- if ($flesh and $flesh eq 'uris') {
- %subselect = (
- owning_lib => \@ou_ids,
- '-exists' => {
- from => { auricnm => 'auri' },
- where => {
- call_number => { '=' => {'+acn'=>'id'} },
- '+auri' => { active => 't' }
+ # we are dealing with -full or -uris, so we need to flesh things out
+ if ($flesh) {
+ # either way we're going to need uris
+ # get all the uris up the tree (see also ba47ecc6196)
+ my $uri_orgs = $_storage->request(
+ 'open-ils.cstore.json_query.atomic',
+ { from => [ 'actor.org_unit_ancestors', $one_org->id ] }
+ )->gather(1);
+ my @uri_ou_ids = map { $_->{id} } @$uri_orgs;
+ # we have a -uris, just get the uris
+ if ($flesh == 2) {
+ %subselect = (
+ owning_lib => \@uri_ou_ids,
+ '-exists' => {
+ from => { auricnm => 'auri' },
+ where => {
+ call_number => { '=' => {'+acn'=>'id'} },
+ '+auri' => { active => 't' }
+ }
- }
- );
+ );
+ # we have a -full, get all the things
+ } elsif ($flesh == 1) {
+ %subselect = ( '-or' => [
+ { owning_lib => \@ou_ids },
+ { '-exists' =>
+ { from => 'acp',
+ where => {
+ call_number => { '=' => {'+acn'=>'id'} },
+ deleted => 'f',
+ circ_lib => \@ou_ids
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ { '-and' => [
+ { owning_lib => \@uri_ou_ids },
+ { '-exists' => {
+ from => { auricnm => 'auri' },
+ where => {
+ call_number => { '=' => {'+acn'=>'id'} },
+ '+auri' => { active => 't' }
+ }
+ }}
+ ]}
+ ]);
+ }
my $cns = $_storage->request(
{ record => $bib,