args.copyright = (args.copyrights.size) ? args.copyrights.0 : '';
+ IF args.copyright.length >= 4;
+ args.copyrightYear = args.copyright.match('(\d{4})');
+ IF args.copyrightYear;
+ args.copyrightYear = args.copyrightYear.0;
+ END;
+ END;
# Get the RDA Production info.
args.producers = [];
FOR sub IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="264" and @ind2="0"]/*[@code="b"]');
[%- IF attrs.manufacturer %]
<li id='rdetail_manufacturer'>
<strong class='rdetail_label'>[% l("Manufacturer:") %]</strong>
- <span class='rdetail_value'>
+ <span class='rdetail_value' property="manufacturer" typeof="Organization">
[%- IF attrs.manplace; %]
- <span>[% attrs.manplace | html; %]</span>
+ <span property="location">[% attrs.manplace | html; %]</span>
[%- END; %]
- <span>[% attrs.manufacturer | html; %]</span>
+ <span property="name">[% attrs.manufacturer | html; %]</span>
[%- IF attrs.mandate; %]
<span>[% attrs.mandate | html; %]</span>
[%- END; %]
[%- IF attrs.copyright %]
<li id='rdetail_copyright'>
<strong class='rdetail_label'>[% l("Copyright:") %]</strong>
- <span class='rdetail_value'>[% attrs.copyright | html_entity; %]</span>
+ <span class='rdetail_value'>[% attrs.copyright | html_entity; %]
+ [%-# Provide the 4-digit year, cleansed of '@' and other junk %]
+ [%- IF attrs.copyrightYear -%]
+ <meta property='copyrightYear' content='[% attrs.copyrightYear | html; %]'>
+ [%- END -%]
+ </span>
[%- END %]