list of titles that can be used to place holds, print title details, email title details, or remove titles from the basket. This menu reads _Actions for these items_. (See the next section for more information about this menu.)
* *Clear Basket* - removes all items from the basket
-View Basket -> Actions for These Items Drop-down Menu
+==== View Basket -> Actions for These Items Drop-down Menu ====
Most of the basket actions can be taken on titles from within the basket with the _Actions for these items_ drop-down menu. This menu offers additional flexibility, as staff can select some or all of the individual titles within the basket on which to place holds, print or email details, or remove from the basket. Staff cannot place titles in Records Buckets from this menu.
-Additional Information
+=== Additional Information ===
The basket used to be called a *Temporary List* in previous versions of Evergreen.
-Catalog Browse
+== Catalog Browse ==
-Kids OPAC
+== Kids OPAC ==
+=== Introduction ===
The Kids OPAC (KPAC) is a public catalog search that was designed for children
and teens. Colorful menu items,large buttons, and simple navigation make this
extend the KPAC using the code that already exists in the TPAC. Finally, third
party content, such as reader reviews, can be integrated into the KPAC.
-Choose a Skin
+=== Choose a Skin ===
Two skins, or design interfaces, have been created for the KPAC. The KPAC was
designed to run multiple skins on a single web server. A consortium, then, could
-Search the Catalog
+=== Search the Catalog ===
You can search the catalog using only the search bar, the search grid, or the search
bar and the collection drop down menu.
-Place a Hold
+=== Place a Hold ===
From the search results, click the *Get it!* link to place a hold.
-Save Items to a List
+=== Save Items to a List ===
You can save items to a temporary list, or, if you are logged in, you can save to
a list of your own creation. To save items to a list, click the *Get it* button
-Third Party Content
+=== Third Party Content ===
Third party content, such as reader reviews, can be viewed in the Kids OPAC. The
reviews link appears adjacent to the brief information.
-Configuration Files
+=== Configuration Files ===
Configuration files allow you to define labels for canned searches in the icon
grid, determine how icons lead users to new pages, and define whether those icons
-Library Information Pages
+== Library Information Pages ==
The branch name displayed in the copy details section of the search results
page, the record summary page, and the kids catalog record summary page will
-My Account
+=== My Account ===
// ``First Login Password Update'' the following documentation comes from JSPAC
// as of 2013-03-12 this feature did not exist in EG 2.4 TPAC,
-Password Reset
+==== Password Reset ====
indexterm:[my account, password reset]
. Login to your account with your new password.
-Account Summary
+==== Account Summary ====
indexterm:[my account, account summary]
After changing any of these settings, you must click _Save_ to store your
-Authorize other people to use your account
+===== Authorize other people to use your account =====
indexterm:[Allow others to use my account]
indexterm:[checking out,materials on another patron's account]
indexterm:[holds, preferred pickup location]
-Patron Messages
+==== Patron Messages ====
The Patron Message Center provides a way for libraries to communicate with
patrons through messages that can be accessed through the patron's OPAC account.
NOTE: Patron deleted messages will still appear in the patron's account in the
staff client under Other -> Message Center.
+==== Reservations ====
When patrons place a reservation for a particular item at a particular time,
they can check on its status using the *Reservations* tab.
-My Lists
+== My Lists ==
The *My Lists* feature replaces the bookbag feature that was available in versions prior to 2.2. The *My Lists* feature is a part of the Template Toolkit OPAC that is available in version 2.2. This feature enables you to create temporary and permanent lists; create and edit notes for items in lists; place holds on items in lists; and share lists via RSS feeds and CSV files.
image::media/My_Lists.png[My Lists]
-Create New Lists
+=== Create New Lists ===
1) Log in to your account in the OPAC.
16) When you no longer need a list, click *Delete List*.
-Local Call Number in My Lists
+=== Local Call Number in My Lists ===
When a title is added to a list in the TPAC, a local call number will be displayed in the list to assist patrons in locating the physical item. Evergreen will look at the following locations to identify the most relevant call number to display in the list:
image::media/my_list_call_numbers.png[Local Call Number in List]
-My Lists Preferences
+=== My Lists Preferences ===
Patrons can adjust the number of lists or list items displayed in a page. This setting can be found under the *Account Preferences* tab, in the *My Lists Preferences* section.
-Creating a New Skin: the Bare Minimum
+= Creating a New Skin: the Bare Minimum =
+== Introduction ==
When you adopt the TPAC as your catalog, you must create a new skin. This
involves a combination of overriding template files and setting Apache
directives to control the look and feel of your customized TPAC.
-Apache directives
+== Apache directives ==
There are a few Apache directives and environment variables of note for
customizing TPAC behavior. These directives should generally live within a
`<vhost>` section of your Apache configuration.
SetEnv physical_loc 104
-Customizing templates
+== Customizing templates ==
When you install Evergreen, the TPAC templates include many placeholder images,
text, and links. You should override most of these to provide your users with a
custom experience that matches your library. Following is a list of templates
-Adding Evergreen Search to Web Browsers
+== Adding Evergreen Search to Web Browsers ==
-Adding OpenSearch to Firefox browser
+=== Adding OpenSearch to Firefox browser ===
OpenSearch is a collection of simple formats for the sharing of search results.
More information about OpenSearch can be found on their
-Adding an Evergreen search form to a web page
+= Adding an Evergreen search form to a web page =
+== Introduction ==
To enable users to quickly search your Evergreen catalog, you can add a
simple search form to any HTML page. The following code demonstrates
how to create a quick search box suitable for the header of your web
-Simple search form
+== Simple search form ==
wish to anchor your search. This is the value of the ''locg'' parameter in
your normal search.
-Advanced search form
+== Advanced search form ==
+== Encoding ==
For non English characters it is vital to set the attribute `accept-charset="UTF-8"` in the form tag (as in the examples above). If the parameter is not set, records with non English characters will not be retrieved.
-Setting the document type
+== Setting the document type ==
You can set the document types to be searched using the attribute `option value=` in the form. For the value use MARC 21 code defining the type of record (i.e. https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bdleader.html[Leader, position 06]).
For example, for musical recordings you could use `<option value='j'>Musical Sound Recording</option>`
-Setting the library
+== Setting the library ==
Instead of searching the entire consortium, you can set the Library to be searched in using the attribute `option value=` in the form. For the value use Evergreen database.organization unit ID.
-Search URL
+=== Search URL ===
indexterm:[search, URL]
+++[hostname]+++/eg/opac/results?query=[search term]&**qtype**=keyword&fi%3Aitem_type=&**locg**=[location id]
-locg Parameter
+==== locg Parameter ====
This is the id of the search location. It is an integer and matches the id of the
location the user selected in the location drop down menu.
-qtype Parameter
+==== qtype Parameter ====
The _qtype_ parameter in the URL represents the search type values and represent
one of the following search or request types:
These match the options in the search type drop-down box.
+==== Sorting ====
The _sort_ parameter sorts the results on one of these criteria.
-Sitemap generator
+== Sitemap generator ==
A http://www.sitemaps.org[sitemap] directs search engines to the pages of
interest in a web site so that the search engines can intelligently crawl
-TPAC Metarecord Search and Metarecord Level Holds
+== TPAC Metarecord Search and Metarecord Level Holds ==
Metarecords are compilations of individual bibliographic records that represent
the same work. This compilation allows for several records to be represented on
-Using the Public Access Catalog
+== Using the Public Access Catalog ==
-Basic Search
+=== Basic Search ===
+==== Formats ====
You can limit your search by formats based on MARC fixed field type:
* *VHS*
+===== Libraries =====
If you are using a catalogue in a library or accessing a library’s online
catalogue from its homepage, the search will return items for your local
available at your branch and all branches of your library system separately.
-Advanced Search
+=== Advanced Search ===
Advanced searches allow users to perform more complex searches by providing more
options. Many kinds of searches can be performed from the _Advanced Search_
Clicking the _X_ button will close the search input row.
-Sort Results
+==== Sort Results ====
indexterm:[advanced search, sort results]
to order the search results by relevance, title, author, or publication date.
-Search Library
+==== Search Library ====
indexterm:[advanced search, search library]
to select different branches or the whole library system.
-Limit to Available
+==== Limit to Available ====
indexterm:[advanced search, limit to available]
Available_ to limit results to those titles that have items with a circulation
status of "available" (by default, either _Available_ or _Reshelving_).
-Exclude Electronic Resources
+==== Exclude Electronic Resources ====
indexterm:[advanced search, exclude electronic resources]
-Search Filter
+==== Search Filter ====
indexterm:[advanced search, search filters]
_CTRL_ key as you click on the options. If nothing is selected for a filter,
the search will return results as though all options are selected.
-Search Filter Enhancements
+===== Search Filter Enhancements =====
Enhancements to the Search Filters now makes it easier to view, remove, and modify search filters while viewing search results in the Evergreen OPAC. Filters that are selected while conducting an advanced search in the Evergreen OPAC now appear below the search box in the search results interface.
indexterm:[advanced search, numeric search]
-Numeric Search
+==== Numeric Search ====
If you have details on the exact item you wish to search for, use the _Numeric
Search_ tab on the advanced search page. Use the drop-down menu to select your
_LCCN_, _TCN_, or _Item Barcode_. Enter the information and then click the
_Search_ button.
-Expert Search
+==== Expert Search ====
indexterm:[advanced search, expert search]
search for "Gone with the wind".
-Boolean operators
+=== Boolean operators ===
indexterm:[search, AND operator]
indexterm:[search, OR operator]
| NOT | `-`_term_ | `a -b`
-Search Tips
+=== Search Tips ===
indexterm:[search, stop words]
indexterm:[search, truncation]
(example: _environment* agency_)
-Search Methodology
+=== Search Methodology ===
-Order of Results
+==== Order of Results ====
indexterm:[search, order of results]
the search result screen.
-Search Results
+=== Search Results ===
indexterm:[search results]
search results accordingly.
-Facets: Subjects, Authors, and Series
+==== Facets: Subjects, Authors, and Series ====
indexterm:[search results, facets: subjects, authors, and series]
+==== Availability ====
indexterm:[search results, availability]
copies' individual call number, status, and shelving location.
-Viewing a record
+==== Viewing a record ====
indexterm:[search results, viewing a record]
+=== Details ===
indexterm:[search results, details]
-SMS Call Number
+==== SMS Call Number ====
If configured by the library system administrator, you may send yourself the
call number via SMS message by clicking on the *Text* link, which appears beside
-Library visibility on the Web
+== Library visibility on the Web ==
+=== Introduction ===
Evergreen follows a number of best practices to
make Library data integrate with the rest of the
eventual shift toward linked open bibliographic
-Catalog data in search engines
+=== Catalog data in search engines ===
Each record in the catalog is displayed to search
engines using http://schema.org[schema.org] microdata.
point of not allowing search engines to index your
site at all.
-Details of the schema.org mapping
+==== Details of the schema.org mapping ====
* Each item is listed as a
http://schema.org/Offer[schema:Offer], which is
-Viewing microdata
+==== Viewing microdata ====
You can learn more about how Evergreen publicizes
these data by viewing them directly. The
http://linter.structured-data.org[structured data linter]
into the text box.
. Click _Submit_
-Other helpful features for search engines
+==== Other helpful features for search engines ====
* Titles of catalog pages follow a
"Page title - Library name" pattern to provide
specific titles in search engine results pages,
that provides machine-readable hours and contact
-SKOS support
+=== SKOS support ===
Some vocabularies used (or which could be used) for
stock record attributes and coded value maps in Evergreen
-Adding Data Sources to Reporter
+== Adding Data Sources to Reporter ==
indexterm:[reports, adding data sources]
definition in _fm_IDL.xml_. You can use this method if you want to be able to
access this data source through directly through SQL or using other reporting tool.
-Create a PostgreSQL query, view, or table for your data source
+=== Create a PostgreSQL query, view, or table for your data source ===
where u.active = 't' and u.deleted <> 't';
-Add a new class to fm_IDL.xml for your data source
+=== Add a new class to fm_IDL.xml for your data source ===
Once you have your data source, the next step is to add that data source as a
new class in _fm_IDL.xml_.
copy of you local class definitions so that you can reapply the changes to
_fm_IDL.xml_ after Evergreen upgrades.
-Restart the affected services to see the new data source in the reporter
+=== Restart the affected services to see the new data source in the reporter ===
The following steps are needed to for Evergreen to recognize the changes to
-Cloning Shared Templates
+== Cloning Shared Templates ==
indexterm:[reports, cloning]
-Creating Templates
+== Creating Templates ==
indexterm:[reports, creating templates]
is transformed and displayed, and the filters used will vary depending on your
-Choosing Report Fields
+=== Choosing Report Fields ===
indexterm:[reports, creating templates, choosing reports fields]
+= [NOTE] =
Note the _Change Transform_ button in the bottom left hand pane. It has the same
function as the upper right _Field Transform_ pane for fields that have already
been added.
-Applying Filters
+=== Applying Filters ===
indexterm:[reports, applying filters]
circulations for a specified time frame. The time frame in the template will be
configured so that you can change it each time you run the report.
-Using Base Filters
+==== Using Base Filters ====
indexterm:[reports, applying filters, base filter]
-Starting and Stopping the Reporter Daemon
+== Starting and Stopping the Reporter Daemon ==
indexterm:[reports, starting server application]
The reporter daemon periodically checks for requests for new reports or
scheduled reports and gets them running.
-Starting the Reporter Daemon
+=== Starting the Reporter Daemon ===
indexterm:[reporter, starting]
start the daemon automatically at start up time.
-Stopping the Reporter Daemon
+=== Stopping the Reporter Daemon ===
indexterm:[reports, stopping server application]
-Exporting Report Templates Using phpPgAdmin
+== Exporting Report Templates Using phpPgAdmin ==
indexterm:[reports, exporting templates]
easily import this data into the templates folder to make it available in the
-Dump the Entire Reports Template Table
+=== Dump the Entire Reports Template Table ===
The data exported in this method can create issues importing into a different
system if you do not have a matching folder and owner. This is going to export
. Click _export_ button at the bottom
. A text file will download to your local system
-Dump Data with an SQL Statement
+=== Dump Data with an SQL Statement ===
The following statement could be used to grab the data in the folder and dump it
+== Folders ==
indexterm:[reports, folders]
-Creating Folders
+=== Creating Folders ===
indexterm:[reports, folders, creating]
If it is not a shared folder there will be nothing after the folder name. You
may create as many folders and sub-folders as you like.
-Managing Folders
+=== Managing Folders ===
indexterm:[reports, folders, managing]
Once saved, reports stay there forever unless you delete them.
-Viewing and Editing Report Parameters
+=== Viewing and Editing Report Parameters ===
New options to view or edit report parameters are available from the reports folder.
-Running Recurring Reports
+== Running Recurring Reports ==
indexterm:[reports, recurring]
-Template Enhancements
+== Template Enhancements ==
-Documentation URL
+=== Documentation URL ===
You can add a link to local documentation that can help staff create a report template. To add documentation to a report template, click *Admin* -> *Local Administration* -> *Reports*, and create a new report template. A new field, *Documentation URL*, appears in the *Template Configuration* panel. Enter a URL that points to relevant documentation.
-Field Hints
+=== Field Hints ===
Descriptive information about fields or filters in a report template can be added to the *Field Hints* portion of the *Template Configuration* panel. For example, a circulation report template might include the field, *Circ ID*. You can add content to the *Field hints* to further define this field for staff and provide a reminder about the type of information that they should select for this field.
-Template Terminology
+== Template Terminology ==
-Data Types
+=== Data Types ===
indexterm:[reports, data types]
The information in Evergreen's database can be classified in nine data types, formats that describe the type of data and/or its use. These were represented by text-only labels in prior versions of Evergreen. Evergreen 3.0 has replaced the text labels with icons. When building templates in _Reports_, you will find these icons in the Field Name Pane of the template creation interface.
+==== timestamp ====
An exact date and time (year, month, day, hour, minutes, and seconds). Remember to select the appropriate date/time transform. Raw Data includes second and timezone information, which is usually more than is required for a report.
+==== link ====
A link to another database table. Link outputs a number that is a meaningful reference for the database but not of much use to a human user. You will usually want to drill further down the tree in the Sources pane and select fields from the linked table. However, in some instances you might want to use a link field. For example, to count the number of patrons who borrowed items you could do a count on the Patron link data.
+==== text ====
A field of text. You will usually want to use the Raw Data transform.
+==== bool ====
True or False. Commonly used to filter out deleted item or patron records.
+==== org_unit ====
Organizational Unit - a number representing a library, library system, or federation. When you want to filter on a library, make sure that the field name is on an org_unit or id data type.
+==== id ====
A unique number assigned by the database to identify each record. These numbers are meaningful references for the database but not of much use to a human user. Use in displayed fields when counting records or in filters.
+==== money ====
A monetary amount.
+==== int ====
Integer (a number)
+==== interval ====
A period of time.
-Field Transforms
+=== Field Transforms ===
indexterm:[reports, field transforms]
-Viewing Report Output
+== Viewing Report Output ==
indexterm:[reports, output]
+== Serials ==
-MFHD Records
+=== MFHD Records ===
MARC Format for Holdings Display (MFHD) display in the catalog in addition to holding statements generated by Evergreen from subscriptions created in the Serials Module. The MFHDs are editable as MARC but the holdings statements generated from the control view are system generated. Multiple MFHDs can be created and are tied to Organizational Units.
-Serials Administration
+== Serials Administration ==
The serials module can be administered under a new menu option: *Administration->Serials Administration*. The new Serials Administration menu currently allows staff to configure _Serial Copy Templates_ and _Pattern Templates_.
-Serial Copy Templates
+=== Serial Copy Templates ===
Serials copy templates enable you to specify item attributes that should be applied by default to copies of serials. Serials copy templates are associated with distributions in a subscription and are applied when serials copies are received. Serial copy templates can also be used as a binding template to apply specific item attributes to copies that are being bound together.
-Creating a Serial Copy Template
+==== Creating a Serial Copy Template ====
To create a serial copy template, go to *Administration->Serials Administration->Serial Copy Templates*:
-Modifying a Serial Copy Template
+==== Modifying a Serial Copy Template ====
To modify a Serial Copy Template:
. The dialog box will appear. Make any changes to the item attributes and click *Save*.
-Deleting a Serial Copy Template
+==== Deleting a Serial Copy Template ====
To delete a Serial Copy Template:
NOTE: Serials copy templates that are being used by subscriptions cannot be deleted.
-Prediction Pattern Templates
+=== Prediction Pattern Templates ===
Prediction pattern templates allow you to create templates for prediction patterns that can be shared with other staff users in your library branch, system, or throughout the consortium. Prediction patterns are used to predict issues on serials subscriptions. Templates can be created in the Administration module, as described below, and can also be created and shared directly in a subscription.
-Creating a Prediction Pattern Template
+==== Creating a Prediction Pattern Template ====
To create a template, go to *Administration->Serials Administration->Prediction Pattern Templates*:
. Click *New Record* in the upper-right hand corner. A dialog box called _Prediction Pattern Template_ will appear.
-Serials Module
+== Serials Module ==
The Serials Module can be used to create subscriptions, distributions, streams, and prediction patterns. As well as to generate predictions and receive issues as they come in to the library.
-Create a Subscription
+=== Create a Subscription ===
. From a bibliographic record, go to *Serials->Manage Subscriptions*, view the _Manage Subscriptions_ tab.
. Within the _Manage Subscriptions_ tab, create a new subscription by clicking *New Subscription*. The subscription editor will appear:
-Create and Manage Predictions
+=== Create and Manage Predictions ===
From the _Manage Predictions_ tab you can create a new prediction pattern from scratch, use an existing pattern template, or use an existing pattern template as the basis for a new prediction pattern.
-Predict Issues Using a New Prediction Pattern
+==== Predict Issues Using a New Prediction Pattern ====
. Within the _Manage Predictions_ tab, _Select [a] subscription_ to work on from the drop down menu.
. To create a new prediction pattern, click *Add New*.
.. The box next to *Active* will be checked by default.
-Predict Issues Using a Prediction Pattern Template
+==== Predict Issues Using a Prediction Pattern Template ====
. Within the _Manage Predictions_ tab, *Select [a] subscription* to work on from the drop down menu.
. _Select a template_ from the drop down menu that appears under the Add New button and click *Create from Template*. The pattern information will appear below the drop down menu.
. Evergreen will generate the predictions and bring you to the _Manage Issues_ tab to review the predicted issues.
-Predict Issues Using a Prediction Pattern from a Bibliographic and/or MFHD Record
+==== Predict Issues Using a Prediction Pattern from a Bibliographic and/or MFHD Record ====
Evergreen can also generate a prediction pattern from existing MFHD records attached to a serials record and from MFHD patterns embedded directly in the bibliographic record.
. Within the _Manage Predictions_ tab, *Select [a] subscription* to work on from the drop down menu.
. Evergreen will generate the predictions and bring you to the _Manage Issues_ tab to review the predicted issues.
-Manage Issues
+==== Manage Issues ====
After generating predictions in the _Manage Predictions_ tab, you will see a list of the predicted issues in the Manage Issues tab. A variety of actions can be taken in this tab, including receiving issues, predicting new issues, adding special issues.
+== Receiving ==
Issues can be received through the _Manage Issues_ tab or through the _Quick Receive_ option located in the bibliographic record display. While receiving, staff can select if issues should be barcoded during receipt.
-Quick Receive
+=== Quick Receive ===
. From a serials record in the catalog, go to *Serials->Quick Receive*.
. A dialog box will appear. Select the _Library_ and _Subscription_ for which you are receiving issues from the drop down menu and click *OK/Continue*.
. A _Receive items_ dialog box will appear with the next expected issue.
-Receiving from the Manage Issues tab
+=== Receiving from the Manage Issues tab ===
The Manage Issues tab can be used to receive the next expected issue and to receive multiple expected issues. This tab can be accessed by retrieving the serial record, going to *Serials->Manage Subscriptions*, and selecting the _Manage Issues_ tab.
-Receive Next Issue and Barcode
+==== Receive Next Issue and Barcode ====
. Within the _Manage Issues_ tab, *Select [a] subscription* to work on from the drop down menu. The list of predicted issues for the subscription will appear.
. Check the box adjacent to _Barcode on receive_.
. Click *Save* to receive the item(s). The Status of the issue will update to "Received" and a Date Received will be recorded. The barcoded item(s) will now appear in the holdings area of the catalog and the Holdings Summary in the Issues Held tab in the catalog will reflect the newly received issue.
-Receive Next Issue (no barcode)
+==== Receive Next Issue (no barcode) ====
. In the _Manage Issues_ tab, make sure the box adjacent to _Barcode on receive_ is unchecked and click *Receive Next*.
. A _Receive items_ dialog box will appear with the message "Will receive # item(s) without barcoding."
-Batch Receiving
+=== Batch Receiving ===
Multiple issues can be received at the same time using the _Manage Issues_ tab.
-Batch Receive and Barcode
+==== Batch Receive and Barcode ====
. Within the _Manage Issues tab_, *Select [a] subscription* to work on from the drop down menu. The list of predicted issues for the subscription will appear.
. Check the box adjacent to _Barcode on receive_.
-Receive multiple issues (no barcode)
+==== Receive multiple issues (no barcode) ====
. Within the _Manage Issues_ tab, *Select [a] subscription* to work on from the drop down menu. The list of predicted issues for the subscription will appear.
. Make sure the box next to _Barcode on receive_ is unchecked and check the boxes adjacent to the expected issues you want to receive.
-Routing Lists
+== Routing Lists ==
Routing lists enable you to designate specific users and/or departments that serial items need to be routed to upon receiving.
-Special Issues
+== Special Issues ==
-Adding Extra Copies
+=== Adding Extra Copies ===
If the library receives an extra copy of an expected issue, the extra copy can be added to the list of predicted issues so it can be received through the serials module.
*To add an extra copy of an expected issue*:
-Adding Special Issues
+=== Adding Special Issues ===
If the library receives an unexpected issue of a subscription, such as Summer Issue or Holiday Issue, it can be added to the list of predicted issues as a Special Issue so it can be received through the serials module.
*To add a special issue*:
-Binding Issues
+== Binding Issues ==
*Apply a binding template:*
-Group Serials Issues in the Template Toolkit OPAC
+== Group Serials Issues in the Template Toolkit OPAC ==
In previous versions of Evergreen, issues of serials displayed in a list ordered by publication date. The list could be lengthy if the library had extensive holdings of a serial.
Using the Template Toolkit OPAC that is available in version 2.2, you can group issues of serials in the OPAC by chronology or enumeration. For example, you might group issues by date published or by volume. Users can expand these hyperlinked groups to view holdings of specific issues. The result is a clean, easy-to-navigate interface for viewing holdings of serials with a large quantity of issues.
NOTE: This feature is only available in the Template Toolkit OPAC.
+=== Administration ===
Enable the following organizational unit settings to use this feature:
. Select the value, *True*, to view a compressed holdings statement.
. Click *Update Setting*.
-Displaying Issues in the OPAC
+=== Displaying Issues in the OPAC ===
Your library system has a subscription to the periodical, _Bon Appetit_. The serials librarian has determined that the issues at the Forest Falls branch should display in the OPAC by month and year. The issues at the McKinley branch should display by volume and number. The serials librarian will create two distributions for the serial that will include these groupings.
+== Holdings ==
-System Generated Holdings Statement
+=== System Generated Holdings Statement ===
As issues are received, Evergreen creates a holding statement in the OPAC based on what is set up in the Caption and Patterns of the subscription. The systems generated holdings can only be edited by changing caption and pattern information and there is no ability to edit the statement as free text.
-MARC Format for Holdings Display (MFHD)
+=== MARC Format for Holdings Display (MFHD) ===
Evergreen users can create, edit and delete their own MFHD.
-Create an MFHD record
+==== Create an MFHD record ====
*To create a MFHD record:*
-Edit a MFHD record
+==== Edit a MFHD record ====
. Open a serial record, go to *Serials* -> *MFHD Record* -> *Manage MFHDs* and select the appropriate MFHD.
. Go to *Actions* or right-click on the MFHD and select *Edit MFHD*.
. The MARC Editor will appear. _Modify the MFHD record_ as needed and click *Save*.
-Delete a MFHD Record
+==== Delete a MFHD Record ====
. Open a serial record, go to *Serials* -> *MFHD Record* -> *Manage MFHDs* and select the appropriate MFHD.
. Go to *Actions* or right-click on the MFHD and select *Delete Selected MFHDs*.
-About Evergreen
+== About Evergreen ==
Evergreen is an open source library automation software designed to meet the
needs of the very smallest to the very largest libraries and consortia. Through
-About This Documentation
+== About This Documentation ==
This guide was produced by the Evergreen Documentation Interest Group (DIG),
consisting of numerous volunteers from many different organizations. The DIG
+= Attributions =
Copyright © 2009-2018 Evergreen DIG
+= Licensing =
+= Index =
-Configuring Evergreen for your workstation
+= Configuring Evergreen for your workstation =
-Setting search defaults
+== Setting search defaults ==
* Go to Administration -> Workstation.
* Use the dropdown menu to select an appropriate
You can change which one is loaded by default when
opening a new catalog window here.
-Turning off sounds
+== Turning off sounds ==
* Go to Administration -> Workstation.
* Click the checkbox labeled _Disable Sounds?_