|Max patron claims returned count|When this count is exceeded, a staff override is required to mark the item as claims returned.|Number|
|Maximum visible age of User Trigger Events in Staff Interfaces|If this is unset, staff can view User Trigger Events regardless of age. When this is set to an interval, it represents the age of the oldest possible User Trigger Event that can be viewed.|Duration|
|Minimum transit checkin interval|In-Transit items checked in this close to the transit start time will be prevented from checking in|Duration|
+|Number of Retrievable Recent Patrons|Number of most recently accessed patrons that can be re-retrieved in the staff client. A value of 0 or less disables the feature. Defaults to 1.|Number|
|Patron merge address delete|Delete address(es) of subordinate user(s) in a patron merge.|True/False|
|Patron merge barcode delete|Delete barcode(s) of subordinate user(s) in a patron merge|True/False|
|Patron merge deactivate card|Mark barcode(s) of subordinate user(s) in a patron merge as inactive.|True/False|
The _Patron Search_ button on the upper right may be used to resume searching for patrons.
+Retrieve Recent Patrons
+indexterm:[patrons, retrieving recent]
+Setting up Retrieve Recent Patrons
+* This feature must be configured in the _Library Settings Editor_
+(_Administration -> Local Administration -> Library Settings Editor_). The
+library setting is called "Number of Retrievable Recent Patrons" and is located
+in the Circulation settings group.
+** A value of zero (0) means no recent patrons can be retrieved.
+** A value greater than 1 means staff will be able to retrieve multiple recent
+patrons via a new _Circulation -> Retrieve Recent Patrons_ menu entry.
+** The default value is 1 for backwards compatibility. (The _Circulation ->
+Retrieve Last Patron_ menu entry will be available.)
+Retrieving Recent Patrons
+* Once the library setting has been configured to a number greater than 1, the
+option Retrieve Recent Patrons will appear below the Retrieve Last patron
+option in the Circulation drop-down from the Menu Bar (_Circulation ->
+Retrieve Recent Patrons_).
+* When selected, a grid will appear listing patrons accessed by that workstation
+in the current session. The length of the list will be limited by the value
+configured in the _Library Settings Editor_. If no patrons have been accessed,
+the grid will display "No Items To Display."
Registering New Patrons