You can add the `--enable-python` option to the configure command
to build Python support and `--enable-java` for Java support.
+If you are planning on proxying WebSockets traffic (see below), you
+can add `--with-websockets-port=443` to specify that WebSockets traffic
+will be going through port 443. Without that option, the default port
+is 7682.
Installation instructions
/etc/init.d/nginx start
-6. Edit `<PREFIX>/javascript/opensrf_ws.js` and `<PREFIX>/javascript/opensrf_ws_shared.js`
+6. If you didn't run `configure` with the `--with-websockets-port=443` option,
+edit `<PREFIX>/javascript/opensrf_ws.js` and `<PREFIX>/javascript/opensrf_ws_shared.js`
and change
[source, javascript]
+[ --with-websockets-port=path WebSockets port to use (default is 7682)],
# The following Apache version detection code is adapted from
# licensed under version 2 of the GNU General Public License, or
+ src/javascript/opensrf_ws.js
+ src/javascript/opensrf_ws_shared.js
jsdir = $(prefix)/lib/javascript
-js_SCRIPTS = javascript/DojoSRF.js javascript/JSON_v1.js javascript/md5.js javascript/opensrf.js javascript/opensrf_xhr.js javascript/opensrf_xmpp.js javascript/opensrf_ws_shared.js
+js_SCRIPTS = javascript/DojoSRF.js javascript/JSON_v1.js javascript/md5.js javascript/opensrf.js javascript/opensrf_xhr.js javascript/opensrf_xmpp.js javascript/opensrf_ws.js javascript/opensrf_ws_shared.js
rm "$(DESTDIR)@sysconfdir@/$${f}.bak" ; \
done; \
- cp -r @srcdir@/javascript/* $(DESTDIR)$(jsdir)/
if [ ! -e @bindir@/osrf_control ]; then \
ln -s @bindir@/ @bindir@/osrf_control; \
+++ /dev/null
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Copyright (C) 2014 Equinox Software, Inc.
- * Bill Erickson <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-var WEBSOCKET_URL_PATH = '/osrf-websocket-translator';
-OpenSRF.WebSocket = function() {
- this.pending_messages = [];
-OpenSRF.WebSocket.prototype.connected = function() {
- return (
- this.socket &&
- this.socket.readyState == this.socket.OPEN
- );
- * If our global socket is already open, use it. Otherwise, queue the
- * message for delivery after the socket is open.
- */
-OpenSRF.WebSocket.prototype.send = function(message) {
- var self = this;
- if (this.connected()) {
- // this.socket connection is viable. send our message now.
- this.socket.send(message);
- return;
- }
- // no viable connection. queue our outbound messages for future delivery.
- this.pending_messages.push(message);
- console.log('pending count ' + this.pending_messages.length);
- if (this.socket && this.socket.readyState == this.socket.CONNECTING) {
- // we are already in the middle of a setup call.
- // our queued message will be delivered after setup completes.
- return;
- }
- // we have no websocket or an invalid websocket. build a new one.
- var path = 'wss://' + + ':' +
- console.debug('connecting websocket to ' + path);
- try {
- this.socket = new WebSocket(path);
- } catch(E) {
- console.log('Error creating WebSocket for path ' + path + ' : ' + E);
- throw new Error(E);
- }
- this.socket.onopen = function() {
- console.debug('websocket.onopen()');
- // deliver any queued messages
- var msg;
- console.log('pending count ' + self.pending_messages.length);
- while ( (msg = self.pending_messages.shift()) )
- self.socket.send(msg);
- }
- this.socket.onmessage = function(evt) {
- self.onmessage(;
- }
- /**
- * Websocket error handler. This type of error indicates a probelem
- * with the connection. I.e. it's not port-specific.
- * Broadcast to all ports.
- */
- this.socket.onerror = function(evt) {
- var err = "WebSocket Error " + evt + ' : ' +;
- self.socket.close(); // connection is no good; reset.
- throw new Error(err);
- }
- /**
- * Called when the websocket connection is closed.
- *
- * Once a websocket is closed, it will be re-opened the next time
- * a message delivery attempt is made. Clean up and prepare to reconnect.
- */
- this.socket.onclose = function() {
- console.debug('closing websocket');
- self.socket = null;
- if (OpenSRF.onWebSocketClosed)
- OpenSRF.onWebSocketClosed();
- }
--- /dev/null
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Equinox Software, Inc.
+ * Bill Erickson <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+var WEBSOCKET_URL_PATH = '/osrf-websocket-translator';
+OpenSRF.WebSocket = function() {
+ this.pending_messages = [];
+OpenSRF.WebSocket.prototype.connected = function() {
+ return (
+ this.socket &&
+ this.socket.readyState == this.socket.OPEN
+ );
+ * If our global socket is already open, use it. Otherwise, queue the
+ * message for delivery after the socket is open.
+ */
+OpenSRF.WebSocket.prototype.send = function(message) {
+ var self = this;
+ if (this.connected()) {
+ // this.socket connection is viable. send our message now.
+ this.socket.send(message);
+ return;
+ }
+ // no viable connection. queue our outbound messages for future delivery.
+ this.pending_messages.push(message);
+ console.log('pending count ' + this.pending_messages.length);
+ if (this.socket && this.socket.readyState == this.socket.CONNECTING) {
+ // we are already in the middle of a setup call.
+ // our queued message will be delivered after setup completes.
+ return;
+ }
+ // we have no websocket or an invalid websocket. build a new one.
+ var path = 'wss://' + + ':' +
+ console.debug('connecting websocket to ' + path);
+ try {
+ this.socket = new WebSocket(path);
+ } catch(E) {
+ console.log('Error creating WebSocket for path ' + path + ' : ' + E);
+ throw new Error(E);
+ }
+ this.socket.onopen = function() {
+ console.debug('websocket.onopen()');
+ // deliver any queued messages
+ var msg;
+ console.log('pending count ' + self.pending_messages.length);
+ while ( (msg = self.pending_messages.shift()) )
+ self.socket.send(msg);
+ }
+ this.socket.onmessage = function(evt) {
+ self.onmessage(;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Websocket error handler. This type of error indicates a probelem
+ * with the connection. I.e. it's not port-specific.
+ * Broadcast to all ports.
+ */
+ this.socket.onerror = function(evt) {
+ var err = "WebSocket Error " + evt + ' : ' +;
+ self.socket.close(); // connection is no good; reset.
+ throw new Error(err);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Called when the websocket connection is closed.
+ *
+ * Once a websocket is closed, it will be re-opened the next time
+ * a message delivery attempt is made. Clean up and prepare to reconnect.
+ */
+ this.socket.onclose = function() {
+ console.debug('closing websocket');
+ self.socket = null;
+ if (OpenSRF.onWebSocketClosed)
+ OpenSRF.onWebSocketClosed();
+ }
+++ /dev/null
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Copyright (C) 2014 Equinox Software, Inc.
- * Bill Erickson <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- * Shared WebSocket communication layer. Each browser tab registers with
- * this code all inbound / outbound messages are delivered through a
- * single websocket connection managed within.
- *
- * Messages take the form : {action : my_action, message : my_message}
- * actions for tab-generated messages may be "message" or "close".
- * actions for messages generated within may be "message" or "error"
- */
-var WEBSOCKET_URL_PATH = '/osrf-websocket-translator';
- * Collection of shared ports (browser tabs)
- */
-var connected_ports = {};
- * Each port gets a local identifier so we have an easy way to refer to
- * it later.
- */
-var port_identifier = 0;
-// maps osrf message threads to a port index in connected_ports.
-// this is how we know which browser tab to deliver messages to.
-var thread_port_map = {};
- * Browser-global, shared websocket connection.
- */
-var websocket;
- * Pending messages awaiting a successful websocket connection
- *
- * instead of asking the caller to pass messages after a connection
- * is made, queue the messages for the caller and deliver them
- * after the connection is established.
- */
-var pending_ws_messages = [];
- * Deliver the message blob to the specified port (tab)
- */
-function send_msg_to_port(ident, msg) {
- console.debug('sending msg to port ' + ident + ' : ' + msg.action);
- try {
- connected_ports[ident].postMessage(msg);
- } catch(E) {
- // some browsers (Opera) throw an exception when messaging
- // a disconnected port.
- console.debug('unable to send msg to port ' + ident);
- delete connected_ports[ident];
- }
- * Send a message blob to all ports (tabs)
- */
-function broadcast(msg) {
- for (var ident in connected_ports)
- send_msg_to_port(ident, msg);
- * Opens the websocket connection.
- *
- * If our global socket is already open, use it. Otherwise, queue the
- * message for delivery after the socket is open.
- */
-function send_to_websocket(message) {
- if (websocket && websocket.readyState == websocket.OPEN) {
- // websocket connection is viable. send our message now.
- websocket.send(message);
- return;
- }
- // no viable connection. queue our outbound messages for future delivery.
- pending_ws_messages.push(message);
- if (websocket && websocket.readyState == websocket.CONNECTING) {
- // we are already in the middle of a setup call.
- // our queued message will be delivered after setup completes.
- return;
- }
- // we have no websocket or an invalid websocket. build a new one.
- // assume SSL at all times
- var path = 'wss://' + + ':' +
- console.debug('connecting websocket to ' + path);
- try {
- websocket = new WebSocket(path);
- } catch(E) {
- console.log('Error creating WebSocket for path ' + path + ' : ' + E);
- throw new Error(E);
- }
- websocket.onopen = function() {
- console.debug('websocket.onopen()');
- // deliver any queued messages
- var msg;
- while ( (msg = pending_ws_messages.shift()) )
- websocket.send(msg);
- }
- websocket.onmessage = function(evt) {
- var message =;
- // this is sort of a hack to avoid having to run JSON2js
- // multiple times on the same message. Hopefully match() is
- // faster. Note: We can't use JSON_v1 within a shared worker
- // for marshalling messages, because it has no knowledge of
- // application-level class hints in this environment.
- var thread;
- var match = message.match(/"thread":"(.*?)"/);
- if (!match || !(thread = match[1])) {
- throw new Error("Websocket message malformed; no thread: " + message);
- }
- console.debug('websocket received message for thread ' + thread);
- var port_msg = {action: 'message', message : message};
- var port_ident = thread_port_map[thread];
- if (port_ident) {
- send_msg_to_port(port_ident, port_msg);
- } else {
- // don't know who it's for, broadcast and let the ports
- // sort it out for themselves.
- broadcast(port_msg);
- }
- /* poor man's memory management. We are not cleaning up our
- * thread_port_map as we go, because that would require parsing
- * and analyzing every message to look for opensrf statuses.
- * parsing messages adds overhead (see also above comments about
- * JSON_v1.js). So, instead, after the map has reached a certain
- * size, clear it. If any pending messages are afield that depend
- * on the map, they will be broadcast to all ports on arrival
- * (see above). Only the port expecting a message with the given
- * thread will honor the message, all other ports will drop it
- * silently. We could just broadcastfor every messsage, but this
- * is presumably more efficient.
- *
- * If for some reason this fails to work as expected, we could add
- * a new tab->ws message type for marking a thread as complete.
- * My hunch is this will be faster, since it will require a lot
- * fewer cross-tab messages overall.
- */
- if (Object.keys(thread_port_map).length >
- console.debug('resetting thread_port_map');
- thread_port_map = {};
- }
- }
- /**
- * Websocket error handler. This type of error indicates a probelem
- * with the connection. I.e. it's not port-specific.
- * Broadcast to all ports.
- */
- websocket.onerror = function(evt) {
- var err = "WebSocket Error " + evt;
- console.error(err);
- broadcast({action : 'event', type : 'onerror', message : err});
- websocket.close(); // connection is no good; reset.
- }
- /**
- * Called when the websocket connection is closed.
- *
- * Once a websocket is closed, it will be re-opened the next time
- * a message delivery attempt is made. Clean up and prepare to reconnect.
- */
- websocket.onclose = function() {
- console.debug('closing websocket');
- websocket = null;
- thread_port_map = {};
- broadcast({action : 'event', type : 'onclose'});
- }
- * New port (tab) opened handler
- *
- * Apply the port identifier and message handlers.
- */
-onconnect = function(e) {
- var port = e.ports[0];
- // we have no way of identifying ports within the message handler,
- // so we apply an identifier to each and toss that into a closer.
- var port_ident = port_identifier++;
- connected_ports[port_ident] = port;
- // message handler
- port.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
- var data =;
- if (data.action == 'message') {
- thread_port_map[data.thread] = port_ident;
- send_to_websocket(data.message);
- return;
- }
- if (messsage.action == 'close') {
- // TODO: all browser tabs need an onunload handler which sends
- // a action=close message, so that the port may be removed from
- // the conected_ports collection.
- delete connected_ports[port_ident];
- console.debug('closed port ' + port_ident +
- '; ' + Object.keys(connected_ports).length + ' remaining');
- return;
- }
- }, false);
- port.start();
- console.debug('added port ' + port_ident +
- '; ' + Object.keys(connected_ports).length + ' total');
--- /dev/null
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Equinox Software, Inc.
+ * Bill Erickson <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * Shared WebSocket communication layer. Each browser tab registers with
+ * this code all inbound / outbound messages are delivered through a
+ * single websocket connection managed within.
+ *
+ * Messages take the form : {action : my_action, message : my_message}
+ * actions for tab-generated messages may be "message" or "close".
+ * actions for messages generated within may be "message" or "error"
+ */
+var WEBSOCKET_URL_PATH = '/osrf-websocket-translator';
+ * Collection of shared ports (browser tabs)
+ */
+var connected_ports = {};
+ * Each port gets a local identifier so we have an easy way to refer to
+ * it later.
+ */
+var port_identifier = 0;
+// maps osrf message threads to a port index in connected_ports.
+// this is how we know which browser tab to deliver messages to.
+var thread_port_map = {};
+ * Browser-global, shared websocket connection.
+ */
+var websocket;
+ * Pending messages awaiting a successful websocket connection
+ *
+ * instead of asking the caller to pass messages after a connection
+ * is made, queue the messages for the caller and deliver them
+ * after the connection is established.
+ */
+var pending_ws_messages = [];
+ * Deliver the message blob to the specified port (tab)
+ */
+function send_msg_to_port(ident, msg) {
+ console.debug('sending msg to port ' + ident + ' : ' + msg.action);
+ try {
+ connected_ports[ident].postMessage(msg);
+ } catch(E) {
+ // some browsers (Opera) throw an exception when messaging
+ // a disconnected port.
+ console.debug('unable to send msg to port ' + ident);
+ delete connected_ports[ident];
+ }
+ * Send a message blob to all ports (tabs)
+ */
+function broadcast(msg) {
+ for (var ident in connected_ports)
+ send_msg_to_port(ident, msg);
+ * Opens the websocket connection.
+ *
+ * If our global socket is already open, use it. Otherwise, queue the
+ * message for delivery after the socket is open.
+ */
+function send_to_websocket(message) {
+ if (websocket && websocket.readyState == websocket.OPEN) {
+ // websocket connection is viable. send our message now.
+ websocket.send(message);
+ return;
+ }
+ // no viable connection. queue our outbound messages for future delivery.
+ pending_ws_messages.push(message);
+ if (websocket && websocket.readyState == websocket.CONNECTING) {
+ // we are already in the middle of a setup call.
+ // our queued message will be delivered after setup completes.
+ return;
+ }
+ // we have no websocket or an invalid websocket. build a new one.
+ // assume SSL at all times
+ var path = 'wss://' + + ':' +
+ console.debug('connecting websocket to ' + path);
+ try {
+ websocket = new WebSocket(path);
+ } catch(E) {
+ console.log('Error creating WebSocket for path ' + path + ' : ' + E);
+ throw new Error(E);
+ }
+ websocket.onopen = function() {
+ console.debug('websocket.onopen()');
+ // deliver any queued messages
+ var msg;
+ while ( (msg = pending_ws_messages.shift()) )
+ websocket.send(msg);
+ }
+ websocket.onmessage = function(evt) {
+ var message =;
+ // this is sort of a hack to avoid having to run JSON2js
+ // multiple times on the same message. Hopefully match() is
+ // faster. Note: We can't use JSON_v1 within a shared worker
+ // for marshalling messages, because it has no knowledge of
+ // application-level class hints in this environment.
+ var thread;
+ var match = message.match(/"thread":"(.*?)"/);
+ if (!match || !(thread = match[1])) {
+ throw new Error("Websocket message malformed; no thread: " + message);
+ }
+ console.debug('websocket received message for thread ' + thread);
+ var port_msg = {action: 'message', message : message};
+ var port_ident = thread_port_map[thread];
+ if (port_ident) {
+ send_msg_to_port(port_ident, port_msg);
+ } else {
+ // don't know who it's for, broadcast and let the ports
+ // sort it out for themselves.
+ broadcast(port_msg);
+ }
+ /* poor man's memory management. We are not cleaning up our
+ * thread_port_map as we go, because that would require parsing
+ * and analyzing every message to look for opensrf statuses.
+ * parsing messages adds overhead (see also above comments about
+ * JSON_v1.js). So, instead, after the map has reached a certain
+ * size, clear it. If any pending messages are afield that depend
+ * on the map, they will be broadcast to all ports on arrival
+ * (see above). Only the port expecting a message with the given
+ * thread will honor the message, all other ports will drop it
+ * silently. We could just broadcastfor every messsage, but this
+ * is presumably more efficient.
+ *
+ * If for some reason this fails to work as expected, we could add
+ * a new tab->ws message type for marking a thread as complete.
+ * My hunch is this will be faster, since it will require a lot
+ * fewer cross-tab messages overall.
+ */
+ if (Object.keys(thread_port_map).length >
+ console.debug('resetting thread_port_map');
+ thread_port_map = {};
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Websocket error handler. This type of error indicates a probelem
+ * with the connection. I.e. it's not port-specific.
+ * Broadcast to all ports.
+ */
+ websocket.onerror = function(evt) {
+ var err = "WebSocket Error " + evt;
+ console.error(err);
+ broadcast({action : 'event', type : 'onerror', message : err});
+ websocket.close(); // connection is no good; reset.
+ }
+ /**
+ * Called when the websocket connection is closed.
+ *
+ * Once a websocket is closed, it will be re-opened the next time
+ * a message delivery attempt is made. Clean up and prepare to reconnect.
+ */
+ websocket.onclose = function() {
+ console.debug('closing websocket');
+ websocket = null;
+ thread_port_map = {};
+ broadcast({action : 'event', type : 'onclose'});
+ }
+ * New port (tab) opened handler
+ *
+ * Apply the port identifier and message handlers.
+ */
+onconnect = function(e) {
+ var port = e.ports[0];
+ // we have no way of identifying ports within the message handler,
+ // so we apply an identifier to each and toss that into a closer.
+ var port_ident = port_identifier++;
+ connected_ports[port_ident] = port;
+ // message handler
+ port.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
+ var data =;
+ if (data.action == 'message') {
+ thread_port_map[data.thread] = port_ident;
+ send_to_websocket(data.message);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (messsage.action == 'close') {
+ // TODO: all browser tabs need an onunload handler which sends
+ // a action=close message, so that the port may be removed from
+ // the conected_ports collection.
+ delete connected_ports[port_ident];
+ console.debug('closed port ' + port_ident +
+ '; ' + Object.keys(connected_ports).length + ' remaining');
+ return;
+ }
+ }, false);
+ port.start();
+ console.debug('added port ' + port_ident +
+ '; ' + Object.keys(connected_ports).length + ' total');