| Cohort | Current Member | Affiliation | Board Position | Term Ends
-| A | Ruth Frasur | Hagerstown - Jefferson Township Library, Evergreen Indiana | Secretary | 2018
+| A | Ruth Frasur | Hagerstown - Jefferson Township Library, Evergreen Indiana | Vice Chair | 2018
| A | Sharon Herbert | British Columbia Libraries Cooperative / SITKA | | 2018
| A | Tim Spindler | C/W MARS | | 2018
| B | Garry Collum | Kenton County Public Library | | 2019
| B | Ron Gagnon | North of Boston Library Exchange | | 2019
-| B | Terran McCanna | Georgia Public Library Service / PINES | | 2019
+| B | Terran McCanna | Georgia Public Library Service / PINES | Secretary | 2019
| B | Mike Rylander | Equinox Software | | 2019
-| C | Grace Dunbar | Equinox Software | Chair | 2017
-| C | Amy Terlaga | Bibliomation | Vice-Chair, Representative to SFC | 2017
+| C | Holly Brennan | Homer Public Library | Chair | 2020
+| C | Scott Thomas | Pennsylvania Integrated Library System (PaILS) | | 2020
Appendix B -- Executive Sessions